So how many of you are still wearing a mask in public?

Do you or don't you?

  • Yes, I wear a mask in public

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I see folks every day who are still wearing them. Is there a reason?
Every once in a while, when i see a Marxist(no longer calling Democrats, progressives) walking around in a mask, i pull out my old faithful mask. The hatred i get from the Kens and Karens are priceless..

I had an old guy who owned a thrift shop tell me, that he liked Joe Biden, but didnt like what the policies were doing for his store. If you vote retarded, then retarded things happen.

The mask i wear.

I see folks every day who are still wearing them. Is there a reason?

I'd probably wear one if I worked in a sewage plant.

thousands of tons of poo and piss all coming into one location isn't going to smell like a spring garden party, and a mask might help muffle the odor a bit.
I suspect some of the elderly I see wearing them have been terrorized by doctors.

That's the usual excuse I hear when I ask someone I know, why they're still wearing a mask.

"I'm immuno-compromised", which they probably got from the jab.
I have a buddy who's conservative that still wears one when he goes to the grocery store.
But then he wont go wade fishing in the Gulf because he's afraid of flesh eating bacteria.
And another but then....he's afraid to fly and has never been on an airplane.
I was able to turn him from being a democrat to a conservative but I obviously still have some work to do.
Why are you triggered? People wear them before their weddings so they don’t get sick and miss them, before going on an expensive vacation they paid for, if they are immune compromised or around someone that is. Just relax. Let people make their own decisions. You have no right to know their situation. Right to privacy still exists for the time being even if Republicans are assaulting it.
Why are you triggered? People wear them before their weddings so they don’t get sick and miss them, before going on an expensive vacation they paid for, if they are immune compromised or around someone that is. Just relax. Let people make their own decisions. You have no right to know their situation. Right to privacy still exists for the time being even if Republicans are assaulting it.

I want them to continue wearing them.
They're a constant source of comedy.
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I see folks every day who are still wearing them. Is there a reason?
On occasion. Just wore my usual KN-95 and cloth mask combo for a day of traveling from the left coast to the right coast. Planes have been and always will be petri dishes. I traveled quite extensively for business up till 2018 and just about every time, I came down with something. I've known four people who've recently come down with the virus after traveling on a plane unmasked. I also just learned of six people who attended a retirement party (dozens of people in a close space) of a friend that came down with the virus....when no one at the party was exhibiting outward symptoms (so they say). Now, one person might be a one off...but six??

I don't mask everywhere or all the time. Just when I can't control the distance between myself and others.
We may be done with the virus, but it isn't done with us.
Why are you triggered? People wear them before their weddings so they don’t get sick and miss them, before going on an expensive vacation they paid for, if they are immune compromised or around someone that is. Just relax. Let people make their own decisions. You have no right to know theor situation. Right to privacy still exists for the time being even if Republicans are assaulting it.

A little late to the party.
It will remain through eternity. FYI
Maybe. Maybe not. If you travel to SE Asia, you'd know that masks have been a way of life for them since the first SARS/Bird Flu outbreak in the early 2000's. Even after those pandemics had died down, many of them kept wearing masks...just to avoid getting sick on petri dishes where they were packed in like sardines.
Why are you triggered? People wear them before their weddings so they don’t get sick and miss them, before going on an expensive vacation they paid for, if they are immune compromised or around someone that is. Just relax. Let people make their own decisions. You have no right to know their situation. Right to privacy still exists for the time being even if Republicans are assaulting it.

You supported vaccine mandates. You're a fascist.
Maybe. Maybe not. If you travel to SE Asia, you'd know that masks have been a way of life for them since the first SARS/Bird Flu outbreak in the early 2000's. Even after those pandemics had died down, many of them kept wearing masks...just to avoid getting sick on petri dishes where they were packed in like sardines.

Even though I have laughed at the most recent examples, I really don't blame people for wearing masks. Some need to (like my neighbor who wears one while cutting grass) others choose to.

Each person has to make their own decisions.
Even though I have laughed at the most recent examples, I really don't blame people for wearing masks. Some need to (like my neighbor who wears one while cutting grass) others choose to.

Each person has to make their own decisions.
Oh, even way before the pandemic, I always wore an N95 mask with a filter while doing yard work because the grass pollen and particles that kicked up would always inflame my sinuses and make my throat swell up to the size of a balloon.
If you want to wear one, fine. If you don't want to wear one, fine. Those are both your choice. But don't get in the grill of someone whose wearing one...or don't berate others for not wearing them.

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