So Far Looks Like A Six Point Landslide Win For Handel.Republicans May Be Laffing Their Oss's Off.

It was not the entire continent. As I said in a recent post, if Pelosi won and the Dems gloated would you think they were being silly? The GoP could put up a $100 million warchest against Pelosi and still lose. The fact that Price's seat had such a massive swing against it in only six months should be setting off alarm bells for the GoP, not celebrations....

The only reason Pelosi is still head of the Democrat party is that she brings in hundreds of millions of dollars. You no longer have anyone to lead the party. They're all old, tired people who believe they are entitled to their positions with their old, tired ideas.

Just as was proven by Hillary Clinton using $1.2 BILLION TO LOSE, and Donald Trump spent half that to win. This was more proof that Progressives can no longer pay their way to victories.

What was proven is that Atlanta Georgia does not have the same values and standards as the elite Hollywood celebrities and New York elites.
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Yeah sure. But it isn't. They lost. And there are no alarm bells. They just keep losing but the weird thing is they keep claiming every loss should scare us.
I would say they will get tired of losing but they really have no choice in the matter.
So keep hoping for 2018. Pie-in-the-sky. Right now you are a loser.
If the Democrats want to win I think they should start calling the voters names again. And get some more celebrities.
This mass Democrat incitement campaign since Election Day, may be backfiring on Democrats. Most Americans are increasingly beginning to view that Party as being the 'Deranged Violent Loon Party.' Personally, i don't believe Democrats are gonna do nearly as well in upcoming Elections as they've been boasting. I think they're vastly underestimating how upset Americans are with their disturbing behavior.
:2up: :banana: :dance:..............Based on a few unreliable sources, all looks well for another GOP Win Tonight!!! How will those blockheads on CNN/MSNBC explain this embarrassing win again by a Republican when they were so sure that the Democrat was going to win easily? Like when Hillary was supposed to win by 14 points?
:cow: :cranky: :dunno:

I just read Planned Parenthood donated $700+K to Ossoff's campaign! :uhoh3:

How do they get away with donating taxpayer money to politics like that?

Planned Parenthood spent $734,000 in failed Georgia race

While they beg for handouts! Hard working taxpayers are supposed to listen to their nonstop whine about women's health while they funnel money to Democrats.
Planned Barrenhood should be defunded entirely. It's part of a mafia like shakedown to keep Democrats on power.

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All Atlanta proved was that the incumbent party won...with a hugely slashed majority...

Even you don't believe that malarkey. He couldn't win even with all the money coughed up by California and New York.

Five Republican wins following the presidential election to ZERO for Democrats.

When do you accept the FACT that you lost?

All Atlanta proved was that the incumbent party won...with a hugely slashed majority...

Even you don't believe that malarkey. He couldn't win even with all the money coughed up by California and New York.

Five Republican wins following the presidential election to ZERO for Democrats.

When do you accept the FACT that you lost?

They never will accept that they lost! We are dealing with children, and their only way of handling failure is to do even more of what lost them the election in the first place. What Atlanta actually proved was that despite a less popular candidate than Price, despite spending 700% more and having half of Hollywood backing their made-to-order fake candidate, despite setting new records of spending fantastic amounts for just a minor office where basically they pulled out all the stops to win just as they had done with Hillary, THEY CAN'T WIN. And the Dems are going to have an even harder time trying to win next year when both the GOP and Trump are far more popular than even today! And that scares the livin' CRAP out of them! Now they are about to lose a second seat on the Supreme Court! I'd pay good money just to be a fly on the wall to hear the conversations behind closed doors at the DNC, Hollywood, CNN, MSNBC, the NYT and elsewhere.

They probably have a Trump punching bag in each of their offices to hit because they can't land a blow on the real thing.

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All Atlanta proved was that the incumbent party won...with a hugely slashed majority...

Even you don't believe that malarkey. He couldn't win even with all the money coughed up by California and New York.

Five Republican wins following the presidential election to ZERO for Democrats.

When do you accept the FACT that you lost?


Yeah you keep on thinking that the GoP winning five elections it should have means something.

They never will accept that they lost! We are dealing with children, and their only way of handling failure is to do even more of what lost them the election in the first place. What Atlanta actually proved was that despite a less popular candidate than Price, despite spending 700% more and having half of Hollywood backing their made-to-order fake candidate, despite setting new records of spending fantastic amounts for just a minor office where basically they pulled out all the stops to win just as they had done with Hillary, THEY CAN'T WIN. And the Dems are going to have an even harder time trying to win next year when both the GOP and Trump are far more popular than even today! And that scares the livin' CRAP out of them! Now they are about to lose a second seat on the Supreme Court! I'd pay good money just to be a fly on the wall to hear the conversations behind closed doors at the DNC, Hollywood, CNN, MSNBC, the NYT and elsewhere.

