So How Did Repubs Lose A House Race In A District They Gerrymandered To Be Democrat-Proof???

Obamacare taxes and other fees also offset the cost of the program.

You stupid F, what do you think fees and taxes are??? It means taxpayers are paying for it. Paying for itself means it's generating it's own savings.

95% of people are not covered today. The figure is closer to 13%. And we had more people with private insurance before Commie Care than we do now. Most of the people went on some government program, and who do you think is paying for that?

Bear in mind that President Bush inherited perhaps the strongest federal balance sheet in postwar history. There were record-high surpluses, debt was at around 30 percent of GDP and falling, and the Congressional Budget Office projected that the federal government would be debt free by 2009. The country was in great fiscal shape to deal with any crises or emergencies coming down the road, and it was even ready to deal with the coming retirement of the baby boom generation.

There you have it. Even the CBO said we would be out of debt. However they didn't figure in the housing crisis. Nobody knew it was coming or how bad it would be.

The Myth of the Clinton Surplus
Obamacare taxes and other fees also offset the cost of the program.

You stupid F, what do you think fees and taxes are??? It means taxpayers are paying for it. Paying for itself means it's generating it's own savings.

95% of people are not covered today. The figure is closer to 13%. And we had more people with private insurance before Commie Care than we do now. Most of the people went on some government program, and who do you think is paying for that?

Bear in mind that President Bush inherited perhaps the strongest federal balance sheet in postwar history. There were record-high surpluses, debt was at around 30 percent of GDP and falling, and the Congressional Budget Office projected that the federal government would be debt free by 2009. The country was in great fiscal shape to deal with any crises or emergencies coming down the road, and it was even ready to deal with the coming retirement of the baby boom generation.

There you have it. Even the CBO said we would be out of debt. However they didn't figure in the housing crisis. Nobody knew it was coming or how bad it would be.

The Myth of the Clinton Surplus

It means taxpayers are paying for it. Paying for itself means it's generating it's own savings.

It did generate it's own savings. There were fewer expensive emergency room costs, because people weren't waiting to the last minute to go to the doctor. Just like preventive maintenance on your car. And so what if there were "fees and taxes"? That means it was funded. That still makes it better than your worthless Bush tax cuts, which did absolutely nothing for the economy and increased the national debt. Dumb ass goober.

And we had more people with private insurance before Commie Care than we do now.

Provide a link, goober. That's an absolute lie. ObamaCare is private insurance, you imbecile. Which is why the health care industry enthusiastically supported ObamaCare. ObamaCare provided the private health care industry millions of new customers. A fact that your dishonest Repug ass won't acknowledge.

So you whine about the national debt, but it's OK that Bush's tax cuts increased the national debt? I see. What an unbelievable hypocrite you are. ObamaCare is bad, even though it's fully funded and reduced health care costs for millions of Americans, but the disastrous Bush tax cuts were "good".

You are a total idiot, dude. Your shit is weak, goober. Debating you is too easy because you simply know nothing.
It did generate it's own savings. There were fewer expensive emergency room costs, because people weren't waiting to the last minute to go to the doctor. Just like preventive maintenance on your car. And so what if there were "fees and taxes"? That means it was funded. That still makes it better than your worthless Bush tax cuts, which did absolutely nothing for the economy and increased the national debt. Dumb ass goober.

CBO: Obamacare’s 10-Year Costs Will Now Eclipse $2 Trillion

Provide a link, goober. That's an absolute lie. ObamaCare is private insurance, you imbecile. Which is why the health care industry enthusiastically supported ObamaCare. ObamaCare provided the private health care industry millions of new customers. A fact that your dishonest Repug ass won't acknowledge.

Fewer Americans Have Private Health Insurance Now Than in 2007
It did generate it's own savings. There were fewer expensive emergency room costs, because people weren't waiting to the last minute to go to the doctor. Just like preventive maintenance on your car. And so what if there were "fees and taxes"? That means it was funded. That still makes it better than your worthless Bush tax cuts, which did absolutely nothing for the economy and increased the national debt. Dumb ass goober.

CBO: Obamacare’s 10-Year Costs Will Now Eclipse $2 Trillion

Provide a link, goober. That's an absolute lie. ObamaCare is private insurance, you imbecile. Which is why the health care industry enthusiastically supported ObamaCare. ObamaCare provided the private health care industry millions of new customers. A fact that your dishonest Repug ass won't acknowledge.

Fewer Americans Have Private Health Insurance Now Than in 2007

Your first article does not take into account the emergency room savings that I described earlier, and other cost-saving benefits that come when people have regular access to a doctor.

I misunderstood your other comment. I thought you were saying the number of uninsured went up. Yes, ObamaCare expanded Medicaid to poor people and that's a good thing.

