So he was just a misunderstood disaffected hilly billy ehh?

btw this guy studied the writings of Anwar Al Awlaki, the guy that RWnuts threw a fit over because Obama killed him with a drone.
Last I checked we threw a "fit" over the murder of a 16 year old boy who was in country to see his father. An American citizen never once charged with or investigated for a crime. I was not aware that the Bill of rights ends for Americans in regards the US Government at our borders, and here you are defending that illegal murder.

See? Another terrorist sympathizer.

You're an asshole. The son was killed because he was pal-ing around with other bonafide terrorists who were targeted.
btw this guy studied the writings of Anwar Al Awlaki, the guy that RWnuts threw a fit over because Obama killed him with a drone.
Last I checked we threw a "fit" over the murder of a 16 year old boy who was in country to see his father. An American citizen never once charged with or investigated for a crime. I was not aware that the Bill of rights ends for Americans in regards the US Government at our borders, and here you are defending that illegal murder.

See? Another terrorist sympathizer.

You're an asshole. The son was killed because he was pal-ing around with other bonafide terrorists who were targeted.
Wrong he was at an outdoor eatery. And you condone the murder of Americans just because it is convenient. Remind us when the father was ever charged with a crime or the son? If they were terrorists why did we not charge them as such before just murdering them?
posts 212 thru 214 are the I've lost so I'll bash some ******* ploy.

No you stupid fucking troll .............

Those are in response to the little ni$$er lover and all his KKK shit ..............

The world does not revolve around you, those post had nothing to do with you ..............

You got ignored over that stupid ass shit , enjoy the fucking trolling, I want be reading or conversing with you ...............
posts 212 thru 214 are the I've lost so I'll bash some ******* ploy.

No you stupid fucking troll .............

Those are in response to the little ni$$er lover and all his KKK shit ..............

The world does not revolve around you, those post had nothing to do with you ..............

You got ignored over that stupid ass shit , enjoy the fucking trolling, I want be reading or conversing with you ...............
So this is you ignoring me?
I thought ignoring someone was not responding to them.
Guess i was wrong.
Does that mean posting racist shit like you do , doesn't make your a racist?
btw this guy studied the writings of Anwar Al Awlaki, the guy that RWnuts threw a fit over because Obama killed him with a drone.
Last I checked we threw a "fit" over the murder of a 16 year old boy who was in country to see his father. An American citizen never once charged with or investigated for a crime. I was not aware that the Bill of rights ends for Americans in regards the US Government at our borders, and here you are defending that illegal murder.

See? Another terrorist sympathizer.

You're an asshole. The son was killed because he was pal-ing around with other bonafide terrorists who were targeted.
Rgs' s pov is our dead are better than their dead.
He probably saw a Confederate Flag.

Liberal Retards will believe anything that fits the narrative.

There's only one conclusion one can draw upon that narrative, and it's slavery and racism. Your reply is asinine. The flag stands for a group of states that seceded from the Union in an effort to continue using slaves. It had nothing to do with state's rights, the Cornerstone speech by the vice-president of the Confederacy bears that truth.
He was no different than Dylann Roof.


And Mohammod Abdulazeez is no more ‘representative’ of all Muslims than Roof is of all Christians, where the notion of subjecting followers of either faith to punitive measures as a consequence of their domestic acts of terror is moronic idiocy.
He was no different than Dylann Roof.
Care to cite where roof conversed with known terrorists?
Whether a terrorist acts alone or at the behest of others, whatever his religion or the religion of other terrorists might be, he or they are not ‘representative’ of those of the same faith.

To say ‘all Muslims’ are ‘terrorists,’ or that Islam is a ‘terrorist religion’ as a consequence of the actions of a few, fails as a composition fallacy – it’s ignorant, unwarranted, and devoid of merit, as is the premise of your thread.
btw this guy studied the writings of Anwar Al Awlaki, the guy that RWnuts threw a fit over because Obama killed him with a drone.
Last I checked we threw a "fit" over the murder of a 16 year old boy who was in country to see his father. An American citizen never once charged with or investigated for a crime. I was not aware that the Bill of rights ends for Americans in regards the US Government at our borders, and here you are defending that illegal murder.

See? Another terrorist sympathizer.

You're an asshole. The son was killed because he was pal-ing around with other bonafide terrorists who were targeted.
Wrong he was at an outdoor eatery. And you condone the murder of Americans just because it is convenient. Remind us when the father was ever charged with a crime or the son? If they were terrorists why did we not charge them as such before just murdering them?

Because you don't have to charge enemy combatants with crimes before you kill them.
He was no different than Dylann Roof.
Care to cite where roof conversed with known terrorists?
Whether a terrorist acts alone or at the behest of others, whatever his religion or the religion of other terrorists might be, he or they are not ‘representative’ of those of the same faith.

