So if Democrats take over in November will they finally make good on their goal of a crashing econom

I could easily see our booming economy stalling out if the left takes hold in November.
/----/ Dems vow to bring back the glory days of FDR's soup kitchens - FREE FOOD FOR ALL
At the time conservatives crashed the stock market leaving the country in a depression. I suspect conservatives at the time felt that people that had no jobs should just starve.

Kind of like they feel about healthcare today. If you can’t afford it die fukers, just die and make it quick.
/----/ As an uninformed libtard, of course, that is what you believe. It was actually caused by many factors - none of which were conservative by any stretch of the imagination.
In late September 1929, investors had been worried about massive declines in the British stock market. Investors in Clarence Hatry's company lost billions when they discovered he used fraudulent collateral to buy United Steel. A few days later, Great Britain's Chancellor of the Exchequer, Philip Snowden, described America's stock market as "a perfect orgy of speculation." The next day, U.S. newspapers agreed. They quoted U.S. Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon, who said investors "acted as if the price of securities would infinitely advance."

In response, the Dow dropped significantly on both of those days, and again on October 16. By the 19th and 20th, The Washington Post reported a drop in ultra-safe utility stocks. (Source: "The 1929 Stock Market Crash.")

The day before Black Thursday, The Washington Post headlines blared "Huge Selling Wave Creates Near-Panic as Stocks Collapse," while The Times screamed "Prices of Stocks Crash in Heavy Liquidation." By Black Thursday, panic had set in for the worst stock market crash in history.

The crash followed an asset bubble. Since 1922, the stock market had gone up by nearly 20 percent a year. Everyone invested, thanks to a financial invention called buying "on margin." It allowed people to borrow money from their broker to buy stocks. They only needed to put down 10-20 percent. Investing this way contributed to the irrational exuberance of the Roaring Twenties. (Source: Dow figures taken from Yahoo Finance DJIA Historical Prices.)

Worthless post.
Our forum old fart white boys sucking off their socialist benefits can't understand
/—-/ No post that bitchslaps you lying deceitful libtards is worthless.
Meh, Dem's are no match for president Trump. Trump neutered both the Dem's and the liberal media. IF Dem's somehow re-take the House its going to be hilarious watching Trump destroy them. :auiqs.jpg:

He neutered the pussy grabbed girl friends too.
Terrific role model, inherited $400 mm? No tax returns?
Might help if you knew the def of liberal.
No Latin in confederateland?

Your Trump derangement is unorganized, work on it.
I could easily see our booming economy stalling out if the left takes hold in November.
It’s because of Democrats the economy is where it is.

All you have to do is look at where Republicans left the economy for Obama in 2009 and where Obama left the economy for Trump.

It couldn’t be any clearer.

Your dog could have advanced the economy equal to what O did. O did nothing for the economy.
When Obama began his first term the stock market was at 7000. when he left the stock market was at 20,000.
Car companies were going bankrupt, when he
left office they were going strong.
Near the beginning of his first term unemployment was 10%, when he left office it was 4%.
It all just got better in spite of him. Not like under bush where It all just went to hell.
In fact, I’m betting a lot of Republicans think that the economy went to hell under bush because it was somehow Obamas fault. I know a lot of Republicans believe the terrible Katrina response was Obamas fault.
If you listen to at least some of the Democrats their main goal will be trying impeach a sitting President and Supreme Court Judge.
I could easily see our booming economy stalling out if the left takes hold in November.
It’s because of Democrats the economy is where it is.

All you have to do is look at where Republicans left the economy for Obama in 2009 and where Obama left the economy for Trump.

It couldn’t be any clearer.

Your dog could have advanced the economy equal to what O did. O did nothing for the economy.
When Obama began his first term the stock market was at 7000. when he left the stock market was at 20,000.
Car companies were going bankrupt, when he
left office they were going strong.
Near the beginning of his first term unemployment was 10%, when he left office it was 4%.
It all just got better in spite of him. Not like under bush where It all just went to hell.
In fact, I’m betting a lot of Republicans think that the economy went to hell under bush because it was somehow Obamas fault. I know a lot of Republicans believe the terrible Katrina response was Obamas fault.