They probably have a Trump punching bag in each of their offices to hit because they can't land a blow on the real thing.

View attachment 135336
When are you uber capitalist yanks going to realise money doesn't mean everything. They could have spent 7000% more and they wouldn't hvae won. The fact they came so close means those up for election next year will be shitting bricks. And I'm guessing the tweeting Buffoon is not going to be helping any of their causes.

They never will accept that they lost! We are dealing with children, and their only way of handling failure is to do even more of what lost them the election in the first place. What Atlanta actually proved was that despite a less popular candidate than Price, despite spending 700% more and having half of Hollywood backing their made-to-order fake candidate, despite setting new records of spending fantastic amounts for just a minor office where basically they pulled out all the stops to win just as they had done with Hillary, THEY CAN'T WIN. And the Dems are going to have an even harder time trying to win next year when both the GOP and Trump are far more popular than even today! And that scares the livin' CRAP out of them! Now they are about to lose a second seat on the Supreme Court! I'd pay good money just to be a fly on the wall to hear the conversations behind closed doors at the DNC, Hollywood, CNN, MSNBC, the NYT and elsewhere.

They probably have a Trump punching bag in each of their offices to hit because they can't land a blow on the real thing.

View attachment 135336
When are you uber capitalist yanks going to realise money doesn't mean everything. They could have spent 7000% more and they wouldn't hvae won. The fact they came so close means those up for election next year will be shitting bricks. And I'm guessing the tweeting Buffoon is not going to be helping any of their causes.

Man I'm glad I don't belong to a party who thinks losing is winning.
This is not surprising. The vast majority of people in Georgia are the uneducated, ignorant rubes that comprise the rank-and-file Republican voting base. The very type of Americans conservatism depends upon.

Classic sour grapes. Classic. LOLOLOLOL
So, let me get this straight:
The repubs kept hold of a seat that has been republican for that past 38 years including 10 years of Newt. The winner of this election was replacing somebody who has just been appointed to the Trump cabinet. And you neocon right-wing whackos dance up and down like this is some kind of win for Trump and helps his mandate.

Let me put this in context for you Deplorable nutjobs:

Price won the seat by 75,000 votes, just over six months ago. Handel wins it by just 12,000. So within six months Trump has erased a lead in a safe GOP seat by almost 500% and you take this as a win for his 'mandate'? Christ knows what's gonna happen to the GOP saps running next year in marginal seats. Hell, even seats that are safe by 10s of 1000s of votes.....

You can't turn this into Fake News no matter how hard you try my little bits of flotsam and jetsam trailer trash...
It was that talking heads that were insisting this was a referendum on Trump, and the usual suspects who were jumping up and down with glee at the thought that the democrats were finally going to win one.

They did not win. This is a good thing.

They never will accept that they lost! We are dealing with children, and their only way of handling failure is to do even more of what lost them the election in the first place. What Atlanta actually proved was that despite a less popular candidate than Price, despite spending 700% more and having half of Hollywood backing their made-to-order fake candidate, despite setting new records of spending fantastic amounts for just a minor office where basically they pulled out all the stops to win just as they had done with Hillary, THEY CAN'T WIN. And the Dems are going to have an even harder time trying to win next year when both the GOP and Trump are far more popular than even today! And that scares the livin' CRAP out of them! Now they are about to lose a second seat on the Supreme Court! I'd pay good money just to be a fly on the wall to hear the conversations behind closed doors at the DNC, Hollywood, CNN, MSNBC, the NYT and elsewhere.

They probably have a Trump punching bag in each of their offices to hit because they can't land a blow on the real thing.

View attachment 135336
When are you uber capitalist yanks going to realise money doesn't mean everything. They could have spent 7000% more and they wouldn't hvae won. The fact they came so close means those up for election next year will be shitting bricks. And I'm guessing the tweeting Buffoon is not going to be helping any of their causes.

Yeah, and since Atalanta only lost by 6, NE will definitely be shitting bricks in 2018!!!
It was that talking heads that were insisting this was a referendum on Trump, and the usual suspects who were jumping up and down with glee at the thought that the democrats were finally going to win one.

They did not win. This is a good thing.

it doesn't matter what the dems think or the rhetoric they're spewing. If Pelosi came within a hair's breadth of losing her seat in this manner, or Paul Ryan, or <name any career pollie who has as job for life> that would be a worrying sign. Instead, the Deplorables think it is a good thing. I guess we'll see how good it is in the 2018 elections where incumbents are up against true opposition instead of shoe-in who are taking over safe seats from people just appointed to cabinet.
The best is yet to come! Wait until EVERY Democrat up for election looses in 2018. and every Never Trump Republican is defeated in the Primary.
Unless sanity returns to these two groups; and there is no sign it will, USA will be left with a One party system(only one party with any power), and the MSM ranting daily about how they are murdering Grandma.

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