So did lauren Boebert know she was being videoed

The thing I find disturbing about this story is "who was filming her and why"? Does she have a stalker, or is someone compiling a dossier on her to try to influence her behavior in one way or another.
Exactly. And you know Democrats, they won't hesitate to stoop to a new low if it means they can make a Republican look bad.
The thing I find disturbing about this story is "who was filming her and why"? Does she have a stalker, or is someone compiling a dossier on her to try to influence her behavior in one way or another.
Once security have been alerted to bad behaviour they will zoom in on that individual in case they ned video evidence later.
Its standard practice.
Once security have been alerted to bad behaviour they will zoom in on that individual in case they ned video evidence later.
Its standard practice.
We know how that works.
Oolala! I bet if that was Biden's daughter, he would have had her in the shower in a soaping contest every Friday night!

Curious how you people are fine with all these gay pride and tranny public sex displays in front of children, children getting aborted, sold into sex slavery and mutilated and their genders surgically and chemically removed, but first sight you get of a normal, healthy, hot heterosexual relationship as nature and God intended, and you are ALL BENT OUT OF SHAPE.

Maybe you better go see a shrink.
More of your sexual fantasies, INCEL?

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