So I recently got a FOID Card.


Wait, here's one.

Unfortunately for LaPierre et al., the notion that Hitler confiscated everyone’s guns is mostly bogus. And the ancillary claim that Jews could have stopped the Holocaust with more guns doesn't make any sense at all if you think about it for more than a minute.

University of Chicago law professor Bernard Harcourt explored this myth in depth in a 2004 article published in the Fordham Law Review. As it turns out, the Weimar Republic, the German government that immediately preceded Hitler’s, actually had tougher gun laws than the Nazi regime. After its defeat in World War I, and agreeing to the harsh surrender terms laid out in the Treaty of Versailles, the German legislature in 1919 passed a law that effectively banned all private firearm possession, leading the government to confiscate guns already in circulation. In 1928, the Reichstag relaxed the regulation a bit, but put in place a strict registration regime that required citizens to acquire separate permits to own guns, sell them or carry them.

The 1938 law signed by Hitler that LaPierre mentions in his book basically does the opposite of what he says it did. "The 1938 revisions completely deregulated the acquisition and transfer of rifles and shotguns, as well as ammunition,” Harcourt wrote. Meanwhile, many more categories of people, including Nazi party members, were exempted from gun ownership regulations altogether, while the legal age of purchase was lowered from 20 to 18, and permit lengths were extended from one year to three years.

You mean the Pillow Guy who has donated millions to insurrectionist groups?

If Pence were really out to get Trump, he could have invoked the the 25th Amendment any day Trump did something crazy, which would have been any day ending in a "Y".
Pillow Guy who donated millions to what you call insurrectionist groups?

There are no insurrectionist groups because the insurrection is a figment of your party's imagination.
Nobody stages a insurrection without guns, especially if you own a bunch of them. You don't go to an insurrection and leave your guns at home.
And nobody set any fires in the Capital....which is what normally happens when somebody is trying to vilently overthrow the government.

And you people lied about who was killed at the Capital on Jan 6th.....the only people that died in the Capital were two unarmed female Trump supporters. One was beaten and stomped to death by cops and the other was assassinated by a fucking cop (without a warning) execution style.

Pence was put there to make sure the steal was a success....and he has shown zero support for Trump since Jan 6th.
Then he acted like he was president after the coup was complete in a meeting with the FBI Director who is currently attacking Trump and all of his associates with his unconstitutional raids.
Try reading "The Nazi Seizure of Power" by William Sheridan Allen. It is his doctoral thesis turned into a book.

The salon propaganda is revisionist history writ large.

Kinda like David Irving and his "there wasn't a Holocaust" bullshit.

Uh, yeah, I had relatives who LIVED in Nazi Germany, dude. No one took their guns until the British occuppied their city.
I filled out a form.
I paid $11.00.
30 days later, I got my FOID Card, which means I can go into any store I want and buy a gun.
But man, I can't imagine they did a very thorough check for $11.00. I mean it must have cost at least $2.00 to make and mail the card.
The background check mandated by federal law, and the background check the IL FOID system uses, are free, and can be done on line. Takes someone 5 minutes. You get a proceed - stop- delay result.

But, good news - the state of IL now thinks you own a gun.
Overall, we rate Salon Left Biased based on story selection that strongly favors the left and endorsements of political positions affiliated with the Democratic Party. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to occasionally utilizing sources poor sources and failed fact checks.

Your inability to refute the point is duly noted.

Point is, there wasn't mass gun confiscation in Nazi Germany. The Germans had plenty of guns, and they used to them to fight for Hitler until the last old men and little boys surrendered.
Your inability to refute the point is duly noted.

Point is, there wasn't mass gun confiscation in Nazi Germany. The Germans had plenty of guns, and they used to them to fight for Hitler until the last old men and little boys surrendered.
I won’t go to extreme left or right wing nut sites, they are unreliable with their information. So, give a real news site that isn’t extremely bias and Then we can talk but salon is as unreliable as breitbart, another site I have caught in numerous falsehoods.
Uh, yeah, I had relatives who LIVED in Nazi Germany, dude. No one took their guns until the British occuppied their city.

No surprise.

Your German relatives were surely among those favored by the Nazis, aligned with the Nazis, and thus allowed to keep their guns.

