So if Pelosi's commission Doesn't call the Ashely Babbit shooter does it have any credibility?

This police officer felt so threatened he needed to use deadly force
From the dems purview he should be given a medal....right
We all know how scary women are. You know that sex that has to have men run the races for them.
Remember this guy saved American democracy but you won't here a peep from the dems. In fact I'm betting on the opposite
Oh and here's a link. Like anything these dumb @@@@;s know means anything

So you don’t support the police?

The one time out of how many that the Left is supporting the police and justifying opening fire on an unarmed perpetrator because the officer’s life was threatened? The only reason is because this fits a larger agenda.

In the crush of the crowd breaking thru the window, do you think the officer who could tell if someone was armed or not?
"Shoot first, ask questions later" - the new Democrat motto.

Unless the shootee is a Black felon of course.

No wonder they're regarded by sane/decent people as 21st century Nazis.

the Left looks so full of shit on this one. 1/6 barely lasted a day. Our Democracy was never threatened that day. Contrast that to 9/11 or when the Leftist radicals threatened to blow up the Capitol or when the Bernie Sanders supporter opened fire on half of Congress because they were Republican.
the Left looks so full of shit on this one. 1/6 barely lasted a day. Our Democracy was never threatened that day. Contrast that to 9/11 or when the Leftist radicals threatened to blow up the Capitol or when the Bernie Sanders supporter opened fire on half of Congress because they were Republican
The committee will get to the truth of who in the Trump admin was giving the stand down orders when the requests for the NG went unanswered for hours. This ain’t some CIA annex in Benghazi. It’s the US Capitol. Heads will roll.
Someone in the Trump White House gave stand-down orders to Congress that was trying to protect itself?? It was the Democrats, the media, and DC Mayor telling everyone there could be unrest. Your theory is that these same people on Capitol Hill from the opposing party requested reinforcements and it was shot down by the Trump Administration? Wouldn’t that be confirmed almost immediately following the event and not digging for details and confirmation 6 months later?
Someone in the Trump White House gave stand-down orders to Congress that was trying to protect itself?? It was the Democrats, the media, and DC Mayor telling everyone there could be unrest. Your theory is that these same people on Capitol Hill from the opposing party requested reinforcements and it was shot down by the Trump Administration? Wouldn’t that be confirmed almost immediately following the event and not digging for details and confirmation 6 months later?
Don’t be more of a dumbfuck than is necessary.

Your FactCheck.Org piece fails to answer why and how Democrats were concerned but did not push harder or insist for more back up despite the timelines. We already knew all of that. Again, have your hearings. Your side’s goal is really not about preventing another 1/6 event as much as it is to hinder Republicans and punish Trump. That’s it.
Your FactCheck.Org piece fails to answer why and how Democrats were concerned but did not push harder or insist for more back up despite the timelines. We already knew all of that. Again, have your hearings. Your side’s goal is really not about preventing another 1/6 event as much as it is to hinder Republicans and punish Trump. That’s it.

Because the Dems had nothing to do with giving the order to deploy troops on 1/6, dope.

Because the Dems have something to cover up. If someone in the White House did a stand down or deny, it would be out by now. Don’t you think?
Because the Dems have something to cover up. If someone in the White House did a stand down or deny, it would be out by now. Don’t you think?
No Because “the Dems” are not in the chain of command of the NG, dope. McCarthy himself said he directly requested the WH order the NG to intervene several times. As did others. Some even directly to the DOD. Someone certainly was hesitant to give the order.
Stop being a dumbfuck.

All the more reason it would be out and confirmed… who, where, when. Here we are 6 months later and the Democrats need the Republicans.
All the more reason it would be out and confirmed… who, where, when. Here we are 6 months later and the Democrats need the Republicans
It is out, dope. We know the requests went out immediately and were ignored for hours. We also know that Flynn’s brother was involved at the DOD. There will be testimony before the select committee. The truth will be known. That it was conceived and orchestrated by Trump and his minions with support from members of Congress.

Your name calling is not helping your case and is arguably clouding what little logic you have displayed. You have provided nothing but an opinion piece from biased FactCheck and you contradict yourself here by saying “It is out” and “the truth will be known”. So, which is it???

Also, what other sources do you have besides FactCheck.
Your name calling is not helping your case and is arguably clouding what little logic you have displayed. You have provided nothing but an opinion piece from biased FactCheck and you contradict yourself here by saying “It is out” and “the truth will be known”. So, which is it???

Also, what other sources do you have besides FactCheck.
Name calling in no way alters the validity of my claims. It is only a description of your behavior, dope. I’ve given you plenty to investigate. Carry on.
Validity claims don’t mean shit without empirical and verifiable data from multiple unbiased sources correlating to the same trend.
In other words no amount of evidence will change your mind. You know we will never be able to give you multiple unbiased sources since you think everything except Rush and Fox are liberal. Eat a dick dummy.
Multiple can simply mean “more than one”. Rush is dead. I do watch Fox News but I watch NBC and CBS more.
So if NBC and CBS said it you would consider them unbiased sources?
It depends since both sources have a proven history of altering facts or leaving them out of a story to fit an agenda. Further, bash Fox all you want yet they admit their bias and have more opposing views on their programs than do the rest.
Fox “admit their bias”

That doesn’t give them credibility

So? You think something I posted doesn't exist just because you haven't seen it?? Yeah, I can believe you're that stupid. Too stupid to even use the search feature to test if I'm lying.

Don't have to because you are lying.

And the only reason one of you deranged freaks hasn't plugged that cop yet is because they won't tell you who he is. Never forget this... they're smarter than you.

Already know who he is so what difference does it make to you?

Oh that right it's because you're one of those fearful lying cowards who won't honor their heroes.

View attachment 509755




Uh, no, not lying. You're just an idiot who could have found that out for himself if you weren't so mentally lazy.

Fuck you, ya raving lunatic. I condemned the BLM and Antifa riots.
I've condemned those.
Dumbfuck, I condemned the violence committed by Antifa, BLM & Trump's insurgents.
You're an idiot, Marty. I condemned BLM and Antifa violence.
And BTW, I have condemned the violence and riots by BLM and Antifa.
Nope, those are not ok and I've condemned them.
No, dumbfuck, no riots are good. All should be condemned.
That's a lie, others also condemned the violence committed by BLM and Antifa, myself included.
You're such a putz, ShortBus. I was able to show I condemned the riots you idiotically doubted I expressed outrage over.
I have condemned the looting, rioting send murders.
"Finally, do you condemn BLM and Antifa or not."
Asked and answered.
I condemn murders committed by BLM.
I condemn their violence.
I condemn such attacks.
I've denounced Antifa.
I condemn those murders.
I condemned the violence of BLM and Antifa and never made excuses based on the fraction who caused it.
Goes to show what an idiot you are. I've condemned, and continue to condemn, such violence. Lock 'em up.
Nope, I would sing the same song. I condemn the violence committed by BLM and I condemn storming the Capitol to stop Congress from certifying the election.
I don't agree with any violence coming out of it nor do I believe they had a right to be violent. I've condemned their violence repeatedly and continue to do so. I've said anyone involved in the violence should be arrested and I continue to say that. They should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

View attachment 509764

But you're lying about it all so there was not point in expending the effort because you approve of the murder that happened on the 6th of January 2021 at the Capitol.

It was the shot around the Capitol that brought pleasure to your heart as you put up statues of a woman abusing drug addict.

So you might as well honor your hero with a medal of valor and put a statue up and honor the Capitol murderer also.



Nope, it was no lie as I said I condemned that violence and I proved it. It wasn't much effort either as I've posted that list before so just had to copy & paste it.

As far as your lie that I lied because I approve of extinguishing the pathetic existence of a traitor who attacked the seat of our government, again, it was not murder just because you lie to yourself that it was. And again, murder is the illegal killing of another and his shoot was investigated and determined not to be illegal. So no, not murder.

View attachment 509772

Of course you're lying and have deluded yourself into believing your own lies so you made up some posts to make it seem like you're sincere because you can't accept the murder that happened at the Capitol because your ego and ID are in conflict. This all leads back to your inability to have functional sexual relations with females and therefore you must approve of what was done at the Capitol that day.




That's quite the scheme you've dreamed up there. Those posts all have links to them showing I've always condemned that violence. According to your delusions? It's all part of a scheme to fool you tonight. :cuckoo:

And no, no matter how many times you repeat it, it will never be murder. Murder is the illegal killing of another person and that cop was investigated and found that his shoot was not illegal.

View attachment 509776

Ah!!! So you support the Castle Doctrine Amendment being added to the United States Constitution. Do feel free to write your congressperson as many others are doing at the encouragement of Damaged Eagle.

Thank you for your support.



Of course I support the Castle Doctrine. It need not be amended to the Constitution as many states, if not most, already have such laws.

View attachment 509779

Oh no! You've already so much as said it's good enough for our congresspersons and if all men are equal then all persons should have the same right to slay someone if they feel threatened on their property across this great nation without reprisal from some state or local government.




You're deranged. The Castle Doctrine does not apply in this case. Ordinary self defense does. The cop had a duty to protect the lives of lawmakers and their staff who were still holed up in the House chamber when that violent mob began breaking through the doors. He had no resource other that lethal force to keep them out as he was the last thing between the violent mob and the lawmakers they were after. Once they breached the doors, it was shooting time and Ashli Targetpractice just happened to be the first, and only, to breach their barricade on the other side of the doors they were smashing in.

