So has ONE SINGLE Democrat Been Sent to Jail for their Well Documented Misbehavior?

20 years of the biased conservative media feeding you about alleged Democrat crimes.
0 convictions.
When a Democrat commits an easily identifiable crime, like destroying government documents, and no convictions result, it does not prove that they are innocent, doofus.

Well I think I will go with the law enforcement system here thanks. Brainwashed functional traitor.

Exactly...there was a legal process, and considering Hilary has probably been one of the most investigated people ever, they came up with nothing. Even the overtly hostile Republican controlled Congress.
They didn't follow the legal process. They helped her cover up her crimes.

Do tell....

The hostile Republican Congress helped Hilary Clinton cover up her "crimes".

That should be a best seller....
No, Comey, Strozk, Page and the FBI did.

You are pretending to be even more stupid that you actually are.

You should never call other people stupid when you're the one who believes all of the lies the Republicans tell you.

Then why won't a Grand Jury indict any of them. Trump has been trying since 2017 and no one will charge them with anything.
For one thing, it's Washington D.C. For another, government agencies are infested with leftwingers. Getting them to do anything against Democrats is virtually impossible.
What a load of crap, brainwashed functionAl moron conspiracy nut Job typical GOP voter LOL, just a mountain of garbage propaganda repeated endlessly by bought off twits.....
They are irrefutable facts, moron

What can't be changed is that Donald Trump is the third President in American history to be impeached. Permanent black mark against his presidency when people open a history book.
No exoneration. Obstruction of Justice all over Part 2 of Mueller's report. Barr, Durham and all other DOJ yes men desperate attempts to manufacture...err..find evidence on people who were mean to Trump...FAIL.
Impeachment is now the equivalent of a parking ticket. It's meaningless.
Oh...that is rich. It suddenly changes when it comes to Trump?
Yes, it changed when Perlosi and Adolph Schiffler conjured up that bogus impeachment.
Oh. Of Course. I forgot that.

Book of Trump 1:3, 1:6, 2:5, 3:9, 7:32.....The Almighty Trump shalt not be infringed upon, he can smite a man in broad daylight, and face no consequences.
Standard Dim talking point.

You sit at your computer all day long believing Trump and calling everyone else liars. Any evidence of Trump's lies is "fake news", and any facts are "Democratic talking points". You fellow citizens are dying by the thousands because Trump isn't lying and he's doing a great job.

And you call others "stupid".
I call people who lie "liars." You defend the liars to your last breath. What else is new?

Dims are congenital liars. Almost everything they say is a lie.
20 years of the biased conservative media feeding you about alleged Democrat crimes.
0 convictions.
When a Democrat commits an easily identifiable crime, like destroying government documents, and no convictions result, it does not prove that they are innocent, doofus.

Well I think I will go with the law enforcement system here thanks. Brainwashed functional traitor.

Exactly...there was a legal process, and considering Hilary has probably been one of the most investigated people ever, they came up with nothing. Even the overtly hostile Republican controlled Congress.
Yeah, Democrats love being investigated by other Democrats. mean like Trump was investigated by his fellow Republicans? Like that? Or they way the Republican controlled Congress conducted investigation after investigation on Hilary and couldn’t come up with a single crime? Having a lot of trouble finding your goalposts these days....
A bunch of partisan Democrats investigated Trump. Are you totally ignorant of the facts?
No, but I think you are if you are delusional enough to think they were in control during Trumps first two years.
All the people investigating Trump were Democrats, starting with Weinstein. Mueller hated Trump because he was turned down for the job of FBI director.

What splendid example of TDS (Trump Defense Syndrome). If someone has the audacity to be involved in an investigation against Trump, the following will occur...

Step 1: Destroy his character and credibility (make up crap, utilize unsubstantiated rumours if needed) whatever you can to paint him as a Trump-hater

Prior to character assassination by Trumpists, Mueller was a well respected Republican.

