So Far, RNC Viewing Totals So Much More Than The Joe Biden Show.


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
I don't know how many you tube channels are carrying the RNC convention, but so far, the view counts as a whole have already surpassed the DNC counts. When I looked at the DNC views, they would range from maybe 100 to 5000? well, it looks like the average now is about 30,000 per you tube channel. but with radio broadcasts included, for all we know, its probably going to be in the millions before the show is over tonight.
at this point, i think Biden was around 45,000 views,,,,but now, i think Trump is at 3.7 million
It won't reflect the same totals as votes though.

Dead democrook voters usually don`t watch much YouTube.
I have no real interest in watching political whores speak, I may watch some of Trump's speech after the fact but no matter what I'm planning to vote a straight republicrat ticket this time around.
ok,,,its 10:38 EST,,,,at this time last week,,,Biden had about 29,000 estimate at this point for the Trump show is approx: 78,000,000
C-SPAN is the best way to watch it without interference compared to networks or cable and the ratings for C-SPAN alone last night are in:

C-SPAN's live stream of the first night of the Republican National Convention has attracted nearly 440,000 views, marking a substantial increase over the start of the Democratic National Convention, which drew 76,000 views.


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