So he was just a misunderstood disaffected hilly billy ehh?

Yeah but he was christian (or something) which gets an automatic "not a terrorist" label.

Wow, that is one of the most stupid things I have ever heard.

Even a Christian who bombs an abortion clinic in the name of God is considered a terrorst.

It doesn't matter what religion you flag ship your actions under, it is the actions that are scrutinized.

Yep, and thats why Roof has been charged with Terrorism, right?

No we live in a compassionate and sometimes caring society in which we determined those who are mentally incompetent of their actions.

We wait until there has been a public trial and give the defense time to prove the defendant is not mentally sound.

The Federal terrorism act also requires the government to provide an intent to terrorize or motive that shows terrorizing was the intent.

um nobody said that; keep playing with your dolls and let the adults talk
These killings did not meet the criteria, way above your pay grade.

So because you dont think a white guy shooting up a church isnt terrifing it is not. And the govt didnt label it "terror" therefore it is not terror.

You couldve summed it up easier by saying "Its not terrorism because its not"

drooling on the keyboard ^^^
The stupidity belongs solely to those who believe all Muslims are "terrorist," that the Koran should be "banned," and Muslims "prohibited" from entering the country as a consequence of the shooting.
Ya cause after all thousands upon thousands of armed Muslims murdering anyone that gets in their way is no evidence Islam is responsible right?
No more than thousands of Klansmen murdering anyone that got in their way was evidence Christianity is responsible.


is there any left-winger not living in a time warp?
i feel compelled to inform left-wing morons that just because you refuse to accept that you're embarrassing yourselves does mean you arent
false you are assuming facts not in evidence
implying what you thinks other should feel is pretentious subjectivity.

yawn; which is exactly what you did with your "grey matter" response

like i've been saying......................
try again
false! with every post you prove me correct.
so he killed christians in the name of christianity?

how does that work leftardz??

what was his "religious" beef with THAT church?
No, he didn't kill Christians in the name of Christianity. Nor did he ever say he was motivated by love of God to kill black people, or talk to his friends about the joys of being martyred for such.
Roof is a white racist terrorist who happened to be a christian too; though he killed CHRISTIANS for racial reasons

now that you crybabies on the left got a cookie
the topic of THIS board is the Muslim killer you idiots are trying to say wasnt inspired by his Muslim faith
He was inspired by extremist Muslim teachings. Why you bigoted retards attempt to translate that into an indictment of all Islam is beyond me.
Dylann Roof's inspiration, the Council of Conservative Citizens,

their statement of principles...

...principle NUMBER ONE:

(1) We believe the United States is a Christian country. We believe that the United States of America is a Christian country, that its people are a Christian people, and that its government and public leaders at all levels must reflect Christian beliefs and values. We therefore oppose all efforts to deny or weaken the Christian heritage of the United States, including the unconstitutional prohibitions of prayers and other religious expression in schools and other public institutions.

Statement of Principles
Did he write that?

Nope. He didn't. Again, ppl making shit up and pretending it was a part of the narrative before they brought it up.
He was no different than Dylann Roof.
Care to cite where roof conversed with known terrorists?
the klan .
Don't make me laugh.

More like you made a lot of us laugh ........................
who's us?

That would be the crew that is sitting around socializing as we watch you liberal tards make fools of your self............

Happening at my house, sorry no invite for thrash like you .............

Coffee and pastries most mornings, today we gonna fire up the smoker and have some butt ............
so you imaginary friends then.
I wouldn't come to a party at your double wide.

Another faggot who has English problems, did your little faggot buddy call you to come ankle bite??
OK, you spewed your nonsense. Go back to lunch. Your cream of sum yung gie is getting cold.
i feel compelled to inform left-wing morons that just because you refuse to accept that you're embarrassing yourselves does mean you arent
false you are assuming facts not in evidence
implying what you thinks other should feel is pretentious subjectivity.

yawn; which is exactly what you did with your "grey matter" response

like i've been saying......................
try again
false! with every post you prove me correct.

yawn; YOU MUST BE a rookie. everybody knows LWNJs convince themselves they are correct; whether they are or not

Christian terrorists who are inspired by extremist teachings into lynching negroes are not an indictment of all Christianity.

Muslim terrorists who are inspired by extremist teachings into killing people are not an indictment of all Islam.

