So he was just a misunderstood disaffected hilly billy ehh?

I said what when?

The KKK says we were founded as a Christian nation. That is their starting point.

Our great country was founded on Jude-Christian principals, that is where our laws and legal system stem from.

The problem with that would be??
bullshit our legal system is based almost entirely on roman and Greek law.
the founders view on Judeo-Christian principals was nonexistent.
Judeo-Christian is a term used since the 1950s to encompass the common ethical standards of Christianity and Judaism, such as the Ten Commandments. It has become part of American civil religion and is often used to promote inter-religious cooperation. Efforts in recent years have been made to replace the term Judeo-Christian with "Abrahamic religion…
historically ignorant fuck.


our founders were Christians
not Greeks or Romans
Roof was a racist, no mention of religion or any religious affiliation has ever been mentioned.

Everything Known About Charleston Church Shooting Suspect Dylann Roof
Dylann Roof, who has reportedly confessed to killing nine inside a black church, wore pro-apartheid flags, made a ‘lot of racist jokes,’ and was arrested with pain meds.
Dylann Storm Roof confessed to killing nine people at a historic black church in Charleston because he hoped it would start a “race war.” The 21-year-old from Lexington, South Carolina, was taken into custody in Shelby, North Carolina, on Thursday afternoon after a tip from a local resident who saw a man who fit the description of Roof driving on the highway.

Roof created a website this year called the Last Rhodesian, a reference to the white-ruled African country, which fought a bitter civil war against black majority rule before it became Zimbabwe. In photos posted to the website, Roof is seen wearing a jacket with the flags of Rhodesia and apartheid-era South Africa on the breast of his jacket.


Last Rhodesian was discovered at 8:03 a.m. on Saturday, June 20 when a Twitter user found a website registered under Roof's name. Emma Quangel told The Daily Beast she paid $49 to see what lied behind the domain and then discovered his personal website.

The website features a manifesto where Roof wrote he was radicalized via the Internet following the Trayvon Martin case. Roof wrote he researched "black on white violence," which took him to the website of South Carolina-based hate group the Council of Conservative Citizens (formerly the White Citizens' Council).

“******* are stupid and violent,” Roof wrote, which should eliminate any doubt about his motive.
Everything Known About Charleston Church Shooting Suspect Dylann Roof - The Daily Beast

Inspired by the Council of Conservative Citizens.

Say no more.

Makes him a racist not a religious fanatic..............

And how do you create racists?

You put in place policies that elevate and denote favoritism of one race over another.
and you love it.
um christianity borrowed from that Greek and Roman law

doesnt change the FACTS;
our founders were Christians

gosh you libs r stupid!
Roof was a racist, no mention of religion or any religious affiliation has ever been mentioned.

Everything Known About Charleston Church Shooting Suspect Dylann Roof
Dylann Roof, who has reportedly confessed to killing nine inside a black church, wore pro-apartheid flags, made a ‘lot of racist jokes,’ and was arrested with pain meds.
Dylann Storm Roof confessed to killing nine people at a historic black church in Charleston because he hoped it would start a “race war.” The 21-year-old from Lexington, South Carolina, was taken into custody in Shelby, North Carolina, on Thursday afternoon after a tip from a local resident who saw a man who fit the description of Roof driving on the highway.

Roof created a website this year called the Last Rhodesian, a reference to the white-ruled African country, which fought a bitter civil war against black majority rule before it became Zimbabwe. In photos posted to the website, Roof is seen wearing a jacket with the flags of Rhodesia and apartheid-era South Africa on the breast of his jacket.


Last Rhodesian was discovered at 8:03 a.m. on Saturday, June 20 when a Twitter user found a website registered under Roof's name. Emma Quangel told The Daily Beast she paid $49 to see what lied behind the domain and then discovered his personal website.

The website features a manifesto where Roof wrote he was radicalized via the Internet following the Trayvon Martin case. Roof wrote he researched "black on white violence," which took him to the website of South Carolina-based hate group the Council of Conservative Citizens (formerly the White Citizens' Council).

