So...hilary is said to have played with her grand kid...and hugged that girl, should she be charged?

Since you couldn't get her on Benghazi or the email, might as well try to lock her up over having pneumonia. LOL!

Why don't you investigate it several times. :p

Since you have nothing of truth to really say; I detect a hint of panic in yer' post.

Panic is when you start a thread suggesting a politician be locked up over having pneumonia. LOL!

Have you checked the polls?

It's pandpneumonium!!
I had Pneumonia about 3 years ago...NOT FUN... I didn't catch it from anyone, that I know of....I am at home most of the time... My husband never caught it, I didn't even know I had it....I thought it was the flu or a bad cold, but then it did not go away, and then I started having a fever of over 103 F, and with Aspirin it was 101, I couldn't get it to go down much, so then I finally went to the Doctor and he said I had Pneumonia....they took an xray....

What was weird and the worst part about it, I ended up losing my hearing, completely, in one ear and some in the other ear.... It was HORRIBLE not being able to hear well or at all if you were talking to me facing my right ear.... I promised the Lord if I ever got better and could hear again, I would show more sympathy towards the deaf and support charities that support the's just plain awful, not having your hearing....

Anyway, weeks later, after all antibiotics, after the chest was clear... I still could not hear, and the Doc told me to buy Sudafed and take ritually for like 3 days straight and longer if it did not work....and at first the Drug Store gave Matt a hard time when he tried to buy it for me and made him give his name and address and tell them what it was for and that kind of crud....I guess Sudafed is used in making some other illegal drug and now it is harder to buy??? Anyway, in about 5 days of taking it every 4 to 6 hours, I woke up one morning and Wa'La'! I could hear again...thank you Lord!

Sudafed is the main ingredient in Meth.

The word you were looking for is "Voila".
Seizures are not contagious. Notice how the Hill-Beast spasmodically jerks before being assisted into the SUV. When someone faints due to pneumonia/flu/dehydration/or smoking a hi-power spliff after drinking beers an' shots; they go down like a sack of potatoes with no spasmodic jerking. Good thing Sanjay Gupta gets paid well by CNN, or he would've already pointed this out!
Yep. I noticed that too, her head was on swivel.
She has allergies.

those happen in springtime. Not Dog Days of Aug.

Thank you, Dr NumNutt. I'll let my doctor know that's he's misdiagnosing people.

Doctors have their head up their ass regarding allergies. Most of the time, they are into making money instead of helping people.

When I was a kid, my right eye lid, right next to my nose, would swell up for no reason and my folks carted me off for a ridiculously painful set of allergy tests. They came back and said I was allergic to a laundry list of items, all of which I had been exposed to for years with no problems. I was supposedly allergic to feathers, and wool, even though I slept with a feather pillow and wool blanket. I was allergic to ragweed and leaf mold, even though I spent most of my childhood outside and working weekends on a farm. The list was everything I normally did everyday and they conned my mother into a flu shot every Saturday morning. I did this for about a year at $10,00 a week. My dad's union went on strike and we could no longer afford it. Wouldn't you know? Not a single attack for months, so no more shots when Dad went back to work. About a year later, I had a bad headache so, my Mom gave me Bufferin. My eye swelled up just like before. They started putting two and two together and remembered that before every attack, I had taken a Bufferin. It turns out I was allergic to one of the ingredients in Bufferin and absolutely none of the other things for which I was taking the shots.

Money beats out common sense.
She has allergies.

those happen in springtime. Not Dog Days of Aug.

Thank you, Dr NumNutt. I'll let my doctor know that's he's misdiagnosing people.

Doctors have their head up their ass regarding allergies. Most of the time, they are into making money instead of helping people.

When I was a kid, my right eye lid, right next to my nose, would swell up for no reason and my folks carted me off for a ridiculously painful set of allergy tests. They came back and said I was allergic to a laundry list of items, all of which I had been exposed to for years with no problems. I was supposedly allergic to feathers, and wool, even though I slept with a feather pillow and wool blanket. I was allergic to ragweed and leaf mold, even though I spent most of my childhood outside and working weekends on a farm. The list was everything I normally did everyday and they conned my mother into a flu shot every Saturday morning. I did this for about a year at $10,00 a week. My dad's union went on strike and we could no longer afford it. Wouldn't you know? Not a single attack for months, so no more shots when Dad went back to work. About a year later, I had a bad headache so, my Mom gave me Bufferin. My eye swelled up just like before. They started putting two and two together and remembered that before every attack, I had taken a Bufferin. It turns out I was allergic to one of the ingredients in Bufferin and absolutely none of the other things for which I was taking the shots.