View attachment 509781

They were in a building which is property of the United States government were congresspersons work.

So yes castle doctrine does apply and a Castle Doctrine Amendment should be enacted making it the right of all persons nationwide. But to appease your sensibilities the proposed Castle Doctrine Amendment also incorporates the right to stand your ground and concealed carry.



No, retard, D.C. does not have a Castle Doctrine so no, it doesn't apply. And adding a constitutional amendment won't help in this case as it would only apply to any future cases. So again, ordinary self defense is applicable here which D.C. does have on the books.

View attachment 509872

Nope! Not a suitable answer your hero cop murdered the young lady and like most progressives you support it which means you've been lying about all the other stuff that's happened over the last few years and supported it also.

That goes for all your little friends that have shown up too.

After all you're all a bunch of woman abusing drug addict Floyd supporters.

Additionally you're all a bunch of insurrectionists who should be on the FBI list.



Racist nut rant of the day.


At least I'm not a retarded racist unarmed woman murdering cop supporter of a drug addicted martyr insurrectionist.



So? You think something I posted doesn't exist just because you haven't seen it?? Yeah, I can believe you're that stupid. Too stupid to even use the search feature to test if I'm lying.

Don't have to because you are lying.

And the only reason one of you deranged freaks hasn't plugged that cop yet is because they won't tell you who he is. Never forget this... they're smarter than you.

Already know who he is so what difference does it make to you?

Oh that right it's because you're one of those fearful lying cowards who won't honor their heroes.

View attachment 509755




Uh, no, not lying. You're just an idiot who could have found that out for himself if you weren't so mentally lazy.

Fuck you, ya raving lunatic. I condemned the BLM and Antifa riots.
I've condemned those.
Dumbfuck, I condemned the violence committed by Antifa, BLM & Trump's insurgents.
You're an idiot, Marty. I condemned BLM and Antifa violence.
And BTW, I have condemned the violence and riots by BLM and Antifa.
Nope, those are not ok and I've condemned them.
No, dumbfuck, no riots are good. All should be condemned.
That's a lie, others also condemned the violence committed by BLM and Antifa, myself included.
You're such a putz, ShortBus. I was able to show I condemned the riots you idiotically doubted I expressed outrage over.
I have condemned the looting, rioting send murders.
"Finally, do you condemn BLM and Antifa or not."
Asked and answered.
I condemn murders committed by BLM.
I condemn their violence.
I condemn such attacks.
I've denounced Antifa.
I condemn those murders.
I condemned the violence of BLM and Antifa and never made excuses based on the fraction who caused it.
Goes to show what an idiot you are. I've condemned, and continue to condemn, such violence. Lock 'em up.
Nope, I would sing the same song. I condemn the violence committed by BLM and I condemn storming the Capitol to stop Congress from certifying the election.
I don't agree with any violence coming out of it nor do I believe they had a right to be violent. I've condemned their violence repeatedly and continue to do so. I've said anyone involved in the violence should be arrested and I continue to say that. They should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

View attachment 509764

But you're lying about it all so there was not point in expending the effort because you approve of the murder that happened on the 6th of January 2021 at the Capitol.

It was the shot around the Capitol that brought pleasure to your heart as you put up statues of a woman abusing drug addict.

So you might as well honor your hero with a medal of valor and put a statue up and honor the Capitol murderer also.



Nope, it was no lie as I said I condemned that violence and I proved it. It wasn't much effort either as I've posted that list before so just had to copy & paste it.

As far as your lie that I lied because I approve of extinguishing the pathetic existence of a traitor who attacked the seat of our government, again, it was not murder just because you lie to yourself that it was. And again, murder is the illegal killing of another and his shoot was investigated and determined not to be illegal. So no, not murder.

View attachment 509772

Of course you're lying and have deluded yourself into believing your own lies so you made up some posts to make it seem like you're sincere because you can't accept the murder that happened at the Capitol because your ego and ID are in conflict. This all leads back to your inability to have functional sexual relations with females and therefore you must approve of what was done at the Capitol that day.




That's quite the scheme you've dreamed up there. Those posts all have links to them showing I've always condemned that violence. According to your delusions? It's all part of a scheme to fool you tonight. :cuckoo:

And no, no matter how many times you repeat it, it will never be murder. Murder is the illegal killing of another person and that cop was investigated and found that his shoot was not illegal.

View attachment 509776

Ah!!! So you support the Castle Doctrine Amendment being added to the United States Constitution. Do feel free to write your congressperson as many others are doing at the encouragement of Damaged Eagle.

Thank you for your support.



Of course I support the Castle Doctrine. It need not be amended to the Constitution as many states, if not most, already have such laws.

View attachment 509779

Oh no! You've already so much as said it's good enough for our congresspersons and if all men are equal then all persons should have the same right to slay someone if they feel threatened on their property across this great nation without reprisal from some state or local government.




You're deranged. The Castle Doctrine does not apply in this case. Ordinary self defense does. The cop had a duty to protect the lives of lawmakers and their staff who were still holed up in the House chamber when that violent mob began breaking through the doors. He had no resource other that lethal force to keep them out as he was the last thing between the violent mob and the lawmakers they were after. Once they breached the doors, it was shooting time and Ashli Targetpractice just happened to be the first, and only, to breach their barricade on the other side of the doors they were smashing in.

View attachment 509781

They were in a building which is property of the United States government were congresspersons work.

So yes castle doctrine does apply and a Castle Doctrine Amendment should be enacted making it the right of all persons nationwide. But to appease your sensibilities the proposed Castle Doctrine Amendment also incorporates the right to stand your ground and concealed carry.



No, retard, D.C. does not have a Castle Doctrine so no, it doesn't apply. And adding a constitutional amendment won't help in this case as it would only apply to any future cases. So again, ordinary self defense is applicable here which D.C. does have on the books.

View attachment 509872

Nope! Not a suitable answer your hero cop murdered the young lady and like most progressives you support it which means you've been lying about all the other stuff that's happened over the last few years and supported it also.

That goes for all your little friends that have shown up too.

After all you're all a bunch of woman abusing drug addict Floyd supporters.

Additionally you're all a bunch of insurrectionists who should be on the FBI list.



Racist nut rant of the day.

View attachment 509876

At least I'm not a retarded racist unarmed woman murdering cop supporter of a drug addicted martyr insurrectionist.



Stop trying to compare a few bad apples in a otherwise peaceful protest to insurrectionist traitors who tried to storm the capitol and take hostages. Similar to how you guys tried to kidnap my governor. You're lunatics. Unhinged and too easily triggers. You would think that you white men are the ones being treated like second class citizens. Don't you realize we have the same enemy? The rich. Trumps a swamp creature too. He just conned you dopes through his reality show and his white nationalist approach to things. Similar to how Hitler came into power. And Trump even had his own Beer Hall Putsch. Failed just like Adolfs did. But Hitler would be back. Trump thinks he'll be re instated this summer. Do you believe that? Fucking retards. LOL

So? You think something I posted doesn't exist just because you haven't seen it?? Yeah, I can believe you're that stupid. Too stupid to even use the search feature to test if I'm lying.

Don't have to because you are lying.

And the only reason one of you deranged freaks hasn't plugged that cop yet is because they won't tell you who he is. Never forget this... they're smarter than you.

Already know who he is so what difference does it make to you?

Oh that right it's because you're one of those fearful lying cowards who won't honor their heroes.

View attachment 509755




Uh, no, not lying. You're just an idiot who could have found that out for himself if you weren't so mentally lazy.

Fuck you, ya raving lunatic. I condemned the BLM and Antifa riots.
I've condemned those.
Dumbfuck, I condemned the violence committed by Antifa, BLM & Trump's insurgents.
You're an idiot, Marty. I condemned BLM and Antifa violence.
And BTW, I have condemned the violence and riots by BLM and Antifa.
Nope, those are not ok and I've condemned them.
No, dumbfuck, no riots are good. All should be condemned.
That's a lie, others also condemned the violence committed by BLM and Antifa, myself included.
You're such a putz, ShortBus. I was able to show I condemned the riots you idiotically doubted I expressed outrage over.
I have condemned the looting, rioting send murders.
"Finally, do you condemn BLM and Antifa or not."
Asked and answered.
I condemn murders committed by BLM.
I condemn their violence.
I condemn such attacks.
I've denounced Antifa.
I condemn those murders.
I condemned the violence of BLM and Antifa and never made excuses based on the fraction who caused it.
Goes to show what an idiot you are. I've condemned, and continue to condemn, such violence. Lock 'em up.
Nope, I would sing the same song. I condemn the violence committed by BLM and I condemn storming the Capitol to stop Congress from certifying the election.
I don't agree with any violence coming out of it nor do I believe they had a right to be violent. I've condemned their violence repeatedly and continue to do so. I've said anyone involved in the violence should be arrested and I continue to say that. They should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

View attachment 509764

But you're lying about it all so there was not point in expending the effort because you approve of the murder that happened on the 6th of January 2021 at the Capitol.

