So I looked up Richard Spencer

I didn't, I knew the name, had no care about him, until I saw the interview in Death of a Nation. you lefties are obsessed with this guy. I've seen more threads started on this guy from the left than from the right.
Let me help you. It's Replublicans. Republicans are who follow him and ascribe to his views...not Democrats.
can you please verify this little nugget of dumbass?
D’Souza Gets White Supremacist Richard Spencer To Admit Being A Socialist Progressive

In the new Dinish D'Souza film, "Death of a Nation", Richard Spencer is interviewed. For those who don't know, Spencer is credited for founding the "alt.right" movement and is a loud and proud white supremacist

However, as D'Souza begins to talk to him in the interview, he sounds more and more like a flaming progressive. All of his favorite Presidents were racist democrat presidents, he does not believe in innate right, rather rights come from the collective state, and he is a socialist.

But the press keeps pounding in everyone's head the notion that the Nazi socialists, along with Spencer, are really right wing Republican conservatives. I assume it is based upon the premise that the GOP loves wars abroad and hates minorities, which is false. I know I am tired of the endless wars like Libya and Iraq, and I don't hate minorities.

But as seen in this interview, the Nazi mentality, along with Spencer, is not conservative at all. In fact, it mirrors Progressive ideology more than anything. Those the promote identity politics and wars abroad and just increasing the size and scope of government at all are the ones who mirror Nazi and white supremacist ideology.

Can the truth really reach society devoid of such media propaganda?
It's like I've said on multiple threads on this site, the political spectrum of Left and Right, with the Communists being on the Lest and the Nazis on the right, is a false one.

In fact, if you look at both ends of that false spectrum, what you will find out is that both are obsessed with race and all for large authoritarian government.
The only "political spectrum" that matters is

Authoritarianism ----------O----------Liberty
D’Souza Gets White Supremacist Richard Spencer To Admit Being A Socialist Progressive

In the new Dinish D'Souza film, "Death of a Nation", Richard Spencer is interviewed. For those who don't know, Spencer is credited for founding the "alt.right" movement and is a loud and proud white supremacist

However, as D'Souza begins to talk to him in the interview, he sounds more and more like a flaming progressive. All of his favorite Presidents were racist democrat presidents, he does not believe in innate right, rather rights come from the collective state, and he is a socialist.

But the press keeps pounding in everyone's head the notion that the Nazi socialists, along with Spencer, are really right wing Republican conservatives. I assume it is based upon the premise that the GOP loves wars abroad and hates minorities, which is false. I know I am tired of the endless wars like Libya and Iraq, and I don't hate minorities.

But as seen in this interview, the Nazi mentality, along with Spencer, is not conservative at all. In fact, it mirrors Progressive ideology more than anything. Those the promote identity politics and wars abroad and just increasing the size and scope of government at all are the ones who mirror Nazi and white supremacist ideology.

Can the truth really reach society devoid of such media propaganda?
You are not very smart.

Most white supremacists have no problem with social programs -- their problem is when those programs benefit minorities -- The fact 1930's Germany had national healthcare or whatever social program you hate - that wasn't the reason Nazis are hated -- you idiots keep leaving that part out.

But it is common knowledge for decades that most white supremacists believed that the government is supposed to serve THEM not others -- that is the reason you always hear this BS about "they (minorities) don't deserve it"

That is the reason you can see racists and conservatives in general gladly accepting government handouts because they feel "THEY DESERVE IT"
D’Souza Gets White Supremacist Richard Spencer To Admit Being A Socialist Progressive

In the new Dinish D'Souza film, "Death of a Nation", Richard Spencer is interviewed. For those who don't know, Spencer is credited for founding the "alt.right" movement and is a loud and proud white supremacist

However, as D'Souza begins to talk to him in the interview, he sounds more and more like a flaming progressive. All of his favorite Presidents were racist democrat presidents, he does not believe in innate right, rather rights come from the collective state, and he is a socialist.

