So I looked up Richard Spencer

D’Souza Gets White Supremacist Richard Spencer To Admit Being A Socialist Progressive

In the new Dinish D'Souza film, "Death of a Nation", Richard Spencer is interviewed. For those who don't know, Spencer is credited for founding the "alt.right" movement and is a loud and proud white supremacist

However, as D'Souza begins to talk to him in the interview, he sounds more and more like a flaming progressive. All of his favorite Presidents were racist democrat presidents, he does not believe in innate right, rather rights come from the collective state, and he is a socialist.

But the press keeps pounding in everyone's head the notion that the Nazi socialists, along with Spencer, are really right wing Republican conservatives. I assume it is based upon the premise that the GOP loves wars abroad and hates minorities, which is false. I know I am tired of the endless wars like Libya and Iraq, and I don't hate minorities.

But as seen in this interview, the Nazi mentality, along with Spencer, is not conservative at all. In fact, it mirrors Progressive ideology more than anything. Those the promote identity politics and wars abroad and just increasing the size and scope of government at all are the ones who mirror Nazi and white supremacist ideology.

Can the truth really reach society devoid of such media propaganda?

Can the truth really reach society devoid of such media propaganda?

What irony. Too funny.

D'Souza is the propagandist, dope. He wants to put the idea that supremacists are actually leftists in your head.

I have yet have someone successfully dispute what he has said.

Do you care to or just call people names like Leftists usually do?

He's a propagandist and anyone who doesn't know that by now deserves to be lied to.

Dinesh D'Souza - Wikipedia

Well then, show us that what was said was propaganda and not the truth.

Or are you the real propagandist?
D’Souza Gets White Supremacist Richard Spencer To Admit Being A Socialist Progressive

In the new Dinish D'Souza film, "Death of a Nation", Richard Spencer is interviewed. For those who don't know, Spencer is credited for founding the "alt.right" movement and is a loud and proud white supremacist

However, as D'Souza begins to talk to him in the interview, he sounds more and more like a flaming progressive. All of his favorite Presidents were racist democrat presidents, he does not believe in innate right, rather rights come from the collective state, and he is a socialist.

But the press keeps pounding in everyone's head the notion that the Nazi socialists, along with Spencer, are really right wing Republican conservatives. I assume it is based upon the premise that the GOP loves wars abroad and hates minorities, which is false. I know I am tired of the endless wars like Libya and Iraq, and I don't hate minorities.

But as seen in this interview, the Nazi mentality, along with Spencer, is not conservative at all. In fact, it mirrors Progressive ideology more than anything. Those the promote identity politics and wars abroad and just increasing the size and scope of government at all are the ones who mirror Nazi and white supremacist ideology.

Can the truth really reach society devoid of such media propaganda?

Can the truth really reach society devoid of such media propaganda?

What irony. Too funny.

D'Souza is the propagandist, dope. He wants to put the idea that supremacists are actually leftists in your head.

Grow up! White supremacists and and every other kind of supremacists are left wing. I have never met one of you loons who didn't think they were superior to everyone else.

Sure, dope. That was apparent in Charlottesville. :cuckoo:
D’Souza Gets White Supremacist Richard Spencer To Admit Being A Socialist Progressive

In the new Dinish D'Souza film, "Death of a Nation", Richard Spencer is interviewed. For those who don't know, Spencer is credited for founding the "alt.right" movement and is a loud and proud white supremacist

However, as D'Souza begins to talk to him in the interview, he sounds more and more like a flaming progressive. All of his favorite Presidents were racist democrat presidents, he does not believe in innate right, rather rights come from the collective state, and he is a socialist.

But the press keeps pounding in everyone's head the notion that the Nazi socialists, along with Spencer, are really right wing Republican conservatives. I assume it is based upon the premise that the GOP loves wars abroad and hates minorities, which is false. I know I am tired of the endless wars like Libya and Iraq, and I don't hate minorities.

