So how many of you have jumped off the Trump Train?

Do you regret voting for President Trump?

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Do you regret constantly underestimating Trump?

Yes, I regret underestimating Trump.

I thought he was just an extreme narcissist.

I've learned that he's both an extreme narcissist and a TRAITOR!

Oh please. This coming from the party that elected a Muslim to the house that fights for light sentences for traitors of the US that tried to join ISIS.


Sure, Obama was a Muslim extremist...that's why he had Bin Laden killed.

People like you are too stupid for words!

Uh...dipshit. I’m talking about the Muslim you just elected to the house that fights for members of ISIS.

Huh? As far as I know there are no Muslim Congress people from Connecticut.

If your referring to Congress woman Omar, there's no evidence or even any realistic suspicion of her supporting ISIS.

You live in a fantasy world.
Do you regret constantly underestimating Trump?

Yes, I regret underestimating Trump.

I thought he was just an extreme narcissist.

I've learned that he's both an extreme narcissist and a TRAITOR!

Oh please. This coming from the party that elected a Muslim to the house that fights for light sentences for traitors of the US that tried to join ISIS.


Sure, Obama was a Muslim extremist...that's why he had Bin Laden killed.

People like you are too stupid for words!

Uh...dipshit. I’m talking about the Muslim you just elected to the house that fights for members of ISIS.

ISIS was Obama's baby, and was the only thing Obama and Hillary were really successful at. He sure was proud of his "Arab Spring", wasn't he? And helping to depose Gaddafi in Libya was a truly idiotic move that got four of our people killed.

Thank Jesus Hillary didn't get elected and if there actually were some Russians behind her losing the election, I'd personally buy every one of them a beer and shake his hand.

Gaddafi was a terrorist, and Obama was completely correct in supporting his removal.

Yes, four Americans were killed, however if you knew anything about what happened at Benghazi, you'd know that the person responsible for those deaths was Ambassador Stevens himself. He had been warned to stay out of Benghazi and he chose to ignore that warning. He saw the gaping hole in the consulate wall and chose to stay.

Interesting that while you keep harping on the 4 Americans that were killed in Benghazi, you have no problem with the tens of thousands of Americans killed every year because of not having common sense gun laws.

Could it be that you are a partisan hack?
Do you regret constantly underestimating Trump?

Yes, I regret underestimating Trump.

I thought he was just an extreme narcissist.

I've learned that he's both an extreme narcissist and a TRAITOR!

Oh please. This coming from the party that elected a Muslim to the house that fights for light sentences for traitors of the US that tried to join ISIS.


Sure, Obama was a Muslim extremist...that's why he had Bin Laden killed.

People like you are too stupid for words!

Uh...dipshit. I’m talking about the Muslim you just elected to the house that fights for members of ISIS.

Huh? As far as I know there are no Muslim Congress people from Connecticut.

If your referring to Congress woman Omar, there's no evidence or even any realistic suspicion of her supporting ISIS.

You live in a fantasy world.

She advocated for light sentences for ISIS members. Like I said. It is documented. I’m not the one living in “ fantasyland”. That would be you.
Yes, I regret underestimating Trump.

I thought he was just an extreme narcissist.

I've learned that he's both an extreme narcissist and a TRAITOR!
Oh please. This coming from the party that elected a Muslim to the house that fights for light sentences for traitors of the US that tried to join ISIS.


Sure, Obama was a Muslim extremist...that's why he had Bin Laden killed.

People like you are too stupid for words!
Uh...dipshit. I’m talking about the Muslim you just elected to the house that fights for members of ISIS.

Huh? As far as I know there are no Muslim Congress people from Connecticut.

If your referring to Congress woman Omar, there's no evidence or even any realistic suspicion of her supporting ISIS.

You live in a fantasy world.
She advocated for light sentences for ISIS members. Like I said. It is documented. I’m not the one living in “ fantasyland”. That would be you.

She advocated for sensible sentences. Those men did not commit any crime in the U.S. - they were attempting to leave the U.S. to join ISIS in Syria. They were found guilty based on intent, not on any actions they committed.

30 years is a harsh sentence if it's based on what the courts think someone might do sometime in the future, rather than what they have done.

If we were to find guilt based on intent, there would be a whole lot of Trumpbots on this board that could be considered guilty of treason based on what they have posted. Advocating for a civil war makes them as guilty as any ISIS recruiter.

Besides which, if they had succeeded in going to Syria, they'd probably all be dead by now.

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