It was the shot around the Capitol that brought pleasure to your heart as you put up statues of a woman abusing drug addict.

So you might as well honor your hero with a medal of valor and put a statue up and honor the Capitol murderer also.



Nope, it was no lie as I said I condemned that violence and I proved it. It wasn't much effort either as I've posted that list before so just had to copy & paste it.

As far as your lie that I lied because I approve of extinguishing the pathetic existence of a traitor who attacked the seat of our government, again, it was not murder just because you lie to yourself that it was. And again, murder is the illegal killing of another and his shoot was investigated and determined not to be illegal. So no, not murder.

View attachment 509772

Of course you're lying and have deluded yourself into believing your own lies so you made up some posts to make it seem like you're sincere because you can't accept the murder that happened at the Capitol because your ego and ID are in conflict. This all leads back to your inability to have functional sexual relations with females and therefore you must approve of what was done at the Capitol that day.




That's quite the scheme you've dreamed up there. Those posts all have links to them showing I've always condemned that violence. According to your delusions? It's all part of a scheme to fool you tonight. :cuckoo:

And no, no matter how many times you repeat it, it will never be murder. Murder is the illegal killing of another person and that cop was investigated and found that his shoot was not illegal.

View attachment 509776

Ah!!! So you support the Castle Doctrine Amendment being added to the United States Constitution. Do feel free to write your congressperson as many others are doing at the encouragement of Damaged Eagle.

Thank you for your support.



Of course I support the Castle Doctrine. It need not be amended to the Constitution as many states, if not most, already have such laws.

View attachment 509779

Oh no! You've already so much as said it's good enough for our congresspersons and if all men are equal then all persons should have the same right to slay someone if they feel threatened on their property across this great nation without reprisal from some state or local government.




You're deranged. The Castle Doctrine does not apply in this case. Ordinary self defense does. The cop had a duty to protect the lives of lawmakers and their staff who were still holed up in the House chamber when that violent mob began breaking through the doors. He had no resource other that lethal force to keep them out as he was the last thing between the violent mob and the lawmakers they were after. Once they breached the doors, it was shooting time and Ashli Targetpractice just happened to be the first, and only, to breach their barricade on the other side of the doors they were smashing in.

View attachment 509781

They were in a building which is property of the United States government were congresspersons work.

So yes castle doctrine does apply and a Castle Doctrine Amendment should be enacted making it the right of all persons nationwide. But to appease your sensibilities the proposed Castle Doctrine Amendment also incorporates the right to stand your ground and concealed carry.



No, retard, D.C. does not have a Castle Doctrine so no, it doesn't apply. And adding a constitutional amendment won't help in this case as it would only apply to any future cases. So again, ordinary self defense is applicable here which D.C. does have on the books.

View attachment 509872

Nope! Not a suitable answer your hero cop murdered the young lady and like most progressives you support it which means you've been lying about all the other stuff that's happened over the last few years and supported it also.

That goes for all your little friends that have shown up too.

After all you're all a bunch of woman abusing drug addict Floyd supporters.

Additionally you're all a bunch of insurrectionists who should be on the FBI list.



Racist nut rant of the day.

View attachment 509876

At least I'm not a retarded racist unarmed woman murdering cop supporter of a drug addicted martyr insurrectionist.



You are damaged, eagle.

Cowardice is Trump's defining trait - he has spent his life acting like a tough guy while hiding behind lawyers. Blaming others for all his myriad failures, lying about everything and taking responsibility for nothing.

So? You think something I posted doesn't exist just because you haven't seen it?? Yeah, I can believe you're that stupid. Too stupid to even use the search feature to test if I'm lying.

Don't have to because you are lying.

And the only reason one of you deranged freaks hasn't plugged that cop yet is because they won't tell you who he is. Never forget this... they're smarter than you.

Already know who he is so what difference does it make to you?

Oh that right it's because you're one of those fearful lying cowards who won't honor their heroes.

View attachment 509755




Uh, no, not lying. You're just an idiot who could have found that out for himself if you weren't so mentally lazy.

Fuck you, ya raving lunatic. I condemned the BLM and Antifa riots.
I've condemned those.
Dumbfuck, I condemned the violence committed by Antifa, BLM & Trump's insurgents.
You're an idiot, Marty. I condemned BLM and Antifa violence.
And BTW, I have condemned the violence and riots by BLM and Antifa.
Nope, those are not ok and I've condemned them.
No, dumbfuck, no riots are good. All should be condemned.
That's a lie, others also condemned the violence committed by BLM and Antifa, myself included.
You're such a putz, ShortBus. I was able to show I condemned the riots you idiotically doubted I expressed outrage over.
I have condemned the looting, rioting send murders.
"Finally, do you condemn BLM and Antifa or not."
Asked and answered.
I condemn murders committed by BLM.
I condemn their violence.
I condemn such attacks.
I've denounced Antifa.
I condemn those murders.
I condemned the violence of BLM and Antifa and never made excuses based on the fraction who caused it.
Goes to show what an idiot you are. I've condemned, and continue to condemn, such violence. Lock 'em up.
Nope, I would sing the same song. I condemn the violence committed by BLM and I condemn storming the Capitol to stop Congress from certifying the election.
I don't agree with any violence coming out of it nor do I believe they had a right to be violent. I've condemned their violence repeatedly and continue to do so. I've said anyone involved in the violence should be arrested and I continue to say that. They should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

View attachment 509764

But you're lying about it all so there was not point in expending the effort because you approve of the murder that happened on the 6th of January 2021 at the Capitol.

It was the shot around the Capitol that brought pleasure to your heart as you put up statues of a woman abusing drug addict.

So you might as well honor your hero with a medal of valor and put a statue up and honor the Capitol murderer also.



Nope, it was no lie as I said I condemned that violence and I proved it. It wasn't much effort either as I've posted that list before so just had to copy & paste it.

As far as your lie that I lied because I approve of extinguishing the pathetic existence of a traitor who attacked the seat of our government, again, it was not murder just because you lie to yourself that it was. And again, murder is the illegal killing of another and his shoot was investigated and determined not to be illegal. So no, not murder.

View attachment 509772

Of course you're lying and have deluded yourself into believing your own lies so you made up some posts to make it seem like you're sincere because you can't accept the murder that happened at the Capitol because your ego and ID are in conflict. This all leads back to your inability to have functional sexual relations with females and therefore you must approve of what was done at the Capitol that day.




That's quite the scheme you've dreamed up there. Those posts all have links to them showing I've always condemned that violence. According to your delusions? It's all part of a scheme to fool you tonight. :cuckoo:

And no, no matter how many times you repeat it, it will never be murder. Murder is the illegal killing of another person and that cop was investigated and found that his shoot was not illegal.

View attachment 509776

Ah!!! So you support the Castle Doctrine Amendment being added to the United States Constitution. Do feel free to write your congressperson as many others are doing at the encouragement of Damaged Eagle.

Thank you for your support.



Of course I support the Castle Doctrine. It need not be amended to the Constitution as many states, if not most, already have such laws.

View attachment 509779

Oh no! You've already so much as said it's good enough for our congresspersons and if all men are equal then all persons should have the same right to slay someone if they feel threatened on their property across this great nation without reprisal from some state or local government.




You're deranged. The Castle Doctrine does not apply in this case. Ordinary self defense does. The cop had a duty to protect the lives of lawmakers and their staff who were still holed up in the House chamber when that violent mob began breaking through the doors. He had no resource other that lethal force to keep them out as he was the last thing between the violent mob and the lawmakers they were after. Once they breached the doors, it was shooting time and Ashli Targetpractice just happened to be the first, and only, to breach their barricade on the other side of the doors they were smashing in.

View attachment 509781

They were in a building which is property of the United States government were congresspersons work.

So yes castle doctrine does apply and a Castle Doctrine Amendment should be enacted making it the right of all persons nationwide. But to appease your sensibilities the proposed Castle Doctrine Amendment also incorporates the right to stand your ground and concealed carry.



No, retard, D.C. does not have a Castle Doctrine so no, it doesn't apply. And adding a constitutional amendment won't help in this case as it would only apply to any future cases. So again, ordinary self defense is applicable here which D.C. does have on the books.

View attachment 509872

Nope! Not a suitable answer your hero cop murdered the young lady and like most progressives you support it which means you've been lying about all the other stuff that's happened over the last few years and supported it also.

That goes for all your little friends that have shown up too.

After all you're all a bunch of woman abusing drug addict Floyd supporters.

Additionally you're all a bunch of insurrectionists who should be on the FBI list.



Your derangement is not my problem. :cuckoo:

Words have meaning, even if you don't know what that meaning is. And the meaning of "murder" is the unlawful killing of another person. Shooting Ashli Targetpractice wasn't unlawful, therefore, it's not murder.

So? You think something I posted doesn't exist just because you haven't seen it?? Yeah, I can believe you're that stupid. Too stupid to even use the search feature to test if I'm lying.

Don't have to because you are lying.

And the only reason one of you deranged freaks hasn't plugged that cop yet is because they won't tell you who he is. Never forget this... they're smarter than you.

Already know who he is so what difference does it make to you?

Oh that right it's because you're one of those fearful lying cowards who won't honor their heroes.