But as seen in this interview, the Nazi mentality, along with Spencer, is not conservative at all. In fact, it mirrors Progressive ideology more than anything. Those the promote identity politics and wars abroad and just increasing the size and scope of government at all are the ones who mirror Nazi and white supremacist ideology.

Can the truth really reach society devoid of such media propaganda?

Can the truth really reach society devoid of such media propaganda?

What irony. Too funny.

D'Souza is the propagandist, dope. He wants to put the idea that supremacists are actually leftists in your head.

I have yet have someone successfully dispute what he has said.

Do you care to or just call people names like Leftists usually do?

He's a propagandist and anyone who doesn't know that by now deserves to be lied to.

Dinesh D'Souza - Wikipedia

Well then, show us that what was said was propaganda and not the truth.

Or are you the real propagandist?

I already told you, dope.
D’Souza Gets White Supremacist Richard Spencer To Admit Being A Socialist Progressive

In the new Dinish D'Souza film, "Death of a Nation", Richard Spencer is interviewed. For those who don't know, Spencer is credited for founding the "alt.right" movement and is a loud and proud white supremacist

However, as D'Souza begins to talk to him in the interview, he sounds more and more like a flaming progressive. All of his favorite Presidents were racist democrat presidents, he does not believe in innate right, rather rights come from the collective state, and he is a socialist.

But the press keeps pounding in everyone's head the notion that the Nazi socialists, along with Spencer, are really right wing Republican conservatives. I assume it is based upon the premise that the GOP loves wars abroad and hates minorities, which is false. I know I am tired of the endless wars like Libya and Iraq, and I don't hate minorities.

But as seen in this interview, the Nazi mentality, along with Spencer, is not conservative at all. In fact, it mirrors Progressive ideology more than anything. Those the promote identity politics and wars abroad and just increasing the size and scope of government at all are the ones who mirror Nazi and white supremacist ideology.

Can the truth really reach society devoid of such media propaganda?

Can the truth really reach society devoid of such media propaganda?

What irony. Too funny.

D'Souza is the propagandist, dope. He wants to put the idea that supremacists are actually leftists in your head.

Grow up! White supremacists and and every other kind of supremacists are left wing. I have never met one of you loons who didn't think they were superior to everyone else.

Sure, dope. That was apparent in Charolettesville. :cuckoo:

Again, character assassination and name calling.

Is this all you do all day?
Do you think it’s an accident that all minority groups favor Dems over Cons ?
The myth that the Dims keep pushing that conservatives and Republicans are all white. Go tell that to the man who has heritage that is not white who was just pardoned by a white president.
D’Souza Gets White Supremacist Richard Spencer To Admit Being A Socialist Progressive

In the new Dinish D'Souza film, "Death of a Nation", Richard Spencer is interviewed. For those who don't know, Spencer is credited for founding the "alt.right" movement and is a loud and proud white supremacist

However, as D'Souza begins to talk to him in the interview, he sounds more and more like a flaming progressive. All of his favorite Presidents were racist democrat presidents, he does not believe in innate right, rather rights come from the collective state, and he is a socialist.

But the press keeps pounding in everyone's head the notion that the Nazi socialists, along with Spencer, are really right wing Republican conservatives. I assume it is based upon the premise that the GOP loves wars abroad and hates minorities, which is false. I know I am tired of the endless wars like Libya and Iraq, and I don't hate minorities.

But as seen in this interview, the Nazi mentality, along with Spencer, is not conservative at all. In fact, it mirrors Progressive ideology more than anything. Those the promote identity politics and wars abroad and just increasing the size and scope of government at all are the ones who mirror Nazi and white supremacist ideology.

Can the truth really reach society devoid of such media propaganda?

Can the truth really reach society devoid of such media propaganda?

What irony. Too funny.

D'Souza is the propagandist, dope. He wants to put the idea that supremacists are actually leftists in your head.

Grow up! White supremacists and and every other kind of supremacists are left wing. I have never met one of you loons who didn't think they were superior to everyone else.