It really isn't that hard to understand...if you want to. But you bigots don't want to.
Roof is a white racist terrorist who happened to be a christian too; though he killed CHRISTIANS for racial reasons

now that you crybabies on the left got a cookie
the topic of THIS board is the Muslim killer you idiots are trying to say wasnt inspired by his Muslim faith
He was inspired by extremist Muslim teachings. Why you bigoted retards attempt to translate that into an indictment of all Islam is beyond me.

yawn; OH the "retard" taunt. well nutcase that is probably ALOT more reasonable than you RETARDS seeing a potential Roof in every christian. AFTER ALL NUTJOB; muslim barbarity is happening all over the planet AS WE SPEAK
Christian terrorists who are inspired by extremist teachings into lynching negroes are not an indictment of all Christianity.

Muslim terrorists who are inspired by extremist teachings into killing people are not an indictment of all Islam.

It really isn't that hard to understand...if you want to. But you bigots don't want to.

EXCEPT THAT Roof never mentioned christianity being his motive; while the tennessee shooter did mention Islam as his motive

other than that RETARD, no difference
Roof is a white racist terrorist who happened to be a christian too; though he killed CHRISTIANS for racial reasons

now that you crybabies on the left got a cookie
the topic of THIS board is the Muslim killer you idiots are trying to say wasnt inspired by his Muslim faith
He was inspired by extremist Muslim teachings. Why you bigoted retards attempt to translate that into an indictment of all Islam is beyond me.

yawn; OH the "retard" taunt. well nutcase that is probably ALOT more reasonable than you RETARDS seeing a potential Roof in every christian.

Nope. I am a Christian myself. So stop constructing bogus straw man fallacies.
Of course not all Muslims are terrorists; just WAY WAY more than in any other religion or group you see out there today it seems
that would be false
appearance is not always reality.
roof's motivations were just as "religious"as this guy's the bonus is he's dead and roof is not.

Yeah but he was christian (or something) which gets an automatic "not a terrorist" label.

Wow, that is one of the most stupid things I have ever heard.

Even a Christian who bombs an abortion clinic in the name of God is considered a terrorst.

It doesn't matter what religion you flag ship your actions under, it is the actions that are scrutinized.

Yep, and thats why Roof has been charged with Terrorism, right?
Dylan Roof didn't travel to JORDAN a few months before.
Dylan Roof didn't say he wanted to be a MARTYR for JIHAD a day before.
Dylan Roof didn't try to get a job in a NUCLEAR plant.
Dylan Roof didn't describe himself in his yearbook as someone who was watched as a national security threat...

You see the diff?

No, of course you don't. People should be required to get a license before they're allowed to post on the internet.
roof lived in a region that harbors known American terrorist groups
roof didn't have to travel to be indoctrinated
roof actions prove he wanted to be a martyr for white power
roof did not have the skill to work in a nuclear plant.
roof never graduated high school.
difference without distinction.
The stupidity belongs solely to those who believe all Muslims are "terrorist," that the Koran should be "banned," and Muslims "prohibited" from entering the country as a consequence of the shooting.
Ya cause after all thousands upon thousands of armed Muslims murdering anyone that gets in their way is no evidence Islam is responsible right?
No more than thousands of Klansmen murdering anyone that got in their way was evidence Christianity is responsible.


is there any left-winger not living in a time warp?
That's all you have in response? You think the passage of time negates a valid point? Gosh, I guess that First Amendment protection of religion doesn't mean anything since it is from a long, long, long time ago. This explains everything!
Remember the KID shooter of the church. they came out and wanted to brand him a: confederate Terrorist because he had a FLAG in one picture

now this kid, they can't FIGURE out what he is. people better wake up to how this Medias MANUIPLATES YOU
How about it daws, what was roof's motive.

I don't need you para phrasing anything, you need to go find some internet published article with a reputable URL link for source verification.

Don't make me do it, I'll punk your ass out again ..................
duhs and the rest are impervious to appearing foolish. They just don't see it.
because it's not there, like everything you post.

your proof roof's main motiviation was religion isnt there; like every thing you post

the only honest thing you said today
false! it's as there as the other guy's.
you being unable or unwilling to see that is not my problem.
Christian terrorists who are inspired by extremist teachings into lynching negroes are not an indictment of all Christianity.

Muslim terrorists who are inspired by extremist teachings into killing people are not an indictment of all Islam.

It really isn't that hard to understand...if you want to. But you bigots don't want to.

EXCEPT THAT Roof never mentioned christianity being his motive; while the tennessee shooter did mention Islam as his motive

other than that RETARD, no difference

Thanks for validating my point that you bigots don't want to understand.

Where in my post did I mention Roof? Let's seeeeeee...

Oh, I didn't.

I was talking about THESE Christians:


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