So If Biden Becomes POTUS, We Get $2K Checks ? Think so ?

Trump was going to cut social security also but that was ok with yous.
"Was going to" ? HA HA HA. He was president for 4 years, and did nothing to do that. And has always spoken out against the idea.

If Biden has the chance, we'll find out if his longtime anti-social security stance still holds true.
Biden is not necessarily the next president. He could still be stopped by a declaration of martial law in 6 states, with new election being held there, absent of any election fraud. This would surely elect Trump, since it is only the fraud that got Biden those electoral votes, and his false certifications. Even after Biden is inaugurated, IF HE IS, his presidency could be invalidated, and he and Harris could be removed.

Not likely. The only way Biden will not be President is if something seriously happens to him mentally or physically where he can't serve. Then it would go back to the House to select the President which in that case, would be the person who had the next most votes which of course would be Trump.
Why shouldn't it be OK with them? They don't vote on protecting it.
Trump protected it for 4 years. I should know, I collect Social Security. Only changes I've seen were annual increases.
Trump was going to cut social security also but that was ok with yous.
Trump did nothing. But if you should know, social security payments should be about one third higher for all recipients today as by the standards of a few decades ago. the basket of goods government uses is changed for their own benefit. Working people pay 15% of their salary to the government for Social Security and Medicare. That is pure stealing. And many need to depend on collecting that to survive today now. Progs like Obama want people to die. Take the pain pill. Remember when he said that?
Instead of inciting riots Trump-en-stien should have lobbied MItch to get it done before the new administration takes control. Hell he can even sign them too.
He DID do that. McConnell just didn't want to.
Instead of inciting riots Trump-en-stien should have lobbied MItch to get it done before the new administration takes control. Hell he can even sign them too.
Mitch McConell probably isn't in a cooperative mood.
And that is Trump's fault....right?

Who has the ego here? It looks like they all do.

But fuck the unconstitutional stimulus and all the unconstitutional bullshit that made said stimulus even necessary.


Why not, the US has plenty of money to go around. We are only 27 trillion in debt and growing. By the time next election comes around, we'll be well over 30.
If we stop giving money away to foreign counties and resident leeches, we'd have more money to give to our own people, when they need it.
So If Biden Becomes POTUS
When. There is no "if". The election is over, congress has certified the results, Joe Biden is the next president.

When Joe Biden is President of the United States of America you will most likely get a $2000.00 stimulus check.

You're welcome.

Sure Biden is the next president, and likely is about the worst possible and least popular candidate ever.
And no, there can't be any $2000 stimulus checks.
Everyone is going bankrupt and most people are not working.
So no one is paying taxes.
There is no one paying for those stimulus checks.
Nor have any stimulus checks gone to the poor people who actually need it.
The poor people who were already unemployed do not get unemployment benefits.
The wealthy who did not need it, did get their stimulus checks.
Not likely. The only way Biden will not be President is if something seriously happens to him mentally or physically where he can't serve. Then it would go back to the House to select the President which in that case, would be the person who had the next most votes which of course would be Trump.
I know Trump has made statements of concession, but he is still being lobbied by ex-Generals et al to declare an Insurrection Act or martial law, and stop the steal. That is what SHOULD BE DONE right now. Trump still has 12 days left to do this, if he should see fit.

Accomodating fraud and criminality is the last thing that should ever be allowed to happen. Too many patriots have served the country and many died for it, for it to be allowed to fall into the hands of a pack of filthy thieves.
So If Biden Becomes POTUS
When. There is no "if". The election is over, congress has certified the results, Joe Biden is the next president.

When Joe Biden is President of the United States of America you will most likely get a $2000.00 stimulus check.

You're welcome.
Biden has already lost 140,000 jobs last month. Most Americans are going to need it.
Sure Biden is the next president, and likely is about the worst possible and least popular candidate ever.
And no, there can't be any $2000 stimulus checks.
Everyone is going bankrupt and most people are not working.
So no one is paying taxes.
There is no one paying for those stimulus checks.
Nor have any stimulus checks gone to the poor people who actually need it.
The poor people who were already unemployed do not get unemployment benefits.
The wealthy who did not need it, did get their stimulus checks.
I thought they were just going to people under $75,000/year.
There is absolutely no way to prevent Social Security to need cuts.
The baby boom bubble means there is a period when there were bee too many receiving Social Security, and not enough paying in.
There is no way to then make more money just magically appear.
Social Security can only hand out what is paid in.
And even if we wanted to subsidize Social Security with general income tax funds, there aren't enough funds to ever make that possible. The covid-19 lock down saw to that.
Financially this country is already bankrupt, with a $26 trillion dollar national debt.
The money just has already all been spent, and there isn't any more.
Anyone who says there is, is just lying.
Why not, the US has plenty of money to go around. We are only 27 trillion in debt and growing. By the time next election comes around, we'll be well over 30.
If we stop giving money away to foreign counties and resident leeches, we'd have more money to give to our own people, when they need it.

Very little is given out to foreign aid, and the federal government never really paid for any welfare programs at all.
The single number one cost is the interest on the national debt, and number 2 is defense spending.
Together that is over 70% of what the federal government spends. That is almost nothing else.
Sure Biden is the next president, and likely is about the worst possible and least popular candidate ever.
And no, there can't be any $2000 stimulus checks.
Everyone is going bankrupt and most people are not working.
So no one is paying taxes.
There is no one paying for those stimulus checks.
Nor have any stimulus checks gone to the poor people who actually need it.
The poor people who were already unemployed do not get unemployment benefits.
The wealthy who did not need it, did get their stimulus checks.
I thought they were just going to people under $75,000/year.

Now, individuals earning up to $87,000 and couples earning up to $174,000 will receive some form of payment. Individuals who earned up to $75,000 in 2019 will get the full amount of $600 and couples that earned up to $150,000 will receive $1,200.Dec 21, 2020

But millionaires make their income look small by doing things like paying themselves in stock options, so that then it looks like capital gains instead of income.
Nowhere in the link does it say he will cut SS, ya lying bastard.

Anyone who claims that Social Security will not have to be cut is just lying.
I am leftist and am getting social security, but clearly the money is no longer being paid in to cover the pay outs.
Simple as that.
In fact, due to the illegal and stupid covid-19 lock down, the whole country is on the verge of bankruptcy.
There has never been so much unemployment, failed businesses, and bankruptcy.
It is hard to imagine how the country is going to survive at all?
Nowhere in the link does it say he will cut SS, ya lying bastard.

Anyone who claims that Social Security will not have to be cut is just lying.
I am leftist and am getting social security, but clearly the money is no longer being paid in to cover the pay outs.
Simple as that.
In fact, due to the illegal and stupid covid-19 lock down, the whole country is on the verge of bankruptcy.
There has never been so much unemployment, failed businesses, and bankruptcy.
It is hard to imagine how the country is going to survive at all?
Hey buttstain, I never said that I said the link never mentioned it.

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