So I looked up Richard Spencer

Who are the white Supremacists?

Surprisingly, they are right under our noses, and operate under the misleading designation: "Antifa."

You are not very smart.

Most white supremacists have no problem with social programs -- their problem is when those programs benefit minorities -- The fact 1930's Germany had national healthcare or whatever social program you hate - that wasn't the reason Nazis are hated -- you idiots keep leaving that part out.

But it is common knowledge for decades that most white supremacists believed that the government is supposed to serve THEM not others -- that is the reason you always hear this BS about "they (minorities) don't deserve it"

That is the reason you can see racists and conservatives in general gladly accepting government handouts because they feel "THEY DESERVE IT"

What you fail to realize is, the reason the German people put up with mass genocide and wars abroad, was that the nanny state was greasing their wheels.

Essentially the average citizen had a better standard of living than those in other countries. Hitler simply bought them all off.

Money has a tendency to make you look the other way when it comes to issue like genocide.

Speaking of which, Margaret Sanger created Planned Parenthood on the premise that it would decrease the number of unwanted poor black folk.

To date, there have been more black abortions than births. After all, children are expensive.

Why do Americans put up with it's mass murder / wars abroad?

America has killed some 14 - 30 million since 1945, an amount similar to the Nazis.

Yet, Americans hardly care, or even support it.

How come?

Complacency and the nanny state.

So long as people are taken care of by the state, and dependent upon the state, the state is then free to unleash any amount of injustice it sees fit on the world at large, knowing that the populace will not rise up.

This is why Hitler embraced socialism He was fearful of uprisings due to poor living standards in Germany during WW1.
Hitler and the Nazis outlawed socialism, and executed socialists and communists en masse, even before they started rounding up Jews. In 1933, the Dachau concentration camp held socialists and leftists exclusively. The Nazis arrested more than 11,000 Germans for "illegal socialist activity" in 1936.

The rivalry was more political than ideological.
Tha would make sense if the Nazis werent anti-communist as much as they were anti-jew.
White racists are part of the right. Black racists are part of the left. Black racists have much more influence on the left than white racists have on the right

When people start these conversations, they are indulging in identity politics. In this case, however, the identity is based upon being left or being right. They are just protecting their turf by refusing to acknowledge that the tribe they have joined includes some unsavory people.

If people approached politics as an individual and according to values rather than as a member of a group and loyalty to the group, they would understand a whole lot more than they do.

So that is your political spectrum? White racists and black racists opposing each other?


How you arrived at that is anybody's guess.

What I'm saying is that the political spectrum has nothing to do with racism, or at least, should not.

Do you agree?
What you fail to realize is, the reason the German people put up with mass genocide and wars abroad, was that the nanny state was greasing their wheels.

Essentially the average citizen had a better standard of living than those in other countries. Hitler simply bought them all off.

Money has a tendency to make you look the other way when it comes to issue like genocide.

Speaking of which, Margaret Sanger created Planned Parenthood on the premise that it would decrease the number of unwanted poor black folk.

To date, there have been more black abortions than births. After all, children are expensive.

Why do Americans put up with it's mass murder / wars abroad?

America has killed some 14 - 30 million since 1945, an amount similar to the Nazis.

Yet, Americans hardly care, or even support it.

How come?

Complacency and the nanny state.

So long as people are taken care of by the state, and dependent upon the state, the state is then free to unleash any amount of injustice it sees fit on the world at large, knowing that the populace will not rise up.

This is why Hitler embraced socialism He was fearful of uprisings due to poor living standards in Germany during WW1.
Hitler and the Nazis outlawed socialism, and executed socialists and communists en masse, even before they started rounding up Jews. In 1933, the Dachau concentration camp held socialists and leftists exclusively. The Nazis arrested more than 11,000 Germans for "illegal socialist activity" in 1936.

The rivalry was more political than ideological.
Tha would make sense if the Nazis werent anti-communist as much as they were anti-jew.

The Nazis killed more Soviets, than they did Jews.

Nazis killed 20 - 30 million Soviets, more than half of them civilians.

This was the biggest genocide in WW2, rather than the Holocaust.
White racists are part of the right. Black racists are part of the left. Black racists have much more influence on the left than white racists have on the right

When people start these conversations, they are indulging in identity politics. In this case, however, the identity is based upon being left or being right. They are just protecting their turf by refusing to acknowledge that the tribe they have joined includes some unsavory people.