Money beats out common sense.

When you were a kid and went to the Dr??? What was that, about 50-60-70 yrs ago?
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Have any of you people heard of antibiotics? Just curious.

Antibiotics are useless against viruses.

Thank you, Dr. Rockwell, but hers maybe have been caused by bacteria.

Thank you Dr. Danger for that gross assumption on your part. How the heck would you know?

I'm not assuming anything. She's on antibiotics or bed rest, possibly both. I'm sure Hillary and her doctor have this covered.
Have any of you people heard of antibiotics? Just curious.

Antibiotics are useless against viruses.
Since we are now told we have to believe that hilary has pneumonia......pause for the snickers.........then we were told that when she was at Chelsea's pad she played with her grandchild....and since 1.6 million children die of pneumonia every year...should she be charged with reckless endangerment? And then she hugged that little girl before anyone was told the the story.........that she had pneumonia.....but hilary knew...right? So if that girl gets sick, should she sue hilary for the hospital bills?

They can't even keep their lies straight. Before it was allergies. Then heat exhaustion when it wasn't even hot. Then pneumonia was allegedly diagnosed just a few days before, yet this old lady wasn't in bed. Then after the 9/11 incident, she plays with a child. Emerges afterwards and tells everyone she's "great".

Of course before this it was all just a vast right-wing conspiracy.

The democrats are so full of shit. They will not hesitate to lie if they think it will win them a few political points, that's all they care about.

I don't think Hillary will be bobbin' for apples on Halloween.
Would you shake that hand she constantly coughs into?
Since we are now told we have to believe that hilary has pneumonia......pause for the snickers.........then we were told that when she was at Chelsea's pad she played with her grandchild....and since 1.6 million children die of pneumonia every year...should she be charged with reckless endangerment? And then she hugged that little girl before anyone was told the the story.........that she had pneumonia.....but hilary knew...right? So if that girl gets sick, should she sue hilary for the hospital bills?

They can't even keep their lies straight. Before it was allergies. Then heat exhaustion when it wasn't even hot. Then pneumonia was allegedly diagnosed just a few days before, yet this old lady wasn't in bed. Then after the 9/11 incident, she plays with a child. Emerges afterwards and tells everyone she's "great".

Of course before this it was all just a vast right-wing conspiracy.

The democrats are so full of shit. They will not hesitate to lie if they think it will win them a few political points, that's all they care about.

I don't think Hillary will be bobbin' for apples on Halloween.
Would you shake that hand she constantly coughs into?

Sure........cuz she had a seizure.
She has allergies.

those happen in springtime. Not Dog Days of Aug.

Thank you, Dr NumNutt. I'll let my doctor know that's he's misdiagnosing people.

Doctors have their head up their ass regarding allergies. Most of the time, they are into making money instead of helping people.

When I was a kid, my right eye lid, right next to my nose, would swell up for no reason and my folks carted me off for a ridiculously painful set of allergy tests. They came back and said I was allergic to a laundry list of items, all of which I had been exposed to for years with no problems. I was supposedly allergic to feathers, and wool, even though I slept with a feather pillow and wool blanket. I was allergic to ragweed and leaf mold, even though I spent most of my childhood outside and working weekends on a farm. The list was everything I normally did everyday and they conned my mother into a flu shot every Saturday morning. I did this for about a year at $10,00 a week. My dad's union went on strike and we could no longer afford it. Wouldn't you know? Not a single attack for months, so no more shots when Dad went back to work. About a year later, I had a bad headache so, my Mom gave me Bufferin. My eye swelled up just like before. They started putting two and two together and remembered that before every attack, I had taken a Bufferin. It turns out I was allergic to one of the ingredients in Bufferin and absolutely none of the other things for which I was taking the shots.

Money beats out common sense.

When you were a kid and went to the Dr??? What was that, about 50-60-70 yrs ago?

Why do you care or need to know?

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