So I looked up Richard Spencer


Lakhota's my *****
Jun 4, 2011
I never looked him up or cared until I watched DSouza's movie. How is this guy right wing?

Richard B. Spencer - Wikipedia

D’Souza Gets White Supremacist Richard Spencer To Admit Being A Socialist Progressive

Spencer supports legal access to abortion, in part because he believes it would reduce the number of black and Hispanic people, which he says would be a "great boon" to white people.[121] Spencer supports a national single-payer healthcare system because he believes it would benefit white people.[122][123]

Spencer is an atheist,[124] but believes the Christian church previously held some pragmatic value, as Spencer believes it helped unify the white population of Europe. He opposes traditional Christian values as a moral code, due to Christianity being a universalizing religion, and not one based on ethnic and racial ancestry. Spencer references his views on Christianity as being influenced by German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche.[125][126][127] Citing Nietzsche's criticism of anti-Semitism and nationalism, Scott Galupo writing for The Week, Sean Illing for Vox, and Jordan Harris for The Courier-Journal have described Spencer's interpretation of Nietzsche's philosophy as incorrect.[128][129][125] Spencer's Radix Journal has promoted paganism, running titles such as "Why I am a pagan".[130] Spencer has also described himself as a "cultural Christian."[131]
Case of arriving at some of the same places via different roads, sort of. Would Spencer support universal healthcare once all those dirty blacks and hispanics (in his mind) have access to it as well? Would he support abortion if more white women lined up to have abortions than blacks and hispanics? Nope. He's motivated entirely by race, not principle. He's the other side of the intersectionality coin.

I agree with plenty of the policy positions of the KKK, but for entirely different reasons. And if they were in control of the policies, there's no way they would apply those policies even-handedly. Context matters.
Case of arriving at some of the same places via different roads, sort of. Would Spencer support universal healthcare once all those dirty blacks and hispanics (in his mind) have access to it as well? Would he support abortion if more white women lined up to have abortions than blacks and hispanics? Nope. He's motivated entirely by race, not principle. He's the other side of the intersectionality coin.

I agree with plenty of the policy positions of the KKK, but for entirely different reasons. And if they were in control of the policies, there's no way they would apply those policies even-handedly. Context matters.
Ok, but how is this guy right wing.......I don't support those ideas any time. So he's a racist, but he's not right wing.
Case of arriving at some of the same places via different roads, sort of. Would Spencer support universal healthcare once all those dirty blacks and hispanics (in his mind) have access to it as well? Would he support abortion if more white women lined up to have abortions than blacks and hispanics? Nope. He's motivated entirely by race, not principle. He's the other side of the intersectionality coin.

I agree with plenty of the policy positions of the KKK, but for entirely different reasons. And if they were in control of the policies, there's no way they would apply those policies even-handedly. Context matters.
Ok, but how is this guy right wing.......I don't support those ideas any time. So he's a racist, but he's not right wing.
the left is in overdrive to classify racism as a right wing thing. if they can demonize a group then place people in that group they somehow equate that to being victorious in some imaginary war.
Most white supremacists i have met online spout that same stuff.
Who cares if they are right or left wing?
They are ignorant assholes. Period.
Not to mention, both sides have horribly racist people with them. They wash themselves out.
Its time to grow up, America
Most white supremacists i have met online spout that same stuff.
Who cares if they are right or left wing?
They are ignorant assholes. Period.
Not to mention, both sides have horribly racist people with them. They wash themselves out.
Its time to grow up, America
assholes are assholes and both groups got 'em.
Case of arriving at some of the same places via different roads, sort of. Would Spencer support universal healthcare once all those dirty blacks and hispanics (in his mind) have access to it as well? Would he support abortion if more white women lined up to have abortions than blacks and hispanics? Nope. He's motivated entirely by race, not principle. He's the other side of the intersectionality coin.

I agree with plenty of the policy positions of the KKK, but for entirely different reasons. And if they were in control of the policies, there's no way they would apply those policies even-handedly. Context matters.
Ok, but how is this guy right wing.......I don't support those ideas any time. So he's a racist, but he's not right wing.
the left is in overdrive to classify racism as a right wing thing. if they can demonize a group then place people in that group they somehow equate that to being victorious in some imaginary war.
BINGO....that's exactly what this is......unless you hate whites, which is apparently not racist (the left is really clueless).

But in the movie DSouza made a great point.
1860- Republicans opposed slavery and Lincoln made a statement that people should be able to keep the fruits of their labor
1860- Democrats defended slavery and they wanted to take from one group (slaves) and give to another (plantation owners)...hmmmmmm....sounds similar to what the democrats believe today.
Most white supremacists i have met online spout that same stuff.
Who cares if they are right or left wing?
They are ignorant assholes. Period.
Not to mention, both sides have horribly racist people with them. They wash themselves out.
Its time to grow up, America
My point, is why is he characterized as right wing, when he has very few positions that I agree with him on....and for different reasons.
Most white supremacists i have met online spout that same stuff.
Who cares if they are right or left wing?
They are ignorant assholes. Period.
Not to mention, both sides have horribly racist people with them. They wash themselves out.
Its time to grow up, America
My point, is why is he characterized as right wing, when he has very few positions that I agree with him on....and for different reasons.
cause he's "known evil" and they want guilt by association. that's how you stereotype a group.
Case of arriving at some of the same places via different roads, sort of. Would Spencer support universal healthcare once all those dirty blacks and hispanics (in his mind) have access to it as well? Would he support abortion if more white women lined up to have abortions than blacks and hispanics? Nope. He's motivated entirely by race, not principle. He's the other side of the intersectionality coin.