Sure, dope. That was apparent in Charolettesville. :cuckoo:

Again, character assassination and name calling.

Is this all you do all day?

You missed the point about Charlottesville?
They are a couple of thousand of loose cannon portrayed by the libbies and MSM as tens of millions and reflective of all white peoples views
I am a sturdy, short haired, Christian, heterosexual, father, married, fully employed, non criminal-I am the scary enemy.
D’Souza Gets White Supremacist Richard Spencer To Admit Being A Socialist Progressive

In the new Dinish D'Souza film, "Death of a Nation", Richard Spencer is interviewed. For those who don't know, Spencer is credited for founding the "alt.right" movement and is a loud and proud white supremacist

However, as D'Souza begins to talk to him in the interview, he sounds more and more like a flaming progressive. All of his favorite Presidents were racist democrat presidents, he does not believe in innate right, rather rights come from the collective state, and he is a socialist.

But the press keeps pounding in everyone's head the notion that the Nazi socialists, along with Spencer, are really right wing Republican conservatives. I assume it is based upon the premise that the GOP loves wars abroad and hates minorities, which is false. I know I am tired of the endless wars like Libya and Iraq, and I don't hate minorities.

But as seen in this interview, the Nazi mentality, along with Spencer, is not conservative at all. In fact, it mirrors Progressive ideology more than anything. Those the promote identity politics and wars abroad and just increasing the size and scope of government at all are the ones who mirror Nazi and white supremacist ideology.

Can the truth really reach society devoid of such media propaganda?

Can the truth really reach society devoid of such media propaganda?

What irony. Too funny.

D'Souza is the propagandist, dope. He wants to put the idea that supremacists are actually leftists in your head.

As opposed to your propagandists who accuse the opposition of that of which you yourselves are guilty in order to mask yourselves.

We know the game. You're not fooling anyone other than the fools among you.
D’Souza Gets White Supremacist Richard Spencer To Admit Being A Socialist Progressive

In the new Dinish D'Souza film, "Death of a Nation", Richard Spencer is interviewed. For those who don't know, Spencer is credited for founding the "alt.right" movement and is a loud and proud white supremacist

However, as D'Souza begins to talk to him in the interview, he sounds more and more like a flaming progressive. All of his favorite Presidents were racist democrat presidents, he does not believe in innate right, rather rights come from the collective state, and he is a socialist.

But the press keeps pounding in everyone's head the notion that the Nazi socialists, along with Spencer, are really right wing Republican conservatives. I assume it is based upon the premise that the GOP loves wars abroad and hates minorities, which is false. I know I am tired of the endless wars like Libya and Iraq, and I don't hate minorities.

But as seen in this interview, the Nazi mentality, along with Spencer, is not conservative at all. In fact, it mirrors Progressive ideology more than anything. Those the promote identity politics and wars abroad and just increasing the size and scope of government at all are the ones who mirror Nazi and white supremacist ideology.

Can the truth really reach society devoid of such media propaganda?

Can the truth really reach society devoid of such media propaganda?

What irony. Too funny.

D'Souza is the propagandist, dope. He wants to put the idea that supremacists are actually leftists in your head.

I have yet have someone successfully dispute what he has said.

Do you care to or just call people names like Leftists usually do?

He's a propagandist and anyone who doesn't know that by now deserves to be lied to.

Dinesh D'Souza - Wikipedia

Self-defined as "Wikipedia - Free online encyclopedia that anyone can edit"
Do you think it’s an accident that all minority groups favor Dems over Cons ?

Hell no. If you feed animals from your front door, they always come back for more. Robbing Peter to pay Paul guarantees you Paul's vote.

All those freebies have the desired effect. However, when the freebs run out, they look to eat you. Consider Venezuela.

Ah yes . The gop talking point (which they don’t even realize is racist ) . All minorities are on the take !!

It's not racist. Many are. It's generational in the inner cities, run by - dare I say it? :auiqs.jpg: - Democrats. Would you deny this?

