So, how do police feel about open carry....?

1) Since when do you cop haters care about what police say?
2) Does one location speak for all police officers?

I'm a cop hater?

I am a Sheriff Aucillary Volunteer who puts on a uniform and patrols 8 hours per week with no gun and no pay, and with a 2,500 hour pin.

So, what have you done to help the police in your community Conservative65?

Why didn't you just say security guard and be honest?

65, you are making a complete ass of yourself. In order to be a Sheriff Auxiliary Volunteer, I had to undergo 7 weeks of training, 5 days per week, 4 hours per day. I had to memorize 150 radio codes, and pass a test every single day of the academy. I had to buy my own uniform, for which I was reimbursed after having served 500 hours. I patrol 8 hours per week with a radio, no gun, and exactly the same patrol cars that the deputies use. In fact, we loan them back and forth as needed. I don't get paid for this. We are sitting ducks, being unarmed, but in exactly the same uniform that the deputies wear. In addition to patrolling, I also do citizen care checks for the elderly, and point control for special events. In reading posts of most of the gun nuts on this board, I note that half of them won't go to Safeway unless they are strapped on. I go everywhere with no weapon at all, and I am indistinguishable from a cop. I work with deputies, and they are first on my list of friends to get invites to a barbeque at my house. I know what they are up against, and they sincerely appreciate what SAV does for them. We are their eyes and ears in the community.

Should you ever grow a pair and volunteer, you can make light of it, and get away with it. Until then, why don't you just STFU.

I do volunteer. I had to undergo well over 200 hours of training in order to be able to do what the full time firefighters do. I'm also required to do 240 hours/year training in order to continue to do it for nothing. I also had to learn radio codes and pass all sorts of tests. I respond to far more than 8 hours worth of calls in a week. I don't get paid for what I do. That's what volunteer means. I wear the same gear as the career firefighters. I do the same thing as the career firefighters and many are friends I've known longer than I can remember. I know what they are up against because fire doesn't change the way it burns because a volunteer is on the nozzle.

That means I've grown a pair. When you're willing to run into a building that's on fire, let me know and you can make light of it. Until, keep eating your donuts Barney.

I got away with what I said because despite your demands I STFU, there isn't a damn thing you can do about it. So, the answer to your demand about what I do is NO. Don't like it, tough shit. There isn't a thing a pussy like you will ever be able to do to stop me.

I beg to differ. I just put you on "ignore", which did, in fact, end your insults and disrespect, so, you have been STFU. Go rant at the full moon, 65. I am not interested in your immature taunts.

Putting me on ignore means you run like a pussy and hide. If you could do it, you'd do it like a man rather than a coward. I guess all that security guard training couldn't bring you up to the level where I am. Run, bitch, run.

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