A Congress utterly fractured by partisan bickering came to rare bipartisan agreement Wednesday night as members of both parties effusively praised the selection of former FBI director Robert Mueller as special counsel in charge of the FBI's investigation into Russian attempts to influence the 2016 election.
ROFL! We know all these investigations are politically motivated. Dims announced they planned on impeaching Trump the day he was elected. The fact that Dims keep trying doesn't mean any of their scams are legitimate. They are all obviously fraudulent and purely partisan.
Like all the Repug attacks on Clinton and Obama, ya? Like those?
Are you claiming Clinton didn't get his dick sucked in the Oval Office and then try to cover it up? Are you claiming Benghazi didn't happen?

I am claiming Trump abused his power, withholding Congressionally authorized aid to a foreign leader in an attempt to get dirt on a personal political rival.

Not sure why sex between two consenting adults (this is covered repeatedly in The Book of Trump) or perjury in a civil case, is impeachable...but, that’s whacko Trumpists for you.
Your claims are partisan horseshit. I've heard this talking point 10,000 times.
If you have heard it 10,000 times it is time for you to take a break from your rightwing echo chamber. Even a number of Republicans felt Trump acted wrongly in the Ukraine affair, they just didn’t feel it called for removal from office (similar to the Clinton impeachment).
RINO douchebags.
20 years of the biased conservative media feeding you about alleged Democrat crimes.
0 convictions.
When a Democrat commits an easily identifiable crime, like destroying government documents, and no convictions result, it does not prove that they are innocent, doofus.

Well I think I will go with the law enforcement system here thanks. Brainwashed functional traitor.

Exactly...there was a legal process, and considering Hilary has probably been one of the most investigated people ever, they came up with nothing. Even the overtly hostile Republican controlled Congress.
They didn't follow the legal process. They helped her cover up her crimes.

Do tell....

The hostile Republican Congress helped Hilary Clinton cover up her "crimes".

That should be a best seller....
No, Comey, Strozk, Page and the FBI did.

You are pretending to be even more stupid that you actually are.

You should never call other people stupid when you're the one who believes all of the lies the Republicans tell you.

Then why won't a Grand Jury indict any of them. Trump has been trying since 2017 and no one will charge them with anything.
For one thing, it's Washington D.C. For another, government agencies are infested with leftwingers. Getting them to do anything against Democrats is virtually impossible.
What a load of crap, brainwashed functionAl moron conspiracy nut Job typical GOP voter LOL, just a mountain of garbage propaganda repeated endlessly by bought off twits.....
They are irrefutable facts, moron

What can't be changed is that Donald Trump is the third President in American history to be impeached. Permanent black mark against his presidency when people open a history book.
No exoneration. Obstruction of Justice all over Part 2 of Mueller's report. Barr, Durham and all other DOJ yes men desperate attempts to manufacture...err..find evidence on people who were mean to Trump...FAIL.
Impeachment is now the equivalent of a parking ticket. It's meaningless.
Oh...that is rich. It suddenly changes when it comes to Trump?
Yes, it changed when Perlosi and Adolph Schiffler conjured up that bogus impeachment.
Oh. Of Course. I forgot that.

Book of Trump 1:3, 1:6, 2:5, 3:9, 7:32.....The Almighty Trump shalt not be infringed upon, he can smite a man in broad daylight, and face no consequences.
I noticed you haven't commented on the evidence I posted the government employees are all partisan Dims.
20 years of the biased conservative media feeding you about alleged Democrat crimes.
0 convictions.
When a Democrat commits an easily identifiable crime, like destroying government documents, and no convictions result, it does not prove that they are innocent, doofus.

Well I think I will go with the law enforcement system here thanks. Brainwashed functional traitor.

Exactly...there was a legal process, and considering Hilary has probably been one of the most investigated people ever, they came up with nothing. Even the overtly hostile Republican controlled Congress.
They didn't follow the legal process. They helped her cover up her crimes.

Do tell....

The hostile Republican Congress helped Hilary Clinton cover up her "crimes".

That should be a best seller....
No, Comey, Strozk, Page and the FBI did.

You are pretending to be even more stupid that you actually are.

You should never call other people stupid when you're the one who believes all of the lies the Republicans tell you.