But the press keeps pounding in everyone's head the notion that the Nazi socialists, along with Spencer, are really right wing Republican conservatives. I assume it is based upon the premise that the GOP loves wars abroad and hates minorities, which is false. I know I am tired of the endless wars like Libya and Iraq, and I don't hate minorities.

But as seen in this interview, the Nazi mentality, along with Spencer, is not conservative at all. In fact, it mirrors Progressive ideology more than anything. Those the promote identity politics and wars abroad and just increasing the size and scope of government at all are the ones who mirror Nazi and white supremacist ideology.

Can the truth really reach society devoid of such media propaganda?
You are not very smart.

Most white supremacists have no problem with social programs -- their problem is when those programs benefit minorities -- The fact 1930's Germany had national healthcare or whatever social program you hate - that wasn't the reason Nazis are hated -- you idiots keep leaving that part out.

But it is common knowledge for decades that most white supremacists believed that the government is supposed to serve THEM not others -- that is the reason you always hear this BS about "they (minorities) don't deserve it"

That is the reason you can see racists and conservatives in general gladly accepting government handouts because they feel "THEY DESERVE IT"

Most White people, point blank are pro-social programs.

It's basically just a bunch of thrifty Scots, Anglos, and Germans who settled the Southern, and Mid-West states avoiding taxes, who think otherwise.

They also have the worst track-record on racial issues, they brought in Blacks galore for cheap labor, now they lure in Mexicans galore for cheap labor.

They are truly scums of the White race, I have no feelings for them.
D’Souza Gets White Supremacist Richard Spencer To Admit Being A Socialist Progressive

In the new Dinish D'Souza film, "Death of a Nation", Richard Spencer is interviewed. For those who don't know, Spencer is credited for founding the "alt.right" movement and is a loud and proud white supremacist

However, as D'Souza begins to talk to him in the interview, he sounds more and more like a flaming progressive. All of his favorite Presidents were racist democrat presidents, he does not believe in innate right, rather rights come from the collective state, and he is a socialist.

But the press keeps pounding in everyone's head the notion that the Nazi socialists, along with Spencer, are really right wing Republican conservatives. I assume it is based upon the premise that the GOP loves wars abroad and hates minorities, which is false. I know I am tired of the endless wars like Libya and Iraq, and I don't hate minorities.

But as seen in this interview, the Nazi mentality, along with Spencer, is not conservative at all. In fact, it mirrors Progressive ideology more than anything. Those the promote identity politics and wars abroad and just increasing the size and scope of government at all are the ones who mirror Nazi and white supremacist ideology.

Can the truth really reach society devoid of such media propaganda?

“Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty”?
- attributed in various forms to various people, notably Saul Alinsky and Josef Goebbels
D’Souza Gets White Supremacist Richard Spencer To Admit Being A Socialist Progressive

In the new Dinish D'Souza film, "Death of a Nation", Richard Spencer is interviewed. For those who don't know, Spencer is credited for founding the "alt.right" movement and is a loud and proud white supremacist

However, as D'Souza begins to talk to him in the interview, he sounds more and more like a flaming progressive. All of his favorite Presidents were racist democrat presidents, he does not believe in innate right, rather rights come from the collective state, and he is a socialist.

But the press keeps pounding in everyone's head the notion that the Nazi socialists, along with Spencer, are really right wing Republican conservatives. I assume it is based upon the premise that the GOP loves wars abroad and hates minorities, which is false. I know I am tired of the endless wars like Libya and Iraq, and I don't hate minorities.

But as seen in this interview, the Nazi mentality, along with Spencer, is not conservative at all. In fact, it mirrors Progressive ideology more than anything. Those the promote identity politics and wars abroad and just increasing the size and scope of government at all are the ones who mirror Nazi and white supremacist ideology.

Can the truth really reach society devoid of such media propaganda?

Truth can reach us and does so immediately when we stop listening to CNN. There are plenty of Spencer interviews on the youtube for example. I think in this case the truth is quite a bit more boring than one could imagine.