View attachment 509755




Uh, no, not lying. You're just an idiot who could have found that out for himself if you weren't so mentally lazy.

Fuck you, ya raving lunatic. I condemned the BLM and Antifa riots.
I've condemned those.
Dumbfuck, I condemned the violence committed by Antifa, BLM & Trump's insurgents.
You're an idiot, Marty. I condemned BLM and Antifa violence.
And BTW, I have condemned the violence and riots by BLM and Antifa.
Nope, those are not ok and I've condemned them.
No, dumbfuck, no riots are good. All should be condemned.
That's a lie, others also condemned the violence committed by BLM and Antifa, myself included.
You're such a putz, ShortBus. I was able to show I condemned the riots you idiotically doubted I expressed outrage over.
I have condemned the looting, rioting send murders.
"Finally, do you condemn BLM and Antifa or not."
Asked and answered.
I condemn murders committed by BLM.
I condemn their violence.
I condemn such attacks.
I've denounced Antifa.
I condemn those murders.
I condemned the violence of BLM and Antifa and never made excuses based on the fraction who caused it.
Goes to show what an idiot you are. I've condemned, and continue to condemn, such violence. Lock 'em up.
Nope, I would sing the same song. I condemn the violence committed by BLM and I condemn storming the Capitol to stop Congress from certifying the election.
I don't agree with any violence coming out of it nor do I believe they had a right to be violent. I've condemned their violence repeatedly and continue to do so. I've said anyone involved in the violence should be arrested and I continue to say that. They should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

View attachment 509764

But you're lying about it all so there was not point in expending the effort because you approve of the murder that happened on the 6th of January 2021 at the Capitol.

It was the shot around the Capitol that brought pleasure to your heart as you put up statues of a woman abusing drug addict.

So you might as well honor your hero with a medal of valor and put a statue up and honor the Capitol murderer also.



Nope, it was no lie as I said I condemned that violence and I proved it. It wasn't much effort either as I've posted that list before so just had to copy & paste it.

As far as your lie that I lied because I approve of extinguishing the pathetic existence of a traitor who attacked the seat of our government, again, it was not murder just because you lie to yourself that it was. And again, murder is the illegal killing of another and his shoot was investigated and determined not to be illegal. So no, not murder.

View attachment 509772

Of course you're lying and have deluded yourself into believing your own lies so you made up some posts to make it seem like you're sincere because you can't accept the murder that happened at the Capitol because your ego and ID are in conflict. This all leads back to your inability to have functional sexual relations with females and therefore you must approve of what was done at the Capitol that day.




That's quite the scheme you've dreamed up there. Those posts all have links to them showing I've always condemned that violence. According to your delusions? It's all part of a scheme to fool you tonight. :cuckoo:

And no, no matter how many times you repeat it, it will never be murder. Murder is the illegal killing of another person and that cop was investigated and found that his shoot was not illegal.

View attachment 509776

Ah!!! So you support the Castle Doctrine Amendment being added to the United States Constitution. Do feel free to write your congressperson as many others are doing at the encouragement of Damaged Eagle.

Thank you for your support.



Of course I support the Castle Doctrine. It need not be amended to the Constitution as many states, if not most, already have such laws.

View attachment 509779

Oh no! You've already so much as said it's good enough for our congresspersons and if all men are equal then all persons should have the same right to slay someone if they feel threatened on their property across this great nation without reprisal from some state or local government.




You're deranged. The Castle Doctrine does not apply in this case. Ordinary self defense does. The cop had a duty to protect the lives of lawmakers and their staff who were still holed up in the House chamber when that violent mob began breaking through the doors. He had no resource other that lethal force to keep them out as he was the last thing between the violent mob and the lawmakers they were after. Once they breached the doors, it was shooting time and Ashli Targetpractice just happened to be the first, and only, to breach their barricade on the other side of the doors they were smashing in.

View attachment 509781

They were in a building which is property of the United States government were congresspersons work.

So yes castle doctrine does apply and a Castle Doctrine Amendment should be enacted making it the right of all persons nationwide. But to appease your sensibilities the proposed Castle Doctrine Amendment also incorporates the right to stand your ground and concealed carry.



No, retard, D.C. does not have a Castle Doctrine so no, it doesn't apply. And adding a constitutional amendment won't help in this case as it would only apply to any future cases. So again, ordinary self defense is applicable here which D.C. does have on the books.

View attachment 509872

Nope! Not a suitable answer your hero cop murdered the young lady and like most progressives you support it which means you've been lying about all the other stuff that's happened over the last few years and supported it also.

That goes for all your little friends that have shown up too.

After all you're all a bunch of woman abusing drug addict Floyd supporters.

Additionally you're all a bunch of insurrectionists who should be on the FBI list.



Racist nut rant of the day.

View attachment 509876

At least I'm not a retarded racist unarmed woman murdering cop supporter of a drug addicted martyr insurrectionist.



You are damaged, eagle.

Cowardice is Trump's defining trait - he has spent his life acting like a tough guy while hiding behind lawyers. Blaming others for all his myriad failures, lying about everything and taking responsibility for nothing.

GOP Lawmaker Sued Over Inciting Insurrection: Trump White House Made Me Do It​

Rep. Mo Brooks, who spoke at the Trump rally before the attack, claims he did it only because the White House asked him to.

And now Trump's CFO is being charged with tax fraud.

These two will go to jail not Don.

So? You think something I posted doesn't exist just because you haven't seen it?? Yeah, I can believe you're that stupid. Too stupid to even use the search feature to test if I'm lying.

Don't have to because you are lying.

And the only reason one of you deranged freaks hasn't plugged that cop yet is because they won't tell you who he is. Never forget this... they're smarter than you.

Already know who he is so what difference does it make to you?

Oh that right it's because you're one of those fearful lying cowards who won't honor their heroes.

View attachment 509755




Uh, no, not lying. You're just an idiot who could have found that out for himself if you weren't so mentally lazy.

Fuck you, ya raving lunatic. I condemned the BLM and Antifa riots.
I've condemned those.
Dumbfuck, I condemned the violence committed by Antifa, BLM & Trump's insurgents.
You're an idiot, Marty. I condemned BLM and Antifa violence.
And BTW, I have condemned the violence and riots by BLM and Antifa.
Nope, those are not ok and I've condemned them.
No, dumbfuck, no riots are good. All should be condemned.
That's a lie, others also condemned the violence committed by BLM and Antifa, myself included.
You're such a putz, ShortBus. I was able to show I condemned the riots you idiotically doubted I expressed outrage over.
I have condemned the looting, rioting send murders.
"Finally, do you condemn BLM and Antifa or not."
Asked and answered.
I condemn murders committed by BLM.
I condemn their violence.
I condemn such attacks.
I've denounced Antifa.
I condemn those murders.
I condemned the violence of BLM and Antifa and never made excuses based on the fraction who caused it.
Goes to show what an idiot you are. I've condemned, and continue to condemn, such violence. Lock 'em up.
Nope, I would sing the same song. I condemn the violence committed by BLM and I condemn storming the Capitol to stop Congress from certifying the election.
I don't agree with any violence coming out of it nor do I believe they had a right to be violent. I've condemned their violence repeatedly and continue to do so. I've said anyone involved in the violence should be arrested and I continue to say that. They should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

View attachment 509764

But you're lying about it all so there was not point in expending the effort because you approve of the murder that happened on the 6th of January 2021 at the Capitol.

It was the shot around the Capitol that brought pleasure to your heart as you put up statues of a woman abusing drug addict.

So you might as well honor your hero with a medal of valor and put a statue up and honor the Capitol murderer also.



Nope, it was no lie as I said I condemned that violence and I proved it. It wasn't much effort either as I've posted that list before so just had to copy & paste it.

As far as your lie that I lied because I approve of extinguishing the pathetic existence of a traitor who attacked the seat of our government, again, it was not murder just because you lie to yourself that it was. And again, murder is the illegal killing of another and his shoot was investigated and determined not to be illegal. So no, not murder.

View attachment 509772

Of course you're lying and have deluded yourself into believing your own lies so you made up some posts to make it seem like you're sincere because you can't accept the murder that happened at the Capitol because your ego and ID are in conflict. This all leads back to your inability to have functional sexual relations with females and therefore you must approve of what was done at the Capitol that day.




That's quite the scheme you've dreamed up there. Those posts all have links to them showing I've always condemned that violence. According to your delusions? It's all part of a scheme to fool you tonight. :cuckoo:

And no, no matter how many times you repeat it, it will never be murder. Murder is the illegal killing of another person and that cop was investigated and found that his shoot was not illegal.

View attachment 509776

Ah!!! So you support the Castle Doctrine Amendment being added to the United States Constitution. Do feel free to write your congressperson as many others are doing at the encouragement of Damaged Eagle.

Thank you for your support.



Of course I support the Castle Doctrine. It need not be amended to the Constitution as many states, if not most, already have such laws.

View attachment 509779

Oh no! You've already so much as said it's good enough for our congresspersons and if all men are equal then all persons should have the same right to slay someone if they feel threatened on their property across this great nation without reprisal from some state or local government.