Then why won't a Grand Jury indict any of them. Trump has been trying since 2017 and no one will charge them with anything.
For one thing, it's Washington D.C. For another, government agencies are infested with leftwingers. Getting them to do anything against Democrats is virtually impossible.
What a load of crap, brainwashed functionAl moron conspiracy nut Job typical GOP voter LOL, just a mountain of garbage propaganda repeated endlessly by bought off twits.....
They are irrefutable facts, moron

What can't be changed is that Donald Trump is the third President in American history to be impeached. Permanent black mark against his presidency when people open a history book.
No exoneration. Obstruction of Justice all over Part 2 of Mueller's report. Barr, Durham and all other DOJ yes men desperate attempts to manufacture...err..find evidence on people who were mean to Trump...FAIL.
Impeachment is now the equivalent of a parking ticket. It's meaningless.
Oh...that is rich. It suddenly changes when it comes to Trump?
Yes, it changed when Perlosi and Adolph Schiffler conjured up that bogus impeachment.
Oh. Of Course. I forgot that.

Book of Trump 1:3, 1:6, 2:5, 3:9, 7:32.....The Almighty Trump shalt not be infringed upon, he can smite a man in broad daylight, and face no consequences.
I noticed you haven't commented on the evidence I posted the government employees are all partisan Dims.

Because your assertion is bullshit. Most government employees are career civil servants that are there to serve. Hopefully, after Trump and his crew have been banished in November, we can go back to some of these people apologizing profusely and asking them to come back.
20 years of the biased conservative media feeding you about alleged Democrat crimes.
0 convictions.
When a Democrat commits an easily identifiable crime, like destroying government documents, and no convictions result, it does not prove that they are innocent, doofus.

Well I think I will go with the law enforcement system here thanks. Brainwashed functional traitor.

Exactly...there was a legal process, and considering Hilary has probably been one of the most investigated people ever, they came up with nothing. Even the overtly hostile Republican controlled Congress.
They didn't follow the legal process. They helped her cover up her crimes.

Do tell....

The hostile Republican Congress helped Hilary Clinton cover up her "crimes".

That should be a best seller....
No, Comey, Strozk, Page and the FBI did.

You are pretending to be even more stupid that you actually are.

You should never call other people stupid when you're the one who believes all of the lies the Republicans tell you.

Then why won't a Grand Jury indict any of them. Trump has been trying since 2017 and no one will charge them with anything.
For one thing, it's Washington D.C. For another, government agencies are infested with leftwingers. Getting them to do anything against Democrats is virtually impossible.
What a load of crap, brainwashed functionAl moron conspiracy nut Job typical GOP voter LOL, just a mountain of garbage propaganda repeated endlessly by bought off twits.....
They are irrefutable facts, moron

What can't be changed is that Donald Trump is the third President in American history to be impeached. Permanent black mark against his presidency when people open a history book.
No exoneration. Obstruction of Justice all over Part 2 of Mueller's report. Barr, Durham and all other DOJ yes men desperate attempts to manufacture...err..find evidence on people who were mean to Trump...FAIL.
Impeachment is now the equivalent of a parking ticket. It's meaningless.
Oh...that is rich. It suddenly changes when it comes to Trump?
Yes, it changed when Perlosi and Adolph Schiffler conjured up that bogus impeachment.
Oh. Of Course. I forgot that.

Book of Trump 1:3, 1:6, 2:5, 3:9, 7:32.....The Almighty Trump shalt not be infringed upon, he can smite a man in broad daylight, and face no consequences.
I noticed you haven't commented on the evidence I posted the government employees are all partisan Dims.

Because your assertion is bullshit. Most government employees are career civil servants that are there to serve. Hopefully, after Trump and his crew have been banished in November, we can go back to some of these people apologizing profusely and asking them to come back.
Yeah, they aren't partisan. That's why 95% of them donated to Hillary.

