So For The Last Eight Weeks,Leftists Have Been Claiming,,"We Are Closing In On Russian Collusion!"

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:2up: :argue: :dance: Has anyone who watches any of the evening news channels taken notice of how these dildo head Democratic Strategists have been boasting that some of the intelligence agencies are closing in on solid evidence of the Trump/Russian collusion? Evidence that could get Trump impeached? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Well? I sure have been watching Fox all these weeks, and when the hosts question these commentators regarding what evidence they have,,,its always the same answer,,,somewhere along the lines of,,,,,,"Well I dont have any solid evidence to present to you this evening, but i do know of very reliable sources that there is some new evidence coming out soon that will be spell trouble for Donald Trump. :omg: :mm: :smoke:
But that was about Five Weeks Ago !!!:banghead::banghead:
Anyone get my point? :argue:
It's a witch hunt, plain and simple... and more than likely to backfire on the dems.

Dems aren't the brightest people.
This brings back memories of the left claiming that Patrick Fitzgerald was going to indict Scott Walker. Democrats never change.
This brings back memories of the left claiming that Patrick Fitzgerald was going to indict Scott Walker. Democrats never change.
remember how heraldo rivera had 250 Million people hanging off a cliff? and there was nothing in the vaults? this is what the dems look like now.
By the Benghazi clock, we have several more years to investigate. Finding anything is secondary to the dragging of your political enemies back and forth through the mud; that much was taught to us by the GOP.
if the left keeps acting this way into July, no one will even care anymore.
:2up: :argue: :dance: Has anyone who watches any of the evening news channels taken notice of how these dildo head Democratic Strategists have been boasting that some of the intelligence agencies are closing in on solid evidence of the Trump/Russian collusion? Evidence that could get Trump impeached? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Well? I sure have been watching Fox all these weeks, and when the hosts question these commentators regarding what evidence they have,,,its always the same answer,,,somewhere along the lines of,,,,,,"Well I dont have any solid evidence to present to you this evening, but i do know of very reliable sources that there is some new evidence coming out soon that will be spell trouble for Donald Trump. :omg: :mm: :smoke:
But that was about Five Weeks Ago !!!:banghead::banghead:
Anyone get my point? :argue:

in about three weeks we will be hearing Maxine Waters on live TV saying something like,,,,"Wede no need no ebidence dat Pezident Jump polluted with the Russians, We all know dat Pezident Trump had secret meetings with Adolf Hilter in Austria and Korea !!!
:2up: :argue: :dance: Has anyone who watches any of the evening news channels taken notice of how these dildo head Democratic Strategists have been boasting that some of the intelligence agencies are closing in on solid evidence of the Trump/Russian collusion? Evidence that could get Trump impeached? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Well? I sure have been watching Fox all these weeks, and when the hosts question these commentators regarding what evidence they have,,,its always the same answer,,,somewhere along the lines of,,,,,,"Well I dont have any solid evidence to present to you this evening, but i do know of very reliable sources that there is some new evidence coming out soon that will be spell trouble for Donald Trump. :omg: :mm: :smoke:
But that was about Five Weeks Ago !!!:banghead::banghead:
Anyone get my point? :argue:

You mean like Trump is right on the verge of getting impeached? Could be days, hours, now. That crap must sure give the little whining bastards hope. Maybe he went to the Middle East and is planning on seeking asylum in Italy! Better put an ankle bracelet on him in case he tries to flee. I think it was a typo---- what the Dems really intended was to say they were closing in on a Russian COLLISION! Their head to some Russian marble. What will they be banging there head on weeks, months from now when he is going stronger and more popular than ever?
By the Benghazi clock, we have several more years to investigate. Finding anything is secondary to the dragging of your political enemies back and forth through the mud; that much was taught to us by the GOP.
I don't recall any president Trump admin going on the Sunday leftard propaganda machine and proclaiming the fabled russian collusion was because of a youtube video... :lol:

You guys can't win. You're all losers and look pathetic, and the vast majority of Americans see it.
well at least Chrissy Matthews is rubbing his lower body parts again on TV,,,then he will stop having orgasms when the scandal comes to an end and there is no evidence that 20 Million Russians voted in the election
By the Benghazi clock, we have several more years to investigate. Finding anything is secondary to the dragging of your political enemies back and forth through the mud; that much was taught to us by the GOP.
I don't recall any president Trump admin going on the Sunday leftard propaganda machine and proclaiming the fabled russian collusion was because of a youtube video... :lol:

You guys can't win. You're all losers and look pathetic, and the vast majority of Americans see it.

Tissue snowflake?

He doesn't have to. We'll just drag him through the mud free of charge. No worries!
I guess no one watched the live hearings this morning. I don't know what they had on news reports but I watched most of it live and Trump hired an attorney today. But that is smart. All you will be crying in your posts in a month or several.
I guess no one watched the live hearings this morning. I don't know what they had on news reports but I watched most of it live and Trump hired an attorney today. But that is smart. All you will be crying in your posts in a month or several.
i am still waiting for the photos of Trump Staffers holding meetings with the Russians in the Cremlim
Salt water got to you Rexx? First of all it's Kremlin. Second when will it come? On a happy note to you though they did touch on hillary's emails. You should want these hearings to continue, they're going to get everyone.
Here's a question you all can enjoy.

Are you aware that President Trump could be guilty of obstruction of justice, a CRIME, and IMPEACHABLE OFFENSE,

even if he NEVER colluded with the Russians?

lol, you weren't? ha!
This thread reminds me of Trump constantly crying about crowd size and hoping his tears are all the evidence you need to call your eyes liars.

Everyday another thread goes up about collusion. You sound defensive.

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