You're deranged. The Castle Doctrine does not apply in this case. Ordinary self defense does. The cop had a duty to protect the lives of lawmakers and their staff who were still holed up in the House chamber when that violent mob began breaking through the doors. He had no resource other that lethal force to keep them out as he was the last thing between the violent mob and the lawmakers they were after. Once they breached the doors, it was shooting time and Ashli Targetpractice just happened to be the first, and only, to breach their barricade on the other side of the doors they were smashing in.

View attachment 509781

They were in a building which is property of the United States government were congresspersons work.

So yes castle doctrine does apply and a Castle Doctrine Amendment should be enacted making it the right of all persons nationwide. But to appease your sensibilities the proposed Castle Doctrine Amendment also incorporates the right to stand your ground and concealed carry.



No, retard, D.C. does not have a Castle Doctrine so no, it doesn't apply. And adding a constitutional amendment won't help in this case as it would only apply to any future cases. So again, ordinary self defense is applicable here which D.C. does have on the books.

View attachment 509872

Nope! Not a suitable answer your hero cop murdered the young lady and like most progressives you support it which means you've been lying about all the other stuff that's happened over the last few years and supported it also.

That goes for all your little friends that have shown up too.

After all you're all a bunch of woman abusing drug addict Floyd supporters.

Additionally you're all a bunch of insurrectionists who should be on the FBI list.



Racist nut rant of the day.

View attachment 509876

At least I'm not a retarded racist unarmed woman murdering cop supporter of a drug addicted martyr insurrectionist.



Stop trying to compare a few bad apples in a otherwise peaceful protest to insurrectionist traitors who tried to storm the capitol and take hostages. Similar to how you guys tried to kidnap my governor. You're lunatics. Unhinged and too easily triggers. You would think that you white men are the ones being treated like second class citizens. Don't you realize we have the same enemy? The rich. Trumps a swamp creature too. He just conned you dopes through his reality show and his white nationalist approach to things. Similar to how Hitler came into power. And Trump even had his own Beer Hall Putsch. Failed just like Adolfs did. But Hitler would be back. Trump thinks he'll be re instated this summer. Do you believe that? Fucking retards. LOL


Your the one who's obviously listening the the Pravda and goose stepping to party lines as you go out to burn, loot, and murder, for well over a year in your insurrectionist ways traitor. Then you support the murder of a unarmed white female protestor because you're a racist. Hoist your colors as you egg on your puppet president who threatens to nuke opposition in his dementia.



So? You think something I posted doesn't exist just because you haven't seen it?? Yeah, I can believe you're that stupid. Too stupid to even use the search feature to test if I'm lying.

Don't have to because you are lying.

And the only reason one of you deranged freaks hasn't plugged that cop yet is because they won't tell you who he is. Never forget this... they're smarter than you.

Already know who he is so what difference does it make to you?

Oh that right it's because you're one of those fearful lying cowards who won't honor their heroes.

View attachment 509755




Uh, no, not lying. You're just an idiot who could have found that out for himself if you weren't so mentally lazy.

Fuck you, ya raving lunatic. I condemned the BLM and Antifa riots.
I've condemned those.
Dumbfuck, I condemned the violence committed by Antifa, BLM & Trump's insurgents.
You're an idiot, Marty. I condemned BLM and Antifa violence.
And BTW, I have condemned the violence and riots by BLM and Antifa.
Nope, those are not ok and I've condemned them.
No, dumbfuck, no riots are good. All should be condemned.
That's a lie, others also condemned the violence committed by BLM and Antifa, myself included.
You're such a putz, ShortBus. I was able to show I condemned the riots you idiotically doubted I expressed outrage over.
I have condemned the looting, rioting send murders.
"Finally, do you condemn BLM and Antifa or not."
Asked and answered.
I condemn murders committed by BLM.
I condemn their violence.
I condemn such attacks.
I've denounced Antifa.
I condemn those murders.
I condemned the violence of BLM and Antifa and never made excuses based on the fraction who caused it.
Goes to show what an idiot you are. I've condemned, and continue to condemn, such violence. Lock 'em up.
Nope, I would sing the same song. I condemn the violence committed by BLM and I condemn storming the Capitol to stop Congress from certifying the election.
I don't agree with any violence coming out of it nor do I believe they had a right to be violent. I've condemned their violence repeatedly and continue to do so. I've said anyone involved in the violence should be arrested and I continue to say that. They should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

View attachment 509764

But you're lying about it all so there was not point in expending the effort because you approve of the murder that happened on the 6th of January 2021 at the Capitol.

It was the shot around the Capitol that brought pleasure to your heart as you put up statues of a woman abusing drug addict.

So you might as well honor your hero with a medal of valor and put a statue up and honor the Capitol murderer also.



Nope, it was no lie as I said I condemned that violence and I proved it. It wasn't much effort either as I've posted that list before so just had to copy & paste it.

As far as your lie that I lied because I approve of extinguishing the pathetic existence of a traitor who attacked the seat of our government, again, it was not murder just because you lie to yourself that it was. And again, murder is the illegal killing of another and his shoot was investigated and determined not to be illegal. So no, not murder.

View attachment 509772

Of course you're lying and have deluded yourself into believing your own lies so you made up some posts to make it seem like you're sincere because you can't accept the murder that happened at the Capitol because your ego and ID are in conflict. This all leads back to your inability to have functional sexual relations with females and therefore you must approve of what was done at the Capitol that day.




That's quite the scheme you've dreamed up there. Those posts all have links to them showing I've always condemned that violence. According to your delusions? It's all part of a scheme to fool you tonight. :cuckoo:

And no, no matter how many times you repeat it, it will never be murder. Murder is the illegal killing of another person and that cop was investigated and found that his shoot was not illegal.

View attachment 509776

Ah!!! So you support the Castle Doctrine Amendment being added to the United States Constitution. Do feel free to write your congressperson as many others are doing at the encouragement of Damaged Eagle.

Thank you for your support.



Of course I support the Castle Doctrine. It need not be amended to the Constitution as many states, if not most, already have such laws.

View attachment 509779

Oh no! You've already so much as said it's good enough for our congresspersons and if all men are equal then all persons should have the same right to slay someone if they feel threatened on their property across this great nation without reprisal from some state or local government.




You're deranged. The Castle Doctrine does not apply in this case. Ordinary self defense does. The cop had a duty to protect the lives of lawmakers and their staff who were still holed up in the House chamber when that violent mob began breaking through the doors. He had no resource other that lethal force to keep them out as he was the last thing between the violent mob and the lawmakers they were after. Once they breached the doors, it was shooting time and Ashli Targetpractice just happened to be the first, and only, to breach their barricade on the other side of the doors they were smashing in.

View attachment 509781

They were in a building which is property of the United States government were congresspersons work.

So yes castle doctrine does apply and a Castle Doctrine Amendment should be enacted making it the right of all persons nationwide. But to appease your sensibilities the proposed Castle Doctrine Amendment also incorporates the right to stand your ground and concealed carry.



No, retard, D.C. does not have a Castle Doctrine so no, it doesn't apply. And adding a constitutional amendment won't help in this case as it would only apply to any future cases. So again, ordinary self defense is applicable here which D.C. does have on the books.

View attachment 509872

Nope! Not a suitable answer your hero cop murdered the young lady and like most progressives you support it which means you've been lying about all the other stuff that's happened over the last few years and supported it also.

That goes for all your little friends that have shown up too.

After all you're all a bunch of woman abusing drug addict Floyd supporters.

Additionally you're all a bunch of insurrectionists who should be on the FBI list.



Your derangement is not my problem. :cuckoo:

Words have meaning, even if you don't know what that meaning is. And the meaning of "murder" is the unlawful killing of another person. Shooting Ashli Targetpractice wasn't unlawful, therefore, it's not murder.

Just remember if it's a white cop shooting a black "criminal" in the back it's a good kill. If it's a police shooting one person in a mob coming at him, it's murder.

That kill saved lives. They weren't going to stop otherwise. The kill made them all stop. Good kill.

So? You think something I posted doesn't exist just because you haven't seen it?? Yeah, I can believe you're that stupid. Too stupid to even use the search feature to test if I'm lying.

Don't have to because you are lying.

And the only reason one of you deranged freaks hasn't plugged that cop yet is because they won't tell you who he is. Never forget this... they're smarter than you.

Already know who he is so what difference does it make to you?

Oh that right it's because you're one of those fearful lying cowards who won't honor their heroes.

View attachment 509755




Uh, no, not lying. You're just an idiot who could have found that out for himself if you weren't so mentally lazy.

Fuck you, ya raving lunatic. I condemned the BLM and Antifa riots.
I've condemned those.
Dumbfuck, I condemned the violence committed by Antifa, BLM & Trump's insurgents.
You're an idiot, Marty. I condemned BLM and Antifa violence.
And BTW, I have condemned the violence and riots by BLM and Antifa.
Nope, those are not ok and I've condemned them.
No, dumbfuck, no riots are good. All should be condemned.
That's a lie, others also condemned the violence committed by BLM and Antifa, myself included.
You're such a putz, ShortBus. I was able to show I condemned the riots you idiotically doubted I expressed outrage over.
I have condemned the looting, rioting send murders.
"Finally, do you condemn BLM and Antifa or not."
Asked and answered.
I condemn murders committed by BLM.
I condemn their violence.
I condemn such attacks.
I've denounced Antifa.
I condemn those murders.
I condemned the violence of BLM and Antifa and never made excuses based on the fraction who caused it.
Goes to show what an idiot you are. I've condemned, and continue to condemn, such violence. Lock 'em up.
Nope, I would sing the same song. I condemn the violence committed by BLM and I condemn storming the Capitol to stop Congress from certifying the election.
I don't agree with any violence coming out of it nor do I believe they had a right to be violent. I've condemned their violence repeatedly and continue to do so. I've said anyone involved in the violence should be arrested and I continue to say that. They should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

View attachment 509764

But you're lying about it all so there was not point in expending the effort because you approve of the murder that happened on the 6th of January 2021 at the Capitol.