To say ‘all Muslims’ are ‘terrorists,’ or that Islam is a ‘terrorist religion’ as a consequence of the actions of a few, fails as a composition fallacy – it’s ignorant, unwarranted, and devoid of merit, as is the premise of your thread.
A few hundred THOUSAND remind me how we have ANY such movement by any other religion?
btw this guy studied the writings of Anwar Al Awlaki, the guy that RWnuts threw a fit over because Obama killed him with a drone.
Last I checked we threw a "fit" over the murder of a 16 year old boy who was in country to see his father. An American citizen never once charged with or investigated for a crime. I was not aware that the Bill of rights ends for Americans in regards the US Government at our borders, and here you are defending that illegal murder.

See? Another terrorist sympathizer.

You're an asshole. The son was killed because he was pal-ing around with other bonafide terrorists who were targeted.
Wrong he was at an outdoor eatery. And you condone the murder of Americans just because it is convenient. Remind us when the father was ever charged with a crime or the son? If they were terrorists why did we not charge them as such before just murdering them?

Because you don't have to charge enemy combatants with crimes before you kill them.
The boy was not an enemy combatant, he was never even accused of a crime much less taking up arms against America.
Here are some present day Christians. I love the votive candles on the cross. Priceless.

If the Democrats started the KKK, how come none of them are black?
The stupidity belongs solely to those who believe all Muslims are "terrorist," that the Koran should be "banned," and Muslims "prohibited" from entering the country as a consequence of the shooting.
Ya cause after all thousands upon thousands of armed Muslims murdering anyone that gets in their way is no evidence Islam is responsible right?

I can't find evidence of those thousands of armed Muslims in the US. By far most of the mass shootings have been homegrown Americans with more guns than brains.
So you are only a Muslim terrorist if you shoot someone INSIDE the US?

You're still looking at a drop in the bucket of all Muslims.
Yet you have no problem claim a couple American "Christians" represent all Christians, but we point out hundreds of thousands of Muslims and they are not representative of the religion, right?

Speak for yourself. I've never claimed that Christian wingnuts are representative of the religion as a whole. (And it's more than a couple)
The stupidity belongs solely to those who believe all Muslims are "terrorist," that the Koran should be "banned," and Muslims "prohibited" from entering the country as a consequence of the shooting.
Ya cause after all thousands upon thousands of armed Muslims murdering anyone that gets in their way is no evidence Islam is responsible right?

I can't find evidence of those thousands of armed Muslims in the US. By far most of the mass shootings have been homegrown Americans with more guns than brains.
…and not Muslim.
The stupidity belongs solely to those who believe all Muslims are "terrorist," that the Koran should be "banned," and Muslims "prohibited" from entering the country as a consequence of the shooting.
Ya cause after all thousands upon thousands of armed Muslims murdering anyone that gets in their way is no evidence Islam is responsible right?

I can't find evidence of those thousands of armed Muslims in the US. By far most of the mass shootings have been homegrown Americans with more guns than brains.
…and not Muslim.
You and others keep claiming Christians are as bad as Muslims. PROVE IT. Provide us with Christian Armies numbering in the thousands that wage war BECAUSE of the teachings of their religion. Provide us with these armies that are killing raping and subjugating millions for their version of their religion. I can name at least 4 separate Armies that have as many as several million followers that are Muslim and act to attack BASED on their beliefs in regards ISLAM.
Ya cause after all thousands upon thousands of armed Muslims murdering anyone that gets in their way is no evidence Islam is responsible right?

I can't find evidence of those thousands of armed Muslims in the US. By far most of the mass shootings have been homegrown Americans with more guns than brains.
So you are only a Muslim terrorist if you shoot someone INSIDE the US?

You're still looking at a drop in the bucket of all Muslims.
Yet you have no problem claim a couple American "Christians" represent all Christians, but we point out hundreds of thousands of Muslims and they are not representative of the religion, right?

Speak for yourself. I've never claimed that Christian wingnuts are representative of the religion as a whole. (And it's more than a couple)
I think the US Wingnut Christian religion has really evolved away from the Christian Religion the rest of the world knows.
He was no different than Dylann Roof.
Mohammod Abdulazeez is no more ‘representative’ of all Muslims than Roof is of all Christians....
Out of curiosity, who said that Abdulazeez is representative of all Muslims? Link, please. Or are you just lying, spinning and deflecting for the PC-protected religion -- again?

Well CC, it looks like you're not going to respond to my question.

You lie and spin for the PC-protected religion and don't have the honesty to admit it.

(Full disclosure: I wasn't expecting you to respond. Just like to point out blatant stuff like that.)


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