“******* are stupid and violent,” Roof wrote, which should eliminate any doubt about his motive.
Everything Known About Charleston Church Shooting Suspect Dylann Roof - The Daily Beast

Inspired by the Council of Conservative Citizens.

Say no more.

Makes him a racist not a religious fanatic..............

And how do you create racists?

You put in place policies that elevate and denote favoritism of one race over another.
and you love it.

and you get dumber by the post
nobody is actually surprised left-wingers are wallowing deep in denial

the muslim acted in the name of islam

the church shooter acted in the name of his racism
You are stereotyping all Muslims based on the actions of a few. Classic bigotry.

Simple as that. You've been pegged as a bigot, rightfully so.
OK to judge all Southerners on the actions of a few, a few that probably can't name their daddy much less document their Confederate heritage .
nobody is actually surprised left-wingers are wallowing deep in denial

the muslim acted in the name of islam

the church shooter acted in the name of his racism
You are stereotyping all Muslims based on the actions of a few. Classic bigotry.

Simple as that. You've been pegged as a bigot, rightfully so.
OK to judge all Southerners on the actions of a few, a few that probably can't name their daddy much less document their Confederate heritage .

you idiots do that on a daily basis dummy; judge all white southerners
what a moronic hypocrite; too stupid to know you make the point of exactly what you're whining about; but with you as Exhibit A
i feel compelled to inform left-wing morons that just because you refuse to accept that you're embarrassing yourselves does mean you arent
false you are assuming facts not in evidence
implying what you thinks other should feel is pretentious subjectivity.

yawn; which is exactly what you did with your "grey matter" response

like i've been saying......................
try again
false! with every post you prove me correct.

yawn; YOU MUST BE a rookie. everybody knows LWNJs convince themselves they are correct; whether they are or not

another false assumption.
you must enjoy being wrong all the time.
The Chatanooga killer was inspired by extremist teachings.

KKK members are inspired by extremist teachings.


Don't try to kid anyone you assholes aren't trying to condemn the entire religion of Islam and all Muslims just because of the terrorists. No one is fooled, bigots.
i feel compelled to inform left-wing morons that just because you refuse to accept that you're embarrassing yourselves does mean you arent
false you are assuming facts not in evidence
implying what you thinks other should feel is pretentious subjectivity.

yawn; which is exactly what you did with your "grey matter" response

like i've been saying......................
try again
false! with every post you prove me correct.

yawn; YOU MUST BE a rookie. everybody knows LWNJs convince themselves they are correct; whether they are or not

another false assumption.
you must enjoy being wrong all the time.

yawn; IS THIS kinda like sticks and stones?

how old are you?
The Chatanooga killer was inspired by extremist teachings.

KKK members are inspired by extremist teachings.


and he was inspired maily by racism'

the other by religion
Don't try to kid anyone you assholes aren't trying to condemn the entire religion of Islam and all Muslims just because of the terrorists. No one is fooled, bigots.

If you condemn all of Islam because of the terrorists, then to be consistent you must condemn all of Christianity because of the KKK.
The stupidity belongs solely to those who believe all Muslims are "terrorist," that the Koran should be "banned," and Muslims "prohibited" from entering the country as a consequence of the shooting.
Ya cause after all thousands upon thousands of armed Muslims murdering anyone that gets in their way is no evidence Islam is responsible right?
No more than thousands of Klansmen murdering anyone that got in their way was evidence Christianity is responsible.

I do not understand why you retards cannot grasp this simple concept.

Our little ni$$er lover is here spreading cheer ................

Love ni$$ers, Hate Christians and whites .....................
Last edited:
i must be careful not to assume from these posts that all left-wingers are moral relativist nutjobs
The Chatanooga killer was inspired by extremist teachings.

KKK members are inspired by extremist teachings.


and he was inspired maily by racism'

the other by religion
Don't try to kid anyone you assholes aren't trying to condemn the entire religion of Islam and all Muslims just because of the terrorists. No one is fooled, bigots.

If you condemn all of Islam because of the terrorists, then to be consistent you must condemn all of Christianity because of the KKK.

you're getting angry; because you lost the debate

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