So, how do police feel about open carry....?

Actual study:

More police officers die on the job in states with more guns

The results were shocking: line-of-duty homicide rates among police officers were more than three times higher in states with high gun ownership compared with the low gun ownership states. Between 1996 and 2010, in other words, there were 0.31 officer fatalities for every 10,000 employed officers in low gun ownership states. But there were 0.95 fatalities per 10,000 officers in the high gun ownership states.

And of course.....they lied...

CPRC at Fox News: Researchers are wrong about private guns, police deaths - Crime Prevention Research Center

The study, which was announced last week and is forthcoming in the American Journal of Public Health, received extensivenational and international news coverage. But if the researchers hadn’t left out controls used by everyone else for this type of empirical work, they would have gotten the opposite results from what they claimed.

Previous research has done just that. And it has found that concealed handgun permits lead to fewer police deaths. The authors offered no explanation for the new study’s unorthodox approach.

There is a big benefit to using so-called panel data, where you follow changes in crime rates across many different states over a number of years. Doing that allows you to have many different experiments and makes it possible to more accurately explain for differences in crime rates across states or over time.

Empty of facts or any study. Just a Lott of lies.
I other words.......... Since there are no solutions to guns .......... Don't worry about it. Sell guns like cigarettes armed every citizens in this country like Chicago. Will be like ME countries.............. That is so wonderful. Then everything is just kumbaya......

Pretty much sums it up. I guess that the NRA is going to have to fight this out with police unions.....

1) Since when do you cop haters care about what police say?
2) Does one location speak for all police officers?

I'm a cop hater?

I am a Sheriff Aucillary Volunteer who puts on a uniform and patrols 8 hours per week with no gun and no pay, and with a 2,500 hour pin.

So, what have you done to help the police in your community Conservative65?

Pretty much sums it up. I guess that the NRA is going to have to fight this out with police unions.....

1) Since when do you cop haters care about what police say?
2) Does one location speak for all police officers?

I'm a cop hater?

I am a Sheriff Aucillary Volunteer who puts on a uniform and patrols 8 hours per week with no gun and no pay, and with a 2,500 hour pin.

So, what have you done to help the police in your community Conservative65?

I've chosen to help from the fire department side having served as a volunteer and/or commissioner for the same department since 1987.

Pretty much sums it up. I guess that the NRA is going to have to fight this out with police unions.....

1) Since when do you cop haters care about what police say?
2) Does one location speak for all police officers?

I'm a cop hater?

I am a Sheriff Aucillary Volunteer who puts on a uniform and patrols 8 hours per week with no gun and no pay, and with a 2,500 hour pin.

So, what have you done to help the police in your community Conservative65?

I've chosen to help from the fire department side having served as a volunteer and/or commissioner for the same department since 1987.

Well, that gives you a little credibility in the world of fire fighting, but you don't know shit about what cops think about open carry. Their biggest nightmare is shooting the wrong person, which is easy to do when there is an active shooter and a bunch of yahoos playing rambo with their AR-15's walking around the street..

Stick to your water pistols and fire engines.

Pretty much sums it up. I guess that the NRA is going to have to fight this out with police unions.....

1) Since when do you cop haters care about what police say?
2) Does one location speak for all police officers?

I'm a cop hater?

I am a Sheriff Aucillary Volunteer who puts on a uniform and patrols 8 hours per week with no gun and no pay, and with a 2,500 hour pin.

So, what have you done to help the police in your community Conservative65?

I've chosen to help from the fire department side having served as a volunteer and/or commissioner for the same department since 1987.

Well, that gives you a little credibility in the world of fire fighting, but you don't know shit about what cops think about open carry. Their biggest nightmare is shooting the wrong person, which is easy to do when there is an active shooter and a bunch of yahoos playing rambo with their AR-15's walking around the street..

Stick to your water pistols and fire engines.

Much like your playing cop gives you very little credibility. They won't let you carry a gun or bullets Barney.

Stick to your donuts and naps behind the Wal Mart.
Your source is a disgraced economist. His own studies are a joke.

Shooting Down the Gun Lobby’s Favorite “Academic”: A Lott of Lies

And where are these Puerto Rico gun laws? Are you ever not lying?

Hey that I have access to what I need.......VICE t.v......a left wing anti gun television show....

Guns in Puerto Rico: Locked and Loaded in the Tropics | VICE News

At 91 per cent, Puerto Rico has the world's highest overall percentage of homicides by firearms. But this statistic hasn't stopped the NRA from setting up shop, establishing their 51st chapter in Puerto Rico.

