So, Does Anybody Still Support Biden?

And that is different from you’ll defend Trump For

That's how I'm different from the average Trump supporter as I don't defend him for anything and everything. There have been times where he has been a complete idiot and I always point it out when he is.
That's how I'm different from the average Trump supporter as I don't defend him for anything and everything. There have been times where he has been a complete idiot and I always point it out when he is.
An example of that would be…?
I didn't vote for Biden. If the election was tomorrow I would. I said when Trump said he was going to pull the troops that if he did I would consider voting for him. He didn't.

Now Biden needs to follow through and I doubt he runs again and this doesn't bleed over to Harris but I absolutely support him finally doing the right thing.
Biden has just ensured the rape and murder of tens of thousands of people....a flooding of refugees to the US who will then do terror attacks and rape gangs as they have done and Europe and who will cost the US taxpayers billions------------and you support Biden? Something is seriously wrong with you.
Biden has just ensured the rape and murder of tens of thousands of people....a flooding of refugees to the US who will then do terror attacks and rape gangs as they have done and Europe and who will cost the US taxpayers billions------------and you support Biden? Something is seriously wrong with you.
So far a very peaceful takeover in like 3 days. I simply pray the Taliban has learned in 20 years.
If the Taliban were really a violent hate America terrorist organization, they have plenty of opportunity to show it especially right now. That's just not the case. They want Afghanistan, they can have it.

We can save this quote for use at a later date as reference to the ignorance and naivete of the left.
If you do I just have one question for you,.. why?

I support Biden because it's easier than to admit I've been raped by MSM and my Democrats for many years. I've found that as a Democrat, especially as a PROG Democrat, it's much easier to lie to myself than admit my faults to others. I'm saving face, if you get my meaning, though sometimes I've found it useful to suggest I'm independent since it erases responsibility, which as you know the left naturally rejects responsibility.
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I couldn't slog through the whole thread, so forgive me if this topic has been addressed in those posts I couldn't find the patience to get to, but........but a couple of assertions by one of our prolific posters seemed to be notable enough to stop right there.

These two posts:

Taliban is going to go after us next once they realize (if not already) that our border is currently unsecure.
Let's see if you feel the same if and when they enter this country.
Ummm, OK.
So, the good poster Potter thinks the Afghani Taliban is gonna sneak across our 'insecure' border. Swim across the Rio Grande? Trek across the Sonoran desert?

He doesn't say.

But, because we here on USMB have an ethic of support and assistance, when possible, we offer the following mileage metric with hope that the good poster Potter will then feel assured that his girlfriend doesn't need to shop for a new burka, or abaya, or hijab. . She can keep her yoga pants and thongs. And poster Potter doesn't need to shop for his chapan or mazari cap.
He'll still be fashionable in his red MAGA hat.

So be at peace, Potter, our friend, with knowledge that Kabul is about 8,200 miles from.... McAllen, TX

And maybe try a little tai chi. It's relaxing.

Good luck..........From the USMB Self-Appointed Committee of Calmness
you seriously have to ask that , then it's clear that you haven't made the effort to accurately understand the perspectives, life experiences, priorities and opinions of over half the electorate.
Your half is deeply partisan and will follow biden off a cliff if thats where he chooses to go
If you seriously have to ask that , then it's clear that you haven't made the effort to accurately understand the perspectives, life experiences, priorities and opinions of over half the electorate.

That's your fault, not theirs. You might want to consider opening your world a little. Your call.
Blah blah blah. Do you still support Biden and if so, why? It's a really simple question.
This isn't anything new. The US has always kept I wanna arms legs we do some trade with them but we refuse to recognize them as a Sovereign Nation. The official US stands is that Taiwan is an autonomous region of China similar to Hong Kong.
Blah blah blah. Do you still support Biden and if so, why? It's a really simple question.
Well yes, obviously. My apologies for pointing out what is obvious to most adults. That probably got a little complicated for you.

I do so because I agree with him somewhat more on the issues, and because I want to know that this country is better than the arrogant ignorance that is Trumpism. I'd much rather vote third party, but our current condition prohibits me from doing so.

I said "yes". Three letters. Easy enough?
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