So how many of you are cool with adding $353 billion to the deficit?

...we tax corporations harder than any civilized country in the world...

In today’s globalized world, U.S. corporations are increasingly at a competitive disadvantage. They currently face the highest statutory corporate income tax rate in the world at 39.1 percent. This overall rate is a combination of our 35 percent federal rate and the average rate levied by U.S. states. Corporations headquartered in the 33 other industrialized countries that make up the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), however, face an average rate of 25 percent. Even corporations in high-tax European countries such as Belgium (34 percent), France (34.4 percent), and Sweden (22 percent) face much lower rates than those in the United States. Our largest trading partners—Canada, Japan, and the United Kingdom—have each cut their corporate tax rates over the past few years to become more competitive.

The U.S. Has the Highest Corporate Income Tax Rate in the OECD

One word: Offshoring.
Another word: deflection

I accept your surrender.

So you actually believe major U.S. corporations pay their fair share of taxes?

When you fell off the turnip truck, did you hit your head?
...we tax corporations harder than any civilized country in the world...

In today’s globalized world, U.S. corporations are increasingly at a competitive disadvantage. They currently face the highest statutory corporate income tax rate in the world at 39.1 percent. This overall rate is a combination of our 35 percent federal rate and the average rate levied by U.S. states. Corporations headquartered in the 33 other industrialized countries that make up the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), however, face an average rate of 25 percent. Even corporations in high-tax European countries such as Belgium (34 percent), France (34.4 percent), and Sweden (22 percent) face much lower rates than those in the United States. Our largest trading partners—Canada, Japan, and the United Kingdom—have each cut their corporate tax rates over the past few years to become more competitive.

The U.S. Has the Highest Corporate Income Tax Rate in the OECD

One word: Offshoring.
Another word: deflection

I accept your surrender.

So you actually believe major U.S. corporations pay their fair share of taxes?

When you fell off the turnip truck, did you hit your head?

More than they should. Democrats have destroyed the jobs the whine constantly about with their tax and spend social agenda. If your plant has closed, thank a democrat.
The articles clearly articulate the ACA forced many employers offering great plans into offering HDHP plans which if Arianasshole had taken time to READ would have been relized instead of the stupid dumbass shit he has written above.

HSAs and HDHPs have been touted as one of the keys to restoring market dynamics to the health sector for years. I don't think I've ever heard of a conservative health reform plan that doesn't boast expanding use of HSAs as a central feature.

What do you have against HSAs and HDHPs?
The articles clearly articulate the ACA forced many employers offering great plans into offering HDHP plans which if Arianasshole had taken time to READ would have been relized instead of the stupid dumbass shit he has written above.

HSAs and HDHPs have been touted as one of the keys to restoring market dynamics to the health sector for years. I don't think I've ever heard of a conservative health reform plan that doesn't boast expanding use of HSAs as a central feature.

What do you have against HSAs and HDHPs?

They eat up DISPOSABLE income that could be used to boost the economy or a better retirement. It a simple pay cut for the middle class.
Democrats have destroyed the jobs the whine constantly about with their tax and spend social agenda. If your plant has closed, thank a democrat.

So you have a list of every CEO who's closed plants and sent jobs overseas for the past 25 years that includes their political affiliation? Impressive. Kindly provide it here.
They eat up DISPOSABLE income that could be used to boost the economy or a better retirement. It a simple pay cut for the middle class.

Except that income is only disposable in the first place because you've forgone a higher premium, lower deductible alternative. If you had a low deductible plan instead, then you'd pay a higher premium and then you really wouldn't have access to those dollars.

When you have the higher deductible plan (and the lower premiums): (1) there's a chance you won't need health services, in which case you can actually put the money you saved on the premiums toward something else, and (2) if/when you seek services you'll be more price sensitive, since you actually have to allocate some of your disposable income toward those services. And, again, any savings you achieve by being a savvier shopper is money back in your pocket to be used on whatever you want.
Because that's what it would cost to repeal the PPACA (not that it's going to happen, but your fantasies amuse me):

ACA Repealing Obamacare Would Add As Much As 353 billion to Deficit - Fortune


So, what approach are you going to take? "Smaller Gubmint...unless it does what *I* want"? or "It's the Congressional Budget Office, of course they're lying [even though there's a Republican majority]?"

And, go...

You're right. It isn't going to happen. Even were a radical pinochetist like Scott Walker elected, the most he'd do is try to get congress to water down the employer mandate (which is the part they disagree with, after all).
They eat up DISPOSABLE income that could be used to boost the economy or a better retirement. It a simple pay cut for the middle class.

Except that income is only disposable in the first place because you've forgone a higher premium, lower deductible alternative. If you had a low deductible plan instead, then you'd pay a higher premium and then you really wouldn't have access to those dollars.

When you have the higher deductible plan (and the lower premiums): (1) there's a chance you won't need health services, in which case you can actually put the money you saved on the premiums toward something else, and (2) if/when you seek services you'll be more price sensitive, since you actually have to allocate some of your disposable income toward those services. And, again, any savings you achieve by being a savvier shopper is money back in your pocket to be used on whatever you want.

Wrong again, my premium remained the same while the coverage dropped and deductible and out of pocket rose. ACA fucked everyone of us that has maintained insurance all our lives without lapses. Under my old plan we did not pay for anything, then this dumbass dumocrat fucked that me and my family. I hope he dies a horrible painful death from some slow cancer or disease, he deserves it after giving all of us a early death,
Democrats have destroyed the jobs the whine constantly about with their tax and spend social agenda. If your plant has closed, thank a democrat.

So you have a list of every CEO who's closed plants and sent jobs overseas for the past 25 years that includes their political affiliation? Impressive. Kindly provide it here.