If people approached politics as an individual and according to values rather than as a member of a group and loyalty to the group, they would understand a whole lot more than they do.

So that is your political spectrum? White racists and black racists opposing each other?


How you arrived at that is anybody's guess.

What I'm saying is that the political spectrum has nothing to do with racism, or at least, should not.

Do you agree?

Racism is authoritarian typically, and racism is about hierarchy always, as well as racism could be considered a traditional value, as it was instilled in just about everyone until pretty recently.

3 right wing classifications.
Why do Americans put up with it's mass murder / wars abroad?

America has killed some 14 - 30 million since 1945, an amount similar to the Nazis.

Yet, Americans hardly care, or even support it.

How come?

Complacency and the nanny state.

So long as people are taken care of by the state, and dependent upon the state, the state is then free to unleash any amount of injustice it sees fit on the world at large, knowing that the populace will not rise up.

This is why Hitler embraced socialism He was fearful of uprisings due to poor living standards in Germany during WW1.
Hitler and the Nazis outlawed socialism, and executed socialists and communists en masse, even before they started rounding up Jews. In 1933, the Dachau concentration camp held socialists and leftists exclusively. The Nazis arrested more than 11,000 Germans for "illegal socialist activity" in 1936.

The rivalry was more political than ideological.
Tha would make sense if the Nazis werent anti-communist as much as they were anti-jew.

The Nazis killed more Soviets, than they did Jews.

Nazis killed 20 - 30 million Soviets, more than half of them civilians.

This was the biggest genocide in WW2, rather than the Holocaust.

But Hitler is demonized more than Stalin around the world.

There are many reasons for this.

One is that Stalin was the ally of those trying to destroy Hitler, and then once Hitler was vanquished, the winning side got to write the history books.

Secondly, Stalin is far Left wing, something that Hitler was as well and pretty much the rest of the globe currently. As a result, Hitler is shoved to the right for no reason other than being a warmonger and racist. Somehow that made him right wing.

And lastly, Hitler murdered because of race as where Stalin murdered for political power. People tend to think murdering people because of race is far more evil than for political power., myself not being one of them.
D’Souza Gets White Supremacist Richard Spencer To Admit Being A Socialist Progressive

In the new Dinish D'Souza film, "Death of a Nation", Richard Spencer is interviewed. For those who don't know, Spencer is credited for founding the "alt.right" movement and is a loud and proud white supremacist

However, as D'Souza begins to talk to him in the interview, he sounds more and more like a flaming progressive. All of his favorite Presidents were racist democrat presidents, he does not believe in innate right, rather rights come from the collective state, and he is a socialist.

But the press keeps pounding in everyone's head the notion that the Nazi socialists, along with Spencer, are really right wing Republican conservatives. I assume it is based upon the premise that the GOP loves wars abroad and hates minorities, which is false. I know I am tired of the endless wars like Libya and Iraq, and I don't hate minorities.

But as seen in this interview, the Nazi mentality, along with Spencer, is not conservative at all. In fact, it mirrors Progressive ideology more than anything. Those the promote identity politics and wars abroad and just increasing the size and scope of government at all are the ones who mirror Nazi and white supremacist ideology.

Can the truth really reach society devoid of such media propaganda?

Unfortunately radical Leftist philosophy seems to have very successfully stolen sight of obvious truth from the eyes of tens of millions of American voters. How can they possibly even acknowledge truth and fact when the philosophies feeding the radical American Leftist grand narrative they "nurse" from at its core distorts, obfuscates and redefines reason and logic?

Race warfare, much like Leninist class warfare, is created in America by the same social engineers. Whether we're talking promotion and initiation and perpetuation of black hatred of whites or white hatred of blacks, the same political ideologues are responsible for those narratives. And the social engineers have forged some damn thick, damn heavy chains of racism convincing enough in their enticing links millions on both sides have willingly decided to lock themselves in them and drag them around like a ghost in a Dicken's story.

Further, we have seen time and again recently how the public has been mislead into believing the "alt-Right" bogeyman is out to commit violence against poor, helpless minority groups, when in fact, Antifa has been inserted repeatedly into what otherwise would have been peaceful 1st Amendment protests, to trigger violence and chaos.

The American people have been deceived and half of them are thriving on the lies.

If the MSM is fed by socio-political engineers who feed candidate running platforms of hatred all in turn fed by elite Leftist intelligentsia on campuses, then the chain of propaganda must be broken in order for there to be hope of essentially undoing the brainwashing done to American minds young and old alike.
Complacency and the nanny state.

