So explain if Obama said there was no Russian interference...what's the big deal?



How so?
James Comey: Russian interference in the 2016 election 'as unfake as you can possibly get'

“I know I should have said this earlier, it’s obvious, but if any Americans were part of helping the Russians do that to us, that is a very big deal,” Comey said.

5 Clues James Comey Just Left Behind
The difference is that Seventeen (17) U.S. Intelligence and Security Agencies on the fact the Russia Interfered in the U.S. Election.

And you reaching back before the U.S. Election and cherry picking your story.
I never had any faith in the old bastard..


I had complete faith that he would go right on being the slimy pos he's always been.

And now, on top of everything we already knew about him, we know he lied about his Russia ties - just like the rest of them.

Why else would he be one of the cheeto's minions?

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The difference is that Seventeen (17) U.S. Intelligence and Security Agencies on the fact the Russia Interfered in the U.S. Election.

And you reaching back before the U.S. Election and cherry picking your story.

Let's see... 17 agencies swear on a stack of Bibles Russia interfered.
Now in reading the below:
"The U.S. Intelligence Community (USIC) is confident that the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of e-mails from US persons and institutions, including from US political organizations. The recent disclosures of alleged hacked e-mails on sites like and WikiLeaks and by the Guccifer 2.0 online persona are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts. These thefts and disclosures are intended to interfere with the US election process. Such activity is not new to Moscow—the Russians have used similar tactics and techniques across Europe and Eurasia, for example, to influence public opinion there. We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, that only Russia's senior-most officials could have authorized these activities."
Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking

What is the key word in the above? intended
Where in the above did these 17 agencies say Russia interfered? "intended" but do they have the FACTS to show that the election was Interfered with?
Again Obama said there was none! You don't believe the Messiah?
Fact. Seventeen (17) U.S. Government Intelligence and Security Agencies stated for the record that Russia Interfered In The U.S. Presidential Election of 2016.

Fact. "There is no fluff on this", Russia Interfered in the U.S. Presidential Election of 2016.

Fact. The Lying Lowlife, scum sucking Fascist Draft Dodger-In-Chief Lied about firing Mr. Comey because Mr Comey would not terminate the Russia Investigation.

Fact. "I hope you can see your way clear". If your boss says to you, "I hope you can see your way clear" to something, it is an order. He/She knows that, you know that and you do as you are told to do. What that Walking Orange Faced Shit Stain wanted Mr. Comey to do was illegal and could be considered Obstruction of Justice.

Fact. 45 asked Mr. Comey's Loyalty. Mr. Comey took an Oath of Office to Support, Protect and Defend the Constitution of The United States of America....that Oath should have been enough.

Fact. The Lying Lowlife Scum Sucking Fascist Ass Hat in the Oval Office boasted about firing Mr. Comey to High Ranking Russian Officials when they visited the White House.

Fact. Members of of der GroppenFuhrer's Campaign and later Transition Team had illegal and unreported contact with Russian Officials. Both Manafort and Flynn acted an unregistered agents of a foreign government, in violation of U.S Federal Law and you do not care.

Fact. Russia interfered in the U.S. Presidential of 2016. You do not care. A known Hostile Foreign Power actively interfered in the U.S. Presidential Election and you do not care, you guy won and fuck it if Russia committed an act of war to get him elected....that is all you care about.

You put your party ahead of your country. You do not care about Russian Interference in our Presidential Elections because you won and who cares about a known Hostile Foreign Power interfering, you don't care.
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Fact. Seventeen (17) U.S. Government Intelligence and Security Agencies stated for the record that Russia Interfered In The U.S. Presidential Election of 2016.

Fact. "There is no fluff on this", Russia Interfered in the U.S. Presidential Election of 2016.

Fact. The Lying Lowlife, scum sucking Fascist Draft Dodger-In-Chief Lied about firing Mr. Comey because Mr Comey would not terminate the Russia Investigation.

Fact. "I hope you can see your way clear". If your boss says to you, "I hope you can see your way clear" to something, it is an order. He/She knows that, you know that and you do as you are told to do. What that Walking Orange Faced Shit Stain wanted Mr. Comey to do was illegal and could be considered Obstruction of Justice.

Fact. 45 asked Mr. Comey's Loyalty. Mr. Comey took an Oath of Office to Support, Protect and Defend the Constitution of The United States of America....that Oath should have been enough.

Fact. The Lying Lowlife Scum Sucking Fascist Ass Hat in the Oval Office boasted about firing Mr. Comey to High Ranking Russian Officials when they visited the White House.

Fact. Members of of der GroppenFuhrer's Campaign and later Transition Team had illegal and unreported contact with Russian Officials. Both Manafort and Flynn acted an unregistered agents of a foreign government, in violation of U.S Federal Law and you do not care.

Fact. Russia interfered in the U.S. Presidential of 2016. You do not care. A known Hostile Foreign Power actively interfered in the U.S. Presidential Election and you do not care, you guy won and fuck it if Russia committed an act of war to get him elected....that is all you care about.

You put your party ahead of your country. You do not care about Russian Interference in our Presidential Elections because you won and who cares about a known Hostile Foreign Power interfering, you don't care.

How can you say "Fact" Russia interfered? Where is YOUR FACT? Geez just because YOU said so makes it true?
Come on give us the facts but otherwise you are just as Comey called Trump... A LIAR!

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