Relax. It all went South under O. Trump is making it all right.
I could easily see our booming economy stalling out if the left takes hold in November.
/----/ Dems vow to bring back the glory days of FDR's soup kitchens - FREE FOOD FOR ALL
At the time conservatives crashed the stock market leaving the country in a depression. I suspect conservatives at the time felt that people that had no jobs should just starve.

Kind of like they feel about healthcare today. If you can’t afford it die fukers, just die and make it quick.
/----/ As an uninformed libtard, of course, that is what you believe. It was actually caused by many factors - none of which were conservative by any stretch of the imagination.
In late September 1929, investors had been worried about massive declines in the British stock market. Investors in Clarence Hatry's company lost billions when they discovered he used fraudulent collateral to buy United Steel. A few days later, Great Britain's Chancellor of the Exchequer, Philip Snowden, described America's stock market as "a perfect orgy of speculation." The next day, U.S. newspapers agreed. They quoted U.S. Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon, who said investors "acted as if the price of securities would infinitely advance."

In response, the Dow dropped significantly on both of those days, and again on October 16. By the 19th and 20th, The Washington Post reported a drop in ultra-safe utility stocks. (Source: "The 1929 Stock Market Crash.")

The day before Black Thursday, The Washington Post headlines blared "Huge Selling Wave Creates Near-Panic as Stocks Collapse," while The Times screamed "Prices of Stocks Crash in Heavy Liquidation." By Black Thursday, panic had set in for the worst stock market crash in history.

The crash followed an asset bubble. Since 1922, the stock market had gone up by nearly 20 percent a year. Everyone invested, thanks to a financial invention called buying "on margin." It allowed people to borrow money from their broker to buy stocks. They only needed to put down 10-20 percent. Investing this way contributed to the irrational exuberance of the Roaring Twenties. (Source: Dow figures taken from Yahoo Finance DJIA Historical Prices.)

Worthless post.
Our forum old fart white boys sucking off their socialist benefits can't understand
/—-/ No post that bitchslaps you lying deceitful libtards is worthless.

In fact, it should be considered a civic duty.
I could easily see our booming economy stalling out if the left takes hold in November.
It’s because of Democrats the economy is where it is.

All you have to do is look at where Republicans left the economy for Obama in 2009 and where Obama left the economy for Trump.

It couldn’t be any clearer.

Your dog could have advanced the economy equal to what O did. O did nothing for the economy.
When Obama began his first term the stock market was at 7000. when he left the stock market was at 20,000.
Car companies were going bankrupt, when he
left office they were going strong.
Near the beginning of his first term unemployment was 10%, when he left office it was 4%.
It all just got better in spite of him. Not like under bush where It all just went to hell.
In fact, I’m betting a lot of Republicans think that the economy went to hell under bush because it was somehow Obamas fault. I know a lot of Republicans believe the terrible Katrina response was Obamas fault.
/-----/ Quantitative easing fixed the market - not Obozo.
Nothing wrong with bankruptcy. It's how the market fixes a broken company by allowing them to reorganize. The GM bondholders were screwed out of their money intentionally.
People lost their careers and had to take two part-time jobs for $ and so companies could dodge Obozocare. Obozo counted those as jobs created. A scam.
No one thinks the economy went south because of Obozo who wasn't even in office you moron. That's a libtard strawman argument you created.
I could easily see our booming economy stalling out if the left takes hold in November.
It’s because of Democrats the economy is where it is.

All you have to do is look at where Republicans left the economy for Obama in 2009 and where Obama left the economy for Trump.

It couldn’t be any clearer.

The economy was on the way down at the end of Obama's term.

“…during the Obama administration, the Gross Domestic Product never exceeded 3 percent annually. Obama said the days of strong economic growth were behind us, that many manufacturing jobs were lost and not returning and that candidate Trump didn't have a "magic wand" to fix the economy. But in the second quarter of this year, economic growth exceeded 4 percent and manufacturing jobs are making a comeback.

