So did lauren Boebert know she was being videoed

The thing I find disturbing about this story is "who was filming her and why"? Does she have a stalker, or is someone compiling a dossier on her to try to influence her behavior in one way or another.
Well this evening's weekend news provided a possible explanation. It's reported that she has blamed her behavior on the fact that she's getting a divorce.

Her soon to be ex-spouse may have retained an attorney who has her under surveillance as part of their preparation for the dissolution of the marriage proceedings.
Well this evening's weekend news provided a possible explanation. It's reported that she has blamed her behavior on the fact that she's getting a divorce.

Her soon to be ex-spouse may have retained an attorney who has her under surveillance as part of their preparation for the dissolution of the marriage proceedings.
Or maybe it was just a security camera, like the story says.

Occam’s razor: the simplest explanation is preferable
She took 1 puff. Do you know that vaping is dead quiet and just puts out water vapor?
She was sitting there bothering no one. She was stalked and harassed just because
she was Lauren Boebert and a republican.
Ok, prove it. Prove she was harassed either because she was Republican or that she was Boebart.

Prove that in a state that is overwhelmingly red and who has elected her no less, she was harassed because of who she was.

I knew you won’t because you are a retard but hey, surprise me. Go.
Ok, prove it. Prove she was harassed either because she was Republican or that she was Boebart.
That's EASY, Magnum! Because had that been Hunter Biden, Nancy Pelosi or some other prominent democrat, they NEVER would have dared bothered them much less ordered them to leave! Over a puff of vape? Because the guy got a little frisky in the dark? C'mon--- She's not the Pope. Especially when there obviously had been no complaints from others! Did you see one person around them even paying attention to them??? Democrats are CELEBRATED for their partying skills!

Had that been a democrat, they could have been naked in the aisle humping each other waving a rainbow gay BLM flag and there would not have been a bother. We have coke freaks in the White House running around shaking their naked boobies! And all is good there. Get real, jackass.

Prove that in a state that is overwhelmingly red and who has elected her no less, she was harassed because of who she was.
The Left and the Cuban Brothers BRAG about taking over red states, especially Texas. It is your golden trophy to subvert every corner of the country. Like all commies, you want a snitch on every corner reporting in to the state anyone who speaks out against the State so you can bust in their doors and rout all opposition to BIG FASCIST GOVERNMENT for a crumb of bread just like they used to do in the USSR, admit it. That is what you think of the so-called "deplorable" states--- cattle to serve the master race.

I knew you won’t because you are a retard
My left testicle has 10X more sense that you ever will, fuckwit.
This is the surveillance society now. At some point people will smile less and less in public and be docile. as the fear of personal destruction will always e a concern. And to a point they are. This is a method of control.
yeah. sure. if it was two guys fondling each other, you would call for a lynch mob, twat.
You are welcome to foundal any guy you want.... but if its in a theater you will be asked to leave just like Lauran and her friend were.....
You are welcome to foundal any guy you want.... but if its in a theater you will be asked to leave just like Lauran and her friend were.....
You literally said that they were just “two young people in love” a page or so ago

So now you agree Boebert deserved to be kicked out?
That's EASY, Magnum! Because had that been Hunter Biden, Nancy Pelosi or some other prominent democrat, they NEVER would have dared bothered them much less ordered them to leave! Over a puff of vape? Because the guy got a little frisky in the dark? C'mon--- She's not the Pope. Especially when there obviously had been no complaints from others! Did you see one person around them even paying attention to them??? Democrats are CELEBRATED for their partying skills!

Had that been a democrat, they could have been naked in the aisle humping each other waving a rainbow gay BLM flag and there would not have been a bother. We have coke freaks in the White House running around shaking their naked boobies! And all is good there. Get real, jackass.

The Left and the Cuban Brothers BRAG about taking over red states, especially Texas. It is your golden trophy to subvert every corner of the country. Like all commies, you want a snitch on every corner reporting in to the state anyone who speaks out against the State so you can bust in their doors and rout all opposition to BIG FASCIST GOVERNMENT for a crumb of bread just like they used to do in the USSR, admit it. That is what you think of the so-called "deplorable" states--- cattle to serve the master race.

My left testicle has 10X more sense that you ever will, fuckwit.
Translation: I got nothing, no proof, zilch but will babble on with gibberish hoping to avoid the question.

Yup, figured as much. Don’t feel too bad. I never expect retards like you to ever back up your deranged accusations. So, you didn’t disappoint. :itsok:
You literally said that they were just “two young people in love” a page or so ago

So now you agree Boebert deserved to be kicked out?
I never said they didn't deserve to be asked to leave.... But I don't view this as that much of a big deal....
We already knew that.

That's the problem with having a deranged mind, good, common sense stuff seems deranged, while only deranged ideas makes sense to you.
So, still no proof to back up your claims? Yup, we already knew that. :itsok:

But, do keep coming back and proving to everyone you are a retard. :laugh:
Claims? WHAT claims? Those voices in your head talking to you again?

You and who else already knew WHAT?

Meantime, everyone else is already well-assured of your abject stupidity and compulsive lying and delusion.

Retard. You claimed Boebert was recorded because she was a Republican. I asked you to prove that. Prove that she was the only one who was recorded. No one else in the crowd.

Get it now? Man, you retards. You make a dumb claim and when you are called upon it, then you go more retard than usual to wiggle out. :itsok:

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