So if God didn't create evil, why does God allow evil to exist?

You ask this retardeness in every thread. I can either assume A) that you are asking merely for the purpose of cluttering up and derailing each and every thread on religion becasue you simply cannot bear to let people discuss religious issues without making them all about your hatred of God, or B) you sustained some sort of head injury which prevents you from forming long-term memories.

Tell me now which one I should consider correct.
Take 2 Midols and get back to me on my questions, I'll wait. :biggrin:

In other words, you have no obligation whatsoever to be courteous or respectful; everyone else is just obligated to accept your rudeness and pretend we don't see it.

Dismissed. Again. As usual.
You couldn't answer a simple question so you turn to insults. How very mature.
Have you found anyone yet who believes God created evil?
I found a whole bunch of people who don’t believe that god made everything in the universe.
No. You convinced yourself that that is what they told you but that isn’t what they told you.
Take 2 Midols and get back to me on my questions, I'll wait. :biggrin:

In other words, you have no obligation whatsoever to be courteous or respectful; everyone else is just obligated to accept your rudeness and pretend we don't see it.

Dismissed. Again. As usual.
You couldn't answer a simple question so you turn to insults. How very mature.
Have you found anyone yet who believes God created evil?
I found a whole bunch of people who don’t believe that god made everything in the universe.
No. You convinced yourself that that is what they told you but that isn’t what they told you.
If god didn't make evil, someone else did. It's that simple, if god made everything in the universe.
In other words, you have no obligation whatsoever to be courteous or respectful; everyone else is just obligated to accept your rudeness and pretend we don't see it.

Dismissed. Again. As usual.
You couldn't answer a simple question so you turn to insults. How very mature.
Have you found anyone yet who believes God created evil?
I found a whole bunch of people who don’t believe that god made everything in the universe.
No. You convinced yourself that that is what they told you but that isn’t what they told you.
If god didn't make evil, someone else did. It's that simple, if god made everything in the universe.
Evil isn’t extant. We’ve been though this before.
You couldn't answer a simple question so you turn to insults. How very mature.
Have you found anyone yet who believes God created evil?
I found a whole bunch of people who don’t believe that god made everything in the universe.
No. You convinced yourself that that is what they told you but that isn’t what they told you.
If god didn't make evil, someone else did. It's that simple, if god made everything in the universe.
Evil isn’t extant. We’ve been though this before.
Of course it is, it's all around us.
Have you found anyone yet who believes God created evil?
I found a whole bunch of people who don’t believe that god made everything in the universe.
No. You convinced yourself that that is what they told you but that isn’t what they told you.
If god didn't make evil, someone else did. It's that simple, if god made everything in the universe.
Evil isn’t extant. We’ve been though this before.
Of course it is, it's all around us.
No. Goodness is all around us.
I found a whole bunch of people who don’t believe that god made everything in the universe.
No. You convinced yourself that that is what they told you but that isn’t what they told you.
If god didn't make evil, someone else did. It's that simple, if god made everything in the universe.
Evil isn’t extant. We’ve been though this before.
Of course it is, it's all around us.
No. Goodness is all around us.
So is evil, just think off all the mass shootings, and all the guys simmerring right now who are about to go off.
No. You convinced yourself that that is what they told you but that isn’t what they told you.
If god didn't make evil, someone else did. It's that simple, if god made everything in the universe.
Evil isn’t extant. We’ve been though this before.
Of course it is, it's all around us.
No. Goodness is all around us.
So is evil, just think off all the mass shootings, and all the guys simmerring right now who are about to go off.
Evil isn’t extant, dummy.
If god didn't make evil, someone else did. It's that simple, if god made everything in the universe.
Evil isn’t extant. We’ve been though this before.
Of course it is, it's all around us.
No. Goodness is all around us.
So is evil, just think off all the mass shootings, and all the guys simmerring right now who are about to go off.
Evil isn’t extant, dummy.
Evil exists, you just don't want to blame god.
Evil isn’t extant. We’ve been though this before.
Of course it is, it's all around us.
No. Goodness is all around us.
So is evil, just think off all the mass shootings, and all the guys simmerring right now who are about to go off.
Evil isn’t extant, dummy.
Evil exists, you just don't want to blame god.
No, goodness exists. You just don’t want to credit God.
Of course it is, it's all around us.
No. Goodness is all around us.
So is evil, just think off all the mass shootings, and all the guys simmerring right now who are about to go off.
Evil isn’t extant, dummy.
Evil exists, you just don't want to blame god.
No, goodness exists. You just don’t want to credit God.
I never said that, I credit him for both good and bad, I just want to know why the bad? And so much of it?
No. Goodness is all around us.
So is evil, just think off all the mass shootings, and all the guys simmerring right now who are about to go off.
Evil isn’t extant, dummy.
Evil exists, you just don't want to blame god.
No, goodness exists. You just don’t want to credit God.
I never said that, I credit him for both good and bad, I just want to know why the bad? And so much of it?
And I want to know what your standard of measure is.
So is evil, just think off all the mass shootings, and all the guys simmerring right now who are about to go off.
Evil isn’t extant, dummy.
Evil exists, you just don't want to blame god.
No, goodness exists. You just don’t want to credit God.
I never said that, I credit him for both good and bad, I just want to know why the bad? And so much of it?
And I want to know what your standard of measure is.
Sometimes I use the metric system, but mostly not.
Evil isn’t extant, dummy.
Evil exists, you just don't want to blame god.
No, goodness exists. You just don’t want to credit God.
I never said that, I credit him for both good and bad, I just want to know why the bad? And so much of it?
And I want to know what your standard of measure is.
Sometimes I use the metric system, but mostly not.
Funny but not unexpected.