It was the shot around the Capitol that brought pleasure to your heart as you put up statues of a woman abusing drug addict.

So you might as well honor your hero with a medal of valor and put a statue up and honor the Capitol murderer also.



Nope, it was no lie as I said I condemned that violence and I proved it. It wasn't much effort either as I've posted that list before so just had to copy & paste it.

As far as your lie that I lied because I approve of extinguishing the pathetic existence of a traitor who attacked the seat of our government, again, it was not murder just because you lie to yourself that it was. And again, murder is the illegal killing of another and his shoot was investigated and determined not to be illegal. So no, not murder.

View attachment 509772

Of course you're lying and have deluded yourself into believing your own lies so you made up some posts to make it seem like you're sincere because you can't accept the murder that happened at the Capitol because your ego and ID are in conflict. This all leads back to your inability to have functional sexual relations with females and therefore you must approve of what was done at the Capitol that day.




That's quite the scheme you've dreamed up there. Those posts all have links to them showing I've always condemned that violence. According to your delusions? It's all part of a scheme to fool you tonight. :cuckoo:

And no, no matter how many times you repeat it, it will never be murder. Murder is the illegal killing of another person and that cop was investigated and found that his shoot was not illegal.

View attachment 509776

Ah!!! So you support the Castle Doctrine Amendment being added to the United States Constitution. Do feel free to write your congressperson as many others are doing at the encouragement of Damaged Eagle.

Thank you for your support.



Of course I support the Castle Doctrine. It need not be amended to the Constitution as many states, if not most, already have such laws.

View attachment 509779

Oh no! You've already so much as said it's good enough for our congresspersons and if all men are equal then all persons should have the same right to slay someone if they feel threatened on their property across this great nation without reprisal from some state or local government.




You're deranged. The Castle Doctrine does not apply in this case. Ordinary self defense does. The cop had a duty to protect the lives of lawmakers and their staff who were still holed up in the House chamber when that violent mob began breaking through the doors. He had no resource other that lethal force to keep them out as he was the last thing between the violent mob and the lawmakers they were after. Once they breached the doors, it was shooting time and Ashli Targetpractice just happened to be the first, and only, to breach their barricade on the other side of the doors they were smashing in.

View attachment 509781

They were in a building which is property of the United States government were congresspersons work.

So yes castle doctrine does apply and a Castle Doctrine Amendment should be enacted making it the right of all persons nationwide. But to appease your sensibilities the proposed Castle Doctrine Amendment also incorporates the right to stand your ground and concealed carry.



No, retard, D.C. does not have a Castle Doctrine so no, it doesn't apply. And adding a constitutional amendment won't help in this case as it would only apply to any future cases. So again, ordinary self defense is applicable here which D.C. does have on the books.

View attachment 509872

Nope! Not a suitable answer your hero cop murdered the young lady and like most progressives you support it which means you've been lying about all the other stuff that's happened over the last few years and supported it also.

That goes for all your little friends that have shown up too.

After all you're all a bunch of woman abusing drug addict Floyd supporters.

Additionally you're all a bunch of insurrectionists who should be on the FBI list.



Your derangement is not my problem. :cuckoo:

Words have meaning, even if you don't know what that meaning is. And the meaning of "murder" is the unlawful killing of another person. Shooting Ashli Targetpractice wasn't unlawful, therefore, it's not murder.


Your failure to denounce the insurrection that has been going on for well over a year is your derangement.

Don't you need to have another unarmed white female protestor murdered to make you feel better racist?



So? You think something I posted doesn't exist just because you haven't seen it?? Yeah, I can believe you're that stupid. Too stupid to even use the search feature to test if I'm lying.

Don't have to because you are lying.

And the only reason one of you deranged freaks hasn't plugged that cop yet is because they won't tell you who he is. Never forget this... they're smarter than you.

Already know who he is so what difference does it make to you?

Oh that right it's because you're one of those fearful lying cowards who won't honor their heroes.

View attachment 509755




Uh, no, not lying. You're just an idiot who could have found that out for himself if you weren't so mentally lazy.

Fuck you, ya raving lunatic. I condemned the BLM and Antifa riots.
I've condemned those.
Dumbfuck, I condemned the violence committed by Antifa, BLM & Trump's insurgents.
You're an idiot, Marty. I condemned BLM and Antifa violence.
And BTW, I have condemned the violence and riots by BLM and Antifa.
Nope, those are not ok and I've condemned them.
No, dumbfuck, no riots are good. All should be condemned.
That's a lie, others also condemned the violence committed by BLM and Antifa, myself included.
You're such a putz, ShortBus. I was able to show I condemned the riots you idiotically doubted I expressed outrage over.
I have condemned the looting, rioting send murders.
"Finally, do you condemn BLM and Antifa or not."
Asked and answered.
I condemn murders committed by BLM.
I condemn their violence.
I condemn such attacks.
I've denounced Antifa.
I condemn those murders.
I condemned the violence of BLM and Antifa and never made excuses based on the fraction who caused it.
Goes to show what an idiot you are. I've condemned, and continue to condemn, such violence. Lock 'em up.
Nope, I would sing the same song. I condemn the violence committed by BLM and I condemn storming the Capitol to stop Congress from certifying the election.
I don't agree with any violence coming out of it nor do I believe they had a right to be violent. I've condemned their violence repeatedly and continue to do so. I've said anyone involved in the violence should be arrested and I continue to say that. They should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

View attachment 509764

But you're lying about it all so there was not point in expending the effort because you approve of the murder that happened on the 6th of January 2021 at the Capitol.

It was the shot around the Capitol that brought pleasure to your heart as you put up statues of a woman abusing drug addict.

So you might as well honor your hero with a medal of valor and put a statue up and honor the Capitol murderer also.



Nope, it was no lie as I said I condemned that violence and I proved it. It wasn't much effort either as I've posted that list before so just had to copy & paste it.

As far as your lie that I lied because I approve of extinguishing the pathetic existence of a traitor who attacked the seat of our government, again, it was not murder just because you lie to yourself that it was. And again, murder is the illegal killing of another and his shoot was investigated and determined not to be illegal. So no, not murder.

View attachment 509772

Of course you're lying and have deluded yourself into believing your own lies so you made up some posts to make it seem like you're sincere because you can't accept the murder that happened at the Capitol because your ego and ID are in conflict. This all leads back to your inability to have functional sexual relations with females and therefore you must approve of what was done at the Capitol that day.




That's quite the scheme you've dreamed up there. Those posts all have links to them showing I've always condemned that violence. According to your delusions? It's all part of a scheme to fool you tonight. :cuckoo:

And no, no matter how many times you repeat it, it will never be murder. Murder is the illegal killing of another person and that cop was investigated and found that his shoot was not illegal.

View attachment 509776

Ah!!! So you support the Castle Doctrine Amendment being added to the United States Constitution. Do feel free to write your congressperson as many others are doing at the encouragement of Damaged Eagle.

Thank you for your support.



Of course I support the Castle Doctrine. It need not be amended to the Constitution as many states, if not most, already have such laws.

View attachment 509779

Oh no! You've already so much as said it's good enough for our congresspersons and if all men are equal then all persons should have the same right to slay someone if they feel threatened on their property across this great nation without reprisal from some state or local government.




You're deranged. The Castle Doctrine does not apply in this case. Ordinary self defense does. The cop had a duty to protect the lives of lawmakers and their staff who were still holed up in the House chamber when that violent mob began breaking through the doors. He had no resource other that lethal force to keep them out as he was the last thing between the violent mob and the lawmakers they were after. Once they breached the doors, it was shooting time and Ashli Targetpractice just happened to be the first, and only, to breach their barricade on the other side of the doors they were smashing in.

View attachment 509781

They were in a building which is property of the United States government were congresspersons work.

So yes castle doctrine does apply and a Castle Doctrine Amendment should be enacted making it the right of all persons nationwide. But to appease your sensibilities the proposed Castle Doctrine Amendment also incorporates the right to stand your ground and concealed carry.



No, retard, D.C. does not have a Castle Doctrine so no, it doesn't apply. And adding a constitutional amendment won't help in this case as it would only apply to any future cases. So again, ordinary self defense is applicable here which D.C. does have on the books.

View attachment 509872

Nope! Not a suitable answer your hero cop murdered the young lady and like most progressives you support it which means you've been lying about all the other stuff that's happened over the last few years and supported it also.

That goes for all your little friends that have shown up too.

After all you're all a bunch of woman abusing drug addict Floyd supporters.

Additionally you're all a bunch of insurrectionists who should be on the FBI list.



Racist nut rant of the day.