Their ability to damage Republican administrations would be severely compromised if they admitted if they are all partisan hacks.
Poor right wingers always trying to prove democrats are the crooks while it's always the republicans going to jail for collusion, theft, child molestation etc.
Poor right wingers always trying to prove democrats are the crooks while it's always the republicans going to jail for collusion, theft, child molestation etc.
Democrats are all crooks. That has been proven beyond all doubt.
Just a personal opinion, both party's make plenty of mistakes & often bow to pressure & support the wrong things. Democratic leadership bowed to its extreme left with the impeachment when it could have been censorship to get Trump back on track regarding how leadership works. could write a book on Mitch Mc,, whose biggest use of his power is only to benefit himself. example voted yes on every pay raise for him self voted no for every pay raise for the general public. we need to find better public servants, sad to say I have no idea how.
Just a personal opinion, both party's make plenty of mistakes & often bow to pressure & support the wrong things. Democratic leadership bowed to its extreme left with the impeachment when it could have been censorship to get Trump back on track regarding how leadership works. could write a book on Mitch Mc,, whose biggest use of his power is only to benefit himself. example voted yes on every pay raise for him self voted no for every pay raise for the general public. we need to find better public servants, sad to say I have no idea how.
I have news for you, dumbshit: Congress doesn't have the power to vote a pay raise for the general public.
20 years of the biased conservative media feeding you about alleged Democrat crimes.
0 convictions.
When a Democrat commits an easily identifiable crime, like destroying government documents, and no convictions result, it does not prove that they are innocent, doofus.

Well I think I will go with the law enforcement system here thanks. Brainwashed functional traitor.

Exactly...there was a legal process, and considering Hilary has probably been one of the most investigated people ever, they came up with nothing. Even the overtly hostile Republican controlled Congress.
They didn't follow the legal process. They helped her cover up her crimes.

Do tell....

The hostile Republican Congress helped Hilary Clinton cover up her "crimes".

That should be a best seller....
No, Comey, Strozk, Page and the FBI did.

You are pretending to be even more stupid that you actually are.

You should never call other people stupid when you're the one who believes all of the lies the Republicans tell you.

Then why won't a Grand Jury indict any of them. Trump has been trying since 2017 and no one will charge them with anything.
For one thing, it's Washington D.C. For another, government agencies are infested with leftwingers. Getting them to do anything against Democrats is virtually impossible.
What a load of crap, brainwashed functionAl moron conspiracy nut Job typical GOP voter LOL, just a mountain of garbage propaganda repeated endlessly by bought off twits.....
They are irrefutable facts, moron

What can't be changed is that Donald Trump is the third President in American history to be impeached. Permanent black mark against his presidency when people open a history book.
No exoneration. Obstruction of Justice all over Part 2 of Mueller's report. Barr, Durham and all other DOJ yes men desperate attempts to manufacture...err..find evidence on people who were mean to Trump...FAIL.
Impeachment is now the equivalent of a parking ticket. It's meaningless.
Oh...that is rich. It suddenly changes when it comes to Trump?
Yes, it changed when Perlosi and Adolph Schiffler conjured up that bogus impeachment.
Oh. Of Course. I forgot that.

Book of Trump 1:3, 1:6, 2:5, 3:9, 7:32.....The Almighty Trump shalt not be infringed upon, he can smite a man in broad daylight, and face no consequences.
I noticed you haven't commented on the evidence I posted the government employees are all partisan Dims.

Because your assertion is bullshit. Most government employees are career civil servants that are there to serve. Hopefully, after Trump and his crew have been banished in November, we can go back to some of these people apologizing profusely and asking them to come back.
Yeah, they aren't partisan. That's why 95% of them donated to Hillary.

Their ability to damage Republican administrations would be severely compromised if they admitted if they are all partisan hacks.
Got a link to support that claim?
20 years of the biased conservative media feeding you about alleged Democrat crimes.
0 convictions.
When a Democrat commits an easily identifiable crime, like destroying government documents, and no convictions result, it does not prove that they are innocent, doofus.

Well I think I will go with the law enforcement system here thanks. Brainwashed functional traitor.

Exactly...there was a legal process, and considering Hilary has probably been one of the most investigated people ever, they came up with nothing. Even the overtly hostile Republican controlled Congress.
They didn't follow the legal process. They helped her cover up her crimes.

Do tell....

The hostile Republican Congress helped Hilary Clinton cover up her "crimes".

That should be a best seller....
No, Comey, Strozk, Page and the FBI did.

You are pretending to be even more stupid that you actually are.

You should never call other people stupid when you're the one who believes all of the lies the Republicans tell you.