If ObamaCare is so terrible, then why did the health care industry enthusiastically support it? You can't answer that truthfully because you're a dishonest Repug.

So ObamaCare is "bad" for insuring millions of Americans, but the worthless Bush tax cuts are "good" for increasing our national debt and doing absolutely nothing to help the economy. Got it, dishonest Repug.
It did generate it's own savings. There were fewer expensive emergency room costs, because people weren't waiting to the last minute to go to the doctor. Just like preventive maintenance on your car. And so what if there were "fees and taxes"? That means it was funded. That still makes it better than your worthless Bush tax cuts, which did absolutely nothing for the economy and increased the national debt. Dumb ass goober.

CBO: Obamacare’s 10-Year Costs Will Now Eclipse $2 Trillion

Provide a link, goober. That's an absolute lie. ObamaCare is private insurance, you imbecile. Which is why the health care industry enthusiastically supported ObamaCare. ObamaCare provided the private health care industry millions of new customers. A fact that your dishonest Repug ass won't acknowledge.

Fewer Americans Have Private Health Insurance Now Than in 2007

Your first article does not take into account the emergency room savings that I described earlier, and other cost-saving benefits that come when people have regular access to a doctor.

I misunderstood your other comment. I thought you were saying the number of uninsured went up. Yes, ObamaCare expanded Medicaid to poor people and that's a good thing.

If ObamaCare is so terrible, then why did the health care industry enthusiastically support it? You can't answer that truthfully because you're a dishonest Repug.

So ObamaCare is "bad" for insuring millions of Americans, but the worthless Bush tax cuts are "good" for increasing our national debt and doing absolutely nothing to help the economy. Got it, dishonest Repug.

Commie Care was not bad for everybody; just the working middle-class.

If you make french fries for a living, sweep floors, operate a hot dog stand downtown, Commie Care is the greatest thing for you. You can buy into a reasonable plan for sixty or eighty bucks a month. If you are a middle-income worker, they want over 25% of your net pay every month and that's for a completely crap plan.

So why was it designed that way? Because shelf stockers and burger flippers likely vote Democrat while the people who have to pay out of their ass likely vote Republican. It was all politics from the beginning.

The ultimate goal was for DumBama to create as many new government dependents as possible. Between Commie Care and Food Stamps, he created over 40 million more new government dependent on those two programs alone, and it was no accident. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters.

If you had an apple stand, and a President passed into law that every American had to buy apples every week, wouldn't you support that initiative? Of course you would. That's why the insurance industry was so behind it.
It did generate it's own savings. There were fewer expensive emergency room costs, because people weren't waiting to the last minute to go to the doctor. Just like preventive maintenance on your car. And so what if there were "fees and taxes"? That means it was funded. That still makes it better than your worthless Bush tax cuts, which did absolutely nothing for the economy and increased the national debt. Dumb ass goober.

CBO: Obamacare’s 10-Year Costs Will Now Eclipse $2 Trillion

Provide a link, goober. That's an absolute lie. ObamaCare is private insurance, you imbecile. Which is why the health care industry enthusiastically supported ObamaCare. ObamaCare provided the private health care industry millions of new customers. A fact that your dishonest Repug ass won't acknowledge.

Fewer Americans Have Private Health Insurance Now Than in 2007

Your first article does not take into account the emergency room savings that I described earlier, and other cost-saving benefits that come when people have regular access to a doctor.

I misunderstood your other comment. I thought you were saying the number of uninsured went up. Yes, ObamaCare expanded Medicaid to poor people and that's a good thing.

If ObamaCare is so terrible, then why did the health care industry enthusiastically support it? You can't answer that truthfully because you're a dishonest Repug.

So ObamaCare is "bad" for insuring millions of Americans, but the worthless Bush tax cuts are "good" for increasing our national debt and doing absolutely nothing to help the economy. Got it, dishonest Repug.

Commie Care was not bad for everybody; just the working middle-class.

If you make french fries for a living, sweep floors, operate a hot dog stand downtown, Commie Care is the greatest thing for you. You can buy into a reasonable plan for sixty or eighty bucks a month. If you are a middle-income worker, they want over 25% of your net pay every month and that's for a completely crap plan.

So why was it designed that way? Because shelf stockers and burger flippers likely vote Democrat while the people who have to pay out of their ass likely vote Republican. It was all politics from the beginning.

The ultimate goal was for DumBama to create as many new government dependents as possible. Between Commie Care and Food Stamps, he created over 40 million more new government dependent on those two programs alone, and it was no accident. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters.

If you had an apple stand, and a President passed into law that every American had to buy apples every week, wouldn't you support that initiative? Of course you would. That's why the insurance industry was so behind it.