View attachment 509876

At least I'm not a retarded racist unarmed woman murdering cop supporter of a drug addicted martyr insurrectionist.



Stop trying to compare a few bad apples in a otherwise peaceful protest to insurrectionist traitors who tried to storm the capitol and take hostages. Similar to how you guys tried to kidnap my governor. You're lunatics. Unhinged and too easily triggers. You would think that you white men are the ones being treated like second class citizens. Don't you realize we have the same enemy? The rich. Trumps a swamp creature too. He just conned you dopes through his reality show and his white nationalist approach to things. Similar to how Hitler came into power. And Trump even had his own Beer Hall Putsch. Failed just like Adolfs did. But Hitler would be back. Trump thinks he'll be re instated this summer. Do you believe that? Fucking retards. LOL

View attachment 509883

Your the one who's obviously listening the the Pravda and goose stepping to party lines as you go out to burn, loot, and murder, for well over a year in your insurrectionist ways traitor. Then you support the murder of a unarmed white female protestor because you're a racist. Hoist your colors as you egg on your puppet president who threatens to nuke opposition in his dementia.



You only care because she was a Trump supporter. Actually you only care because they are a Trump supporter. You don't care what sex they are or their color.

I wish it were a guy but like the Taliban Republicans hide behind women.

So? You think something I posted doesn't exist just because you haven't seen it?? Yeah, I can believe you're that stupid. Too stupid to even use the search feature to test if I'm lying.

Don't have to because you are lying.

And the only reason one of you deranged freaks hasn't plugged that cop yet is because they won't tell you who he is. Never forget this... they're smarter than you.

Already know who he is so what difference does it make to you?

Oh that right it's because you're one of those fearful lying cowards who won't honor their heroes.

View attachment 509755




Uh, no, not lying. You're just an idiot who could have found that out for himself if you weren't so mentally lazy.

Fuck you, ya raving lunatic. I condemned the BLM and Antifa riots.
I've condemned those.
Dumbfuck, I condemned the violence committed by Antifa, BLM & Trump's insurgents.
You're an idiot, Marty. I condemned BLM and Antifa violence.
And BTW, I have condemned the violence and riots by BLM and Antifa.
Nope, those are not ok and I've condemned them.
No, dumbfuck, no riots are good. All should be condemned.
That's a lie, others also condemned the violence committed by BLM and Antifa, myself included.
You're such a putz, ShortBus. I was able to show I condemned the riots you idiotically doubted I expressed outrage over.
I have condemned the looting, rioting send murders.
"Finally, do you condemn BLM and Antifa or not."
Asked and answered.
I condemn murders committed by BLM.
I condemn their violence.
I condemn such attacks.
I've denounced Antifa.
I condemn those murders.
I condemned the violence of BLM and Antifa and never made excuses based on the fraction who caused it.
Goes to show what an idiot you are. I've condemned, and continue to condemn, such violence. Lock 'em up.
Nope, I would sing the same song. I condemn the violence committed by BLM and I condemn storming the Capitol to stop Congress from certifying the election.
I don't agree with any violence coming out of it nor do I believe they had a right to be violent. I've condemned their violence repeatedly and continue to do so. I've said anyone involved in the violence should be arrested and I continue to say that. They should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

View attachment 509764

But you're lying about it all so there was not point in expending the effort because you approve of the murder that happened on the 6th of January 2021 at the Capitol.

It was the shot around the Capitol that brought pleasure to your heart as you put up statues of a woman abusing drug addict.

So you might as well honor your hero with a medal of valor and put a statue up and honor the Capitol murderer also.



Nope, it was no lie as I said I condemned that violence and I proved it. It wasn't much effort either as I've posted that list before so just had to copy & paste it.

As far as your lie that I lied because I approve of extinguishing the pathetic existence of a traitor who attacked the seat of our government, again, it was not murder just because you lie to yourself that it was. And again, murder is the illegal killing of another and his shoot was investigated and determined not to be illegal. So no, not murder.

View attachment 509772

Of course you're lying and have deluded yourself into believing your own lies so you made up some posts to make it seem like you're sincere because you can't accept the murder that happened at the Capitol because your ego and ID are in conflict. This all leads back to your inability to have functional sexual relations with females and therefore you must approve of what was done at the Capitol that day.




That's quite the scheme you've dreamed up there. Those posts all have links to them showing I've always condemned that violence. According to your delusions? It's all part of a scheme to fool you tonight. :cuckoo:

And no, no matter how many times you repeat it, it will never be murder. Murder is the illegal killing of another person and that cop was investigated and found that his shoot was not illegal.

View attachment 509776

Ah!!! So you support the Castle Doctrine Amendment being added to the United States Constitution. Do feel free to write your congressperson as many others are doing at the encouragement of Damaged Eagle.

Thank you for your support.



Of course I support the Castle Doctrine. It need not be amended to the Constitution as many states, if not most, already have such laws.

View attachment 509779

Oh no! You've already so much as said it's good enough for our congresspersons and if all men are equal then all persons should have the same right to slay someone if they feel threatened on their property across this great nation without reprisal from some state or local government.




You're deranged. The Castle Doctrine does not apply in this case. Ordinary self defense does. The cop had a duty to protect the lives of lawmakers and their staff who were still holed up in the House chamber when that violent mob began breaking through the doors. He had no resource other that lethal force to keep them out as he was the last thing between the violent mob and the lawmakers they were after. Once they breached the doors, it was shooting time and Ashli Targetpractice just happened to be the first, and only, to breach their barricade on the other side of the doors they were smashing in.

View attachment 509781

They were in a building which is property of the United States government were congresspersons work.

So yes castle doctrine does apply and a Castle Doctrine Amendment should be enacted making it the right of all persons nationwide. But to appease your sensibilities the proposed Castle Doctrine Amendment also incorporates the right to stand your ground and concealed carry.



No, retard, D.C. does not have a Castle Doctrine so no, it doesn't apply. And adding a constitutional amendment won't help in this case as it would only apply to any future cases. So again, ordinary self defense is applicable here which D.C. does have on the books.

View attachment 509872

Nope! Not a suitable answer your hero cop murdered the young lady and like most progressives you support it which means you've been lying about all the other stuff that's happened over the last few years and supported it also.

That goes for all your little friends that have shown up too.

After all you're all a bunch of woman abusing drug addict Floyd supporters.

Additionally you're all a bunch of insurrectionists who should be on the FBI list.



Your derangement is not my problem. :cuckoo:

Words have meaning, even if you don't know what that meaning is. And the meaning of "murder" is the unlawful killing of another person. Shooting Ashli Targetpractice wasn't unlawful, therefore, it's not murder.

View attachment 509885

Your failure to denounce the insurrection that has been going on for well over a year is your derangement.

Don't you need to have another unarmed white female protestor murdered to make you feel better racist?



Two different subjects. Go talk that shit on another thread. Why when we want to talk about the closest thing we have ever come to a constitutional crisis do Republicans want to change the subject?

They want to downplay the insurrection. How close we came to a constitutional crisis. God Bless Mike Pence. Seriously I hate that guy but he's a fucking patriot. Give him the meddle of freedom. If I were Biden I would.

So? You think something I posted doesn't exist just because you haven't seen it?? Yeah, I can believe you're that stupid. Too stupid to even use the search feature to test if I'm lying.

Don't have to because you are lying.

And the only reason one of you deranged freaks hasn't plugged that cop yet is because they won't tell you who he is. Never forget this... they're smarter than you.

Already know who he is so what difference does it make to you?

Oh that right it's because you're one of those fearful lying cowards who won't honor their heroes.

View attachment 509755




Uh, no, not lying. You're just an idiot who could have found that out for himself if you weren't so mentally lazy.

Fuck you, ya raving lunatic. I condemned the BLM and Antifa riots.
I've condemned those.
Dumbfuck, I condemned the violence committed by Antifa, BLM & Trump's insurgents.
You're an idiot, Marty. I condemned BLM and Antifa violence.
And BTW, I have condemned the violence and riots by BLM and Antifa.
Nope, those are not ok and I've condemned them.
No, dumbfuck, no riots are good. All should be condemned.
That's a lie, others also condemned the violence committed by BLM and Antifa, myself included.
You're such a putz, ShortBus. I was able to show I condemned the riots you idiotically doubted I expressed outrage over.
I have condemned the looting, rioting send murders.
"Finally, do you condemn BLM and Antifa or not."
Asked and answered.
I condemn murders committed by BLM.
I condemn their violence.
I condemn such attacks.
I've denounced Antifa.
I condemn those murders.
I condemned the violence of BLM and Antifa and never made excuses based on the fraction who caused it.
Goes to show what an idiot you are. I've condemned, and continue to condemn, such violence. Lock 'em up.
Nope, I would sing the same song. I condemn the violence committed by BLM and I condemn storming the Capitol to stop Congress from certifying the election.
I don't agree with any violence coming out of it nor do I believe they had a right to be violent. I've condemned their violence repeatedly and continue to do so. I've said anyone involved in the violence should be arrested and I continue to say that. They should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

View attachment 509764

But you're lying about it all so there was not point in expending the effort because you approve of the murder that happened on the 6th of January 2021 at the Capitol.

It was the shot around the Capitol that brought pleasure to your heart as you put up statues of a woman abusing drug addict.