Puerto Rico's sky-high murder rates and extremely strict gun laws have only encouraged the association to fight for their constitutional rights, and arm the island with more and more guns.

Pretty much sums it up. I guess that the NRA is going to have to fight this out with police unions.....

1) Since when do you cop haters care about what police say?
2) Does one location speak for all police officers?

I'm a cop hater?

I am a Sheriff Aucillary Volunteer who puts on a uniform and patrols 8 hours per week with no gun and no pay, and with a 2,500 hour pin.

So, what have you done to help the police in your community Conservative65?

I've chosen to help from the fire department side having served as a volunteer and/or commissioner for the same department since 1987.

Well, that gives you a little credibility in the world of fire fighting, but you don't know shit about what cops think about open carry. Their biggest nightmare is shooting the wrong person, which is easy to do when there is an active shooter and a bunch of yahoos playing rambo with their AR-15's walking around the street..

Stick to your water pistols and fire engines. an actual mass shooting.......with actual civilians carrying not only pistols but also actual rifles.......nothing you said were the real world...not in the fantasy world of your head......

Dittos the Gabby Gifford's shooting.......concealed carriers....not shot by cops.......another mass public shooting with a huge crowd.....

Pretty much sums it up. I guess that the NRA is going to have to fight this out with police unions.....

1) Since when do you cop haters care about what police say?
2) Does one location speak for all police officers?

I'm a cop hater?

I am a Sheriff Aucillary Volunteer who puts on a uniform and patrols 8 hours per week with no gun and no pay, and with a 2,500 hour pin.

So, what have you done to help the police in your community Conservative65?

I've chosen to help from the fire department side having served as a volunteer and/or commissioner for the same department since 1987.

Well, that gives you a little credibility in the world of fire fighting, but you don't know shit about what cops think about open carry. Their biggest nightmare is shooting the wrong person, which is easy to do when there is an active shooter and a bunch of yahoos playing rambo with their AR-15's walking around the street..

Stick to your water pistols and fire engines. an actual mass shooting.......with actual civilians carrying not only pistols but also actual rifles.......nothing you said were the real world...not in the fantasy world of your head......

Dittos the Gabby Gifford's shooting.......concealed carriers....not shot by cops.......another mass public shooting with a huge crowd.....

Vandals handle said he was a Sheriff Volunteer that patrols 8 hours/week with no gun, why didn't he say Security Guard?
Last edited:

Pretty much sums it up. I guess that the NRA is going to have to fight this out with police unions.....

1) Since when do you cop haters care about what police say?
2) Does one location speak for all police officers?

I'm a cop hater?

I am a Sheriff Aucillary Volunteer who puts on a uniform and patrols 8 hours per week with no gun and no pay, and with a 2,500 hour pin.

So, what have you done to help the police in your community Conservative65?

Why didn't you just say security guard and be honest?
Your source is a disgraced economist. His own studies are a joke.

Shooting Down the Gun Lobby’s Favorite “Academic”: A Lott of Lies

And where are these Puerto Rico gun laws? Are you ever not lying?

That liars such as yourself and anti gun zealots attack him simply shows that he is getting to you......his research changed the entire gun debate in the 90s and you guys hate him for it........

He can't even find work at a university. All he has is his website. He has been discredited and proven a joke.
Your source is a disgraced economist. His own studies are a joke.

Shooting Down the Gun Lobby’s Favorite “Academic”: A Lott of Lies

And where are these Puerto Rico gun laws? Are you ever not lying?

Hey that I have access to what I need.......VICE t.v......a left wing anti gun television show....

Guns in Puerto Rico: Locked and Loaded in the Tropics | VICE News

At 91 per cent, Puerto Rico has the world's highest overall percentage of homicides by firearms. But this statistic hasn't stopped the NRA from setting up shop, establishing their 51st chapter in Puerto Rico.

Puerto Rico's sky-high murder rates and extremely strict gun laws have only encouraged the association to fight for their constitutional rights, and arm the island with more and more guns.

I asked for details. You keep claiming strict gun laws, give details.

Pretty much sums it up. I guess that the NRA is going to have to fight this out with police unions.....

1) Since when do you cop haters care about what police say?
2) Does one location speak for all police officers?

I'm a cop hater?

I am a Sheriff Aucillary Volunteer who puts on a uniform and patrols 8 hours per week with no gun and no pay, and with a 2,500 hour pin.

So, what have you done to help the police in your community Conservative65?

Why didn't you just say security guard and be honest?

