So he was just a misunderstood disaffected hilly billy ehh?

so he killed christians in the name of christianity?

how does that work leftardz??

what was his "religious" beef with THAT church?
I said what when?

The KKK says we were founded as a Christian nation. That is their starting point.

Our great country was founded on Jude-Christian principals, that is where our laws and legal system stem from.

The problem with that would be??
Dylann Roof's inspiration, the Council of Conservative Citizens,

their statement of principles...

...principle NUMBER ONE:

(1) We believe the United States is a Christian country. We believe that the United States of America is a Christian country, that its people are a Christian people, and that its government and public leaders at all levels must reflect Christian beliefs and values. We therefore oppose all efforts to deny or weaken the Christian heritage of the United States, including the unconstitutional prohibitions of prayers and other religious expression in schools and other public institutions.

Statement of Principles

yawn; AGAIN did he kill christians for the glory of christianity?

um are you slow? you're posting an article of them condemning the attack; not of somebody admitting it was after claiming it was something other than one

Who are you talking about? Dylann Roof?

Yes, practically every RWnut on this board tried to paint him as something other than an American conservative terrorist.

YAWN; again now you left out Christian; which the other idiot and you were saying was his main motive, not race

which is it?

I said what when?

once a
um are you slow? you're posting an article of them condemning the attack; not of somebody admitting it was after claiming it was something other than one

Who are you talking about? Dylann Roof?

Yes, practically every RWnut on this board tried to paint him as something other than an American conservative terrorist.

YAWN; again now you left out Christian; which the other idiot and you were saying was his main motive, not race

which is it?

I said what when?

The KKK says we were founded as a Christian nation. That is their starting point.

The KKK says we were founded as a Christian nation. That is their starting point.

well there ya go dummy; y our own words

Irrefutable proof that both the KKK and the Council of Conservative Citizens are white supremacist organizations who consider their Christian faith to be important enough to make it the NUMBER ONE PRINCIPLE

on their agendas.
um are you slow? you're posting an article of them condemning the attack; not of somebody admitting it was after claiming it was something other than one

Who are you talking about? Dylann Roof?

Yes, practically every RWnut on this board tried to paint him as something other than an American conservative terrorist.

YAWN; again now you left out Christian; which the other idiot and you were saying was his main motive, not race

which is it?

I said what when?

once a
Who are you talking about? Dylann Roof?

Yes, practically every RWnut on this board tried to paint him as something other than an American conservative terrorist.

YAWN; again now you left out Christian; which the other idiot and you were saying was his main motive, not race

which is it?

I said what when?

The KKK says we were founded as a Christian nation. That is their starting point.

The KKK says we were founded as a Christian nation. That is their starting point.

well there ya go dummy; y our own words

Irrefutable proof that both the KKK and the Council of Conservative Citizens are white supremacist organizations who consider their Christian faith to be important enough to make it the NUMBER ONE PRINCIPLE

on their agendas.

yawn; once AGAIN you're saying he killed christians for the sake of Christianity??

that your final answer?
Dylann Roof's inspiration, the Council of Conservative Citizens,

their statement of principles...

...principle NUMBER ONE:

(1) We believe the United States is a Christian country. We believe that the United States of America is a Christian country, that its people are a Christian people, and that its government and public leaders at all levels must reflect Christian beliefs and values. We therefore oppose all efforts to deny or weaken the Christian heritage of the United States, including the unconstitutional prohibitions of prayers and other religious expression in schools and other public institutions.

Statement of Principles

yawn; AGAIN did he kill christians for the glory of christianity?

Yes. ISIS kills Muslims all the time. Al Qaeda kills Muslims all the time.

I'm not surprised you didn't know that.
Who are you talking about? Dylann Roof?

Yes, practically every RWnut on this board tried to paint him as something other than an American conservative terrorist.

YAWN; again now you left out Christian; which the other idiot and you were saying was his main motive, not race

which is it?

I said what when?

once a
YAWN; again now you left out Christian; which the other idiot and you were saying was his main motive, not race

which is it?

I said what when?

The KKK says we were founded as a Christian nation. That is their starting point.

The KKK says we were founded as a Christian nation. That is their starting point.

well there ya go dummy; y our own words

Irrefutable proof that both the KKK and the Council of Conservative Citizens are white supremacist organizations who consider their Christian faith to be important enough to make it the NUMBER ONE PRINCIPLE

on their agendas.

yawn; once AGAIN you're saying he killed christians for the sake of Christianity??

that your final answer?

He was inspired by Christian based white supremacist doctrine.
muslims kill mainly other muslims of different sects

nothing you have shown here, nothing, shows he had a beef with those Black christians because they were Christians rather than the fact they are Black

try again
YAWN; again now you left out Christian; which the other idiot and you were saying was his main motive, not race

which is it?

I said what when?

once a
I said what when?

The KKK says we were founded as a Christian nation. That is their starting point.

The KKK says we were founded as a Christian nation. That is their starting point.

well there ya go dummy; y our own words

Irrefutable proof that both the KKK and the Council of Conservative Citizens are white supremacist organizations who consider their Christian faith to be important enough to make it the NUMBER ONE PRINCIPLE

on their agendas.

yawn; once AGAIN you're saying he killed christians for the sake of Christianity??

that your final answer?

He was inspired by Christian based white supremacist doctrine.


try again
Dylann Roof's inspiration, the Council of Conservative Citizens,

their statement of principles...