So long as people are taken care of by the state, and dependent upon the state, the state is then free to unleash any amount of injustice it sees fit on the world at large, knowing that the populace will not rise up.

This is why Hitler embraced socialism He was fearful of uprisings due to poor living standards in Germany during WW1.
Hitler and the Nazis outlawed socialism, and executed socialists and communists en masse, even before they started rounding up Jews. In 1933, the Dachau concentration camp held socialists and leftists exclusively. The Nazis arrested more than 11,000 Germans for "illegal socialist activity" in 1936.

The rivalry was more political than ideological.
Tha would make sense if the Nazis werent anti-communist as much as they were anti-jew.

The Nazis killed more Soviets, than they did Jews.

Nazis killed 20 - 30 million Soviets, more than half of them civilians.

This was the biggest genocide in WW2, rather than the Holocaust.

But Hitler is demonized more than Stalin around the world.

There are many reasons for this.

One is that Stalin was the ally of those trying to destroy Hitler, and then once Hitler was vanquished, the winning side got to write the history books.

Secondly, Stalin is far Left wing, something that Hitler was as well and pretty much the rest of the globe currently.

And lastly, Hitler murdered because of race as where Stalin murdered for political power. People tend to think murdering people because of race is far more evil than for political power., myself not being one of them.

Don't forget because Jews think they are the only lives that matter often times, and Jews have an enormous amount of power, and influence in Western society, especially American society.
Hitler and the Nazis outlawed socialism, and executed socialists and communists en masse, even before they started rounding up Jews. In 1933, the Dachau concentration camp held socialists and leftists exclusively. The Nazis arrested more than 11,000 Germans for "illegal socialist activity" in 1936.

The rivalry was more political than ideological.
Tha would make sense if the Nazis werent anti-communist as much as they were anti-jew.

The Nazis killed more Soviets, than they did Jews.

Nazis killed 20 - 30 million Soviets, more than half of them civilians.

This was the biggest genocide in WW2, rather than the Holocaust.

But Hitler is demonized more than Stalin around the world.

There are many reasons for this.

One is that Stalin was the ally of those trying to destroy Hitler, and then once Hitler was vanquished, the winning side got to write the history books.

Secondly, Stalin is far Left wing, something that Hitler was as well and pretty much the rest of the globe currently.

And lastly, Hitler murdered because of race as where Stalin murdered for political power. People tend to think murdering people because of race is far more evil than for political power., myself not being one of them.

Don't forget because Jews think they are the only lives that matter often times, and Jews have an enormous amount of power, and influence in Western society, especially American society.

Are you still scared of 16 million Jews? There are 1.6bn are insane.
It's like I've said on multiple threads on this site, the political spectrum of Left and Right, with the Communists being on the Lest and the Nazis on the right, is a false one.

In fact, if you look at both ends of that false spectrum, what you will find out is that both are obsessed with race and all for large authoritarian government.

Even the Donald.
D’Souza Gets White Supremacist Richard Spencer To Admit Being A Socialist Progressive

In the new Dinish D'Souza film, "Death of a Nation", Richard Spencer is interviewed. For those who don't know, Spencer is credited for founding the "alt.right" movement and is a loud and proud white supremacist

However, as D'Souza begins to talk to him in the interview, he sounds more and more like a flaming progressive. All of his favorite Presidents were racist democrat presidents, he does not believe in innate right, rather rights come from the collective state, and he is a socialist.

But the press keeps pounding in everyone's head the notion that the Nazi socialists, along with Spencer, are really right wing Republican conservatives. I assume it is based upon the premise that the GOP loves wars abroad and hates minorities, which is false. I know I am tired of the endless wars like Libya and Iraq, and I don't hate minorities.

But as seen in this interview, the Nazi mentality, along with Spencer, is not conservative at all. In fact, it mirrors Progressive ideology more than anything. Those the promote identity politics and wars abroad and just increasing the size and scope of government at all are the ones who mirror Nazi and white supremacist ideology.

Can the truth really reach society devoid of such media propaganda?
You are not very smart.

Most white supremacists have no problem with social programs -- their problem is when those programs benefit minorities -- The fact 1930's Germany had national healthcare or whatever social program you hate - that wasn't the reason Nazis are hated -- you idiots keep leaving that part out.

