So did lauren Boebert know she was being videoed

That's EASY, Magnum! Because had that been Hunter Biden, Nancy Pelosi or some other prominent democrat, they NEVER would have dared bothered them much less ordered them to leave! Over a puff of vape? Because the guy got a little frisky in the dark? C'mon--- She's not the Pope. Especially when there obviously had been no complaints from others! Did you see one person around them even paying attention to them??? Democrats are CELEBRATED for their partying skills!

Had that been a democrat, they could have been naked in the aisle humping each other waving a rainbow gay BLM flag and there would not have been a bother. We have coke freaks in the White House running around shaking their naked boobies! And all is good there. Get real, jackass.

The Left and the Cuban Brothers BRAG about taking over red states, especially Texas. It is your golden trophy to subvert every corner of the country. Like all commies, you want a snitch on every corner reporting in to the state anyone who speaks out against the State so you can bust in their doors and rout all opposition to BIG FASCIST GOVERNMENT for a crumb of bread just like they used to do in the USSR, admit it. That is what you think of the so-called "deplorable" states--- cattle to serve the master race.

My left testicle has 10X more sense that you ever will, fuckwit.
So that's the smart part of you, INCEL?
You claimed Boebert was recorded because she was a Republican.

No idiot, she was KICKED OUT because had she been a prominent democrat, they never would have dared do so.

They wanted a "story" about her or the republicans, and look! She took a puff on a vape machine and HERE YOU ARE still yabbering about it two days later proving my point!
No idiot, she was KICKED OUT because had she been a prominent democrat, they never would have dared do so.

They wanted a "story" about her or the republicans, and look! She took a puff on a vape machine and HERE YOU ARE still yabbering about it two days later proving my point!
Defend her all day long, INCEL...she still wouldn't sleep with you.
MAGAt sexual fantasies time.
Sorry Jack, wishful dreaming on your part won't ever get me to fit into your camp.

But I applaud you on being able to spell 'eunuch.' Shows you at least made it to the 6th grade.
But does he know the plural spelling is unix?
No idiot, she was KICKED OUT because had she been a prominent democrat, they never would have dared do so.

They wanted a "story" about her or the republicans, and look! She took a puff on a vape machine and HERE YOU ARE still yabbering about it two days later proving my point!
Retard. This was in Denver. Her home state. This is like AOC being kicked out of a theater in NY.

Try again. Still waiting for you to back up your statements.

I know you won't. But I am getting a kick out of you trying to come in here and trying to wiggle out of the claim. All you are doing is proving over and over again you are a lying retard but hey, do come back! :auiqs.jpg:

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