65, you are making a complete ass of yourself. In order to be a Sheriff Auxiliary Volunteer, I had to undergo 7 weeks of training, 5 days per week, 4 hours per day. I had to memorize 150 radio codes, and pass a test every single day of the academy. I had to buy my own uniform, for which I was reimbursed after having served 500 hours. I patrol 8 hours per week with a radio, no gun, and exactly the same patrol cars that the deputies use. In fact, we loan them back and forth as needed. I don't get paid for this. We are sitting ducks, being unarmed, but in exactly the same uniform that the deputies wear. In addition to patrolling, I also do citizen care checks for the elderly, and point control for special events. In reading posts of most of the gun nuts on this board, I note that half of them won't go to Safeway unless they are strapped on. I go everywhere with no weapon at all, and I am indistinguishable from a cop. I work with deputies, and they are first on my list of friends to get invites to a barbeque at my house. I know what they are up against, and they sincerely appreciate what SAV does for them. We are their eyes and ears in the community.

Should you ever grow a pair and volunteer, you can make light of it, and get away with it. Until then, why don't you just STFU.

Pretty much sums it up. I guess that the NRA is going to have to fight this out with police unions.....

1) Since when do you cop haters care about what police say?
2) Does one location speak for all police officers?

I'm a cop hater?

I am a Sheriff Aucillary Volunteer who puts on a uniform and patrols 8 hours per week with no gun and no pay, and with a 2,500 hour pin.

So, what have you done to help the police in your community Conservative65?

Why didn't you just say security guard and be honest?

65, you are making a complete ass of yourself. In order to be a Sheriff Auxiliary Volunteer, I had to undergo 7 weeks of training, 5 days per week, 4 hours per day. I had to memorize 150 radio codes, and pass a test every single day of the academy. I had to buy my own uniform, for which I was reimbursed after having served 500 hours. I patrol 8 hours per week with a radio, no gun, and exactly the same patrol cars that the deputies use. In fact, we loan them back and forth as needed. I don't get paid for this. We are sitting ducks, being unarmed, but in exactly the same uniform that the deputies wear. In addition to patrolling, I also do citizen care checks for the elderly, and point control for special events. In reading posts of most of the gun nuts on this board, I note that half of them won't go to Safeway unless they are strapped on. I go everywhere with no weapon at all, and I am indistinguishable from a cop. I work with deputies, and they are first on my list of friends to get invites to a barbeque at my house. I know what they are up against, and they sincerely appreciate what SAV does for them. We are their eyes and ears in the community.

Should you ever grow a pair and volunteer, you can make light of it, and get away with it. Until then, why don't you just STFU. are a glorified security guard....why didn't you say so.....?

Pretty much sums it up. I guess that the NRA is going to have to fight this out with police unions.....

1) Since when do you cop haters care about what police say?
2) Does one location speak for all police officers?

I'm a cop hater?

I am a Sheriff Aucillary Volunteer who puts on a uniform and patrols 8 hours per week with no gun and no pay, and with a 2,500 hour pin.

So, what have you done to help the police in your community Conservative65?

Why didn't you just say security guard and be honest?

65, you are making a complete ass of yourself. In order to be a Sheriff Auxiliary Volunteer, I had to undergo 7 weeks of training, 5 days per week, 4 hours per day. I had to memorize 150 radio codes, and pass a test every single day of the academy. I had to buy my own uniform, for which I was reimbursed after having served 500 hours. I patrol 8 hours per week with a radio, no gun, and exactly the same patrol cars that the deputies use. In fact, we loan them back and forth as needed. I don't get paid for this. We are sitting ducks, being unarmed, but in exactly the same uniform that the deputies wear. In addition to patrolling, I also do citizen care checks for the elderly, and point control for special events. In reading posts of most of the gun nuts on this board, I note that half of them won't go to Safeway unless they are strapped on. I go everywhere with no weapon at all, and I am indistinguishable from a cop. I work with deputies, and they are first on my list of friends to get invites to a barbeque at my house. I know what they are up against, and they sincerely appreciate what SAV does for them. We are their eyes and ears in the community.

Should you ever grow a pair and volunteer, you can make light of it, and get away with it. Until then, why don't you just STFU. are a glorified security guard....why didn't you say so.....?

Is he Andy or Barney?

Pretty much sums it up. I guess that the NRA is going to have to fight this out with police unions.....

1) Since when do you cop haters care about what police say?
2) Does one location speak for all police officers?

I'm a cop hater?

I am a Sheriff Aucillary Volunteer who puts on a uniform and patrols 8 hours per week with no gun and no pay, and with a 2,500 hour pin.

So, what have you done to help the police in your community Conservative65?