You won’t accept that God exists because the world is imperfect. That is insane.
Evil exists, you just don't want to blame god.
No, goodness exists. You just don’t want to credit God.
I never said that, I credit him for both good and bad, I just want to know why the bad? And so much of it?
And I want to know what your standard of measure is.
Sometimes I use the metric system, but mostly not.
Funny but not unexpected.

You won’t accept that God exists because the world is imperfect. That is insane.
Quote where I said that. I'll wait. :popcorn:
For Taz...

No, goodness exists. You just don’t want to credit God.
I never said that, I credit him for both good and bad, I just want to know why the bad? And so much of it?
And I want to know what your standard of measure is.
Sometimes I use the metric system, but mostly not.
Funny but not unexpected.

You won’t accept that God exists because the world is imperfect. That is insane.
Quote where I said that. I'll wait. :popcorn:
By your refusal to state your standard of acceptable.

You are always going to bitch about something.
I never said that, I credit him for both good and bad, I just want to know why the bad? And so much of it?
And I want to know what your standard of measure is.
Sometimes I use the metric system, but mostly not.
Funny but not unexpected.

You won’t accept that God exists because the world is imperfect. That is insane.
Quote where I said that. I'll wait. :popcorn:
By your refusal to state your standard of acceptable.

You are always going to bitch about something.
The funny thing is, when atheists like him point out that there is evil in this world, they are inadvertently acknowledging that an objective moral standard exists. They can’t have it both ways, if they say morality is subjective, then nothing is evil. But if they claim evil exists, then they have no leg to stand on without any objective standard that everything else is measured against.

And the funnier thing is, most of them don’t even realize their dilemma.:abgg2q.jpg:
And I want to know what your standard of measure is.
Sometimes I use the metric system, but mostly not.
Funny but not unexpected.

You won’t accept that God exists because the world is imperfect. That is insane.
Quote where I said that. I'll wait. :popcorn:
By your refusal to state your standard of acceptable.

You are always going to bitch about something.
The funny thing is, when atheists like him point out that there is evil in this world, they are inadvertently acknowledging that an objective moral standard exists. They can’t have it both ways, if they say morality is subjective, then nothing is evil. But if they claim evil exists, then they have no leg to stand on without any objective standard that everything else is measured against.

