So if a private business owner says one has to be vaxxed to work there

Here is a unique concept
I take care of my health and you take care of yours
That is only a "unique concept" today because we discovered germ theory 150+ years ago, ya dumbass, so most modern people arent so stupid and simple minded. So yes, when we get vaccinated and follow hygienic measures, we are in fact taking care of each other. If you are too stupid or selfish to participate, that doesnt make you unique. It makes you an immoral piece of crap.
have to state the persons work performance was unsatisfactory but you cannot fire them for any reason you want to which has been your contention
So you really don't get that they could just pick any reason and then just say the job performance is unsatisfactory. You're sharp as a marble. Yessirree.
We're not defending employers' rights. We're explaining employment law, why it exists, and what the real world consequences are. And why, under current employment law, the employer can require you to be vaxxed, just like they can require you to pee in a cup and be drug tested, whether or not your being on drugs has any implications to your job whatsoever, and you have no right to decline such invasion of your privacy.

Yes you can. I knew a guy who worked for the same company for 9 years. The owner's son finished high school and needed a job, so they fired this long-time employee and gave his job to the owner's son. There was nothing wrong with his job performance. You have to pay them out for the proper notice period, but you have no right to your job if your boss wants to hire someone else, else you can prove you were fired because of race, religion or ethnic background.

I have a friend right now who has worked for the same company for at least 8 years - and he was recently put on notice because of his "bad attitude". He's had the same "bad attitude" the whole time he's worked there. The times he's been "spoken to" about this were completely fabricated, and the whole exercise is to make a basis to get rid of the "old guy" (63) who makes more than anyone else, and has 5 weeks paid vacation, and who is starting to have health problems, and replace him with someone younger, cheaper, and healthier.
Most all of what you said is far less carte Blanche than you state and far more regulated and restricted then you imply
Basic freedoms and rights are not surrendered while ypu are already employed. They may be a condition to become employed with restrictions in effect
We're not defending employers' rights. We're explaining employment law, why it exists, and what the real world consequences are. And why, under current employment law, the employer can require you to be vaxxed, just like they can require you to pee in a cup and be drug tested, whether or not your being on drugs has any implications to your job whatsoever, and you have no right to decline such invasion of your privacy.

Yes you can. I knew a guy who worked for the same company for 9 years. The owner's son finished high school and needed a job, so they fired this long-time employee and gave his job to the owner's son. There was nothing wrong with his job performance. You have to pay them out for the proper notice period, but you have no right to your job if your boss wants to hire someone else, else you can prove you were fired because of race, religion or ethnic background.

I have a friend right now who has worked for the same company for at least 8 years - and he was recently put on notice because of his "bad attitude". He's had the same "bad attitude" the whole time he's worked there. The times he's been "spoken to" about this were completely fabricated, and the whole exercise is to make a basis to get rid of the "old guy" (63) who makes more than anyone else, and has 5 weeks paid vacation, and who is starting to have health problems, and replace him with someone younger, cheaper, and healthier.
It’s funny how you all keep saying the employer can do what he wants and then give double digit examples of “except when”
What can the employee do? As of today? At will employment says all power is with the employer.

This is all kinds of trouble for employers and maybe you need to remind them of this.

ADA laws--right to privacy, right not to be treated differently based on medical status
Workman's comp if vaccine injuries
Lawsuits, same
Employer has the responsibility to prove employee is a risk to other which brings me to....
All this for a vaccine that does not stop transmission

Many companies are not going to "go there" with mandates for the reasons listed above.

PS Our daughter had an internship at a Fortune 500 company this summer and the HR Dept told them they straight up would not mandate vaccines because of HIPAA, ADA, and etc. Legally it's a total rat's nest for employers
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It’s also incorrectly stated that an employer can fire a 9 year veteran without cause and make it known he is doing so to hire the employers son
That fired party would easily prevail in legal action due to cronyism The courts have already decided that the employer, not the employee, must bear the brunt of hiring his own son and create another position in the same line of work for the son or find the employee another like kind position pay and responsibility wise.
He cannot legally fire him just because he wants to or it suits him better to just slide his son in and cost the employee his livelihood.
All of you who are espousing this fake employer rights idea need to get a job or own a business before yapping your bullshit
We're not defending employers' rights. We're explaining employment law, why it exists, and what the real world consequences are. And why, under current employment law, the employer can require you to be vaxxed, just like they can require you to pee in a cup and be drug tested, whether or not your being on drugs has any implications to your job whatsoever, and you have no right to decline such invasion of your privacy.

Yes you can. I knew a guy who worked for the same company for 9 years. The owner's son finished high school and needed a job, so they fired this long-time employee and gave his job to the owner's son. There was nothing wrong with his job performance. You have to pay them out for the proper notice period, but you have no right to your job if your boss wants to hire someone else, else you can prove you were fired because of race, religion or ethnic background.

I have a friend right now who has worked for the same company for at least 8 years - and he was recently put on notice because of his "bad attitude". He's had the same "bad attitude" the whole time he's worked there. The times he's been "spoken to" about this were completely fabricated, and the whole exercise is to make a basis to get rid of the "old guy" (63) who makes more than anyone else, and has 5 weeks paid vacation, and who is starting to have health problems, and replace him with someone younger, cheaper, and healthier.

Really stupid employers will require the vax and take on the legal and financial consequences of all those vaccine injuries.

Smarter employers will not.
There are going to be alot of workers let go coming soon. Employers in at will states are allowed to use unsatisfactory performance when they want to.
How many workers have the funds and want to take on their employer. So very very few. You wanted the employer to have all the power well now you got it.
The workforce is overloaded with hard working productive workers. Not an issue.
There are going to be alot of workers let go coming soon. Employers in at will states are allowed to use unsatisfactory performance when they want to.
Incorrect the process requires that details be addressed such as comes in late, calls in sick a lot, does not complete assignments, etc.
A lot of you are on Government dole or live in basement of moms home. Employment is serious business and the employed don’t get fired based on an employers feelings.
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Well what worker is going to want to report back to an employer that threw them under the bus? 99.999 percent will move on.
Has nothing to do with this.

Wrong and wrong again. ADA laws: your employer can only ask you about your private medical status when it is NECESSARY for business. This came about during HIV laws. Since the vaccines are not sterilizing, and vaccinated can still transmit, many SMART employers do not want to wade into these waters.

They're right, btw. See my daughter's Fortune 500 HR dept
It’s also incorrectly stated that an employer can fire a 9 year veteran without cause and make it known he is doing so to hire the employers son
That fired party would easily prevail in legal action due to cronyism The courts have already decided that the employer, not the employee, must bear the brunt of hiring his own son and create another position in the same line of work for the son or find the employee another like kind position pay and responsibility wise.
He cannot legally fire him just because he wants to or it suits him better to just slide his son in and cost the employee his livelihood.
All of you who are espousing this fake employer rights idea need to get a job or own a business before yapping your bullshit
Correct. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1975 protects workers 40 years old and up from employment age discrimination.

So anyone above 40, be happy. You are part of a "protected class."


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