So how much money do those evil conniving climate scientists make anyway?

Never heard of Ross McKitrick, have you?

Yeah, he's the fraud who got busted for making stuff up about Mann. It's a given that you worship him. Your fraud cult requires you to worship fraud in every form.

He's not a scientist, of course. He's an economist. You lied about him being a scientist. That would account for him not getting an invite to committee of scientists. Normal people would think that's normal. Cultists would throw a fit and claim persecution.

You are obviously a cultist, of course. I can see why. Authoritarian-follower personality types are easy prey for cults. The cult tells you that you're special, and you crave that kind of emotional validation. Learning actual science is hard, and doesn't give the warm fuzzies, so you want no part of that.

What a laugh....he is the guy who promoted mann to hide his methods and data and spend millions trying to keep them hidden...
Sorry Confounding, but Ian is right. Those stats do not make sense.

I guess the article I looked at was a little bit off. I think the point I'm trying to make in this thread remains. That's not a lot of money for somebody that's in it for the money and not the love of their work.

We were just talking on the thread about bill nye...there was mention that he owns 3 homes....3 very nice homes in fashionable addresses....How do you suppose he might manage that on 100K per year?
Running a global conspiracy must be a pretty high paying gig, right?

Climate Scientist average salary is $71,505, median salary is $82,514 with a salary range from $48,000 to $84,000.

Oh, shit!

$48,000 to $84,000!

They DEFINITELY entered that profession for those giant fucking dollars signs and not because they love science, am I right? They're making as much money as public school teachers! YOWZA!!!
If you click the first link and then choose all in the drop down, you'll find three projects that received 10 million dollars each in grants.

Climate Change Research Grants | US EPA

Grantee Research Project Results Search | Research Project Database | Grantee Research Project | ORD | US EPA

The other links provide access to various other research projects that provide monies in the form of grants to climate research each of various amounts but all totaling huge amounts of money.

The real scientist understands that to do the work, they need other peoples money. As long as they continue to provide the answers that agenda driven politicians need, they'll continue to receive large sums of money.

You quote a range of salaries, starting from entry to tenured, and leave off what they make in grants, speaking fee, and other sources of income directly related to their field of study.

This is disingenuous at best and at worst, deliberately deceptive. one has ever said that the scientists are flying around polluting -- though some are -- They have correctly pointed out the celebrities and Al Gore providing more pollution per trip than the average American family per year.
And of course, the winner in wasted money goes to the US Federal Government, who has:

Federal funding for climate change research, technology, international assistance, and adaptation has increased from $2.4 billion in 1993 to $11.6 billion in 2014, with an additional $26.1 billion for climate change programs and activities provided by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in 2009.

Key Issues: Climate Change Funding and Management

Yeah, there is no money in it for them at all!
How much money do you think will get wasted moving 150 million people away from the coasts?
How much money do you think will get wasted moving 150 million people away from the coasts?
When rich liberoidal warmer assholes like David Geffen start selling their seaside properties for pennies on the dollar, you come get us....Until such a time, all you have is more doomsaying.
Where the hell do you get the idea that that is a valid argument? Didn't you claim to be an expert on linguistics and debate? That is an argument to make yourself look like an ignorant fool.

How about this one: would you risk a lifelong career for which you likely labored through ten years of college and grad school and actually risk going to jail for income no higher than you would get without taking those risks?
So, Oddball, did you think Ross McKittrick was a climate scientist?
He's an expert on numbers and statistics...Something that you warmers also want to ignore.

But then there are also Freeman Dyson, Bjorn Lomborg, Stepen MacIntyre, and Roy Spencer, just to name a few off the top of my head....They've all been blackballed from the super-exclusive IPCC tree house club.....I'm certain you can find a way to attack them personally, rather than address their counter-arguments to the hoax.
Where the hell do you get the idea that that is a valid argument? Didn't you claim to be an expert on linguistics and debate? That is an argument to make yourself look like an ignorant fool.

How about this one: would you risk a lifelong career for which you likely labored through ten years of college and grad school and actually risk going to jail for income no higher than you would get without taking those risks?
I look at people based upon their actions, not their words...As long as the super wealthy peddlers of the hoax keep their fancy-schmancy seaside properties, then it's safe to say that they really aren't at all concerned about the sea level rising to gobble them up...They'd be all hot to find some sucker to buy them.
How much money do you think will get wasted moving 150 million people away from the coasts?

Assuming that the sea levels rise as they claim, it will happen so gradually that the people will pay for their own migration inward.
So, Oddball, did you think Ross McKittrick was a climate scientist?