He also is not a white supremacist.
D’Souza Gets White Supremacist Richard Spencer To Admit Being A Socialist Progressive

In the new Dinish D'Souza film, "Death of a Nation", Richard Spencer is interviewed. For those who don't know, Spencer is credited for founding the "alt.right" movement and is a loud and proud white supremacist

However, as D'Souza begins to talk to him in the interview, he sounds more and more like a flaming progressive. All of his favorite Presidents were racist democrat presidents, he does not believe in innate right, rather rights come from the collective state, and he is a socialist.

But the press keeps pounding in everyone's head the notion that the Nazi socialists, along with Spencer, are really right wing Republican conservatives. I assume it is based upon the premise that the GOP loves wars abroad and hates minorities, which is false. I know I am tired of the endless wars like Libya and Iraq, and I don't hate minorities.

But as seen in this interview, the Nazi mentality, along with Spencer, is not conservative at all. In fact, it mirrors Progressive ideology more than anything. Those the promote identity politics and wars abroad and just increasing the size and scope of government at all are the ones who mirror Nazi and white supremacist ideology.

Can the truth really reach society devoid of such media propaganda?

The fact 1930's Germany had national healthcare or whatever social program you hate - that wasn't the reason Nazis are hated -- you idiots keep leaving that part out.

It's the Nazi's big military, which led to genocide, the Socialized medicine not so much.

Republicans actually get it wrong, as usual, they behave as if Socialized medicine leads to genocide, and big military solves genocide.
D’Souza Gets White Supremacist Richard Spencer To Admit Being A Socialist Progressive

In the new Dinish D'Souza film, "Death of a Nation", Richard Spencer is interviewed. For those who don't know, Spencer is credited for founding the "alt.right" movement and is a loud and proud white supremacist

However, as D'Souza begins to talk to him in the interview, he sounds more and more like a flaming progressive. All of his favorite Presidents were racist democrat presidents, he does not believe in innate right, rather rights come from the collective state, and he is a socialist.

But the press keeps pounding in everyone's head the notion that the Nazi socialists, along with Spencer, are really right wing Republican conservatives. I assume it is based upon the premise that the GOP loves wars abroad and hates minorities, which is false. I know I am tired of the endless wars like Libya and Iraq, and I don't hate minorities.

But as seen in this interview, the Nazi mentality, along with Spencer, is not conservative at all. In fact, it mirrors Progressive ideology more than anything. Those the promote identity politics and wars abroad and just increasing the size and scope of government at all are the ones who mirror Nazi and white supremacist ideology.

Can the truth really reach society devoid of such media propaganda?

The fact 1930's Germany had national healthcare or whatever social program you hate - that wasn't the reason Nazis are hated -- you idiots keep leaving that part out.

It's the Nazi's big military, which led to genocide, the Socialized medicine not so much.

Republicans actually get it wrong, as usual, they behave as if Socialized medicine leads to genocide, and big military solves genocide.

Incorrect. Government run health care has and is currently in the business of genocide.

The Nazi leadership entered hospitals and cleared them out, those deemed not beneficial to the state.

In the US, the VA, which is government run health care, has been seen to create secret death lists for veterans who are too sick and expensive to treat.
D’Souza Gets White Supremacist Richard Spencer To Admit Being A Socialist Progressive

In the new Dinish D'Souza film, "Death of a Nation", Richard Spencer is interviewed. For those who don't know, Spencer is credited for founding the "alt.right" movement and is a loud and proud white supremacist

However, as D'Souza begins to talk to him in the interview, he sounds more and more like a flaming progressive. All of his favorite Presidents were racist democrat presidents, he does not believe in innate right, rather rights come from the collective state, and he is a socialist.

But the press keeps pounding in everyone's head the notion that the Nazi socialists, along with Spencer, are really right wing Republican conservatives. I assume it is based upon the premise that the GOP loves wars abroad and hates minorities, which is false. I know I am tired of the endless wars like Libya and Iraq, and I don't hate minorities.

But as seen in this interview, the Nazi mentality, along with Spencer, is not conservative at all. In fact, it mirrors Progressive ideology more than anything. Those the promote identity politics and wars abroad and just increasing the size and scope of government at all are the ones who mirror Nazi and white supremacist ideology.