It started with FDR, maybe you should educated yourself first before spouting off at the mouth repeating what the Huffington post and NYT program you to say.

Start with the NRA legislation from FDR that SCOTUS had to squash and read through the laws that went against new business owners creating the monopolies we are seeing today.
Democrats have destroyed the jobs the whine constantly about with their tax and spend social agenda. If your plant has closed, thank a democrat.

So you have a list of every CEO who's closed plants and sent jobs overseas for the past 25 years that includes their political affiliation? Impressive. Kindly provide it here.

It started with FDR.


Start with the NRA legislation from FDR that SCOTUS had to squash and read through the laws that went against new business owners creating the monopolies we are seeing today.

Provide links and I'll read them.

Meanwhile, still waiting for you to provide the list of CEOs you claim are Democrats.
Democrats have destroyed the jobs the whine constantly about with their tax and spend social agenda. If your plant has closed, thank a democrat.

So you have a list of every CEO who's closed plants and sent jobs overseas for the past 25 years that includes their political affiliation? Impressive. Kindly provide it here.

It started with FDR.


Start with the NRA legislation from FDR that SCOTUS had to squash and read through the laws that went against new business owners creating the monopolies we are seeing today.

Provide links and I'll read them.

Meanwhile, still waiting for you to provide the list of CEOs you claim are Democrats.

Case in point, most democrats are programmed to fucking lazy to edcuate themselves. CEO's don't pass tax laws idiot, you are too stupid for this thread...I accept your surrender again
CEO's [sic.] don't pass tax laws...

No, they hire lobbyists to lobby legislators to change the laws in their favor so they can send jobs overseas.

Okay, so you can't list the CEOs (N.B.: Not possessive case, ergo no apostrophe), but I'm *sure* you can list the *Democratic legislators* responsible for giving corporations *carte blanche* to send American jobs to India and China, right?
CEO's [sic.] don't pass tax laws...

No, they hire lobbyists to lobby legislators to change the laws in their favor so they can send jobs overseas.

Okay, so you can't list the CEOs (N.B.: Not possessive case, ergo no apostrophe), but I'm *sure* you can list the *Democratic legislators* responsible for giving corporations *carte blanche* to send American jobs to India and China, right?

I think you need to show all of us that CEO's and not tax laws and costs to business here are ridiculous. Please show our tax rates versus other industrialized countries, please show our environmental taxes versus other countries, show us the cost of labor due to unionized labor laws in liberal states and also the total cost of government labor due to public unions.
@ Stephanie
? You told us you get state funded medicaid and you have to be 65 for Medicare and you said you are only 60 unless you are on SSI welfare, which is more true then not. You gob'ment cheese eater you

Wait, what? She's getting her "free money" (translation to AdultSpeak: She's below the poverty level and getting supplementation) and she's WAAAAAAHING because more Americans have access? I.e., "I got mine and fuck everyone else!"


Yep. She's been on the dole for at least as long as I've been posting here. She gets Medicaid (which she has said she doesn't understand but knows us taxpayers are footing the bill), food stamps and has said she gets "government cheese". I remember something about her collecting SSI on someone elses account but don't remember the particulars. When she drinks, she types, if you get my drift.

About the OP - Obama cut the deficit by 3/4s and ObamaCare has cut and will continue to cut health care costs so, of course, the RWs hate it.

The Republicans who say that, if elected, they will repeal ObamaCare are lying.
CEO's [sic.] don't pass tax laws...

No, they hire lobbyists to lobby legislators to change the laws in their favor so they can send jobs overseas.

Okay, so you can't list the CEOs (N.B.: Not possessive case, ergo no apostrophe), but I'm *sure* you can list the *Democratic legislators* responsible for giving corporations *carte blanche* to send American jobs to India and China, right?

I think you need to show all of us that CEO's and not tax laws and costs to business here are ridiculous. Please show our tax rates versus other industrialized countries, please show our environmental taxes versus other countries, show us the cost of labor due to unionized labor laws in liberal states and also the total cost of government labor due to public unions.

Its pretty simple really. Other countries invest in their own. We pay very high taxes but it goes to the military. Amazingly, even though our military is larger than the next 13 country's combined, R candidates want to spend more.

Unions don't cost much of anything. If you believe differently, post proof.

I think you need to show all of us that CEO's and not tax laws and costs to business here are ridiculous.

Actually, you need to back up your original claim that it's all the fault of Democrats. But we both know you can't, because the claim is bogus.

Nevertheless, for the posters here who are less mendacious than you, here's another bit of data for you to ignore:


Damn facts...always getting in the way of a loud, ignorant opinion...
Wrong again, my premium remained the same while the coverage dropped and deductible and out of pocket rose.

I don't know or particularly what the details of your particular situation are. The fact remains that the premium for a given set of benefits goes down as actuarial value falls (i.e., as your cost-sharing goes up).

And a consumer in a higher deductible plan is going to be more price sensitive when it comes to actually shopping for medical services. Which is why they're always the cornerstone of any reform proposal that purports to be conservative.

You, on the other hand, are talking like a single-payer convert.
I think you need to show all of us that CEO's and not tax laws and costs to business here are ridiculous.

Actually, you need to back up your original claim that it's all the fault of Democrats. But we both know you can't, because the claim is bogus.

Nevertheless, for the posters here who are less mendacious than you, here's another bit of data for you to ignore:


Damn facts...always getting in the way of a loud, ignorant opinion...
Growth of CEO pay has nothing to do with tax rates, EPA regs,. You never even looked up FDR and the NRA legisltation that destroyed competition making the monopolies we have today. Are you always this lazy when it comes to learning?

You deserve this.

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