So, did this Gestapo tactic protect us?

Hundreds of thousands of lives were saved due to the lockdown

New York was on TOTAL LOCKDOWN while 8 other states were not. Do the math dumbass.

The needs of New York are NOT the needs of the rest of the nation. You idiots and your one size fits all responses are mind numbingly stupid AND DANGEROUS
The idiocy is those comparing the lockdown to Gestapo tactics. To make that comparison your brain has to have become liquified.
Arresting people for being in a public park? Check
Fining business for being open? Check
Threatening to pull business licenses for not closing? Check
Scanning license plates of those in public? Check
Threatening church goers for sitting in their cars? Check
Using drones to surveil citizens? Check

And the GESTAPO list goes on and on, bootlicker
You take one or two instances and then warp them into a conspiracy. Yeah, people have been warned to keep their social distance for the sake of the public health, but in your screwball mind you turn these actions into some nefarious scheme. I would turn off the Alex Jones.
Why is saving lives so anathema to the pro-life Republican hypocrite? Hundreds of thousands of lives were saved due to the lockdown and social distancing, but those lives count ostensibly for nothing to these hypocrites. Instead we are treated to such vacuity like the lockdown is a "Gestapo" tactic. How much more foolish or half-baked can you be to believe this is beyond me.
STFU you retarded ignorant twat!
Millions are going to suffer because of the lockdowns, you derp asshat!

You're more than stupid enough to be one of the hardest hit by

Oh! You didn't see that coming, huh? Too bad, it's reality.
Democrats need the people to suffer financial ruin and devastation just as they did in 2008. They had no hope of defeating the Trump economy or Trump otherwise.
So, you think democrats created the virus, and forced a shut down, when it was Trump's CDC who put out the health guidelines for the country of 6 feet separation and no more than 10 people gatherings kind of rules? The state's followed Trump' s CDC GUIDELINES?
No the democrats did not create the virus the Chinese did that,
The democrats created the ensuing panic, resulting in the crashing of the economy.
the CDC, Trump's CDC that laid out the health guidelines for the nation.... groups no larger than 10 and then the 6 feet apart guideline is what scared the pajesus out of state govt's and forced businesses to shut down.... though some businesses like the NBA, NFL, MLB etc shut down sports events before the CDC guidelines came out....
Hundreds of thousands of lives were saved due to the lockdown

New York was on TOTAL LOCKDOWN while 8 other states were not. Do the math dumbass.

The needs of New York are NOT the needs of the rest of the nation. You idiots and your one size fits all responses are mind numbingly stupid AND DANGEROUS
The idiocy is those comparing the lockdown to Gestapo tactics. To make that comparison your brain has to have become liquified.
Arresting people for being in a public park? Check
Fining business for being open? Check
Threatening to pull business licenses for not closing? Check
Scanning license plates of those in public? Check
Threatening church goers for sitting in their cars? Check
Using drones to surveil citizens? Check

And the GESTAPO list goes on and on, bootlicker
You take one or two instances and then warp them into a conspiracy. Yeah, people have been warned to keep their social distance for the sake of the public health, but in your screwball mind you turn these actions into some nefarious scheme. I would turn off the Alex Jones.
he listed 6 with the option for many more not 1 or 2,,,

is there no time you can be honest???
Why is saving lives so anathema to the pro-life Republican hypocrite? Hundreds of thousands of lives were saved due to the lockdown and social distancing, but those lives count ostensibly for nothing to these hypocrites. Instead we are treated to such vacuity like the lockdown is a "Gestapo" tactic. How much more foolish or half-baked can you be to believe this is beyond me.
STFU you retarded ignorant twat!
Millions are going to suffer because of the lockdowns, you derp asshat!

