So, I just got banned...

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Gold Member
Mar 23, 2014
at a forum I used to call "home". And after over 20,000 posts. Sadly, the place changed, and the mods didn't see it. Oh well, this place has been great. My only complaint is, is that traffic is so heavy that I cannot possibly keep up with these discussions. Real life keeps getting in the way.


I used to greet people by saying that USMB is live fire debate with the safety off. Now, just don't criticize Obama or Biden too much and you'll be fine
I was at a different forum ever since 2006, until it became too heavy handed. I wasn't banned, but I received a hefty infraction simply for telling the truth about a poster who thought it should be legal to kill Jews on sight. When the mod became imperious that I questioned why I received an infraction simply for stating the truth, I told her that she wouldn't be talking to me in the way she was if we were face to face. I received a long temporary banning when the mods claimed I had made a physical threat.

When the mods are the lest honest people at a board, something is definitely wrong.
at a forum I used to call "home". And after over 20,000 posts. Sadly, the place changed, and the mods didn't see it. Oh well, this place has been great. My only complaint is, is that traffic is so heavy that I cannot possibly keep up with these discussions. Real life keeps getting in the way.

Yeah I got banned at my prior home of 10 years with over 25k or so posts. One of the admins of the site got a bit angry at me for switching from republican to libertarian. He thought it would be fun to threaten to kill me and my family and call me names in his sig line. When I objected he got me banned for disagreeing with an admin. Apparently it was against the rules to call an admin's actions in question.
Well, it looks like at least a few members here have experienced what it's like to get shat upon.

That really shouldn't comfort me, but in an odd way, it does.

Well, it looks like at least a few members here have experienced what it's like to get shat upon.

That really shouldn't comfort me, but in an odd way, it does.


The 'upshat' of that is that you are now here, where our shit is pure like the driven snow and there are always the nutbags to laugh at. Think of watching 12 monkeys in 3D and while on LSD. I think you get the picture.
Zefiro Torna!!, is that you???


Welcome, or welcome back.

Frank will make sure to tell you that Hillary is not, I repeat, is not running.
I love Frank, he has a helluva sense of humor. And he loves to play fetch.

Here, Frank, go fetch!!!


yeah, you just remember that life is worth living even when Hillary gives her concession speech
Zefiro Torna!!, is that you???


Welcome, or welcome back.

Frank will make sure to tell you that Hillary is not, I repeat, is not running.
I love Frank, he has a helluva sense of humor. And he loves to play fetch.

Here, Frank, go fetch!!!


yeah, you just remember that life is worth living even when Hillary gives her concession speech

Frank, Frank, Frank, I said "fetch!", not "felch!"

Geez..... oh, lordy...

"Yea, we have both kinds of music here: country and western."--Bar owner to the Blues Brothers

"Yea, we welcome free speech from both sides of the political spectrum here: liberal and leftist."--Onion sarcasm of Harvard's political tunnel vision

If you feel the need to apologize for your political, civic, religious, or ideological convictions, then they aren't convictions, are they?
at a forum I used to call "home". And after over 20,000 posts. Sadly, the place changed, and the mods didn't see it. Oh well, this place has been great. My only complaint is, is that traffic is so heavy that I cannot possibly keep up with these discussions. Real life keeps getting in the way.


Hi Mark. Funny, I just got banned on another site for questions I posted to a Mod that may have been taken as arguing with a decision they already made. But I am not going to question it, and don't foresee going back there.

Welcome to USMB

If you are interested in a particular issue, you will get to know the regulars who
have that issue nailed down, whether liberal or conservative.

I am a Constitutionalist who is a progressive prochoice Democrat.
So I can argue with people on different sides, but as an ally, I don't believe being adversarial helps.

I hope you like it here, and gain a lot from the incredible members here.

I found more Conservatives who knew how to argue and explain their points on the political side,
and fewer that could defend the religious points without losing the audience with the religious language.
And with the liberals I found more who could argue better with religion, while falling flat with politics
against Constitutionalists who tend to be conservative.

I am trying to master how to be well rounded enough to speak to all people from all angles
and reach points of agreement while we address areas of conflict.

This site and the members are great for that, and the Mods are on top of their game.

If you ever want me to reply to one of your posts or thread, please PM or tag me and let me know!

Best wishes and Happy New Year!
Yours truly,

Emily Nghiem
Houston TX
at a forum I used to call "home". And after over 20,000 posts. Sadly, the place changed, and the mods didn't see it. Oh well, this place has been great. My only complaint is, is that traffic is so heavy that I cannot possibly keep up with these discussions. Real life keeps getting in the way.

Yeah I got banned at my prior home of 10 years with over 25k or so posts. One of the admins of the site got a bit angry at me for switching from republican to libertarian. He thought it would be fun to threaten to kill me and my family and call me names in his sig line. When I objected he got me banned for disagreeing with an admin. Apparently it was against the rules to call an admin's actions in question.

Sorry RKMB
That borders on criminal or harassing to make a threat like that.
I don't think that Mod deserved to have you there, but I'm sorry for the other members' loss!

And happy for our gain, I guess! I think you are wonderful, yay! ;-)

You and Mark both make me feel better after I got banned which is unusual for me.
That site had rules against political comments or statements, and it was just a matter of time with me
because that is what I specialize in, and was never welcome there but tolerated for as long as possible.
at a forum I used to call "home". And after over 20,000 posts. Sadly, the place changed, and the mods didn't see it. Oh well, this place has been great. My only complaint is, is that traffic is so heavy that I cannot possibly keep up with these discussions. Real life keeps getting in the way.

Yeah I got banned at my prior home of 10 years with over 25k or so posts. One of the admins of the site got a bit angry at me for switching from republican to libertarian. He thought it would be fun to threaten to kill me and my family and call me names in his sig line. When I objected he got me banned for disagreeing with an admin. Apparently it was against the rules to call an admin's actions in question.




You switched from pub to libertarian?

Wow, the InterWeb really is a serious place.

at a forum I used to call "home". And after over 20,000 posts. Sadly, the place changed, and the mods didn't see it. Oh well, this place has been great. My only complaint is, is that traffic is so heavy that I cannot possibly keep up with these discussions. Real life keeps getting in the way.


Welcome. I have never been banned, but I certainly have been infracted a lot in other places, especially by conservative zealot mods who think that their political opinions are the only thing topical. I sometimes get a little jittery because I forget this place even has mods.
Thanks for the responses everyone. As you can see, I have 700+ posts here already. I think I'll stick around for a while.

Believe it or not I bowed out when I saw the way were things going I ain't even got current points over there buddy.
Believe it or not I bowed out when I saw the way were things going I ain't even got current points over there buddy.

From talking to other posters there, they also feel the place is disintegrating.

Just a matter of time, I figure.

Believe it or not I bowed out when I saw the way were things going I ain't even got current points over there buddy.

From talking to other posters there, they also feel the place is disintegrating.

Just a matter of time, I figure.


Yeah, hi! Mark.

Give ol' Rosie a kiss.

I could not stand one second more of Alonso and you saw I never went back.

They made me a mod at another board.

Such fools, eh? LOL

As in past days, when you wanna take a walk on the wild side, read me.

See you around, Mark.

Regards from Rosie
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