So how much money do those evil conniving climate scientists make anyway?

You have no idea what happens to scientists who don't toe the line of the AGW orthodoxy, do you?

Tell me.

Are honest scientists being expelled in masse for daring to question the narrative? Only the dishonest ones (vast majority) are allowed a voice, right?

Any time you want to cease the name calling I'll seriously engage you....Asshole.
They [honest scientists] are completely barred from participating in any IPCC groupthink sessions, shitferbrains.

Could we see the evidence for that claim?
Trump is more than welcome to put forth his global warming denying, flat earth anti evolution scientists. We would love that. Then we can officially challenge their findings.
GTFO, moonbat....I got no use for your double-digit IQ brain droppings.
I wasn’t talking to you snowflake retard from nowheresville
Any time you want to cease the name calling I'll seriously engage you....Asshole.

I know you're not an objectively stupid person. I think this particular view of yours is ignorant as fuck and honestly it offends me a little bit.
You do a disservice to Donald Sutherland's character in Kelly's Heroes.

You have nothing of merit to add to any discussion on global warming. So why are you here?
You do a disservice to Donald Sutherland's character in Kelly's Heroes.

You have nothing of merit to add to any discussion on global warming. So why are you here?
I don't need any of your negative waves either, warmer.

I've added points of merit, but you clowns are so mired in "yeahbut the experts say...." appeals to authority, that the only thing left to tell you poor sufferers of confirmation bias and cognitive dissonance is to fuck of...So fuck off.

BTW, dickweed, I've gone out of my way to refrain from name calling in this particular thread...That is until now, cement head.
You still do a disservice to the real Oddball and you still have nothing of merit to add to any discussion of global warming.

So, why are you here?
You still do a disservice to the real Oddball and you still have nothing of merit to add to any discussion of global warming.

So, why are you here?
I added it, you ignored it...Just like you ignore all other evidence that shows you to be full of shit.

Like I said, confirmation bias and cognitive dissonance in hyperdrive.
You accept appeals to authority every day. You believe what news people tell you. You believe what the weatherman tells you. You believe what a policeman tell you. You believe what a fireman tells you. You believe what your doctor tells you, people at work, lawyers, accountants, plumbers, waitresses, retail clerks, McDonald's counter staff, on and on and on.

As you've been told now - and you can look this up yourself (though didn't you already ironically claim to be an expert on this topic?) appeals to authorities that actually ARE experts on a topic under discussion are logically valid.
Running a global conspiracy must be a pretty high paying gig, right?

Climate Scientist average salary is $71,505, median salary is $82,514 with a salary range from $48,000 to $84,000.

Oh, shit!

$48,000 to $84,000!

They DEFINITELY entered that profession for those giant fucking dollars signs and not because they love science, am I right? They're making as much money as public school teachers! YOWZA!!!

Anyone with an inkling of knowledge about math would know that the OP's claim is false.

But the OP is a good example of how so many people will accept ridiculous stats if they support a favoured position.

Skepticism of CAGW does not need to invoke conspiracy theories. Groupthink, incompetence, and fear of unemployment are more than enough to explain the poor performance in the climate 'science' field.
Sorry Confounding, but Ian is right. Those stats do not make sense. They also seem a little low for PhDs.

Never heard of Ross McKitrick, have you?

Yeah, he's the fraud who got busted for making stuff up about Mann. It's a given that you worship him. Your fraud cult requires you to worship fraud in every form.

He's not a scientist, of course. He's an economist. You lied about him being a scientist. That would account for him not getting an invite to committee of scientists. Normal people would think that's normal. Cultists would throw a fit and claim persecution.

You are obviously a cultist, of course. I can see why. Authoritarian-follower personality types are easy prey for cults. The cult tells you that you're special, and you crave that kind of emotional validation. Learning actual science is hard, and doesn't give the warm fuzzies, so you want no part of that.
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Sorry Confounding, but Ian is right. Those stats do not make sense.

I guess the article I looked at was a little bit off. I think the point I'm trying to make in this thread remains. That's not a lot of money for somebody that's in it for the money and not the love of their work.
Never heard of Ross McKitrick, have you?

Yeah, he's the fraud who got busted for making stuff up about Mann. It's a given that you worship him. Your fraud cult requires you to worship fraud in every form.

He's not a scientist, of course. He's an economist. You lied about him being a scientist. That would account for him not getting an invite to committee of scientists. Normal people would think that's normal. Cultists would throw a fit and claim persecution.

You are obviously a cultist, of course. I can see why. Authoritarian-follower personality types are easy prey for cults. The cult tells you that you're special, and you crave that kind of emotional validation. Learning actual science is hard, and doesn't give the warm fuzzies, so you want no part of that.
Project much?
You still do a disservice to the real Oddball and you still have nothing of merit to add to any discussion of global warming.

So, why are you here?

Look whose go to IPCC and try to find some evidence to satisfy you...You think that does jack towards moving the conversation forward? What would move the conversation forward would be you admitting that there is no observed, measured evidence there that supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability...then we could continue with why you believe, when there is no such evidence..
mired in "yeah but the experts say...."

"The experts don't agree with me. A minor detail."

You ignore the hundreds of papers published every year that don't agree with the consensus...there are plenty of "experts" who do agree with the is supposed to be skeptical...consensus building is a political activity...not a scientific one...

In science, if you want to prove your point, you provide hard, undeniable evidence to support your don't point to a consensus who can't produce a single piece of observed, measured evidence which demonstrates that the present climate is any different from natural variability...
You accept appeals to authority every day. You believe what news people tell you. You believe what the weatherman tells you. You believe what a policeman tell you. You believe what a fireman tells you. You believe what your doctor tells you, people at work, lawyers, accountants, plumbers, waitresses, retail clerks, McDonald's counter staff, on and on and on.

I only believe them if they can provide actual evidence to support what they are telling me.. Climate science can't do that...they engage in logical fallacies in lieu of providing actual evidence to support their claims.

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