You're more than stupid enough to be one of the hardest hit by

Oh! You didn't see that coming, huh? Too bad, it's reality.
millions are going to suffer, that's what infectious pandemics deliver every time they appear....

that's why our federal govt practices such events with hospitals and state govts wth pandemic simulation exercises every other year, to be more prepared.....

and we STILL were not prepared for it..... and are running around like chickens without a head... :(

it's been a multitude of Murphy's Law!!!
Hundreds of thousands of lives were saved due to the lockdown

New York was on TOTAL LOCKDOWN while 8 other states were not. Do the math dumbass.

The needs of New York are NOT the needs of the rest of the nation. You idiots and your one size fits all responses are mind numbingly stupid AND DANGEROUS
The idiocy is those comparing the lockdown to Gestapo tactics. To make that comparison your brain has to have become liquified.
Arresting people for being in a public park? Check
Fining business for being open? Check
Threatening to pull business licenses for not closing? Check
Scanning license plates of those in public? Check
Threatening church goers for sitting in their cars? Check
Using drones to surveil citizens? Check

And the GESTAPO list goes on and on, bootlicker
was it the gestapo in 1918 with the Spanish Flu, when businesses, and theaters, and churches, and schools were shut down, and citizens had to wear masks if in public? Was that the Gestapo?

you are a product of internet conspiracy.....
1918? Really? That's your go to response?

I have NO IDEA how communities responded in 1918. I don't care how communities responded in 1918.
Why is saving lives so anathema to the pro-life Republican hypocrite? Hundreds of thousands of lives were saved due to the lockdown and social distancing, but those lives count ostensibly for nothing to these hypocrites. Instead we are treated to such vacuity like the lockdown is a "Gestapo" tactic. How much more foolish or half-baked can you be to believe this is beyond me.
STFU you retarded ignorant twat!
Millions are going to suffer because of the lockdowns, you derp asshat!

You're more than stupid enough to be one of the hardest hit by

Oh! You didn't see that coming, huh? Too bad, it's reality.
millions are going to suffer, that's what infectious pandemics deliver every time they appear....

that's why our federal govt practices such events with hospitals and state govts wth pandemic simulation exercises every other year, to be more prepared.....

and we STILL were not prepared for it..... and are running around like chickens without a head... :(

it's been a multitude of Murphy's Law!!!
It was completely avoidable and is a result of the lockdowns, not the virus itself.

The panic around the virus was simply a means to an end. An end they failed at with the global warming bullshit.

There will be a taste of it for everybody, and it was the media and politicians that foisted this onto Americans.
Why is saving lives so anathema to the pro-life Republican hypocrite? Hundreds of thousands of lives were saved due to the lockdown and social distancing, but those lives count ostensibly for nothing to these hypocrites. Instead we are treated to such vacuity like the lockdown is a "Gestapo" tactic. How much more foolish or half-baked can you be to believe this is beyond me.
STFU you retarded ignorant twat!
Millions are going to suffer because of the lockdowns, you derp asshat!

You're more than stupid enough to be one of the hardest hit by

Oh! You didn't see that coming, huh? Too bad, it's reality.
millions are going to suffer, that's what infectious pandemics deliver every time they appear....

that's why our federal govt practices such events with hospitals and state govts wth pandemic simulation exercises every other year, to be more prepared.....

and we STILL were not prepared for it..... and are running around like chickens without a head... :(

it's been a multitude of Murphy's Law!!!
It was completely avoidable and is a result of the lockdowns, not the virus itself.
the CDC issued the health guidelines FOR THE NATION, of no groups larger than 10, and then 6 ft of separation by everyone.....

no business could operate under those guidelines....

Obviously it has not. It has however destroyed countless businesses as well as wrecked peoples lives.