Then why won't a Grand Jury indict any of them. Trump has been trying since 2017 and no one will charge them with anything.
For one thing, it's Washington D.C. For another, government agencies are infested with leftwingers. Getting them to do anything against Democrats is virtually impossible.
What a load of crap, brainwashed functionAl moron conspiracy nut Job typical GOP voter LOL, just a mountain of garbage propaganda repeated endlessly by bought off twits.....
They are irrefutable facts, moron

What can't be changed is that Donald Trump is the third President in American history to be impeached. Permanent black mark against his presidency when people open a history book.
No exoneration. Obstruction of Justice all over Part 2 of Mueller's report. Barr, Durham and all other DOJ yes men desperate attempts to manufacture...err..find evidence on people who were mean to Trump...FAIL.
Impeachment is now the equivalent of a parking ticket. It's meaningless.
Oh...that is rich. It suddenly changes when it comes to Trump?
Yes, it changed when Perlosi and Adolph Schiffler conjured up that bogus impeachment.
Oh. Of Course. I forgot that.

Book of Trump 1:3, 1:6, 2:5, 3:9, 7:32.....The Almighty Trump shalt not be infringed upon, he can smite a man in broad daylight, and face no consequences.
I noticed you haven't commented on the evidence I posted the government employees are all partisan Dims.
I haven’t been online.
20 years of the biased conservative media feeding you about alleged Democrat crimes.
0 convictions.
When a Democrat commits an easily identifiable crime, like destroying government documents, and no convictions result, it does not prove that they are innocent, doofus.

Well I think I will go with the law enforcement system here thanks. Brainwashed functional traitor.

Exactly...there was a legal process, and considering Hilary has probably been one of the most investigated people ever, they came up with nothing. Even the overtly hostile Republican controlled Congress.
They didn't follow the legal process. They helped her cover up her crimes.

Do tell....

The hostile Republican Congress helped Hilary Clinton cover up her "crimes".

That should be a best seller....
No, Comey, Strozk, Page and the FBI did.

You are pretending to be even more stupid that you actually are.

You should never call other people stupid when you're the one who believes all of the lies the Republicans tell you.

Then why won't a Grand Jury indict any of them. Trump has been trying since 2017 and no one will charge them with anything.
For one thing, it's Washington D.C. For another, government agencies are infested with leftwingers. Getting them to do anything against Democrats is virtually impossible.
What a load of crap, brainwashed functionAl moron conspiracy nut Job typical GOP voter LOL, just a mountain of garbage propaganda repeated endlessly by bought off twits.....
They are irrefutable facts, moron

What can't be changed is that Donald Trump is the third President in American history to be impeached. Permanent black mark against his presidency when people open a history book.
No exoneration. Obstruction of Justice all over Part 2 of Mueller's report. Barr, Durham and all other DOJ yes men desperate attempts to manufacture...err..find evidence on people who were mean to Trump...FAIL.
Impeachment is now the equivalent of a parking ticket. It's meaningless.
Oh...that is rich. It suddenly changes when it comes to Trump?
Yes, it changed when Perlosi and Adolph Schiffler conjured up that bogus impeachment.
Oh. Of Course. I forgot that.

Book of Trump 1:3, 1:6, 2:5, 3:9, 7:32.....The Almighty Trump shalt not be infringed upon, he can smite a man in broad daylight, and face no consequences.
I noticed you haven't commented on the evidence I posted the government employees are all partisan Dims. which post is that in, not seeing it.
Just a personal opinion, both party's make plenty of mistakes & often bow to pressure & support the wrong things. Democratic leadership bowed to its extreme left with the impeachment when it could have been censorship to get Trump back on track regarding how leadership works. could write a book on Mitch Mc,, whose biggest use of his power is only to benefit himself. example voted yes on every pay raise for him self voted no for every pay raise for the general public. we need to find better public servants, sad to say I have no idea how.
I have news for you, dumbshit: Congress doesn't have the power to vote a pay raise for the general public.