So if it's "Commie Care", then why does the PRIVATE health care industry want it to exist???

Do you understand what a worthless Repug troll you are? You whine about "Commie Care", but admire a Communist like Putin. And you admire our traitor President Trump for sucking the Communist Putin's cock on a daily basis. The irony obviously escapes your idiot, unsophisticated Repug ass.
It did generate it's own savings. There were fewer expensive emergency room costs, because people weren't waiting to the last minute to go to the doctor. Just like preventive maintenance on your car. And so what if there were "fees and taxes"? That means it was funded. That still makes it better than your worthless Bush tax cuts, which did absolutely nothing for the economy and increased the national debt. Dumb ass goober.

CBO: Obamacare’s 10-Year Costs Will Now Eclipse $2 Trillion

Provide a link, goober. That's an absolute lie. ObamaCare is private insurance, you imbecile. Which is why the health care industry enthusiastically supported ObamaCare. ObamaCare provided the private health care industry millions of new customers. A fact that your dishonest Repug ass won't acknowledge.

Fewer Americans Have Private Health Insurance Now Than in 2007

Your first article does not take into account the emergency room savings that I described earlier, and other cost-saving benefits that come when people have regular access to a doctor.

I misunderstood your other comment. I thought you were saying the number of uninsured went up. Yes, ObamaCare expanded Medicaid to poor people and that's a good thing.

If ObamaCare is so terrible, then why did the health care industry enthusiastically support it? You can't answer that truthfully because you're a dishonest Repug.

So ObamaCare is "bad" for insuring millions of Americans, but the worthless Bush tax cuts are "good" for increasing our national debt and doing absolutely nothing to help the economy. Got it, dishonest Repug.

Commie Care was not bad for everybody; just the working middle-class.

If you make french fries for a living, sweep floors, operate a hot dog stand downtown, Commie Care is the greatest thing for you. You can buy into a reasonable plan for sixty or eighty bucks a month. If you are a middle-income worker, they want over 25% of your net pay every month and that's for a completely crap plan.

So why was it designed that way? Because shelf stockers and burger flippers likely vote Democrat while the people who have to pay out of their ass likely vote Republican. It was all politics from the beginning.

The ultimate goal was for DumBama to create as many new government dependents as possible. Between Commie Care and Food Stamps, he created over 40 million more new government dependent on those two programs alone, and it was no accident. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters.

If you had an apple stand, and a President passed into law that every American had to buy apples every week, wouldn't you support that initiative? Of course you would. That's why the insurance industry was so behind it.

So if it's "Commie Care", then why does the PRIVATE health care industry want it to exist???

Do you understand what a worthless Repug troll you are? You whine about "Commie Care", but admire a Communist like Putin. And you admire our traitor President Trump for sucking the Communist Putin's cock on a daily basis. The irony obviously escapes your idiot, unsophisticated Repug ass.

The only troll around here is you. You are a flamer and a troll. You come to an adult forum and talk like a 14 year old with your childish insults every reply. What's wrong, did all the teen chat rooms kick you out?
It did generate it's own savings. There were fewer expensive emergency room costs, because people weren't waiting to the last minute to go to the doctor. Just like preventive maintenance on your car. And so what if there were "fees and taxes"? That means it was funded. That still makes it better than your worthless Bush tax cuts, which did absolutely nothing for the economy and increased the national debt. Dumb ass goober.

CBO: Obamacare’s 10-Year Costs Will Now Eclipse $2 Trillion

Provide a link, goober. That's an absolute lie. ObamaCare is private insurance, you imbecile. Which is why the health care industry enthusiastically supported ObamaCare. ObamaCare provided the private health care industry millions of new customers. A fact that your dishonest Repug ass won't acknowledge.

Fewer Americans Have Private Health Insurance Now Than in 2007

Your first article does not take into account the emergency room savings that I described earlier, and other cost-saving benefits that come when people have regular access to a doctor.

I misunderstood your other comment. I thought you were saying the number of uninsured went up. Yes, ObamaCare expanded Medicaid to poor people and that's a good thing.

If ObamaCare is so terrible, then why did the health care industry enthusiastically support it? You can't answer that truthfully because you're a dishonest Repug.

So ObamaCare is "bad" for insuring millions of Americans, but the worthless Bush tax cuts are "good" for increasing our national debt and doing absolutely nothing to help the economy. Got it, dishonest Repug.

Commie Care was not bad for everybody; just the working middle-class.

If you make french fries for a living, sweep floors, operate a hot dog stand downtown, Commie Care is the greatest thing for you. You can buy into a reasonable plan for sixty or eighty bucks a month. If you are a middle-income worker, they want over 25% of your net pay every month and that's for a completely crap plan.

