So how much money do those evil conniving climate scientists make anyway?

Nothing to say?

Nothing left to say. We're going in circles because I trust scientists to do science and you don't.

So now I am a redneck also?


For someone who claims to know all about his opponent, you sure don't seem to be able to answer any pointed questions

Unlike Crick and the others I see the futility in trying to have an honest conversation with somebody that argues in bad faith because they're politically motivated to believe one thing over the other.

And do you think rednecks are stupid?

I see I hit a nerve with that one.


And every time one of you warmer wack jobs failed to provide even a single piece of observed, measured evidence to support the AGW hypothesis over natural strengthen my case....

Whatever you say Cletus.
Nothing left to say. We're going in circles because I trust scientists to do science and you don't.

Of what value is a scientist who can't produce a single piece of observed measured evidence to support his central hypothesis?


Based on what? Did I say aint or something? You think people who don't agree with you are rednecks? Based on what? Is that part of the political opinion you were given?

Unlike Crick and the others I see the futility in trying to have an honest conversation with somebody that argues in bad faith because they're politically motivated to believe one thing over the other.

What bad faith have I offered? I am asking for evidence...You can't produce it, no one on this board or any other board can produce it...and no one in climate science can produce it. People making "scientific" claims that they can't support with observed, measured evidence are the ones operating on bad faith. I'm not the one making claims that I can't support.

I see I hit a nerve with that one.

Not at all. You exhibit some interesting psychology in your attempted defense of an indefensible position.. Interesting psychology fascinates me.

Whatever you say Cletus.

Says a self proclaimed ignoramus. Pardon me if your name calling doesn't hurt my feelings too much. Had you suggested that I was possibly not very smart because I was black, or a woman, or hispanic, I would have been equally curious about your ingrained prejudice.

People on the defensive often let their bigotry get the better of them and use it to lash out. It is always interesting when a liberal exposes that part of their personality....especially when they start getting hateful with it. You people don't like to admit it, but you have hate to spare... Prejudice is born out of hate....knowing who a person hates tells a great deal about them.

Tell me...why do you hate those you perceive as rednecks...and do you visualize everyone who challenges you as a redneck?
I only studied , among other experts, career leftist hack Noam Chomsky on the subject.
Well, lucky you are an expert authority to which to appeal.
I'm an expert and you are not...I ask you not to appeal to my expertise, but to recognize the weaselly and deceptive language for yourself....But alas, your confirmation bias filters it all out.
Gosh, you wouldn't be trying to change the subject would you?

And you wouldn't be displaying your hypocrisy for all to see since you decided that pretending poster Mamooth was a woman was a hurtful insult.

Oh... you are. Both. Too bad, troll
Unlike Crick and the others I see the futility in trying to have an honest conversation with somebody that argues in bad faith because they're politically motivated to believe one thing over the other.
Arguing in bad faith, you say?...Like calling people idiots and other names when you have completely run out of any intellectual ammunition?
What is the political agenda of the scientists behind the IPCC?
Whatever the agenda of their benefactors is.....You do know that the big "I" in IPCC stands for "inter-governmental" don't you?

Probably a very low probability that politics and consolidation of power is involved there...Almost non-existent odds, wouldn't you say? :rolleyes:
Gosh, you wouldn't be trying to change the subject would you?

And you wouldn't be displaying your hypocrisy for all to see since you decided that pretending poster Mamooth was a woman was a hurtful insult.

Oh... you are. Both. Too bad, troll
The hairball is a woman...funny that you didn’t know that...
I only studied , among other experts, career leftist hack Noam Chomsky on the subject.

OOOooo...Noam Chomsky!!! I am so impressed. Was that in high school or junior college? Did he come to your class? Did you have him home to dinner? Did you go out drinking together? hat's he really like?

I'm an expert and you are not...I ask you not to appeal to my expertise, but to recognize the weaselly and deceptive language for yourself....But alas, your confirmation bias filters it all out.