He's an expert on numbers and statistics...Something that you warmers also want to ignore.

But then there are also Freeman Dyson, Bjorn Lomborg, Stepen MacIntyre, and Roy Spencer, just to name a few off the top of my head....They've all been blackballed from the super-exclusive IPCC tree house club.....I'm certain you can find a way to attack them personally, rather than address their counter-arguments to the hoax.

Unfortunately for you, you just named a significant portion of the lot of them.

From Scientific opinion on climate change - Wikipedia

James L. Powell, a former member of the National Science Board and current executive director of the National Physical Science Consortium, analyzed published research on global warming and climate change between 1991 and 2012 and found that of the 13,950 articles in peer-reviewed journals, only 24 rejected anthropogenic global warming.[141] A follow-up analysis looking at 2,258 peer-reviewed climate articles with 9,136 authors published between November 2012 and December 2013 revealed that only one of the 9,136 authors rejected anthropogenic global warming.[142] His 2015 paper on the topic, covering 24,210 articles published by 69,406 authors during 2013 and 2014 found only five articles by four authors rejecting anthropogenic global warming. Over 99.99% of climate scientists did not reject AGW in their peer-reviewed research.[143]In his latest paper, Powell reported that using rejection as the criterion of consensus, five surveys of the peer-reviewed literature from 1991 to 2015, including several of those above, combine to 54,195 articles with an average consensus of 99.94%.[144]

So 69,402 out of 69,406 published climate scientists accept anthropogenic global warming.
Unfortunately for you, you just named a significant portion of the lot of them.

From Scientific opinion on climate change - Wikipedia

James L. Powell, a former member of the National Science Board and current executive director of the National Physical Science Consortium, analyzed published research on global warming and climate change between 1991 and 2012 and found that of the 13,950 articles in peer-reviewed journals, only 24 rejected anthropogenic global warming.[141] A follow-up analysis looking at 2,258 peer-reviewed climate articles with 9,136 authors published between November 2012 and December 2013 revealed that only one of the 9,136 authors rejected anthropogenic global warming.[142] His 2015 paper on the topic, covering 24,210 articles published by 69,406 authors during 2013 and 2014 found only five articles by four authors rejecting anthropogenic global warming. Over 99.99% of climate scientists did not reject AGW in their peer-reviewed research.[143]In his latest paper, Powell reported that using rejection as the criterion of consensus, five surveys of the peer-reviewed literature from 1991 to 2015, including several of those above, combine to 54,195 articles with an average consensus of 99.94%.[144]

So 69,402 out of 69,406 published climate scientists accept anthropogenic global warming.
Pal review = Approval seeking = Not scientific.....GIGO.

Running a global conspiracy must be a pretty high paying gig, right?

Climate Scientist average salary is $71,505, median salary is $82,514 with a salary range from $48,000 to $84,000.

Oh, shit!

$48,000 to $84,000!

They DEFINITELY entered that profession for those giant fucking dollars signs and not because they love science, am I right? They're making as much money as public school teachers! YOWZA!!!

They get that salary for years of doing nothing but making easily discredited speeches, and if you believe they're not making shit tons more like Algore does selling carbon credits to himself and other idiots, you're delusional.
I used to be in the warmer camp in the '80s and early 90s...Then I sought to debunk the debunkers for myself....Guess what I found out instead?....You chumps are a bunch of hysterical and scientifically illiterate fearmongers, who have found a big scary boogerman around which to rationalize growing The State.

Then I got deeply into the study of linguistics and semantics....Guess what else I found out?...That the warmists are deliberately deceptive, if not lying outright, in their use of language.

I looked at the facts and changed, while deniers like you ignore them.

I look at people based upon their actions, not their words...As long as the super wealthy peddlers of the hoax keep their fancy-schmancy seaside properties, then it's safe to say that they really aren't at all concerned about the sea level rising to gobble them up...They'd be all hot to find some sucker to buy them.

You need to make up your mind. Or you could just start telling the truth.

The argument that AGW isn't real because rich people still live on the coasts is as stupid as stupid can be. The rich can move whenever they want and they AREN'T the ones telling us that AGW is real. That would be the world's climate scientists.
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I used to be in the warmer camp in the '80s and early 90s...Then I sought to debunk the debunkers for myself....Guess what I found out instead?....You chumps are a bunch of hysterical and scientifically illiterate fearmongers, who have found a big scary boogerman around which to rationalize growing The State.

Then I got deeply into the study of linguistics and semantics....Guess what else I found out?...That the warmists are deliberately deceptive, if not lying outright, in their use of language.