Can the truth really reach society devoid of such media propaganda?
You are not very smart.

Most white supremacists have no problem with social programs -- their problem is when those programs benefit minorities -- The fact 1930's Germany had national healthcare or whatever social program you hate - that wasn't the reason Nazis are hated -- you idiots keep leaving that part out.

But it is common knowledge for decades that most white supremacists believed that the government is supposed to serve THEM not others -- that is the reason you always hear this BS about "they (minorities) don't deserve it"

That is the reason you can see racists and conservatives in general gladly accepting government handouts because they feel "THEY DESERVE IT"

When have you ever heard me say that minorities don't deserve government?

What you fail to realize is, the reason the German people put up with mass genocide and wars abroad, was that the nanny state was greasing their wheels.

Essentially the average citizen had a better standard of living than those in other countries. Hitler simply bought them all off.

Money has a tendency to make you look the other way when it comes to issue like genocide.

Speaking of which, Margaret Sanger created Planned Parenthood on the premise that it would decrease the number of unwanted poor black folk.

To date, there have been more black abortions than births. After all, children are expensive.
D’Souza Gets White Supremacist Richard Spencer To Admit Being A Socialist Progressive

In the new Dinish D'Souza film, "Death of a Nation", Richard Spencer is interviewed. For those who don't know, Spencer is credited for founding the "alt.right" movement and is a loud and proud white supremacist

However, as D'Souza begins to talk to him in the interview, he sounds more and more like a flaming progressive. All of his favorite Presidents were racist democrat presidents, he does not believe in innate right, rather rights come from the collective state, and he is a socialist.

But the press keeps pounding in everyone's head the notion that the Nazi socialists, along with Spencer, are really right wing Republican conservatives. I assume it is based upon the premise that the GOP loves wars abroad and hates minorities, which is false. I know I am tired of the endless wars like Libya and Iraq, and I don't hate minorities.

But as seen in this interview, the Nazi mentality, along with Spencer, is not conservative at all. In fact, it mirrors Progressive ideology more than anything. Those the promote identity politics and wars abroad and just increasing the size and scope of government at all are the ones who mirror Nazi and white supremacist ideology.

Can the truth really reach society devoid of such media propaganda?
Is he and/or his followers currently members of the Democrat, or Republican party?

What is their current party affiliation?

Which party's members currently follow Richard Spencer, et al?
It's been my experience that most people claiming white supremacy are living examples of exactly the opposite.

On the other hand ... I'm very much committed to my own particular brand of white supremacy.

You are not very smart.

Most white supremacists have no problem with social programs -- their problem is when those programs benefit minorities -- The fact 1930's Germany had national healthcare or whatever social program you hate - that wasn't the reason Nazis are hated -- you idiots keep leaving that part out.

But it is common knowledge for decades that most white supremacists believed that the government is supposed to serve THEM not others -- that is the reason you always hear this BS about "they (minorities) don't deserve it"

That is the reason you can see racists and conservatives in general gladly accepting government handouts because they feel "THEY DESERVE IT"
That's the long and short of it.

Hence, once we had our first black President, you suddenly heard chants and screams of "GIMME MY COUNTRY BACK!" and "I WANT MY COUNTRY BACK!!"

I dunno who they think they're fooling pretending otherwise.
D’Souza Gets White Supremacist Richard Spencer To Admit Being A Socialist Progressive

In the new Dinish D'Souza film, "Death of a Nation", Richard Spencer is interviewed. For those who don't know, Spencer is credited for founding the "alt.right" movement and is a loud and proud white supremacist

However, as D'Souza begins to talk to him in the interview, he sounds more and more like a flaming progressive. All of his favorite Presidents were racist democrat presidents, he does not believe in innate right, rather rights come from the collective state, and he is a socialist.

But the press keeps pounding in everyone's head the notion that the Nazi socialists, along with Spencer, are really right wing Republican conservatives. I assume it is based upon the premise that the GOP loves wars abroad and hates minorities, which is false. I know I am tired of the endless wars like Libya and Iraq, and I don't hate minorities.