But y’all just said jews are very successful. Why do they go with the Dems??!

American Jews are often fascinated by Communism. They have little in common with the Israelis. They are more Democrat than Jew.

Yeah Dems run the cities. Where does virtuallly all our money come from ? The cities.
Do you think it’s an accident that all minority groups favor Dems over Cons ?

Hell no. If you feed animals from your front door, they always come back for more. Robbing Peter to pay Paul guarantees you Paul's vote.

All those freebies have the desired effect. However, when the freebs run out, they look to eat you. Consider Venezuela.

Ah yes . The gop talking point (which they don’t even realize is racist ) . All minorities are on the take !!

It's not racist. Many are. It's generational in the inner cities, run by - dare I say it? :auiqs.jpg: - Democrats. Would you deny this?

But y’all just said jews are very successful. Why do they go with the Dems??!

American Jews are often fascinated by Communism. They have little in common with the Israelis. They are more Democrat than Jew.

Yeah Dems run the cities. Where does virtuallly all our money come from ? The cities.

So why have those declared Sanctuary cities gone to court to prevent the federal government from ending federal funding of them?
D’Souza Gets White Supremacist Richard Spencer To Admit Being A Socialist Progressive

In the new Dinish D'Souza film, "Death of a Nation", Richard Spencer is interviewed. For those who don't know, Spencer is credited for founding the "alt.right" movement and is a loud and proud white supremacist

However, as D'Souza begins to talk to him in the interview, he sounds more and more like a flaming progressive. All of his favorite Presidents were racist democrat presidents, he does not believe in innate right, rather rights come from the collective state, and he is a socialist.

But the press keeps pounding in everyone's head the notion that the Nazi socialists, along with Spencer, are really right wing Republican conservatives. I assume it is based upon the premise that the GOP loves wars abroad and hates minorities, which is false. I know I am tired of the endless wars like Libya and Iraq, and I don't hate minorities.

But as seen in this interview, the Nazi mentality, along with Spencer, is not conservative at all. In fact, it mirrors Progressive ideology more than anything. Those the promote identity politics and wars abroad and just increasing the size and scope of government at all are the ones who mirror Nazi and white supremacist ideology.

Can the truth really reach society devoid of such media propaganda?

Can the truth really reach society devoid of such media propaganda?

What irony. Too funny.

D'Souza is the propagandist, dope. He wants to put the idea that supremacists are actually leftists in your head.

As opposed to your propagandists who accuse the opposition of that of which you yourselves are guilty in order to mask yourselves.

We know the game. You're not fooling anyone other than the fools among you.

Truth is my game, pard.
D’Souza Gets White Supremacist Richard Spencer To Admit Being A Socialist Progressive

In the new Dinish D'Souza film, "Death of a Nation", Richard Spencer is interviewed. For those who don't know, Spencer is credited for founding the "alt.right" movement and is a loud and proud white supremacist

However, as D'Souza begins to talk to him in the interview, he sounds more and more like a flaming progressive. All of his favorite Presidents were racist democrat presidents, he does not believe in innate right, rather rights come from the collective state, and he is a socialist.

But the press keeps pounding in everyone's head the notion that the Nazi socialists, along with Spencer, are really right wing Republican conservatives. I assume it is based upon the premise that the GOP loves wars abroad and hates minorities, which is false. I know I am tired of the endless wars like Libya and Iraq, and I don't hate minorities.

But as seen in this interview, the Nazi mentality, along with Spencer, is not conservative at all. In fact, it mirrors Progressive ideology more than anything. Those the promote identity politics and wars abroad and just increasing the size and scope of government at all are the ones who mirror Nazi and white supremacist ideology.

Can the truth really reach society devoid of such media propaganda?

Can the truth really reach society devoid of such media propaganda?

What irony. Too funny.

D'Souza is the propagandist, dope. He wants to put the idea that supremacists are actually leftists in your head.

I have yet have someone successfully dispute what he has said.

Do you care to or just call people names like Leftists usually do?

