So did lauren Boebert know she was being videoed

You can see the misery levels rising in their posts recently as they realize their worlds are colliding:
  1. Installing Biden was good for a while to get rid of Trump but Biden has bitten them in the ass far worse.
  2. Despite J6 hearings, lawsuits in NYC, DC and Florida, Trump is not only still around and winning, but just getting more popular.
  3. Their best efforts to try to beat up on MAGA and Trump have failed.
  4. Biden is going downhill fast like a buzzard with a broken wing.
  5. The nation has turned to absolute shit, and all they got to blame for it is their own policies.
  6. Trump is in like Flint for '24, and Biden doesn't stand a chance in hell of beating him.
All whiteknight a skank. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
The thing I find disturbing about this story is "who was filming her and why"? Does she have a stalker, or is someone compiling a dossier on her to try to influence her behavior in one way or another.

the theater has cameras and that is why there are recordings.

be serious you are on camera probably 95 % of the time you are out of your home.
Boebert attempted to slander the theatre and lied about her actions, and the reason for her being removed.

The cameras are necessary to defend themselves from liars like her.
Theaters don’t have ushers anymore to monitor the audience
Every theater is monitored by security cameras for safety and insurance purposes
You know what? You are an asshole. I'm tired of your juvenile games. You are not interested in debate or conversation at all but just to see how much you can dick with people to prick them off to make up for the unfullfillment in your own life. FUCK OFF, nimrod.
I'm not playing. Off to Iggy for you. Bye.
Awww... poor retard runs away. I don't blame you, retard. You really got your ass handed to you, eh?

Next time, think twice before making dumb claims. You will be called on it and if you can't answer will be exposed for the lying retard that you are. Glad you learned your lesson. :itsok:

Back at ya... :fu:
But no cameras when "someone" dropped a baggie of cocaine in the White House.

No cameras when Jeffrey Epstein "killed himself".

No cameras when Hunter Biden illegally bought a handgun.

Who's buying this??
The private sector always does things better than government, so conservatives claim!

The private sector theater, had good security cameras..... So I guess you should not be surprised! :)
Once again, republicans get no respect nor privacy, followed and hounded everywhere by the deep state fascists. Just goes to shw how much the uniparty is shitting themselves over actual people fighting for the American citizen. Wonder what we'd find if Joe and Hunter were followed around in the dark with nightvision cameras hoping to get anything they can looking to destroy their careers? LOTS.

It just makes Boebert hotter. If I was with her, I'd be all over her too like a cheap suit!

Ewwww. You must be hard up.
Imbecile, gee, you're really triggered by Boebert--- does it really bother you so much that she's getting it and you ain't? Colorado has a very large democrat presence, in fact, Denver is a very blue city. Find me a state that is all one party or the other? Damn, you idiots are thick. NY state is all red except for NYC! PA is all red except for Pittsburgh and Phili! Illinois is mostly red except for Chicago. Texas is very red yet has flaming blue cities like Austin!

Look at the number of people in Trump's own party that have been out to get him. I can't believe you are dopey enough to think that just because it was her home state or even home town that there weren't at least two assholes like you stupid and partisan enough to identify Boebert in the dimness and look for the first excuse to cause her a scene.

But then again, you haven't enough brains to fill a Cracker Jack prize packet.
You know when you think about the fact that these are the same people who happily defend swinging dick parades with children in attendance it's hard to take their outrage seriously.

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