So, Conservative Atty. Ted Olson loses his Wife on 9/11...

easy ..he does not have shit for brains like some people and can think rationally

Or, unlike you, he actually thinks for HIMSELF, and doesn't let righwing hatemongers make his decision for him?:eusa_whistle:

Hey dumbass, eots supports your position. Go back and read his post again.

You REALLY missed the mark on that one.

...and yet, supports the building of the mosque.

olson: I do believe that people of all religions have a right to build edifices or structures, places of religious worship or study where the community allows them to do it under zoning laws and that sort of thing. And that we don’t want to turn an act of hate against us by extremists into an act of intolerance for people of religious faith. and i don’t think it should be a political issue. It shouldn’t be a republican or democrat issue either. I believe governor christie from new jersey said it as well, that this should not be in that political partisan marketplace.

watch it here:

youtube - ted olson on mosque: 'i think probably the president was right about this'

how is that possible!?

easy ..he does not have shit for brains like some people and can think rationally
....Then he must-have-had an Exlax-overdose, recently!!​
...and yet, supports the building of the mosque.

OLSON: I do believe that people of all religions have a right to build edifices or structures, places of religious worship or study where the community allows them to do it under zoning laws and that sort of thing. And that we don’t want to turn an act of hate against us by extremists into an act of intolerance for people of religious faith. And I don’t think it should be a political issue. It shouldn’t be a Republican or Democrat issue either. I believe Governor Christie from New Jersey said it as well, that this should not be in that political partisan marketplace.

I agree with Olson.

But if the point it that his opinion is supposed to bear greater weight because of his loss on 9/11, I've seen more than one family member of a 9/11 victim on TV opposing the mosque. If being a family member or friend of a 9/11 victim somehow gives one more credence, it looks like those in opposition are more numerous (or at least more vocal).

That'd be debatable-enough, without an actual show-o'-hands.....​
Ted has a different opinion... Lots of people have opinions... BFD...

I don't remember you saying BFD to the hundreds of posts citing the opinions of the families AGAINST the mosque. I guess you must have just overlooked them.

Well, at least now we know you feel THEIR opinions are no BIG FUCKING DEAL either.
Ted has a different opinion... Lots of people have opinions... BFD...

I don't remember you saying BFD to the hundreds of posts citing the opinions of the families AGAINST the mosque. I guess you must have just overlooked them.

Well, at least now we know you feel THEIR opinions are no BIG FUCKING DEAL either.

How come you don't post THEIR opinions? Are they not equally important to you?

You obviously must not value THEM or else you would post their opinions equally...

Pretending you care about THEIR opinions is rather intellectually dishonest...

...but then again, that's pretty much your whole schtick....
And Olson was the lead attorney defeating the anti gay rights laws in California.
Olson is a real live conservative for 40 years. A defender of freedom and an American patriot.
Unlike the poser wannahbe cry baby mama's boys self proclaimed "family values" conservatives here.
I was voting Republican before most of you posers were born.
...and yet, supports the building of the mosque.

OLSON: I do believe that people of all religions have a right to build edifices or structures, places of religious worship or study where the community allows them to do it under zoning laws and that sort of thing. And that we don’t want to turn an act of hate against us by extremists into an act of intolerance for people of religious faith. And I don’t think it should be a political issue. It shouldn’t be a Republican or Democrat issue either. I believe Governor Christie from New Jersey said it as well, that this should not be in that political partisan marketplace.

Watch it here:

YouTube - Ted Olson On Mosque: 'I Think Probably The President Was Right About This'

How is that possible!?
I can't ubnerderstand what teh fuckith you are yaking about!It's all gibberishith to moi.

Gibberish is a generic term in English for talking that sounds like speech, but carries no actual meaning. This meaning has also been extended to meaningless text or gobbledygook. The common theme in gibberish statements is a lack of literal sense, which can be described as a presence of nonsense. The word may derive from the word "jabber" ("to talk nonsense"), with the "-ish" suffix to signify a language; alternatively, the term gibberish may derive from the eclectic mix of English, Spanish, Hebrew, Hindi and Arabic spoken on the British territory of Gibraltar, which is unintelligible to non-native
Gibberish - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Good thread but I remember after 9-11 Ted olsen went on tv like 5 minutes after his wife died and had no emotion. I think he's a sociopath.
Good thread but I remember after 9-11 Ted olsen went on tv like 5 minutes after his wife died and had no emotion. I think he's a sociopath.

You first need to know the definition of a sociopath before you label someone one.
Olson had received cell phone calls from his wife ON THE PLANE before the crash.
How anyone can judge someone about this is unbelievable.

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