...principle NUMBER ONE:

(1) We believe the United States is a Christian country. We believe that the United States of America is a Christian country, that its people are a Christian people, and that its government and public leaders at all levels must reflect Christian beliefs and values. We therefore oppose all efforts to deny or weaken the Christian heritage of the United States, including the unconstitutional prohibitions of prayers and other religious expression in schools and other public institutions.

Statement of Principles

yawn; AGAIN did he kill christians for the glory of christianity?

Yes. ISIS kills Muslims all the time. Al Qaeda kills Muslims all the time.

I'm not surprised you didn't know that.

having served in the armed forces in iraq. i did know that

you arent saying anything dummy
if religion more than race was his inspiration he would have went to a mosque; where people are likely to not be white and definately not christian

try again
Roof was a racist, no mention of religion or any religious affiliation has ever been mentioned.

Everything Known About Charleston Church Shooting Suspect Dylann Roof
Dylann Roof, who has reportedly confessed to killing nine inside a black church, wore pro-apartheid flags, made a ‘lot of racist jokes,’ and was arrested with pain meds.
Dylann Storm Roof confessed to killing nine people at a historic black church in Charleston because he hoped it would start a “race war.” The 21-year-old from Lexington, South Carolina, was taken into custody in Shelby, North Carolina, on Thursday afternoon after a tip from a local resident who saw a man who fit the description of Roof driving on the highway.

Roof created a website this year called the Last Rhodesian, a reference to the white-ruled African country, which fought a bitter civil war against black majority rule before it became Zimbabwe. In photos posted to the website, Roof is seen wearing a jacket with the flags of Rhodesia and apartheid-era South Africa on the breast of his jacket.


Last Rhodesian was discovered at 8:03 a.m. on Saturday, June 20 when a Twitter user found a website registered under Roof's name. Emma Quangel told The Daily Beast she paid $49 to see what lied behind the domain and then discovered his personal website.

The website features a manifesto where Roof wrote he was radicalized via the Internet following the Trayvon Martin case. Roof wrote he researched "black on white violence," which took him to the website of South Carolina-based hate group the Council of Conservative Citizens (formerly the White Citizens' Council).

“******* are stupid and violent,” Roof wrote, which should eliminate any doubt about his motive.
Everything Known About Charleston Church Shooting Suspect Dylann Roof - The Daily Beast

Inspired by the Council of Conservative Citizens.

Say no more.

Makes him a racist not a religious fanatic..............

And how do you create racists?

You put in place policies that elevate and denote favoritism of one race over another.
Of course not all Muslims are terrorists; just WAY WAY more than in any other religion or group you see out there today it seems
that would be false
appearance is not always reality.
roof's motivations were just as "religious"as this guy's the bonus is he's dead and roof is not.

Yeah but he was christian (or something) which gets an automatic "not a terrorist" label.

Wow, that is one of the most stupid things I have ever heard.

Even a Christian who bombs an abortion clinic in the name of God is considered a terrorst.

It doesn't matter what religion you flag ship your actions under, it is the actions that are scrutinized.

Yep, and thats why Roof has been charged with Terrorism, right?

No we live in a compassionate and sometimes caring society in which we determined those who are mentally incompetent of their actions.

We wait until there has been a public trial and give the defense time to prove the defendant is not mentally sound.

The Federal terrorism act also requires the government to provide an intent to terrorize or motive that shows terrorizing was the intent.

These killings did not meet the criteria, way above your pay grade.

So because you dont think a white guy shooting up a church isnt terrifing it is not. And the govt didnt label it "terror" therefore it is not terror.

You couldve summed it up easier by saying "Its not terrorism because its not"
actually all of the LWNJs here should be kicked off the boards for posting off-topic, isnt that what the managers are saying they want to do here?
the topic is the muslim killer
not roof
that would be false
appearance is not always reality.
roof's motivations were just as "religious"as this guy's the bonus is he's dead and roof is not.

Yeah but he was christian (or something) which gets an automatic "not a terrorist" label.

Wow, that is one of the most stupid things I have ever heard.

Even a Christian who bombs an abortion clinic in the name of God is considered a terrorst.

It doesn't matter what religion you flag ship your actions under, it is the actions that are scrutinized.

Yep, and thats why Roof has been charged with Terrorism, right?

No we live in a compassionate and sometimes caring society in which we determined those who are mentally incompetent of their actions.

We wait until there has been a public trial and give the defense time to prove the defendant is not mentally sound.

The Federal terrorism act also requires the government to provide an intent to terrorize or motive that shows terrorizing was the intent.

um nobody said that; keep playing with your dolls and let the adults talk
These killings did not meet the criteria, way above your pay grade.

So because you dont think a white guy shooting up a church isnt terrifing it is not. And the govt didnt label it "terror" therefore it is not terror.

You couldve summed it up easier by saying "Its not terrorism because its not"
Roof is a white racist terrorist who happened to be a christian too; though he killed CHRISTIANS for racial reasons

now that you crybabies on the left got a cookie
the topic of THIS board is the Muslim killer you idiots are trying to say wasnt inspired by his Muslim faith
The stupidity belongs solely to those who believe all Muslims are "terrorist," that the Koran should be "banned," and Muslims "prohibited" from entering the country as a consequence of the shooting.
Ya cause after all thousands upon thousands of armed Muslims murdering anyone that gets in their way is no evidence Islam is responsible right?
No more than thousands of Klansmen murdering anyone that got in their way was evidence Christianity is responsible.

I do not understand why you retards cannot grasp this simple concept.

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