But as seen in this interview, the Nazi mentality, along with Spencer, is not conservative at all. In fact, it mirrors Progressive ideology more than anything. Those the promote identity politics and wars abroad and just increasing the size and scope of government at all are the ones who mirror Nazi and white supremacist ideology.

Can the truth really reach society devoid of such media propaganda?
You are not very smart.

Most white supremacists have no problem with social programs -- their problem is when those programs benefit minorities -- The fact 1930's Germany had national healthcare or whatever social program you hate - that wasn't the reason Nazis are hated -- you idiots keep leaving that part out.

But it is common knowledge for decades that most white supremacists believed that the government is supposed to serve THEM not others -- that is the reason you always hear this BS about "they (minorities) don't deserve it"

That is the reason you can see racists and conservatives in general gladly accepting government handouts because they feel "THEY DESERVE IT"

When have you ever heard me say that minorities don't deserve government?

What you fail to realize is, the reason the German people put up with mass genocide and wars abroad, was that the nanny state was greasing their wheels.

Essentially the average citizen had a better standard of living than those in other countries. Hitler simply bought them all off.

Money has a tendency to make you look the other way when it comes to issue like genocide.

Speaking of which, Margaret Sanger created Planned Parenthood on the premise that it would decrease the number of unwanted poor black folk.

To date, there have been more black abortions than births. After all, children are expensive.

Currently, I know of zero cases where blacks or any other race of people are forced to have abortions. I do know in the past there was a push to sterilize black folks -- that isn't abortion, but don't let that distinction stop you from feigning concern for black children -- because, if you don't know it, that is what happens to these fetuses that you are so concerned about, they become children -- for some reason, concern for black babies ends when they are born for most conservatives.

What policies made white Americans in this country put up with genocide here for hundreds of years? What nanny state was greasing the wheels to keep Jim Crow in effect for so long?

Sorry, your attempts to try to link social security and Medicare for All to Hitler is pathetic and desperate on two fronts --- first, it tells me you don't know what you are talking about --- second, it tells me that you have no better alternatives or else that would be what you advocate, instead you fearmonger, which means you have no better alternatives...
D’Souza Gets White Supremacist Richard Spencer To Admit Being A Socialist Progressive

In the new Dinish D'Souza film, "Death of a Nation", Richard Spencer is interviewed. For those who don't know, Spencer is credited for founding the "alt.right" movement and is a loud and proud white supremacist

However, as D'Souza begins to talk to him in the interview, he sounds more and more like a flaming progressive. All of his favorite Presidents were racist democrat presidents, he does not believe in innate right, rather rights come from the collective state, and he is a socialist.

But the press keeps pounding in everyone's head the notion that the Nazi socialists, along with Spencer, are really right wing Republican conservatives. I assume it is based upon the premise that the GOP loves wars abroad and hates minorities, which is false. I know I am tired of the endless wars like Libya and Iraq, and I don't hate minorities.

But as seen in this interview, the Nazi mentality, along with Spencer, is not conservative at all. In fact, it mirrors Progressive ideology more than anything. Those the promote identity politics and wars abroad and just increasing the size and scope of government at all are the ones who mirror Nazi and white supremacist ideology.

Can the truth really reach society devoid of such media propaganda?
Racial Loyalist. Racial Socialism. Look it up. D'Souza is a pathetic CUCK Civil Nationalist...whiny little bitch more worried about money than race...fuck him. I tried reading that garbage he calls a book and he just WHINES oh my the democrats are the real wacists wahhhhh man up grow a set and accept what's RIGHT!
D’Souza Gets White Supremacist Richard Spencer To Admit Being A Socialist Progressive

In the new Dinish D'Souza film, "Death of a Nation", Richard Spencer is interviewed. For those who don't know, Spencer is credited for founding the "alt.right" movement and is a loud and proud white supremacist

However, as D'Souza begins to talk to him in the interview, he sounds more and more like a flaming progressive. All of his favorite Presidents were racist democrat presidents, he does not believe in innate right, rather rights come from the collective state, and he is a socialist.

