So did lauren Boebert know she was being videoed

It was the GUY who initiated it and it was in the DARK. Knowing the left, her date was a leftist plant put up to it while the other a-hole was in the balcony taking video, or don't you find it surprising that someone had a night vision low lux video camera up there and just happened to notice and was watching and filming her instead of the very expensive show they paid to see?
Jesus, what is it with you people and conspiracy theories? It was a security camera for fucks sake

No one forced her to vape in public, hiver her “date” a tug job in public, then play the “don’t you know who I am card” in public.

She’s somehow trashy and entitled.
If you turn off all the lights in the bathroom and say “dirty skank” five times into the mirror Boebert will appear
She took 1 puff. Do you know that vaping is dead quiet and just puts out water vapor?
She was sitting there bothering no one. She was stalked and harassed just because
she was Lauren Boebert and a republican.
Oh please

She was kicked out because she was a disruptive skank

Anyone doing what she did would’ve have been kicked out. It isn’t political

Skanks get kicked out when they skank, I worked in security. Zero tolerance for vaping, and for hanky lanky in these places

Plus, she then lied and tried to throw her name around
No one forced her to vape in public

Are you kidding me? She took A PUFF on her vape machine and blew out some water vapor. No one around here even noticed. CRIME OF THE CENTURY This was a targeted hit job on her just to harass her just as Trump Administration officials used to be stalked and harassed at restaurants.

You should worry about the traitors in the WH.
She was kicked out because she was a disruptive skank

She disrupted NOTHING. Not one person around her was bothered. And even if they were bothered, whatever happened to just asking people to stop what they are doing first?
She was targeted for harassment purely on who she was by leftwing scum.
She looked far happier to be out of that lousy place and stupid show anyway.
She disrupted NOTHING. Not one person around her was bothered. And even if they were bothered, whatever happened to just asking people to stop what they are doing first?
She was targeted for harassment purely on who she was by leftwing scum.
She looked far happier to be out of that lousy place and stupid show anyway.
What happened to taking responsibility for your actions?

I’ve escorted people out of venues for vaping more than once. Not one of them was famous or being “targeted”. It’s what happens in these situations
What happened to taking responsibility for your actions?
What action? Because she took a harmless puff of good-smelling water vapor waiting for the show to start?
Or because she engaged in normal, healthy, non-gay, non-tranny human contact that no one but a camera on the ceiling and a peeping tom jerking off in the office saw?
Where is your concern for Biden being responsible for his actions? Hunter? The whole Biden family?

I’ve escorted people out of venues for vaping more than once.
For a puff? Not even a warning just to not do it again? I didn't know you were perfect. Can you get me some good free tickets for the next show? I bet you throw people out for not sitting straight in their chairs. But thanks, one more good reason why these places are dying.
So apparently I have to spell out the fact that she was in a theater in Denver Colorado when this occurred........ one of the first states to legalize recreational marijuana where smoking and vaping is an ordinary thing.
Apparently not in this theatre it wasn’t. I’ve never been in a theatre where vaping indoors was tolerated

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