So...if you really think that the lock down is a gestapo tactic, disregard the quarantine restrictions, show your conviction and loyalty to trump. Support the man you voted for. Have your rallies, protests, and gatherings. Go to your non-essential job. Shake hands, embrace and talk to each other about how all of this is unnecessary and fascist. Get in close. C'mon, don't be a snowflake. Stand by your president and your convictions. That'll own libs too.
Poor Trumpanzies. Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 U.S. 11 (1905)

The liberty secured by the Constitution of the United States does not import an absolute right in each person to be at all times, and in all circumstances, wholly freed from restraint, nor is it an element in such liberty that one person, or a minority of persons residing in any community and enjoying the benefits of its local government, should have power to dominate the majority when supported in their action by the authority of the State.
Why is saving lives so anathema to the pro-life Republican hypocrite? Hundreds of thousands of lives were saved due to the lockdown and social distancing, but those lives count ostensibly for nothing to these hypocrites. Instead we are treated to such vacuity like the lockdown is a "Gestapo" tactic. How much more foolish or half-baked can you be to believe this is beyond me.
STFU you retarded ignorant twat!
Millions are going to suffer because of the lockdowns, you derp asshat!

You're more than stupid enough to be one of the hardest hit by

Oh! You didn't see that coming, huh? Too bad, it's reality.
How are they going to suffer? There are tons of essential jobs out there they can do temporarily if their regular job is at a standstill. BUT.....such essential jobs require sweat, blood, tears, and a brain. Might be a problem for some.
Hundreds of thousands of lives were saved due to the lockdown

New York was on TOTAL LOCKDOWN while 8 other states were not. Do the math dumbass.

The needs of New York are NOT the needs of the rest of the nation. You idiots and your one size fits all responses are mind numbingly stupid AND DANGEROUS
The idiocy is those comparing the lockdown to Gestapo tactics. To make that comparison your brain has to have become liquified.
Arresting people for being in a public park? Check
Fining business for being open? Check
Threatening to pull business licenses for not closing? Check
Scanning license plates of those in public? Check
Threatening church goers for sitting in their cars? Check
Using drones to surveil citizens? Check

And the GESTAPO list goes on and on, bootlicker
was it the gestapo in 1918 with the Spanish Flu, when businesses, and theaters, and churches, and schools were shut down, and citizens had to wear masks if in public? Was that the Gestapo?

you are a product of internet conspiracy.....
1918? Really? That's your go to response?

I have NO IDEA how communities responded in 1918. I don't care how communities responded in 1918.
Viruses don't care what year it is. And thanks for showing how the not-so-very-bright never learn from history.
Why is saving lives so anathema to the pro-life Republican hypocrite? Hundreds of thousands of lives were saved due to the lockdown and social distancing, but those lives count ostensibly for nothing to these hypocrites. Instead we are treated to such vacuity like the lockdown is a "Gestapo" tactic. How much more foolish or half-baked can you be to believe this is beyond me.
STFU you retarded ignorant twat!
Millions are going to suffer because of the lockdowns, you derp asshat!

You're more than stupid enough to be one of the hardest hit by

Oh! You didn't see that coming, huh? Too bad, it's reality.
How are they going to suffer? There are tons of essential jobs out there they can do temporarily if their regular job is at a standstill. BUT.....such essential jobs require sweat, blood, tears, and a brain. Might be a problem for some.
there are 26 million other people also going for those jobs,,,
Hundreds of thousands of lives were saved due to the lockdown

New York was on TOTAL LOCKDOWN while 8 other states were not. Do the math dumbass.

The needs of New York are NOT the needs of the rest of the nation. You idiots and your one size fits all responses are mind numbingly stupid AND DANGEROUS
The idiocy is those comparing the lockdown to Gestapo tactics. To make that comparison your brain has to have become liquified.
Arresting people for being in a public park? Check
Fining business for being open? Check
Threatening to pull business licenses for not closing? Check
Scanning license plates of those in public? Check
Threatening church goers for sitting in their cars? Check
Using drones to surveil citizens? Check

And the GESTAPO list goes on and on, bootlicker
was it the gestapo in 1918 with the Spanish Flu, when businesses, and theaters, and churches, and schools were shut down, and citizens had to wear masks if in public? Was that the Gestapo?

you are a product of internet conspiracy.....
1918? Really? That's your go to response?

