So if a private business owner says one has to be vaxxed to work there

Sorry, Trump filled the SC with Judges like Kavanaugh who are very big on Corporation rights...

You wanted this and now you got it...
Wanted what? I didn't vote for Trump you moronic jack off.
It does help employers that their best workers are so easily replaced in today's workforce.

It has nothing to do with ‘the government.’

Employers have always been at liberty to establish employment policies and conditions of employment.

As conservatives always say: ‘if you don’t like how your employer treats you or his policies, go find a job elsewhere; your employer is under no obligation to accommodate his employees.’
EEOC says differently
Wrong and wrong again. ADA laws: your employer can only ask you about your private medical status when it is NECESSARY for business. This came about during HIV laws. Since the vaccines are not sterilizing, and vaccinated can still transmit, many SMART employers do not want to wade into these waters.

They're right, btw. See my daughter's Fortune 500 HR dept
Nope, sorry. Youre ass backwards wrong. Already tested in court, more than once. ADA does not apply to this.

Do you know anything about any of this that is correct? Doesnt seem like it.
I know of people not vaxxed who have had covid twice. It's never going away but only going to get more lethal as variants mutate.
Oops, sorry. We don't actually know that. In fact, the studies seem to be indicating that the antibodies from the vaccines are more robust than those from prior infection. So once again you have had to make up something to make a point.

If you were a more honest, more insightful poster I would spend time linking. Since you're not it doesn't matter for YOU.

For others I will say: there's a reason Pfizer and Moderna is talking about boosters already
You need to turn around and look back up the mountain, what would it take to convince you that there's nothing paranoid about it. As a matter of fact, I'd bet my entire life savings that if Trump were still in the Whitehouse and these same activities were going on, every leftist on this board would have the exact opposite reaction and be blaming Trump, saying he's fascist, going after those big, mean, bloated corps for forcing people to put something in their body, my body, my choice, blah, blah, blah... and ultimately refusing the vaccine, at least publicly.

I'd take that bet because all of the rest of the world is getting vaxxed as fast as we can to put an end to this thing. You speak like this pandemic is only happening in the USA and there is only one way to deal with the virus. There are no other examples.

WRONG AGAIN!!! In every country where lockdowns and masking, were rigidly enforced, there was minimum spread, disease, or death.

In countries where vaxxing is over 70%, cases have dropped through the floor. As have deaths.

Australia: Deaths per million of population 38 deaths per million of population. 933 deaths in 27 million population.

South Korea - 41 deaths per million of population on 51 million of population

Norway - 177 deaths per million of population on 5 million of population. Less than 1000 deaths total

What the USA is doing in politicizing the pandemic is bat shit crazy. The Democrats, from the beginning, have been trying to follow the science, and indeed the states where the virus has been shut down are those which pushed masks and vaccines.

But Republicans denied the virus, it's effects, and the risks of just ignoring it. Now they're refusing to get vaxxed or wear masks because Democrats want them to. When the Trump White House said wear a mask, Democrats wore the masks. Republicans have been steadfastly refusing to do ANYTHING to mitigate this illness.

Who can forget all of the Republican members of the House and Senate getting covid, and STILL NOT WEARING A MASK.
It does help employers that their best workers are so easily replaced in today's workforce.

No they're not. Things aren't going back to the way they were. The old way didn't work and was a total fucking disaster when the shit hit the fan.
you were a more honest, more insightful poster I would spend time linking
You would still fail. What you are doing is cherry picking small studies when there are other studies out there that contradict that information. Because you are not an honest person. You are a propagandist on the wrong side of science, History, morality, and ethics.
You would still fail. What you are doing is cherry picking small studies when there are other studies out there that contradict that information. Because you are not an honest person. You are a propagandist on the wrong side of science, History, morality, and ethics.
At least they stopped posting Fauci saying in early March of 2020, he didn't recommend wearing masks.
This one is an especially nasty and shameless anti vaxxer. She is so far gone, she cant even separate facts from the lies she invents anymore.
I have to think the anti-vaxxers are actually stooges of foreign powers trying to take down America.

What better way of attacking America, than from within.
Of course, of course. It's different.
Again – these are employment laws and policies conservatives spend decades fighting for, in the courts, at the state level, and in Congress.

The ‘right to work’ lie is among the more infamous examples.

Now, after decimating labor unions, enacting measures hostile to working Americans, and vilifying advocates of workers’ rights, the supremacy of employers is biting conservatives in the ass on this one issue – and their hypocrisy is plain to see.

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