So Dems can cheer the replacement of Caucasians but Caucasians can’t bitch about being replaced?

Timmy said:
Then we can hunt you white devils down and pay you back for all the evil you have done .
There Will Be A Plurality
No One Will Be An Actual Majority

And If You're Black
You May Find Yourself Politically Irrelevant

I Hear How Blacks Talk About Hispanics
I Hear How Hispanics Talk About Blacks, Too
And Blacks Shouldn't Count On Asians For Anything Either
Is that the rule?
How is that considered rational?

Not sure how recognizing reality is 'cheering", exactly.

But if you can be replaced by some poor person who can barely speak English, that kind of makes you kind of worthless, doesn't it?
Let me spell things out....Mexicrats have thrown raging parties and openly celebrated the Browning of the Mexicratic Congress....yet anytime a politician such as Steve King openly discusses the Mexicratic agenda of the “great replacement” the PC police piss themselves. Seems like some very strange

Um... no.

The fact that we have more women and minorities in Congress is a good thing.

Congress should be 50% female and 30% minority if it truly represented the country.

But we only have 127 women in Congress out of 535 members. (23%)

We have 55 black, 45 Hispanic and 17 Asian members of Congress, about 23% of the total.

White Males still dominate Congress... even though we are only 35% of the population.
Not only should it be talked about, it should be recognized as treason against the people. Maybe we could bring back hangings, I hear that in the old times that dealt with the issue successfully.
Keep America White huh?

How about “Keep America, AMERICAN.”

I really couldn’t care less what color someone’s skin is. I care about where their social and political loyalties lay and their morals/values.

In the past people came to this country because they agreed with the way America did things or learned to once they got here. They added to the melting pot and became an indistinguishable part of the mix. Now these people come to this country and expect us to cater to the culture and values of their former homes. I say NO. Come here to become an American or stay the fuck home.
What took decades to assimilate every cultural wave...and people like you said shit just like that every time
What took decades to assimilate every cultural wave...and people like you said shit just like that every time

This is the actual hogwash. What in the hell is a "cultural wave"? That does not sound like a wave of people coming to replace you.

In reality, after mass-migration war follows every single time. This won't be an exception, the civil war is getting started soon.
What took decades to assimilate every cultural wave...and people like you said shit just like that every time

This is the actual hogwash. What in the hell is a "cultural wave"? That does not sound like a wave of people coming to replace you.

In reality, after mass-migration war follows every single time. This won't be an exception, the civil war is getting started soon.
What the hell are you even talking about?

There have been numerous immigration waves. Irish (several times) Eastern European, Italian,Chinese...and many smaller ones....and each one took YEARS to assimilate...

They ain't coming "to replace you". That's racist paranoia
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Is that the rule?
How is that considered rational?

Nobody is replacing anybody shit for brains. It's called human evolution, and it's happening whether that pea little brain of yours can comprehend that fact or not. Those people you call Mexicans aren't coming here. They've always been here. It's people that look like your dumbass that came here. But don't worry, birth trends rise and fall on the evolutionary plane. White people will still be 50% of the population, even after a peak shift in minority populations, by the 2040's. This doesn't mean that white people in future generations won't have birth rates that trend upward and shift that balance again. Over a period of decades and centuries, this is what happens.

Here's something that will really scare a snowflake like you. White people are actually interbreeding with other cultures from all over the world, that in a few centuries, will create another whole race of people.


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