From many of your own remarks about Jews, there can be no doubt what side you would have taken, if you lived in Germany during that time.

Perhaps a big cause of your discontent as an American stems from having no credible similar cause to join against Jews, Catholics, Mormons, and any other that you would happily brand as untermenschen and treat in the same manner that your Nazi relatives treated their untermenschen.
I won’t go to extreme left or right wing nut sites, they are unreliable with their information. So, give a real news site that isn’t extremely bias and Then we can talk but salon is as unreliable as breitbart, another site I have caught in numerous falsehoods.

Uh, can you please cite a "falsehood" Salon has been engaged in?

No surprise.

Your German relatives were surely among those favored by the Nazis, aligned with the Nazis, and thus allowed to keep their guns.

From many of your own remarks about Jews, there can be no doubt what side you would have taken, if you lived in Germany during that time.

Perhaps a big cause of your discontent as an American stems from having no credible similar cause to join against Jews, Catholics, Mormons, and any other that you would happily brand as untermenschen and treat in the same manner that your Nazi relatives treated their untermenschen.

Actually, my family in Germany were VERY DEVOUT Catholics (and presumably still are). The Catholic Church was hip deep in collaborating with Hitler.

As for my criticism of ZIONISTS (not Jews), um, the Zionists are like abused children who have gotten big enough to beat up on someone else. And as long as they control our foreign policy, we'll keep getting more of this...


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Your German relatives were surely among those favored by the Nazis, aligned with the Nazis, and thus allowed to keep their guns.

Actually, my family in Germany were VERY DEVOUT Catholics (and presumably still are). The Catholic Church was hip deep in collaborating with Hitler.

No surprise at all. You literally come from Nazi stock, and you are an apple that has not fallen very far at all from the noxious tree that spawned you.

Your love of tyranny, your love if evil, your love of madness, your intense hatred of all who would oppose it; that is in your blood, and in your heritage.
Actually, my family in Germany were VERY DEVOUT Catholics (and presumably still are). The Catholic Church was hip deep in collaborating with Hitler.

As for my criticism of ZIONISTS (not Jews), um, the Zionists are like abused children who have gotten big enough to beat up on someone else. And as long as they control our foreign policy, we'll keep getting more of this...
I read a book on this several years ago that the Catholic Church supported and helped the Nazis in finding and identifying those that were held as enemies of Nazi Germany. Jews, transvestites, gays, Gypsies and Jehovah's Witnesses and other such groups. The Catholic set themselves up to be on the winning side, no matter who won the war. There were Priests and others Catholics that fought against the Nazis in Germany however the church itself was helping Germany in the war effort. I found the book in a public library and read it. Interesting read, I can't after all these years remember the title. The church was complicit in helping the Germans.
No surprise at all. You literally come from Nazi stock, and you are an apple that has not fallen very far at all from the noxious tree that spawned you.

Your love of tyranny, your love if evil, your love of madness, your intense hatred of all who would oppose it; that is in your blood, and in your heritage.

Well, my Dad who was at Normandy and the Bulge with the First Army would disagree... but never mind.

Frankly, Mormons are like Nazis, just dumber.
No surprise at all. You literally come from Nazi stock, and you are an apple that has not fallen very far at all from the noxious tree that spawned you.

Well, my Dad who was at Normandy and the Bulge with the First Army would disagree... but never mind.


What would he think to see you embrace so much of what he fought to oppose, so much of what he risked his very life to oppose?

Do you think that would make him proud?

What would he think to see you embrace so much of what he fought to oppose, so much of what he risked his very life to oppose?

Do you think that would make him proud?

He'd be pretty proud of what I've accomplished, actually. And even though he was a Nixon Republican, he'd be embarrassed how the religious crazies have taken over the GOP.

What would he think to see you embrace so much of what he fought to oppose, so much of what he risked his very life to oppose?

Do you think that would make him proud?
Bob, I have agreed with Joe just once since I joined the board. However, my father fought in WWII and he fought so we could all be free and have differing opinions and we had the freedom to express our opinions. Though his father may or may not agreed with Joe, his father I am sure would be proud that his son could voice his opinion in a free America that he fought for.

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