But the press keeps pounding in everyone's head the notion that the Nazi socialists, along with Spencer, are really right wing Republican conservatives. I assume it is based upon the premise that the GOP loves wars abroad and hates minorities, which is false. I know I am tired of the endless wars like Libya and Iraq, and I don't hate minorities.

But as seen in this interview, the Nazi mentality, along with Spencer, is not conservative at all. In fact, it mirrors Progressive ideology more than anything. Those the promote identity politics and wars abroad and just increasing the size and scope of government at all are the ones who mirror Nazi and white supremacist ideology.

Can the truth really reach society devoid of such media propaganda?

The fact 1930's Germany had national healthcare or whatever social program you hate - that wasn't the reason Nazis are hated -- you idiots keep leaving that part out.

It's the Nazi's big military, which led to genocide, the Socialized medicine not so much.

Republicans actually get it wrong, as usual, they behave as if Socialized medicine leads to genocide, and big military solves genocide.

Incorrect. Government run health care has and is currently in the business of genocide.

The Nazi leadership entered hospitals and cleared them out, those deemed not beneficial to the state.

In the US, the VA, which is government run health care, has been seen to create secret death lists for veterans who are too sick and expensive to treat.

Nazis mostly killed by their military's the SS, the SA, and Wehrmacht , Euthanasia, Aktion T4 or Dr Mengele were far less of the killing culprit.
D’Souza Gets White Supremacist Richard Spencer To Admit Being A Socialist Progressive

In the new Dinish D'Souza film, "Death of a Nation", Richard Spencer is interviewed. For those who don't know, Spencer is credited for founding the "alt.right" movement and is a loud and proud white supremacist

However, as D'Souza begins to talk to him in the interview, he sounds more and more like a flaming progressive. All of his favorite Presidents were racist democrat presidents, he does not believe in innate right, rather rights come from the collective state, and he is a socialist.

But the press keeps pounding in everyone's head the notion that the Nazi socialists, along with Spencer, are really right wing Republican conservatives. I assume it is based upon the premise that the GOP loves wars abroad and hates minorities, which is false. I know I am tired of the endless wars like Libya and Iraq, and I don't hate minorities.

But as seen in this interview, the Nazi mentality, along with Spencer, is not conservative at all. In fact, it mirrors Progressive ideology more than anything. Those the promote identity politics and wars abroad and just increasing the size and scope of government at all are the ones who mirror Nazi and white supremacist ideology.

Can the truth really reach society devoid of such media propaganda?
You are not very smart.

Most white supremacists have no problem with social programs -- their problem is when those programs benefit minorities -- The fact 1930's Germany had national healthcare or whatever social program you hate - that wasn't the reason Nazis are hated -- you idiots keep leaving that part out.

But it is common knowledge for decades that most white supremacists believed that the government is supposed to serve THEM not others -- that is the reason you always hear this BS about "they (minorities) don't deserve it"

That is the reason you can see racists and conservatives in general gladly accepting government handouts because they feel "THEY DESERVE IT"

What you fail to realize is, the reason the German people put up with mass genocide and wars abroad, was that the nanny state was greasing their wheels.

Essentially the average citizen had a better standard of living than those in other countries. Hitler simply bought them all off.

Money has a tendency to make you look the other way when it comes to issue like genocide.

Speaking of which, Margaret Sanger created Planned Parenthood on the premise that it would decrease the number of unwanted poor black folk.

To date, there have been more black abortions than births. After all, children are expensive.

Why do Americans put up with it's mass murder / wars abroad?

America has killed some 14 - 30 million since 1945, an amount similar to the Nazis.

Yet, Americans hardly care, or even support it.