I agree with plenty of the policy positions of the KKK, but for entirely different reasons. And if they were in control of the policies, there's no way they would apply those policies even-handedly. Context matters.
Care to list those policies?
Case of arriving at some of the same places via different roads, sort of. Would Spencer support universal healthcare once all those dirty blacks and hispanics (in his mind) have access to it as well? Would he support abortion if more white women lined up to have abortions than blacks and hispanics? Nope. He's motivated entirely by race, not principle. He's the other side of the intersectionality coin.

I agree with plenty of the policy positions of the KKK, but for entirely different reasons. And if they were in control of the policies, there's no way they would apply those policies even-handedly. Context matters.
Care to list those policies?
I can't find the link right now. But there were a lot of libertarian type policy positions, again, arrived at via different motivations and i wouldn't trust a KKK member to apply said policy evenhandedly.
Case of arriving at some of the same places via different roads, sort of. Would Spencer support universal healthcare once all those dirty blacks and hispanics (in his mind) have access to it as well? Would he support abortion if more white women lined up to have abortions than blacks and hispanics? Nope. He's motivated entirely by race, not principle. He's the other side of the intersectionality coin.

I agree with plenty of the policy positions of the KKK, but for entirely different reasons. And if they were in control of the policies, there's no way they would apply those policies even-handedly. Context matters.
Ok, but how is this guy right wing.......I don't support those ideas any time. So he's a racist, but he's not right wing.
the left is in overdrive to classify racism as a right wing thing. if they can demonize a group then place people in that group they somehow equate that to being victorious in some imaginary war.

While I agree with you in spirit, the cultural/ideological "war" in today's America is very real.
Most white supremacists i have met online spout that same stuff.
Who cares if they are right or left wing?
They are ignorant assholes. Period.
Not to mention, both sides have horribly racist people with them. They wash themselves out.
Its time to grow up, America

I agree. However, the radical ideologies differ in their levels of real political power from Right to Left. Radical Left ideologues have been dominating enclaves of American academia for sixty years disseminating their philosophy directly to the masses through actual policies enacted by sitting Democrat politicians. The American radical right is still a tale of a toothless bogeyman told on campuses and across social media to whip up hatred against traditional American values and as a Left wing direct action group rallying cry. See: Antifa.
I never looked him up or cared until I watched DSouza's movie. How is this guy right wing?

Richard B. Spencer - Wikipedia

D’Souza Gets White Supremacist Richard Spencer To Admit Being A Socialist Progressive

Spencer supports legal access to abortion, in part because he believes it would reduce the number of black and Hispanic people, which he says would be a "great boon" to white people.[121] Spencer supports a national single-payer healthcare system because he believes it would benefit white people.[122][123]

Spencer is an atheist,[124] but believes the Christian church previously held some pragmatic value, as Spencer believes it helped unify the white population of Europe. He opposes traditional Christian values as a moral code, due to Christianity being a universalizing religion, and not one based on ethnic and racial ancestry. Spencer references his views on Christianity as being influenced by German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche.[125][126][127] Citing Nietzsche's criticism of anti-Semitism and nationalism, Scott Galupo writing for The Week, Sean Illing for Vox, and Jordan Harris for The Courier-Journal have described Spencer's interpretation of Nietzsche's philosophy as incorrect.[128][129][125] Spencer's Radix Journal has promoted paganism, running titles such as "Why I am a pagan".[130] Spencer has also described himself as a "cultural Christian."[131]

This guy is a scumbag in "it" for the spoils of "war". He's a wannabe tin pot Demogorgon out to profit off the dissemination of his own ignorance of history and philosophy. In other words, he's a servant of the forces out to keep Americans divided by race and class . . . a servant of identity politics and would be false shepherd seeking to lead young minds astray to dead end, dark age beliefs.
Most white supremacists i have met online spout that same stuff.
Who cares if they are right or left wing?
They are ignorant assholes. Period.
Not to mention, both sides have horribly racist people with them. They wash themselves out.
Its time to grow up, America

I agree. However, the radical ideologies differ in their levels of real political power from Right to Left. Radical Left ideologues have been dominating enclaves of American academia for sixty years disseminating their philosophy directly to the masses through actual policies enacted by sitting Democrat politicians. The American radical right is still a tale of a toothless bogeyman told on campuses and across social media to whip up hatred against traditional American values and as a Left wing direct action group rallying cry. See: Antifa.
i wont argue with that
My point, is why is he characterized as right wing, when he has very few positions that I agree with him on....and for different reasons.
What side is following him? Republicans or Democrats?

Be honest.
I didn't, I knew the name, had no care about him, until I saw the interview in Death of a Nation. you lefties are obsessed with this guy. I've seen more threads started on this guy from the left than from the right.
I didn't, I knew the name, had no care about him, until I saw the interview in Death of a Nation. you lefties are obsessed with this guy. I've seen more threads started on this guy from the left than from the right.
Let me help you. It's Replublicans. Republicans are who follow him and ascribe to his views...not Democrats.
I didn't, I knew the name, had no care about him, until I saw the interview in Death of a Nation. you lefties are obsessed with this guy. I've seen more threads started on this guy from the left than from the right.
Let me help you. It's Replublicans. Republicans are who follow him and ascribe to his views...not Democrats.
which views?

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