By the time Obama left office, the unemployment rate had declined from a high approaching 8 percent at the start of his administration to just under 5 percent, but was beginning to tick back upward, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics."
Obama Goes on Attack, But Arguments Fall Flat Against Trump Successes

"The stronger the economy gets under President Trump, the more desperate his critics are to hand credit over to Obama. Even if that entails changing the past.

...the economy was stagnating in 2016 after the weakest recovery from a recession since the Great Depression.

In fact, The New York Times itself described Obama's economy this way in August 2016: "For three quarters in a row, the growth rate of the economy has hovered around a mere 1%. In the last quarter of 2015 and the first quarter of 2016, the economy expanded at feeble annual rates of 0.9% and 0.8%, respectively. The initial reading for the second quarter of this year, released on Friday, was a disappointing 1.2%."

...GDP growth decelerated in each of the last three quarters of 2016."

And on January 27, 2017, after the government reported that GDP growth for all 2016 was a mere 1.6% — the weakest in five years —"
Economic Boom: Media Rewrite History To Credit Obama Instead Of Trump unmitigated failure.....very much like you.
Dems thought that we reached the limits of economic growth under Obama. Their idea of helping the economy is to impose a new waft of regulations and taxes on our companies, and then they tell will us that we can't do any better.
I could easily see our booming economy stalling out if the left takes hold in November.
It’s because of Democrats the economy is where it is.

All you have to do is look at where Republicans left the economy for Obama in 2009 and where Obama left the economy for Trump.

It couldn’t be any clearer.

Your dog could have advanced the economy equal to what O did. O did nothing for the economy.
When Obama began his first term the stock market was at 7000. when he left the stock market was at 20,000.
Car companies were going bankrupt, when he
left office they were going strong.
Near the beginning of his first term unemployment was 10%, when he left office it was 4%.
It all just got better in spite of him. Not like under bush where It all just went to hell.
In fact, I’m betting a lot of Republicans think that the economy went to hell under bush because it was somehow Obamas fault. I know a lot of Republicans believe the terrible Katrina response was Obamas fault.

Anyone could have withdrawn 4-5 trillion in trinkets from the treasury and sent it to wall street. O did. Even by doing that, the economy recovered at a snail pace. So yeah, O really didn't do anything.
I could easily see our booming economy stalling out if the left takes hold in November.
they will destroy our country. that is now their objective. they wish to exclude republicans from the face of the earth.


Here is the governor of my state:

"Gov. Cuomo: Pro-life, pro-gun conservatives 'have no place' in New York
Gov. Cuomo: Pro-life conservatives 'have no place' in New York"
Gov. Cuomo: Pro-life, pro-gun conservatives ‘have no place’ in New York
I could easily see our booming economy stalling out if the left takes hold in November.
they will destroy our country. that is now their objective. they wish to exclude republicans from the face of the earth.


Here is the governor of my state:

"Gov. Cuomo: Pro-life, pro-gun conservatives 'have no place' in New York
Gov. Cuomo: Pro-life conservatives 'have no place' in New York"
Gov. Cuomo: Pro-life, pro-gun conservatives ‘have no place’ in New York
PC, they are wearing it proudly. no longer hidden behind a curtain. they blatantly acknowledge that you and I have no rights.
I could easily see our booming economy stalling out if the left takes hold in November.

If the Dims take the House, it will be a nonstop circus of impeachment proceedings against Trump and Kav and possibly Clarence Thomas.

The country be damned.
I could easily see our booming economy stalling out if the left takes hold in November.
they will destroy our country. that is now their objective. they wish to exclude republicans from the face of the earth.
they are stalking republicans now. ain't that grand?
Wtf lol

Did you forget to switch to your alt or do you have a habit of talking to yourself?
yep. More of additional comment. It's seems you saw it. so it achieved its purpose for all to see.

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