How come?
D’Souza Gets White Supremacist Richard Spencer To Admit Being A Socialist Progressive

In the new Dinish D'Souza film, "Death of a Nation", Richard Spencer is interviewed. For those who don't know, Spencer is credited for founding the "alt.right" movement and is a loud and proud white supremacist

However, as D'Souza begins to talk to him in the interview, he sounds more and more like a flaming progressive. All of his favorite Presidents were racist democrat presidents, he does not believe in innate right, rather rights come from the collective state, and he is a socialist.

But the press keeps pounding in everyone's head the notion that the Nazi socialists, along with Spencer, are really right wing Republican conservatives. I assume it is based upon the premise that the GOP loves wars abroad and hates minorities, which is false. I know I am tired of the endless wars like Libya and Iraq, and I don't hate minorities.

But as seen in this interview, the Nazi mentality, along with Spencer, is not conservative at all. In fact, it mirrors Progressive ideology more than anything. Those the promote identity politics and wars abroad and just increasing the size and scope of government at all are the ones who mirror Nazi and white supremacist ideology.

Can the truth really reach society devoid of such media propaganda?
Is he and/or his followers currently members of the Democrat, or Republican party?

What is their current party affiliation?

Which party's members currently follow Richard Spencer, et al?

I've heard Trump condemn racism, although he was criticized for not condemning white supremacists fast and hard enough in Virginia.

But it's not enough. No amount of condemnation apparently is. The Left will still brand him a racist.

However, on the other isle, we have Maxine Waters who snuggles up to a racist like Louis Farrakhan who calls white people white devils and Jews vermin.

Yet the media never says anything about it.

So I will ask you, who is the bigger racist, Maxine or Trump?
D’Souza Gets White Supremacist Richard Spencer To Admit Being A Socialist Progressive

In the new Dinish D'Souza film, "Death of a Nation", Richard Spencer is interviewed. For those who don't know, Spencer is credited for founding the "alt.right" movement and is a loud and proud white supremacist

However, as D'Souza begins to talk to him in the interview, he sounds more and more like a flaming progressive. All of his favorite Presidents were racist democrat presidents, he does not believe in innate right, rather rights come from the collective state, and he is a socialist.

But the press keeps pounding in everyone's head the notion that the Nazi socialists, along with Spencer, are really right wing Republican conservatives. I assume it is based upon the premise that the GOP loves wars abroad and hates minorities, which is false. I know I am tired of the endless wars like Libya and Iraq, and I don't hate minorities.

But as seen in this interview, the Nazi mentality, along with Spencer, is not conservative at all. In fact, it mirrors Progressive ideology more than anything. Those the promote identity politics and wars abroad and just increasing the size and scope of government at all are the ones who mirror Nazi and white supremacist ideology.

Can the truth really reach society devoid of such media propaganda?
You are not very smart.

Most white supremacists have no problem with social programs -- their problem is when those programs benefit minorities -- The fact 1930's Germany had national healthcare or whatever social program you hate - that wasn't the reason Nazis are hated -- you idiots keep leaving that part out.

But it is common knowledge for decades that most white supremacists believed that the government is supposed to serve THEM not others -- that is the reason you always hear this BS about "they (minorities) don't deserve it"

That is the reason you can see racists and conservatives in general gladly accepting government handouts because they feel "THEY DESERVE IT"

What you fail to realize is, the reason the German people put up with mass genocide and wars abroad, was that the nanny state was greasing their wheels.

Essentially the average citizen had a better standard of living than those in other countries. Hitler simply bought them all off.

Money has a tendency to make you look the other way when it comes to issue like genocide.

Speaking of which, Margaret Sanger created Planned Parenthood on the premise that it would decrease the number of unwanted poor black folk.

To date, there have been more black abortions than births. After all, children are expensive.

Why do Americans put up with it's mass murder / wars abroad?

America has killed some 14 - 30 million since 1945, an amount similar to the Nazis.

Yet, Americans hardly care, or even support it.

How come?

Complacency and the nanny state.

So long as people are taken care of by the state, and dependent upon the state, the state is then free to unleash any amount of injustice it sees fit on the world at large, knowing that the populace will not rise up.

This is why Hitler embraced socialism He was fearful of uprisings due to poor living standards in Germany during WW1.

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