Why didn't you just say security guard and be honest?

65, you are making a complete ass of yourself. In order to be a Sheriff Auxiliary Volunteer, I had to undergo 7 weeks of training, 5 days per week, 4 hours per day. I had to memorize 150 radio codes, and pass a test every single day of the academy. I had to buy my own uniform, for which I was reimbursed after having served 500 hours. I patrol 8 hours per week with a radio, no gun, and exactly the same patrol cars that the deputies use. In fact, we loan them back and forth as needed. I don't get paid for this. We are sitting ducks, being unarmed, but in exactly the same uniform that the deputies wear. In addition to patrolling, I also do citizen care checks for the elderly, and point control for special events. In reading posts of most of the gun nuts on this board, I note that half of them won't go to Safeway unless they are strapped on. I go everywhere with no weapon at all, and I am indistinguishable from a cop. I work with deputies, and they are first on my list of friends to get invites to a barbeque at my house. I know what they are up against, and they sincerely appreciate what SAV does for them. We are their eyes and ears in the community.

Should you ever grow a pair and volunteer, you can make light of it, and get away with it. Until then, why don't you just STFU.

I do volunteer. I had to undergo well over 200 hours of training in order to be able to do what the full time firefighters do. I'm also required to do 240 hours/year training in order to continue to do it for nothing. I also had to learn radio codes and pass all sorts of tests. I respond to far more than 8 hours worth of calls in a week. I don't get paid for what I do. That's what volunteer means. I wear the same gear as the career firefighters. I do the same thing as the career firefighters and many are friends I've known longer than I can remember. I know what they are up against because fire doesn't change the way it burns because a volunteer is on the nozzle.

That means I've grown a pair. When you're willing to run into a building that's on fire, let me know and you can make light of it. Until, keep eating your donuts Barney.

I got away with what I said because despite your demands I STFU, there isn't a damn thing you can do about it. So, the answer to your demand about what I do is NO. Don't like it, tough shit. There isn't a thing a pussy like you will ever be able to do to stop me.

Pretty much sums it up. I guess that the NRA is going to have to fight this out with police unions.....

1) Since when do you cop haters care about what police say?
2) Does one location speak for all police officers?

I'm a cop hater?

I am a Sheriff Aucillary Volunteer who puts on a uniform and patrols 8 hours per week with no gun and no pay, and with a 2,500 hour pin.

So, what have you done to help the police in your community Conservative65?

Why didn't you just say security guard and be honest?

65, you are making a complete ass of yourself. In order to be a Sheriff Auxiliary Volunteer, I had to undergo 7 weeks of training, 5 days per week, 4 hours per day. I had to memorize 150 radio codes, and pass a test every single day of the academy. I had to buy my own uniform, for which I was reimbursed after having served 500 hours. I patrol 8 hours per week with a radio, no gun, and exactly the same patrol cars that the deputies use. In fact, we loan them back and forth as needed. I don't get paid for this. We are sitting ducks, being unarmed, but in exactly the same uniform that the deputies wear. In addition to patrolling, I also do citizen care checks for the elderly, and point control for special events. In reading posts of most of the gun nuts on this board, I note that half of them won't go to Safeway unless they are strapped on. I go everywhere with no weapon at all, and I am indistinguishable from a cop. I work with deputies, and they are first on my list of friends to get invites to a barbeque at my house. I know what they are up against, and they sincerely appreciate what SAV does for them. We are their eyes and ears in the community.

Should you ever grow a pair and volunteer, you can make light of it, and get away with it. Until then, why don't you just STFU.

I do volunteer. I had to undergo well over 200 hours of training in order to be able to do what the full time firefighters do. I'm also required to do 240 hours/year training in order to continue to do it for nothing. I also had to learn radio codes and pass all sorts of tests. I respond to far more than 8 hours worth of calls in a week. I don't get paid for what I do. That's what volunteer means. I wear the same gear as the career firefighters. I do the same thing as the career firefighters and many are friends I've known longer than I can remember. I know what they are up against because fire doesn't change the way it burns because a volunteer is on the nozzle.

That means I've grown a pair. When you're willing to run into a building that's on fire, let me know and you can make light of it. Until, keep eating your donuts Barney.

I got away with what I said because despite your demands I STFU, there isn't a damn thing you can do about it. So, the answer to your demand about what I do is NO. Don't like it, tough shit. There isn't a thing a pussy like you will ever be able to do to stop me.

I beg to differ. I just put you on "ignore", which did, in fact, end your insults and disrespect, so, you have been STFU. Go rant at the full moon, 65. I am not interested in your immature taunts.

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