Did you notice that when Trump told us all he was a "stable genius", by far the most common reaction was roll-on-the-floor laughter. So how do you think the folks here are going to react to you telling us you're an expert on something? I can't help but look back on you telling me you were an expert on people's words and then very shortly thereafter telling me you didn't pay any attention to what people said but what they DID. You're a bit of confused mess.

I'll tell you something in which we have seen clearly you are no expert and that would be basic climate science.
Roll on the floor when you claim to be an engineer...
What is the political agenda of the scientists behind the IPCC?
Whatever the agenda of their benefactors is.....You do know that the big "I" in IPCC stands for "inter-governmental" don't you?

Probably a very low probability that politics and consolidation of power is involved there...Almost non-existent odds, wouldn't you say? :rolleyes:

The point (the thing that flew right over your head) was that the scientists working with and used by the IPCC come from all over the world. The idea that they all have the same political agenda and hold it with such fervor that they will break the law and throw away their hard-earned careers for it, is utter nonsense.
I only studied , among other experts, career leftist hack Noam Chomsky on the subject.

OOOooo...Noam Chomsky!!! I am so impressed. Was that in high school or junior college? Did he come to your class? Did you have him home to dinner? Did you go out drinking together? hat's he really like?
No, but I have met and been trained by Richard Bandler...A giant in NLP

Did you notice that when Trump told us all he was a "stable genius", by far the most common reaction was roll-on-the-floor laughter. So how do you think the folks here are going to react to you telling us you're an expert on something? I can't help but look back on you telling me you were an expert on people's words and then very shortly thereafter telling me you didn't pay any attention to what people said but what they DID. You're a bit of confused mess.

I'll tell you something in which we have seen clearly you are no expert and that would be basic climate science.
I couldn't care less about the Cheeto's braggadocio...I'm being honest about my fields of study, but that which I speak of also runs up against your confirmation bias and your willingness to learn anything new, so it's pretty much a waste of time....Sucks to be you.
Based on what? Did I say aint or something? You think people who don't agree with you are rednecks? Based on what? Is that part of the political opinion you were given?

In my experience opponents of science tend to be monotheistic rednecks. Maybe you're an exception.

People on the defensive often let their bigotry get the better of them and use it to lash out.

I don't mind you thinking you won. You were going to do that anyway.

I'm curious though, and this is somewhat unrelated, but...

Do you believe evolution is a thing, or is that bullshit science too? You seem like the type.
What is the political agenda of the scientists behind the IPCC?
Whatever the agenda of their benefactors is.....You do know that the big "I" in IPCC stands for "inter-governmental" don't you?

Probably a very low probability that politics and consolidation of power is involved there...Almost non-existent odds, wouldn't you say? :rolleyes:

The point (the thing that flew right over your head) was that the scientists working with and used by the IPCC come from all over the world. The idea that they all have the same political agenda and hold it with such fervor that they will break the law and throw away their hard-earned careers for it, is utter nonsense.
The "scientists" at the IPCC are hand picked by politicians to come up with results that will help them seize and consolidate power....It's a political scam from stem to stern, and you're too blinded by your misguided sense that you're saving the world to see anything else.
I only studied , among other experts, career leftist hack Noam Chomsky on the subject.

OOOooo...Noam Chomsky!!! I am so impressed. Was that in high school or junior college? Did he come to your class? Did you have him home to dinner? Did you go out drinking together? hat's he really like?
No, but I have met and been trained by Richard Bandler...A giant in NLP

Did you notice that when Trump told us all he was a "stable genius", by far the most common reaction was roll-on-the-floor laughter. So how do you think the folks here are going to react to you telling us you're an expert on something? I can't help but look back on you telling me you were an expert on people's words and then very shortly thereafter telling me you didn't pay any attention to what people said but what they DID. You're a bit of confused mess.

I'll tell you something in which we have seen clearly you are no expert and that would be basic climate science.
I couldn't care less about the Cheeto's braggadocio...I'm being honest about my fields of study, but that which I speak of also runs up against your confirmation bias and your willingness to learn anything new, so it's pretty much a waste of time....Sucks to be you.

