So How Screwed are Democrats for 2016?


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2013
It looks like Democrats are already starting to panic about 2016. Many within Democratic circles admit they have no message and have lost white and middle class voters.

"In recent weeks, Democratic operatives have begun to voice concerns that the 2014 midterms made plain the limits of an approach that failed to reach beyond minority groups or those who are reflexively liberal. And yet what should come next is not yet totally clear."

Bill Burton....a former White House and Obama staffer said the following.

“If we’re not attentive to the fact that we have a massive problem with middle-class white voters, we’re not going to solve our problem,” Burton said. “I’m worried that Democrats don’t see the problem. … The Republican coalition doesn’t look like America. It’s mostly just white people. But the Democratic one isn’t looking like America either, because there aren’t a lot of white people.”

Americans are also becoming increasingly distrustful of Government and do not support or believe in the Democrat Party idea that the Government must solve all problems.

"While many Americans agree that economic prosperity is not reaching the middle class and the poor, most also don’t want more government. The public’s trust in the federal government has hit near-record lows in the past year or two, disillusionment that has been fed in the past few years by scandals at the Internal Revenue Service and the General Services Administration, and the disclosures of spying on Americans by the National Security Agency. That makes it much harder for Democrats to credibly propose a new course of government action, and hampers their ability to craft a compelling message reliant on using government for the common good."

This is a link to the full article on Yahoo.

Democrats go searching for a message ahead of 2016 - Yahoo News
Don't know about democrats...which is how I have voted the past years but I know this go round...I think I will be leaning republican.

I surprise myself. Who woulda thunk? Damn sure not me.
Only because they are wooing illegals and other minorities....which they could care less about and are only using for their own purposes.
I'm not at all convinced they are screwed in 2016. Too many blanks need to be filled on the potential landscape, and even what that happens - there will still be a long ways to go with ample time for things to take a drastic change.
Theyre in terrible trouble. They've alienated everyone outside of their base of radical leftists, inner city blacks, and union thugs. And even the unions have had it with Dems.
In leadership they are hollowed out. Get rid of Hillary, who lacks that "new car smell",and you have nothing. Warren? Sanders? They couldn't win an election outside of a faculty lounge. More mainstrream types lke James Webb are marginalized in the party.
Their control over state governments is paltry.
No, 2016 will be a royal ass kicking as blacks stay home rather than vote for a pandering white woman.
So much of the agenda and the absurd Hope&Change mantra have fallen flat. The Dems will need a very dynamic candidate to carry them and I don't see one on the horizon.
They only need the WH.

They will dump everything into it, sacrificing any seats that may be up.

just recall last election, how many important issues were not covered and how many useless ones were front and center

It will be a female dem as our next Pres

I accept all bets on that
They only need the WH.

They will dump everything into it, sacrificing any seats that may be up.

just recall last election, how many important issues were not covered and how many useless ones were front and center

It will be a female dem as our next Pres

I accept all bets on that
Obama won last time largely because blacks in inner city areas of swing states were motivated to go out and vote. That was true in NC, OH, FL, and PA.
This time there is no motivating factor. Who's going to bust butt to go vote for some old white bitch no one trusts?
Theyre in terrible trouble. They've alienated everyone outside of their base of radical leftists, inner city blacks, and union thugs. And even the unions have had it with Dems.
In leadership they are hollowed out. Get rid of Hillary, who lacks that "new car smell",and you have nothing. Warren? Sanders? They couldn't win an election outside of a faculty lounge. More mainstrream types lke James Webb are marginalized in the party.
Their control over state governments is paltry.
No, 2016 will be a royal ass kicking as blacks stay home rather than vote for a pandering white woman.

I bet that the dems will lose A LOT of the black vote with this illegal immigration nonsense.... either by them staying home or holding their nose voting for a third party of conservative.
So much of the agenda and the absurd Hope&Change mantra have fallen flat. The Dems will need a very dynamic candidate to carry them and I don't see one on the horizon.

Right, another snake oil salesman like the one we have now, they have already fallen for it twice, do you really think they'll buy another.
I think Barry has kicked his Dems in the balls with his bullshit and I can't see Hillary getting elected even if she decides to run.

A lot will depend on who the GOP fields.

I can see the GOP winning the whole deal this time around.
I'm looking forward to 2016

Republicans believing America is buying their message
Another weak GOP candidate keeping Republicans home
Republicans defending 24 Senate seats vs the Dems 10
US demographics moving away from old white guys
2016 is to far in the future for any kind of prediction.

The problem they have now, and maybe in the coming years since they have lost control of the Congress, is that they showed themselves to be a party of obstructionists by simply not doing anything. Harry Reid decided that doing nothing prevents the people from criticizing the Democrats, but in truth, it just showed him to be the worst of the worst in obstructionism.

Now the Democrats have only Obamacare as an accomplishment, and when 2015 kicks in, the fiasco of the past will look like good times after the individual mandate kicks in. So, their signature "vote for us" card is hated by 2/3's of America, the 25 to 30 million people who were not insured before Obamacare (remember them?) still won't be, and if the Republicans are smart, they'll ask America why it is that the same number of people are uninsured, but your insurance rates have be increased in many cases by over 200%?

What will really be the telling blow will be next June when the SCOTUS rules on the exchanges. If they follow the law as it is written, then they have no choice but to rule that the federal exchange is illegal and that the Feds cannot hand out any subsidies to people for their insurance rates, which will then throw roughly the 6 million people who joined up, back into the ranks of the uninsured.

On top of that, every Elected Democrat is on record as wanting an amnesty bill for illegals who will compete directly with Americans and the children of Americans because the young adult population is going to suffer a huge unemployment problem when minimum wage drives them out of the market.

Yeah, its not looking too good for Democrats. But as I said,, 2016 is a lifetime away in political terms.
I'm looking forward to 2016

Republicans believing America is buying their message
Another weak GOP candidate keeping Republicans home
Republicans defending 24 Senate seats vs the Dems 10
US demographics moving away from old white guys

The demographics are moving away from the Dems. Big time. The Dems are barely getting a 1/3 rd of the white vote. You cannot win elections that way. In addition, millennials and blacks are starting to move away. A very bad combination.
I'm looking forward to 2016

Republicans believing America is buying their message
Another weak GOP candidate keeping Republicans home
Republicans defending 24 Senate seats vs the Dems 10
US demographics moving away from old white guys

The demographics are moving away from the Dems. Big time. The Dems are barely getting a 1/3 rd of the white vote. You cannot win elections that way. In addition, millennials and blacks are starting to move away. A very bad combination.

Yes...I hope the Republicans are counting on millenials and blacks in 2016

Also looking to see how they do with Hispanics as they attempt to trash Obamas immigration reform
They pulled 45% of the womens vote in 2012, hard for them to break 40 if Hillary or Warren runs
Don't know about democrats...which is how I have voted the past years but I know this go round...I think I will be leaning republican.

I surprise myself. Who woulda thunk? Damn sure not me.

I have voted Democrat probably 60-40 in my life. The GOP stance on social issues has always pissed me off. I don't care about gay marriage, I do not dislike gays or minorities, and I have no problem with existing law regarding abortion.

But the shit Obama has done.......

Yeah....we need a change in direction.

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