So did lauren Boebert know she was being videoed

This thread is just more proof that Republicans HAVE TO be 100% PERFECT while there are NO RULES that govern Democrat behavior
If you're going to lecture people about morals or family values or protecting children maybe don't be a grandma getting groped and giving rub downs in public. That seems fair. No?
Once again, republicans get no respect nor privacy, followed and hounded everywhere by the deep state fascists. Just goes to shw how much the uniparty is shitting themselves over actual people fighting for the American citizen. Wonder what we'd find if Joe and Hunter were followed around in the dark with nightvision cameras hoping to get anything they can looking to destroy their careers? LOTS.

It just makes Boebert hotter. If I was with her, I'd be all over her too like a cheap suit!
Privacy? She was giving a hand job in a crowded theatre. Privacy wasn't biggest priority.
getting groped and giving rub downs

Oolala! I bet if that was Biden's daughter, he would have had her in the shower in a soaping contest every Friday night!

Curious how you people are fine with all these gay pride and tranny public sex displays in front of children, children getting aborted, sold into sex slavery and mutilated and their genders surgically and chemically removed, but first sight you get of a normal, healthy, hot heterosexual relationship as nature and God intended, and you are ALL BENT OUT OF SHAPE.

Maybe you better go see a shrink.
Oolala! I bet if that was Biden's daughter, he would have had her in the shower in a soaping contest every Friday night!
Your fantasies about Biden and his daughter aren't really relevant here....
Curious how you people are fine with all these gay pride and tranny public sex displays in front of children, children getting aborted, sold into sex slavery and mutilated and their genders surgically and chemically removed, but first sight you get of a normal, healthy, hot heterosexual relationship as nature and God intended, and you are ALL BENT OUT OF SHAPE.

Maybe you better go see a shrink.
Are you illiterate? Or trying to be purposefully deceitful? I have no problem with her displays of affection. It's her and you moralizing to others I take issue with.
In public? Sickos.

Imagine being mad that you were kicked out for doing that.

Entitled assholes.
Oh come on... you never felt up a chick in a movie theater?... they are hot for each other... I think its cool.... she's a babe....
Only a stupid democrat would respond like that. That's why you side with democrats.
I get it that you cant explain yourself. You already admitted what I said wasn't racist so why would my non racist statement prevent me from calling out racism in other places? Can you make sense of that nonsensical statement?
You really think that when you are in a cineplex that security isn’t monitoring you?

No, not me specifically. They stand in the back and just watch the crowd for general wrong behavior like maybe seeing someone smoking or fighting. They aren't above me with a TV camera spying on my scratching my balls with a nightvision camera filming it.

Only you tards do stuff like that.
Oh come on... you never felt up a chick in a movie theater?... they are hot for each other... I think its cool.... she's a babe....
I don’t know? Not with a lady right behind. Who had already asked her something. Then to keep going on all activities and adding sex play 5’ away?

again, is she crazy? Was it met or coke. She could not sit still. It was almost a cry for help?

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