I looked at the facts and changed, while deniers like you ignore them.

I look at people based upon their actions, not their words...As long as the super wealthy peddlers of the hoax keep their fancy-schmancy seaside properties, then it's safe to say that they really aren't at all concerned about the sea level rising to gobble them up...They'd be all hot to find some sucker to buy them.

You need to make up your mind. Or you could just start telling the truth.

The argument that AGW isn't real because rich people still live on the coasts is as stupid as stupid can be. The rich can move whenever they want and they AREN'T the ones telling us that AGW is real. That would be the world's climate scientists.
There are a shitload of rich asshole warmers who have coastal properties......Another one is Batshit Bernie Sanders.....But he's not moving out to save his skin from the allegedly rising sea levels either.
Running a global conspiracy must be a pretty high paying gig, right?

Climate Scientist average salary is $71,505, median salary is $82,514 with a salary range from $48,000 to $84,000.

Oh, shit!

$48,000 to $84,000!

They DEFINITELY entered that profession for those giant fucking dollars signs and not because they love science, am I right? They're making as much money as public school teachers! YOWZA!!!

They get that salary for years of doing nothing but making easily discredited speeches, and if you believe they're not making shit tons more like Algore does selling carbon credits to himself and other idiots, you're delusional.

What I'd say is that you don't have the faintest fuck of an idea what you're talking about. Al Gore made money on the stock market. He didn't use any insider information. Anyone could have done exactly what he did. What it looks like is that he put his money where his mouth was and got rewarded for it.
I used to be in the warmer camp in the '80s and early 90s...Then I sought to debunk the debunkers for myself....Guess what I found out instead?....You chumps are a bunch of hysterical and scientifically illiterate fearmongers, who have found a big scary boogerman around which to rationalize growing The State.

Then I got deeply into the study of linguistics and semantics....Guess what else I found out?...That the warmists are deliberately deceptive, if not lying outright, in their use of language.

I looked at the facts and changed, while deniers like you ignore them.

I look at people based upon their actions, not their words...As long as the super wealthy peddlers of the hoax keep their fancy-schmancy seaside properties, then it's safe to say that they really aren't at all concerned about the sea level rising to gobble them up...They'd be all hot to find some sucker to buy them.

You need to make up your mind. Or you could just start telling the truth.

The argument that AGW isn't real because rich people still live on the coasts is as stupid as stupid can be. The rich can move whenever they want and they AREN'T the ones telling us that AGW is real. That would be the world's climate scientists.
There are a shitload of rich asshole warmers who have coastal properties......Another one is Batshit Bernie Sanders.....But he's not moving out to save his skin from the allegedly rising sea levels either.

You are a fucking idiot. If you want to argue that AGW is invalid, try addressing the science.

And if you want to look at hypocrisy, you might check the mirror and see if you can figure out whether you care more about words or actions.
I used to be in the warmer camp in the '80s and early 90s...Then I sought to debunk the debunkers for myself....Guess what I found out instead?....You chumps are a bunch of hysterical and scientifically illiterate fearmongers, who have found a big scary boogerman around which to rationalize growing The State.

Then I got deeply into the study of linguistics and semantics....Guess what else I found out?...That the warmists are deliberately deceptive, if not lying outright, in their use of language.

I looked at the facts and changed, while deniers like you ignore them.

I look at people based upon their actions, not their words...As long as the super wealthy peddlers of the hoax keep their fancy-schmancy seaside properties, then it's safe to say that they really aren't at all concerned about the sea level rising to gobble them up...They'd be all hot to find some sucker to buy them.

You need to make up your mind. Or you could just start telling the truth.

The argument that AGW isn't real because rich people still live on the coasts is as stupid as stupid can be. The rich can move whenever they want and they AREN'T the ones telling us that AGW is real. That would be the world's climate scientists.
There are a shitload of rich asshole warmers who have coastal properties......Another one is Batshit Bernie Sanders.....But he's not moving out to save his skin from the allegedly rising sea levels either.

You are a fucking idiot. If you want to argue that AGW is invalid, try addressing the science.

And if you want to look at hypocrisy, you might check the mirror and see if you can figure out whether you care more about words or actions.
There is no science...We've already beat that ground to death...You can't name any of the five bullet points of scientific method that I have repeatedly posted anywhere near your "science".....You lost.

All that's left now is to observe all the surrounding circumstantial evidence of the warmers, which also shows them to be total con artists.

Now, I have to go ski on a foot of fresh "global warming"....Later, loser.

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