But it is common knowledge for decades that most white supremacists believed that the government is supposed to serve THEM not others -- that is the reason you always hear this BS about "they (minorities) don't deserve it"

That is the reason you can see racists and conservatives in general gladly accepting government handouts because they feel "THEY DESERVE IT"

Most White people, point blank are pro-social programs.

It's basically just a bunch of thrifty Scots, Anglos, and Germans who settled the Southern, and Mid-West states avoiding taxes, who think otherwise.

They also have the worst track-record on racial issues, they brought in Blacks galore for cheap labor, now they lure in Mexicans galore for cheap labor.

They are truly scums of the White race, I have no feelings for them.
Are some Muslims white?
Slavery still exists in Islam.
Egypt made Hebrews into slaves 4000+ years ago.
Hitler and the Nazis outlawed socialism, and executed socialists and communists en masse, even before they started rounding up Jews. In 1933, the Dachau concentration camp held socialists and leftists exclusively. The Nazis arrested more than 11,000 Germans for "illegal socialist activity" in 1936.

The rivalry was more political than ideological.
Tha would make sense if the Nazis werent anti-communist as much as they were anti-jew.

The Nazis killed more Soviets, than they did Jews.

Nazis killed 20 - 30 million Soviets, more than half of them civilians.

This was the biggest genocide in WW2, rather than the Holocaust.

But Hitler is demonized more than Stalin around the world.

There are many reasons for this.

One is that Stalin was the ally of those trying to destroy Hitler, and then once Hitler was vanquished, the winning side got to write the history books.

Secondly, Stalin is far Left wing, something that Hitler was as well and pretty much the rest of the globe currently.

And lastly, Hitler murdered because of race as where Stalin murdered for political power. People tend to think murdering people because of race is far more evil than for political power., myself not being one of them.

Don't forget because Jews think they are the only lives that matter often times, and Jews have an enormous amount of power, and influence in Western society, especially American society.

Sounds to me that you have an issue with Jews.

Do you?
The rivalry was more political than ideological.
Tha would make sense if the Nazis werent anti-communist as much as they were anti-jew.

The Nazis killed more Soviets, than they did Jews.

Nazis killed 20 - 30 million Soviets, more than half of them civilians.

This was the biggest genocide in WW2, rather than the Holocaust.

But Hitler is demonized more than Stalin around the world.

There are many reasons for this.

One is that Stalin was the ally of those trying to destroy Hitler, and then once Hitler was vanquished, the winning side got to write the history books.

Secondly, Stalin is far Left wing, something that Hitler was as well and pretty much the rest of the globe currently.

And lastly, Hitler murdered because of race as where Stalin murdered for political power. People tend to think murdering people because of race is far more evil than for political power., myself not being one of them.

Don't forget because Jews think they are the only lives that matter often times, and Jews have an enormous amount of power, and influence in Western society, especially American society.

Are you still scared of 16 million Jews? There are 1.6bn are insane.

1.) Jews contribute 1/2 of Democrat funding, and what about Muslims?

2.) Jews dominate Hollywood in promotion of Liberalism, and how about Muslims?

3.) Jews control Liberal institutions like Facebook, Youtube, the New York Times, the ACLU, CNN, ABC, MSNBC, and CBS, and how about Muslims?

4.) Muslims are generally properly Right-Wing, Jews are generally properly Left-WIng.

5.) I actually prefer a lot of Muslims, over Jews, indeed. (I.E Islamic Tatars, Indonesians, and Bosniaks) aren't such trouble makers as Jews.
The rivalry was more political than ideological.
Tha would make sense if the Nazis werent anti-communist as much as they were anti-jew.

The Nazis killed more Soviets, than they did Jews.

Nazis killed 20 - 30 million Soviets, more than half of them civilians.

This was the biggest genocide in WW2, rather than the Holocaust.

But Hitler is demonized more than Stalin around the world.

There are many reasons for this.

One is that Stalin was the ally of those trying to destroy Hitler, and then once Hitler was vanquished, the winning side got to write the history books.

Secondly, Stalin is far Left wing, something that Hitler was as well and pretty much the rest of the globe currently.

And lastly, Hitler murdered because of race as where Stalin murdered for political power. People tend to think murdering people because of race is far more evil than for political power., myself not being one of them.

Don't forget because Jews think they are the only lives that matter often times, and Jews have an enormous amount of power, and influence in Western society, especially American society.