So why was it designed that way? Because shelf stockers and burger flippers likely vote Democrat while the people who have to pay out of their ass likely vote Republican. It was all politics from the beginning.

The ultimate goal was for DumBama to create as many new government dependents as possible. Between Commie Care and Food Stamps, he created over 40 million more new government dependent on those two programs alone, and it was no accident. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters.

If you had an apple stand, and a President passed into law that every American had to buy apples every week, wouldn't you support that initiative? Of course you would. That's why the insurance industry was so behind it.

So if it's "Commie Care", then why does the PRIVATE health care industry want it to exist???

Do you understand what a worthless Repug troll you are? You whine about "Commie Care", but admire a Communist like Putin. And you admire our traitor President Trump for sucking the Communist Putin's cock on a daily basis. The irony obviously escapes your idiot, unsophisticated Repug ass.

The only troll around here is you. You are a flamer and a troll. You come to an adult forum and talk like a 14 year old with your childish insults every reply. What's wrong, did all the teen chat rooms kick you out?

You didn't answer my legitimate question...Let's try again, shall we, dishonest Repug troll?

So if it's "Commie Care", then why does the PRIVATE health care industry want it to exist???

Oh, yeah...this question also:

Why do you admire a Communist like Putin, troll?
So what did the black guy do to make my life better?

Fixed health care... but man, you just sit at your awful job and don't try to get good insurance.

Ray is someone who'd rather be sick than admit the black guy did something to make his life better.

So what did the black guy do to make my life better?

He passed the largest middle class tax cut in history in 2009. Poor little Repug goober. Doesn't know when he's out of his league.

And you still haven't answered my questions. Because you can't. Because you are a dishonest hypocritical Repug troll who is full of shit.
Ray is someone who'd rather be sick than admit the black guy did something to make his life better.

So what did the black guy do to make my life better?

He passed the largest middle class tax cut in history in 2009. Poor little Repug goober. Doesn't know when he's out of his league.

And you still haven't answered my questions. Because you can't. Because you are a dishonest hypocritical Repug troll who is full of shit.

He passed the largest middle class tax cut in history in 2009.


Tell me more.
Ray is someone who'd rather be sick than admit the black guy did something to make his life better.

So what did the black guy do to make my life better?

He passed the largest middle class tax cut in history in 2009. Poor little Repug goober. Doesn't know when he's out of his league.

And you still haven't answered my questions. Because you can't. Because you are a dishonest hypocritical Repug troll who is full of shit.

He passed the largest middle class tax cut in history in 2009.


Tell me more.

A real example of a middle-class tax cut

It’s easy for many to forget, but when President Obama and congressional Democrats approved the Recovery Act – better known at the time as the Dems’ “stimulus” package – they didn’t just rescue the economy from the Great Recession. In the process, they also passed one of the largest middle-class tax cuts in recent memory.

I thought it was the largest. Maybe I'm wrong about that. Unlike Repugs, I can admit when I'm wrong.
Ray is someone who'd rather be sick than admit the black guy did something to make his life better.

So what did the black guy do to make my life better?

He passed the largest middle class tax cut in history in 2009. Poor little Repug goober. Doesn't know when he's out of his league.

And you still haven't answered my questions. Because you can't. Because you are a dishonest hypocritical Repug troll who is full of shit.

He passed the largest middle class tax cut in history in 2009.


Tell me more.

A real example of a middle-class tax cut

It’s easy for many to forget, but when President Obama and congressional Democrats approved the Recovery Act – better known at the time as the Dems’ “stimulus” package – they didn’t just rescue the economy from the Great Recession. In the process, they also passed one of the largest middle-class tax cuts in recent memory.

I thought it was the largest. Maybe I'm wrong about that. Unlike Repugs, I can admit when I'm wrong.

one of the largest middle-class tax cuts in recent memory.

In recent memory? LOL!

  • Cut taxes by $400 for individuals and $800 for families through reduction of withholding. That confused many people who expected checks like the Bush Tax Cuts.
  • A payment of an additional $250 each to recipients of Social Security, veterans pension and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits.
  • $70 billion to extend the Alternative Minimum Tax shelter. Congress extends it each year.
  • Greater access to the child tax credit for the working poor and an expanded earned-income tax credit to families with three children.
  • A $2,500 college tuition tax credit for 2009 and 2010.
  • An $8,000 tax credit for first-time homebuyers in 2009 only. (It was later extended through April 2010.)
  • A deduction of sales tax on new car purchases through 2009 only.
  • Unemployment benefits were extended for another 33 weeks.
  • A suspension of taxes on the first $2,400 of unemployment benefits through 2009.
A couple of temporary cuts or one time payments.
Count on Obama to even screw up tax cuts.

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