So, Does Anybody Still Support Biden?

Biden inherited a tremendous mess in many areas. The Afghan boondoggle has a 20 year history that has to be considered, right up to the moment that Biden became president. The intelligence that Biden had available, plus the recent meddling of the inept and uncaring trump, must be considered.

Asking "does anybody 'still' support Biden" is, in effect, implying that everybody should fall behind trump and his policies and agree with the slovenly, corrupt republicans who worship him and do his bidding. What is happening in Afghanistan is absolutely horrible, but was inevitable under the circumstances. What we are seeing in that country demonstrates the extremes that right-wingers will go to in their quest for domination. It's a warning that we should never allow the U.S. to fall into the hands of the Taliban wannabes here at home, which trump and the republicans want so badly.
We can save this quote for use at a later date as reference to the ignorance and naivete of the left.

To add additional support for my argument, keep in mind that even left-leaning social media outlets like Facebook have banned the Taliban and labeled them as terrorists. The "Taliban is not radical" theory is being pushed by some of the left-wing media to make Biden look like such a bafoon. Smart people aren't falling for that.
He could shoot someone on 4th avenue and his cultists would still follow him.
Might be a zig zag and a few circles, but they will still follow :lol:
I support Biden because it's easier than to admit I've been raped by MSM and my Democrats for many years. I've found that as a Democrat, especially as a PROG Democrat, it's much easier to lie to myself than admit my faults to others. I'm saving face, if you get my meaning, though sometimes I've found it useful to suggest I'm independent since it erases responsibility, which as you know the left naturally rejects responsibility.

Please tell me that you're being sarcastic.

I couldn't slog through the whole thread, so forgive me if this topic has been addressed in those posts I couldn't find the patience to get to, but........but a couple of assertions by one of our prolific posters seemed to be notable enough to stop right there.

These two posts:

Ummm, OK.
So, the good poster Potter thinks the Afghani Taliban is gonna sneak across our 'insecure' border. Swim across the Rio Grande? Trek across the Sonoran desert?

He doesn't say.

But, because we here on USMB have an ethic of support and assistance, when possible, we offer the following mileage metric with hope that the good poster Potter will then feel assured that his girlfriend doesn't need to shop for a new burka, or abaya, or hijab. . She can keep her yoga pants and thongs. And poster Potter doesn't need to shop for his chapan or mazari cap.

He'll still be fashionable in his red MAGA hat.

So be at peace, Potter, our friend, with knowledge that Kabul is about 8,200 miles from.... McAllen, TX

And maybe try a little tai chi. It's relaxing.

Good luck..........From the USMB Self-Appointed Committee of Calmness

First of all I'm a she not a he, second of all how do you think the attacks of 9/11 happened dum-dum? By plane.

I do so because I agree with him somewhat more on the issues,

What issues?

Would anyone even trust Xiden to babysit your kids?

So what would Trump do that is worse than leaving the US border insecure and allowing illegals into this country?

I didn't say a word about the border. I said Biden was a better man than Trump. Of course it is not a very high bar.
The Persians, Greeks,Arabs, Moghuls...all invaded Afghanistan...and ultimately...left.
The Brits tried and failed.
The Soviets tried and failed.
We tried and failed.

Maybe China is smarter.
China will use force where the other nations didn't. They don't want a trading partner, they want a subjugated population they can enslave.
I guess you haven’t paid attention that we spent billions and billions to build up the Afghan military and they’re the ones who abandoned the equipment.
you,,,,, didn't spend anything. you don't have that kind of money. As far as spendin, to get a tiny taste of what goes on at the State department level, read the late Michael Hastings "The Operators". They say they spend this and that but they hardly do. Most of it goes under the table to select big cats pockets. They wouldn't spend that kind of money on their people, cities, educational programs, infrastructure maintenance and updating, etc. Do you really think they would do that on bunch of savages who are high on hashish 2/3's of the time who can't read cant write, etc.?! As far as the so called ANA, I read yesterday they were not paid for the better part of 7 months!!!!!!!! A US vet who trained Iraqis and afghans, in a book said they are stupid, high on hashish all the time, lazy, they get paid and split for 2 weeks without permission, thieves, etc, etc, etc. If I was the trainer or A decision maker, I woul not trust such Phak mooks with such job. I just would not. But maybe you would. The vetting process the US military engages in selecting its soldiers is very rigorous. Apparently they changed rules and "went along to get along". And now we have this on our laps.
We took our stuff and what we didn’t take we destroyed.
You didnt destroy anything. Get off the pipe.Those savages are enjoying 4 million dollar a piece Eagle Scan High Tech drones. MRAPS, Hammvees, bunch of ammunition, Brand new Custom M4', M60, etc, etc, etc, Now I just saw a vid made by a US soldiers he filmed a clip that showed "free" bullet proof brand new vehicles left by the Joe Bin Laden Administration for the Teliban to take.... Get off the tv, the internet is your friend as it is still somewhat open.
I've never had to defend Trump for surrendering Americans and our allies to horrific death from Islamic barbarians.
Good. Except for Trump’s withdrawal from Syrua and open invitation to Turkey and Russia to do what they want to our allies.

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