I'm perfectly willing to accept any expertise you demonstrate. But this is the internet. You generally cannot accept what people say about themselves. If I were to ask you about your education and you told me you'd studied linguistics, I might buy it. But when, unprompted, you claim to be an expert in the field, I begin to have doubts.

If you don't want to be compared to Cheeto, don't act like him. And if you'd care to avoid my confirmation bias that make me lean towards the idea that people who reject AGW tend to be science-ignorant, educate yourself on the topic before you speak.
In my experience opponents of science tend to be monotheistic rednecks. Maybe you're an exception.

So you are prejudiced against people of faith even though your own position is a quasi religious expression of faith? You are a real hater aren’t you?

confounding said:
Do you believe evolution is a thing, or is that bullshit science too? You seem like the type.

While there is enough convincing evidence for natural selection.that I believe it to be indisputable, I think that there are enough gaping holes and serious questions to make the present state of evolutionary theory questionable. As a theory, it is evolving and it seems that new knowledge which requires some slight adjustment of the theory or which poses unanswerable questions shows up pretty regularly these days. I think when enough of the gaps are filled in, the end theory will be quite different than it is today.

By the way, I am far from opposed to science...which is why I find the pseudoscience of present day climate science so offensive.
What about "the present state of evolutionary theory" do you find questionable?
So you are prejudiced against people of faith


While there is enough convincing evidence for natural selection.that I believe it to be indisputable, I think that there are enough gaping holes and serious questions to make the present state of evolutionary theory questionable. As a theory, it is evolving and it seems that new knowledge which requires some slight adjustment of the theory or which poses unanswerable questions shows up pretty regularly these days. I think when enough of the gaps are filled in, the end theory will be quite different than it is today.



SSDD if you honest to your God aren't arguing in bad faith, well, I don't see how, but I apologize. I started to get shitty with you because I really think this is about politics and because of that I don't see progress with you as possible. Your views are annoying and progress is impossible so I decided to fuck with you instead.
Running a global conspiracy must be a pretty high paying gig, right?

Climate Scientist average salary is $71,505, median salary is $82,514 with a salary range from $48,000 to $84,000.

Oh, shit!

$48,000 to $84,000!

They DEFINITELY entered that profession for those giant fucking dollars signs and not because they love science, am I right? They're making as much money as public school teachers! YOWZA!!!
You are so ignorant of science professors that it’s not only funny, but so sad.
Do you realize how much detailed work goes into peer-reviewed research? They work 60+ hours a week, but you have no idea in your ignorant world.
Running a global conspiracy must be a pretty high paying gig, right?

Climate Scientist average salary is $71,505, median salary is $82,514 with a salary range from $48,000 to $84,000.

Oh, shit!

$48,000 to $84,000!

They DEFINITELY entered that profession for those giant fucking dollars signs and not because they love science, am I right? They're making as much money as public school teachers! YOWZA!!!
You are so ignorant of science professors that it’s not only funny, but so sad.
Do you realize how much detailed work goes into peer-reviewed research? They work 60+ hours a week, but you have no idea in your ignorant world.

I think you're confused. I'm not saying that's a lot of money. I am making the point that they don't make nearly enough for it to be reasonable to accuse them of being money driven scumbags.
I'm perfectly willing to accept any expertise you demonstrate. But this is the internet. You generally cannot accept what people say about themselves. If I were to ask you about your education and you told me you'd studied linguistics, I might buy it. But when, unprompted, you claim to be an expert in the field, I begin to have doubts.

If you don't want to be compared to Cheeto, don't act like him. And if you'd care to avoid my confirmation bias that make me lean towards the idea that people who reject AGW tend to be science-ignorant, educate yourself on the topic before you speak.
I couldn't care less whether you believe me or not...FTR, I'm an NLP practitioner and master hypnotist....Our entire disciplines are based on precise understanding and use of language....As previously noted, I know parsing, qualifying, straight-up deceitful language when I see it....I recognize when people are lying to others and themselves.

As for my science knowledge, I've already pointed out important elements of science that are conspicuously absent from your hoax, and your weak attempt at explaining them away shows that you know next to nothing about science either.

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