Are you still scared of 16 million Jews? There are 1.6bn are insane.
Israel gets $38 billion of our taxpayer dollars every year; one example of their power.
D’Souza Gets White Supremacist Richard Spencer To Admit Being A Socialist Progressive

In the new Dinish D'Souza film, "Death of a Nation", Richard Spencer is interviewed. For those who don't know, Spencer is credited for founding the "alt.right" movement and is a loud and proud white supremacist

However, as D'Souza begins to talk to him in the interview, he sounds more and more like a flaming progressive. All of his favorite Presidents were racist democrat presidents, he does not believe in innate right, rather rights come from the collective state, and he is a socialist.

But the press keeps pounding in everyone's head the notion that the Nazi socialists, along with Spencer, are really right wing Republican conservatives. I assume it is based upon the premise that the GOP loves wars abroad and hates minorities, which is false. I know I am tired of the endless wars like Libya and Iraq, and I don't hate minorities.

But as seen in this interview, the Nazi mentality, along with Spencer, is not conservative at all. In fact, it mirrors Progressive ideology more than anything. Those the promote identity politics and wars abroad and just increasing the size and scope of government at all are the ones who mirror Nazi and white supremacist ideology.

Can the truth really reach society devoid of such media propaganda?

People are beginning to realize.

We can thank Joey Gibson and the Proud Boys for that, and other citizen journalists...including journalists who work for Alex Jones....and this is the real reason they were booted off the internet. Because they show the reality that the left doesn't want you to know...

And the reality is that they are trying to destroy our country, and they are starting with our ability to speak the truth, to freely speak, and to use the internet to share information that they don't want you to know.

The left's fake press isn't covering the news. They are pushing an ideology. That's all they do.

And the reason they do it?

They want the US to go down. The US can't go down if we have the right to speak, because then everybody knows what's going on, and can confront the scumbags and stand against them.

Which is what these free speech rallies in Berkeley and Portland are all about. The people who are standing for free speech are not "white supremacists". Taht isn't to say white supremacists don't stand for free speech..I'm sure they do. But that doesn't mean that "free speech" = Nazism.

The leftist fake press knows this.

The leftist useful idiots don't. And they are the ones who show up to sling bricks and scream.

This garbage comes directly from our schools.
The rivalry was more political than ideological.
Tha would make sense if the Nazis werent anti-communist as much as they were anti-jew.

The Nazis killed more Soviets, than they did Jews.

Nazis killed 20 - 30 million Soviets, more than half of them civilians.

This was the biggest genocide in WW2, rather than the Holocaust.

But Hitler is demonized more than Stalin around the world.

There are many reasons for this.

One is that Stalin was the ally of those trying to destroy Hitler, and then once Hitler was vanquished, the winning side got to write the history books.

Secondly, Stalin is far Left wing, something that Hitler was as well and pretty much the rest of the globe currently.

And lastly, Hitler murdered because of race as where Stalin murdered for political power. People tend to think murdering people because of race is far more evil than for political power., myself not being one of them.

Don't forget because Jews think they are the only lives that matter often times, and Jews have an enormous amount of power, and influence in Western society, especially American society.

Sounds to me that you have an issue with Jews.

Do you?

Why would Right-Wing people like Jews, in any way, or form?
White racists are part of the right. Black racists are part of the left. Black racists have much more influence on the left than white racists have on the right

When people start these conversations, they are indulging in identity politics. In this case, however, the identity is based upon being left or being right. They are just protecting their turf by refusing to acknowledge that the tribe they have joined includes some unsavory people.

If people approached politics as an individual and according to values rather than as a member of a group and loyalty to the group, they would understand a whole lot more than they do.

So that is your political spectrum? White racists and black racists opposing each other?


How you arrived at that is anybody's guess.

What I'm saying is that the political spectrum has nothing to do with racism, or at least, should not.

Do you agree?

Racism is authoritarian typically, and racism is about hierarchy always, as well as racism could be considered a traditional value, as it was instilled in just about everyone until pretty recently.

3 right wing classifications.

Racism is authoritarian typically? What does that mean?

What you mean is, racism is political tool of the authoritarian.

For example, if you wanted to gain power you might pick a minority race, say in Nazi Germany, that was upwardly socio-economic in position. You just portray them as vermin and inferior, take their gold, and send them off to die.

Or if you were the early European immigrants, you paint the "brown skinned" person as inferior so that you can kill them and take their land.

But now white skinned folk stand in the way of government to centralize even more in the form of globalism which will generate even more power and money.

But because most white folk are "conservatives" and oppose it, now it is open season on white folk.