Yeah. They do. It's called the "minimum wage" dipshit.
Wrong. The guy works for the CIA, and the issue at hand had nothing to do with intelligence. Furthermore, the IG changed the standard to allow hearsay, and that is clearly horseshit. are wrong. No rules were changed. As usual, Trumpists invent conspiracy theories to support their empty claims. Link after link has been posted to show no rules were changed. The only change made was to the format of the form itself, adding check so it be easy to see whether there was 2nd hand information, which would require additional verification.
Lol, what complete and utter BS, Coyote.
What the forms STATED was:
"At the time the Complainant filed the Disclosure of Urgent Concern form with the ICIG on August 12, 2019, the ICIG followed its routine practice and provided the Complainant information, including “Background Information on ICWPA Process,” which included the following language:​
In order to find an urgent concern “credible,” the IC IG must be in possession of reliable, first-hand information. The IC IG cannot transmit information via the ICWPA based on an employee’s second-hand knowledge of wrongdoing. This includes information received from another person, such as when a fellow employee informs you that he/she witnessed some type of wrongdoing.​
The law does not require first hand information in an initial complaint, but before acting on it and finding it credible, the IG is supposed to verify the information via investigating thesituation deliberately and carefully, which this IG did not do. The DOJ Horrowitz IG report on the abuse of FISA was done slowly and deliberately the way it is supposed to be done, in contrast to the Never Trumper TDSing Atkinison who did not verify any of the allegations and when the truth emerged he looked like the complete fool he was for trusting a Democrat to tell the Truth.
ROFL! They are partisan Democrats. You have to be a fool to believe they put their politics aside. All those douchebags who testified against Trump proved the idiocy of that idea. "Career civil servants" are exactly the kind most likely to be hostile to a Republican president. Obama infested every government agency with his moles.
To this day I cannot understand why Trump let all these Obama left-overs to stay in his administration.

Perhaps, maybe he wanted them to stay so his people could track them to the Obama careerists who would act against him, and only now is h e cleaning house, but that is too ballsy for your typical Repugnican.

But then again, Trump used to be a Democrat.
20 years of the biased conservative media feeding you about alleged Democrat crimes.
0 convictions.
When a Democrat commits an easily identifiable crime, like destroying government documents, and no convictions result, it does not prove that they are innocent, doofus.

Well I think I will go with the law enforcement system here thanks. Brainwashed functional traitor.

Exactly...there was a legal process, and considering Hilary has probably been one of the most investigated people ever, they came up with nothing. Even the overtly hostile Republican controlled Congress.
They didn't follow the legal process. They helped her cover up her crimes.

Do tell....

The hostile Republican Congress helped Hilary Clinton cover up her "crimes".

That should be a best seller....
No, Comey, Strozk, Page and the FBI did.

You are pretending to be even more stupid that you actually are.

You should never call other people stupid when you're the one who believes all of the lies the Republicans tell you.

Then why won't a Grand Jury indict any of them. Trump has been trying since 2017 and no one will charge them with anything.
For one thing, it's Washington D.C. For another, government agencies are infested with leftwingers. Getting them to do anything against Democrats is virtually impossible.
Total B.S. The leadership, for one, is political appointees. Most of the rest are career people who have served under multiple administrations. I’d like to see some data supporting your any?
They are lifelong Democrats who hate Republicans. They do everything possible to undermine the administration whenever Republicans are in power.

Uhh...isn't that the playbook of the opposition during any presidency? Sorry, most government employees, such as State Department employees, are career civil servants who serve both Republican and Democrat administrations. They are there to serve. Trump's "administration" is the first I've seen in my lifetime to attempt to completely politicize government agencies.
ROFL! They are partisan Democrats. You have to be a fool to believe they put their politics aside. All those douchebags who testified against Trump proved the idiocy of that idea. "Career civil servants" are exactly the kind most likely to be hostile to a Republican president. Obama infested every government agency with his moles.

Prove it. Show us actual credible data.

Federal government employees are opening their wallets to help Hillary Clinton beat Donald Trump on Nov. 8.
Of the roughly $2 million that federal workers from 14 agencies spent on presidential politics by the end of September, about $1.9 million, or 95 percent, went to the Democratic nominee’s campaign, according to an analysis by The Hill.
Notice that Coyote asked for proof, and I provided it. Then nothing but silence from her.
Poor right wingers always trying to prove democrats are the crooks while it's always the republicans going to jail for collusion, theft, child molestation etc.
Um, I could be wrong, but I think that is about to change direction with some really strong G forces included.

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