And the funnier thing is, most of them don’t even realize their dilemma.:abgg2q.jpg:
Me love me some Mere Christianity.
No, goodness exists. You just don’t want to credit God.
I never said that, I credit him for both good and bad, I just want to know why the bad? And so much of it?
And I want to know what your standard of measure is.
Sometimes I use the metric system, but mostly not.
Funny but not unexpected.

You won’t accept that God exists because the world is imperfect. That is insane.
Quote where I said that. I'll wait. :popcorn:
It's the "logical" conclusion you are trying to reach but can't quite get to.

Is male pattern baldness evil too? I mean after all if you want a perfect world shouldn't everyone be blessed with a full head of hair.
God is all powerful in that he can do all things that are possible. Man cannot conceive of all the things that are possible. But there are things that are eternally impossible, even for God. For example:

  • God cannot Not Exist and then create himself into existence as a non-being of nothingness into a being of substance. This is an eternal impossibility.
  • Since good and evil are opposites, God cannot be an all GOOD being and simultaneously be an all EVIL being. This is an eternal impossibility.
  • God cannot exist and not exist simultaneously. This is an eternal impossibility.
  • God cannot be an all knowing being and not know something. This is an eternal impossibility.
In the scriptures of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, God has also revealed an eternal impossibility that gives answer to the problem of evil in the world.

Doctrine and Covenants 93:29
29 Man was also in the beginning with God. Intelligence, or the light of truth, was not created or made, neither indeed can be.

Abraham 3:18
18 Howbeit that he made the greater star; as, also, if there be two spirits, and one shall be more intelligent than the other, yet these two spirits, notwithstanding one is more intelligent than the other, have no beginning; they existed before, they shall have no end, they shall exist after, for they are gnolaum, or eternal.

These two verses reveal that a part of mankind is eternal in nature and was not created or made. In other words, there is a part of mankind that has always existed or is self existent. In the first verse that part of mankind is known as intelligence. It is called spirit in the second verse. Other verses of scripture teach us that the spirits of mankind are the offspring of God:

Acts 17:28-29
28 For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring.
29 Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man’s device.

If our spirits are the literal offspring of God, then something within our spirits is the eternal intelligence that is self existent and spoken of in our scripture.

Now if God could never create or make that intelligence that resides within us, and if that intelligence that resides within us is less than perfect, yet is necessary for the creation of our beings, then it can be reasoned that God could not create or make mankind to be perfect. Perhaps the only way for an eternal intelligence to progress is through the process of learning from God the way to perfection and experiencing much along that path. This earth life could be seen as a school ground to teach us lessons necessary for us to progress in the hereafter. And if God could not create us to be perfect but relies upon man to choose for himself the road to perfection, is it any wonder why there is evil in the world? God gives imperfect beings free will to choose good or evil in this life. Would you expect all imperfect beings to choose nothing but the good?

God is a being of free will. Nobody tells God what to do. For us to become more like Him, we need to be given free will and the opportunity to choose goodness in and of ourselves. Only in this way do we learn to truly become a good being. It is a necessity that God give us free will so that we can progress to become more like Him.

It would be unfair to force those who choose to live a righteous life to live out eternity among those who choose not to live righteously. A separation is the solution. Mankind chooses his own destiny through his own free will as to whether he will live a Celestial, a Terrestrial, or a Telestial existence in the hereafter. God will put you with those whom you are most alike.

In summary, evil exists in this world because we are free will beings who are imperfect. God could not create us to be perfect because the intelligent part of mankind was created or made from self-existent intelligence that has always existed that could not be created or made. Thus God's way of having us progress is through teaching us the ways of heaven, letting us go through the school of hard knocks, and providing a means whereby we can repent and receive forgiveness of sin for our forsaken sins. Repenting and forsaking sin is the path to receiving forgiveness of sin.

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