I have NO IDEA how communities responded in 1918. I don't care how communities responded in 1918.
Viruses don't care what year it is. And thanks for showing how the not-so-very-bright never learn from history.
and besides the technology was far more advanced than we have now,,,
Why is saving lives so anathema to the pro-life Republican hypocrite? Hundreds of thousands of lives were saved due to the lockdown and social distancing, but those lives count ostensibly for nothing to these hypocrites. Instead we are treated to such vacuity like the lockdown is a "Gestapo" tactic. How much more foolish or half-baked can you be to believe this is beyond me.
STFU you retarded ignorant twat!
Millions are going to suffer because of the lockdowns, you derp asshat!

You're more than stupid enough to be one of the hardest hit by

Oh! You didn't see that coming, huh? Too bad, it's reality.
How are they going to suffer? There are tons of essential jobs out there they can do temporarily if their regular job is at a standstill. BUT.....such essential jobs require sweat, blood, tears, and a brain. Might be a problem for some.
there are 26 million other people also going for those jobs,,,
Is that a valid excuse you are using there?
Hundreds of thousands of lives were saved due to the lockdown

New York was on TOTAL LOCKDOWN while 8 other states were not. Do the math dumbass.

The needs of New York are NOT the needs of the rest of the nation. You idiots and your one size fits all responses are mind numbingly stupid AND DANGEROUS
The idiocy is those comparing the lockdown to Gestapo tactics. To make that comparison your brain has to have become liquified.
Arresting people for being in a public park? Check
Fining business for being open? Check
Threatening to pull business licenses for not closing? Check
Scanning license plates of those in public? Check
Threatening church goers for sitting in their cars? Check
Using drones to surveil citizens? Check

And the GESTAPO list goes on and on, bootlicker
was it the gestapo in 1918 with the Spanish Flu, when businesses, and theaters, and churches, and schools were shut down, and citizens had to wear masks if in public? Was that the Gestapo?

you are a product of internet conspiracy.....
1918? Really? That's your go to response?

I have NO IDEA how communities responded in 1918. I don't care how communities responded in 1918.
Viruses don't care what year it is. And thanks for showing how the not-so-very-bright never learn from history.
and besides the technology was far more advanced than we have now,,,
Why is saving lives so anathema to the pro-life Republican hypocrite? Hundreds of thousands of lives were saved due to the lockdown and social distancing, but those lives count ostensibly for nothing to these hypocrites. Instead we are treated to such vacuity like the lockdown is a "Gestapo" tactic. How much more foolish or half-baked can you be to believe this is beyond me.
STFU you retarded ignorant twat!
Millions are going to suffer because of the lockdowns, you derp asshat!

You're more than stupid enough to be one of the hardest hit by

Oh! You didn't see that coming, huh? Too bad, it's reality.
How are they going to suffer? There are tons of essential jobs out there they can do temporarily if their regular job is at a standstill. BUT.....such essential jobs require sweat, blood, tears, and a brain. Might be a problem for some.
there are 26 million other people also going for those jobs,,,
Is that a valid excuse you are using there?
you think its not???
There have been over 55,000 deaths in the U.S. despite the extreme isolation and lock- downs.

How many more have to die before the Trumpbot idiots recognize how devastating this virus is?
Why is saving lives so anathema to the pro-life Republican hypocrite? Hundreds of thousands of lives were saved due to the lockdown and social distancing, but those lives count ostensibly for nothing to these hypocrites. Instead we are treated to such vacuity like the lockdown is a "Gestapo" tactic. How much more foolish or half-baked can you be to believe this is beyond me.
STFU you retarded ignorant twat!
Millions are going to suffer because of the lockdowns, you derp asshat!

You're more than stupid enough to be one of the hardest hit by

Oh! You didn't see that coming, huh? Too bad, it's reality.
How are they going to suffer? There are tons of essential jobs out there they can do temporarily if their regular job is at a standstill. BUT.....such essential jobs require sweat, blood, tears, and a brain. Might be a problem for some.
You'll be finding out real soon, smug moron. :itsok:

Lack of food, jobs, housing, and amenities.

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