He's a propagandist and anyone who doesn't know that by now deserves to be lied to.

Dinesh D'Souza - Wikipedia

Self-defined as "Wikipedia - Free online encyclopedia that anyone can edit"

Don't like them?

Take your pick then.

is danesh dsouza a propagandist - Google Search
D’Souza Gets White Supremacist Richard Spencer To Admit Being A Socialist Progressive

In the new Dinish D'Souza film, "Death of a Nation", Richard Spencer is interviewed. For those who don't know, Spencer is credited for founding the "alt.right" movement and is a loud and proud white supremacist

However, as D'Souza begins to talk to him in the interview, he sounds more and more like a flaming progressive. All of his favorite Presidents were racist democrat presidents, he does not believe in innate right, rather rights come from the collective state, and he is a socialist.

But the press keeps pounding in everyone's head the notion that the Nazi socialists, along with Spencer, are really right wing Republican conservatives. I assume it is based upon the premise that the GOP loves wars abroad and hates minorities, which is false. I know I am tired of the endless wars like Libya and Iraq, and I don't hate minorities.

But as seen in this interview, the Nazi mentality, along with Spencer, is not conservative at all. In fact, it mirrors Progressive ideology more than anything. Those the promote identity politics and wars abroad and just increasing the size and scope of government at all are the ones who mirror Nazi and white supremacist ideology.

Can the truth really reach society devoid of such media propaganda?

Can the truth really reach society devoid of such media propaganda?

What irony. Too funny.

D'Souza is the propagandist, dope. He wants to put the idea that supremacists are actually leftists in your head.

As opposed to your propagandists who accuse the opposition of that of which you yourselves are guilty in order to mask yourselves.

We know the game. You're not fooling anyone other than the fools among you.

Truth is my game, pard.

D’Souza Gets White Supremacist Richard Spencer To Admit Being A Socialist Progressive

In the new Dinish D'Souza film, "Death of a Nation", Richard Spencer is interviewed. For those who don't know, Spencer is credited for founding the "alt.right" movement and is a loud and proud white supremacist

However, as D'Souza begins to talk to him in the interview, he sounds more and more like a flaming progressive. All of his favorite Presidents were racist democrat presidents, he does not believe in innate right, rather rights come from the collective state, and he is a socialist.

But the press keeps pounding in everyone's head the notion that the Nazi socialists, along with Spencer, are really right wing Republican conservatives. I assume it is based upon the premise that the GOP loves wars abroad and hates minorities, which is false. I know I am tired of the endless wars like Libya and Iraq, and I don't hate minorities.

But as seen in this interview, the Nazi mentality, along with Spencer, is not conservative at all. In fact, it mirrors Progressive ideology more than anything. Those the promote identity politics and wars abroad and just increasing the size and scope of government at all are the ones who mirror Nazi and white supremacist ideology.

Can the truth really reach society devoid of such media propaganda?

Can the truth really reach society devoid of such media propaganda?

What irony. Too funny.

D'Souza is the propagandist, dope. He wants to put the idea that supremacists are actually leftists in your head.

I have yet have someone successfully dispute what he has said.

Do you care to or just call people names like Leftists usually do?

He's a propagandist and anyone who doesn't know that by now deserves to be lied to.

Dinesh D'Souza - Wikipedia

Self-defined as "Wikipedia - Free online encyclopedia that anyone can edit"

Don't like them?

Take your pick then.

is danesh dsouza a propagandist - Google Search

I know, there is no shortage of disinformation, and I avoid interfacing with Google. They're part of the problem.
What irony. Too funny.

D'Souza is the propagandist, dope. He wants to put the idea that supremacists are actually leftists in your head.

I have yet have someone successfully dispute what he has said.

Do you care to or just call people names like Leftists usually do?

He's a propagandist and anyone who doesn't know that by now deserves to be lied to.

Dinesh D'Souza - Wikipedia

Self-defined as "Wikipedia - Free online encyclopedia that anyone can edit"

Don't like them?