Is this what you mean?
D’Souza Gets White Supremacist Richard Spencer To Admit Being A Socialist Progressive

In the new Dinish D'Souza film, "Death of a Nation", Richard Spencer is interviewed. For those who don't know, Spencer is credited for founding the "alt.right" movement and is a loud and proud white supremacist

However, as D'Souza begins to talk to him in the interview, he sounds more and more like a flaming progressive. All of his favorite Presidents were racist democrat presidents, he does not believe in innate right, rather rights come from the collective state, and he is a socialist.

But the press keeps pounding in everyone's head the notion that the Nazi socialists, along with Spencer, are really right wing Republican conservatives. I assume it is based upon the premise that the GOP loves wars abroad and hates minorities, which is false. I know I am tired of the endless wars like Libya and Iraq, and I don't hate minorities.

But as seen in this interview, the Nazi mentality, along with Spencer, is not conservative at all. In fact, it mirrors Progressive ideology more than anything. Those the promote identity politics and wars abroad and just increasing the size and scope of government at all are the ones who mirror Nazi and white supremacist ideology.

Can the truth really reach society devoid of such media propaganda?

People are beginning to realize.

We can thank Joey Gibson and the Proud Boys for that, and other citizen journalists...including journalists who work for Alex Jones....and this is the real reason they were booted off the internet. Because they show the reality that the left doesn't want you to know...

And the reality is that they are trying to destroy our country, and they are starting with our ability to speak the truth, to freely speak, and to use the internet to share information that they don't want you to know.

The left's fake press isn't covering the news. They are pushing an ideology. That's all they do.

And the reason they do it?

They want the US to go down. The US can't go down if we have the right to speak, because then everybody knows what's going on, and can confront the scumbags and stand against them.

Which is what these free speech rallies in Berkeley and Portland are all about. The people who are standing for free speech are not "white supremacists". Taht isn't to say white supremacists don't stand for free speech..I'm sure they do. But that doesn't mean that "free speech" = Nazism.

The leftist fake press knows this.

The leftist useful idiots don't. And they are the ones who show up to sling bricks and scream.

This garbage comes directly from our schools.

Is it any wonder that Dinish D'Souza was thrown in prison?
D’Souza Gets White Supremacist Richard Spencer To Admit Being A Socialist Progressive

In the new Dinish D'Souza film, "Death of a Nation", Richard Spencer is interviewed. For those who don't know, Spencer is credited for founding the "alt.right" movement and is a loud and proud white supremacist

However, as D'Souza begins to talk to him in the interview, he sounds more and more like a flaming progressive. All of his favorite Presidents were racist democrat presidents, he does not believe in innate right, rather rights come from the collective state, and he is a socialist.

But the press keeps pounding in everyone's head the notion that the Nazi socialists, along with Spencer, are really right wing Republican conservatives. I assume it is based upon the premise that the GOP loves wars abroad and hates minorities, which is false. I know I am tired of the endless wars like Libya and Iraq, and I don't hate minorities.

But as seen in this interview, the Nazi mentality, along with Spencer, is not conservative at all. In fact, it mirrors Progressive ideology more than anything. Those the promote identity politics and wars abroad and just increasing the size and scope of government at all are the ones who mirror Nazi and white supremacist ideology.

Can the truth really reach society devoid of such media propaganda?

People are beginning to realize.

We can thank Joey Gibson and the Proud Boys for that, and other citizen journalists...including journalists who work for Alex Jones....and this is the real reason they were booted off the internet. Because they show the reality that the left doesn't want you to know...

And the reality is that they are trying to destroy our country, and they are starting with our ability to speak the truth, to freely speak, and to use the internet to share information that they don't want you to know.

The left's fake press isn't covering the news. They are pushing an ideology. That's all they do.

And the reason they do it?

They want the US to go down. The US can't go down if we have the right to speak, because then everybody knows what's going on, and can confront the scumbags and stand against them.

Which is what these free speech rallies in Berkeley and Portland are all about. The people who are standing for free speech are not "white supremacists". Taht isn't to say white supremacists don't stand for free speech..I'm sure they do. But that doesn't mean that "free speech" = Nazism.

The leftist fake press knows this.

The leftist useful idiots don't. And they are the ones who show up to sling bricks and scream.

This garbage comes directly from our schools.

Is it any wonder that Dinish D'Souza was thrown in prison?

Bode, like all mentally ill lesbians, hates the very smell of free speech.

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