Take your pick then.

is danesh dsouza a propagandist - Google Search

I know, there is no shortage of disinformation, and I avoid interfacing with Google. They're part of the problem.
I get it. The willful ignorance defense.
I have yet have someone successfully dispute what he has said.

Do you care to or just call people names like Leftists usually do?

He's a propagandist and anyone who doesn't know that by now deserves to be lied to.

Dinesh D'Souza - Wikipedia

Self-defined as "Wikipedia - Free online encyclopedia that anyone can edit"

Don't like them?

Take your pick then.

is danesh dsouza a propagandist - Google Search

I know, there is no shortage of disinformation, and I avoid interfacing with Google. They're part of the problem.
I get it. The willful ignorance defense.

Just like I said. Accuse your opponent of your own faults.
D’Souza Gets White Supremacist Richard Spencer To Admit Being A Socialist Progressive

In the new Dinish D'Souza film, "Death of a Nation", Richard Spencer is interviewed. For those who don't know, Spencer is credited for founding the "alt.right" movement and is a loud and proud white supremacist

However, as D'Souza begins to talk to him in the interview, he sounds more and more like a flaming progressive. All of his favorite Presidents were racist democrat presidents, he does not believe in innate right, rather rights come from the collective state, and he is a socialist.

But the press keeps pounding in everyone's head the notion that the Nazi socialists, along with Spencer, are really right wing Republican conservatives. I assume it is based upon the premise that the GOP loves wars abroad and hates minorities, which is false. I know I am tired of the endless wars like Libya and Iraq, and I don't hate minorities.

But as seen in this interview, the Nazi mentality, along with Spencer, is not conservative at all. In fact, it mirrors Progressive ideology more than anything. Those the promote identity politics and wars abroad and just increasing the size and scope of government at all are the ones who mirror Nazi and white supremacist ideology.

Can the truth really reach society devoid of such media propaganda?

Can the truth really reach society devoid of such media propaganda?

What irony. Too funny.

D'Souza is the propagandist, dope. He wants to put the idea that supremacists are actually leftists in your head.

I have yet have someone successfully dispute what he has said.

Do you care to or just call people names like Leftists usually do?

He's a propagandist and anyone who doesn't know that by now deserves to be lied to.

Dinesh D'Souza - Wikipedia
I'm curious.

What do you call Rachel Maddow?
D’Souza Gets White Supremacist Richard Spencer To Admit Being A Socialist Progressive

In the new Dinish D'Souza film, "Death of a Nation", Richard Spencer is interviewed. For those who don't know, Spencer is credited for founding the "alt.right" movement and is a loud and proud white supremacist

However, as D'Souza begins to talk to him in the interview, he sounds more and more like a flaming progressive. All of his favorite Presidents were racist democrat presidents, he does not believe in innate right, rather rights come from the collective state, and he is a socialist.

But the press keeps pounding in everyone's head the notion that the Nazi socialists, along with Spencer, are really right wing Republican conservatives. I assume it is based upon the premise that the GOP loves wars abroad and hates minorities, which is false. I know I am tired of the endless wars like Libya and Iraq, and I don't hate minorities.

But as seen in this interview, the Nazi mentality, along with Spencer, is not conservative at all. In fact, it mirrors Progressive ideology more than anything. Those the promote identity politics and wars abroad and just increasing the size and scope of government at all are the ones who mirror Nazi and white supremacist ideology.

Can the truth really reach society devoid of such media propaganda?

Can the truth really reach society devoid of such media propaganda?

What irony. Too funny.

D'Souza is the propagandist, dope. He wants to put the idea that supremacists are actually leftists in your head.

I have yet have someone successfully dispute what he has said.

Do you care to or just call people names like Leftists usually do?

He's a propagandist and anyone who doesn't know that by now deserves to be lied to.

Dinesh D'Souza - Wikipedia
I'm curious.

What do you call Rachel Maddow?

A journalist. I've never once seen her be anything other than thorough and concise.

Your bias is showing.

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