So you might as well honor your hero with a medal of valor and put a statue up and honor the Capitol murderer also.



Nope, it was no lie as I said I condemned that violence and I proved it. It wasn't much effort either as I've posted that list before so just had to copy & paste it.

As far as your lie that I lied because I approve of extinguishing the pathetic existence of a traitor who attacked the seat of our government, again, it was not murder just because you lie to yourself that it was. And again, murder is the illegal killing of another and his shoot was investigated and determined not to be illegal. So no, not murder.

View attachment 509772

Of course you're lying and have deluded yourself into believing your own lies so you made up some posts to make it seem like you're sincere because you can't accept the murder that happened at the Capitol because your ego and ID are in conflict. This all leads back to your inability to have functional sexual relations with females and therefore you must approve of what was done at the Capitol that day.




That's quite the scheme you've dreamed up there. Those posts all have links to them showing I've always condemned that violence. According to your delusions? It's all part of a scheme to fool you tonight. :cuckoo:

And no, no matter how many times you repeat it, it will never be murder. Murder is the illegal killing of another person and that cop was investigated and found that his shoot was not illegal.

View attachment 509776

Ah!!! So you support the Castle Doctrine Amendment being added to the United States Constitution. Do feel free to write your congressperson as many others are doing at the encouragement of Damaged Eagle.

Thank you for your support.



Of course I support the Castle Doctrine. It need not be amended to the Constitution as many states, if not most, already have such laws.

View attachment 509779

Oh no! You've already so much as said it's good enough for our congresspersons and if all men are equal then all persons should have the same right to slay someone if they feel threatened on their property across this great nation without reprisal from some state or local government.




You're deranged. The Castle Doctrine does not apply in this case. Ordinary self defense does. The cop had a duty to protect the lives of lawmakers and their staff who were still holed up in the House chamber when that violent mob began breaking through the doors. He had no resource other that lethal force to keep them out as he was the last thing between the violent mob and the lawmakers they were after. Once they breached the doors, it was shooting time and Ashli Targetpractice just happened to be the first, and only, to breach their barricade on the other side of the doors they were smashing in.

View attachment 509781

They were in a building which is property of the United States government were congresspersons work.

So yes castle doctrine does apply and a Castle Doctrine Amendment should be enacted making it the right of all persons nationwide. But to appease your sensibilities the proposed Castle Doctrine Amendment also incorporates the right to stand your ground and concealed carry.



No, retard, D.C. does not have a Castle Doctrine so no, it doesn't apply. And adding a constitutional amendment won't help in this case as it would only apply to any future cases. So again, ordinary self defense is applicable here which D.C. does have on the books.

View attachment 509872

Nope! Not a suitable answer your hero cop murdered the young lady and like most progressives you support it which means you've been lying about all the other stuff that's happened over the last few years and supported it also.

That goes for all your little friends that have shown up too.

After all you're all a bunch of woman abusing drug addict Floyd supporters.

Additionally you're all a bunch of insurrectionists who should be on the FBI list.



Racist nut rant of the day.

View attachment 509876

At least I'm not a retarded racist unarmed woman murdering cop supporter of a drug addicted martyr insurrectionist.



You are damaged, eagle.

Cowardice is Trump's defining trait - he has spent his life acting like a tough guy while hiding behind lawyers. Blaming others for all his myriad failures, lying about everything and taking responsibility for nothing.

GOP Lawmaker Sued Over Inciting Insurrection: Trump White House Made Me Do It​

Rep. Mo Brooks, who spoke at the Trump rally before the attack, claims he did it only because the White House asked him to.

And now Trump's CFO is being charged with tax fraud.

These two will go to jail not Don.

It's crazy how many people go to jail for that guy.

So? You think something I posted doesn't exist just because you haven't seen it?? Yeah, I can believe you're that stupid. Too stupid to even use the search feature to test if I'm lying.

Don't have to because you are lying.

And the only reason one of you deranged freaks hasn't plugged that cop yet is because they won't tell you who he is. Never forget this... they're smarter than you.

Already know who he is so what difference does it make to you?

Oh that right it's because you're one of those fearful lying cowards who won't honor their heroes.

View attachment 509755




Uh, no, not lying. You're just an idiot who could have found that out for himself if you weren't so mentally lazy.

Fuck you, ya raving lunatic. I condemned the BLM and Antifa riots.
I've condemned those.
Dumbfuck, I condemned the violence committed by Antifa, BLM & Trump's insurgents.
You're an idiot, Marty. I condemned BLM and Antifa violence.
And BTW, I have condemned the violence and riots by BLM and Antifa.
Nope, those are not ok and I've condemned them.
No, dumbfuck, no riots are good. All should be condemned.
That's a lie, others also condemned the violence committed by BLM and Antifa, myself included.
You're such a putz, ShortBus. I was able to show I condemned the riots you idiotically doubted I expressed outrage over.
I have condemned the looting, rioting send murders.
"Finally, do you condemn BLM and Antifa or not."
Asked and answered.
I condemn murders committed by BLM.
I condemn their violence.
I condemn such attacks.
I've denounced Antifa.
I condemn those murders.
I condemned the violence of BLM and Antifa and never made excuses based on the fraction who caused it.
Goes to show what an idiot you are. I've condemned, and continue to condemn, such violence. Lock 'em up.
Nope, I would sing the same song. I condemn the violence committed by BLM and I condemn storming the Capitol to stop Congress from certifying the election.
I don't agree with any violence coming out of it nor do I believe they had a right to be violent. I've condemned their violence repeatedly and continue to do so. I've said anyone involved in the violence should be arrested and I continue to say that. They should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

View attachment 509764

But you're lying about it all so there was not point in expending the effort because you approve of the murder that happened on the 6th of January 2021 at the Capitol.

It was the shot around the Capitol that brought pleasure to your heart as you put up statues of a woman abusing drug addict.

So you might as well honor your hero with a medal of valor and put a statue up and honor the Capitol murderer also.



Nope, it was no lie as I said I condemned that violence and I proved it. It wasn't much effort either as I've posted that list before so just had to copy & paste it.

As far as your lie that I lied because I approve of extinguishing the pathetic existence of a traitor who attacked the seat of our government, again, it was not murder just because you lie to yourself that it was. And again, murder is the illegal killing of another and his shoot was investigated and determined not to be illegal. So no, not murder.

View attachment 509772

Of course you're lying and have deluded yourself into believing your own lies so you made up some posts to make it seem like you're sincere because you can't accept the murder that happened at the Capitol because your ego and ID are in conflict. This all leads back to your inability to have functional sexual relations with females and therefore you must approve of what was done at the Capitol that day.




That's quite the scheme you've dreamed up there. Those posts all have links to them showing I've always condemned that violence. According to your delusions? It's all part of a scheme to fool you tonight. :cuckoo:

And no, no matter how many times you repeat it, it will never be murder. Murder is the illegal killing of another person and that cop was investigated and found that his shoot was not illegal.

View attachment 509776

Ah!!! So you support the Castle Doctrine Amendment being added to the United States Constitution. Do feel free to write your congressperson as many others are doing at the encouragement of Damaged Eagle.

Thank you for your support.



Of course I support the Castle Doctrine. It need not be amended to the Constitution as many states, if not most, already have such laws.

View attachment 509779

Oh no! You've already so much as said it's good enough for our congresspersons and if all men are equal then all persons should have the same right to slay someone if they feel threatened on their property across this great nation without reprisal from some state or local government.




You're deranged. The Castle Doctrine does not apply in this case. Ordinary self defense does. The cop had a duty to protect the lives of lawmakers and their staff who were still holed up in the House chamber when that violent mob began breaking through the doors. He had no resource other that lethal force to keep them out as he was the last thing between the violent mob and the lawmakers they were after. Once they breached the doors, it was shooting time and Ashli Targetpractice just happened to be the first, and only, to breach their barricade on the other side of the doors they were smashing in.

View attachment 509781

They were in a building which is property of the United States government were congresspersons work.

So yes castle doctrine does apply and a Castle Doctrine Amendment should be enacted making it the right of all persons nationwide. But to appease your sensibilities the proposed Castle Doctrine Amendment also incorporates the right to stand your ground and concealed carry.



No, retard, D.C. does not have a Castle Doctrine so no, it doesn't apply. And adding a constitutional amendment won't help in this case as it would only apply to any future cases. So again, ordinary self defense is applicable here which D.C. does have on the books.

View attachment 509872

Nope! Not a suitable answer your hero cop murdered the young lady and like most progressives you support it which means you've been lying about all the other stuff that's happened over the last few years and supported it also.

That goes for all your little friends that have shown up too.

After all you're all a bunch of woman abusing drug addict Floyd supporters.

Additionally you're all a bunch of insurrectionists who should be on the FBI list.



Your derangement is not my problem. :cuckoo:

Words have meaning, even if you don't know what that meaning is. And the meaning of "murder" is the unlawful killing of another person. Shooting Ashli Targetpractice wasn't unlawful, therefore, it's not murder.

View attachment 509885

Your failure to denounce the insurrection that has been going on for well over a year is your derangement.

Don't you need to have another unarmed white female protestor murdered to make you feel better racist?



Your derangement is not my problem.

Already showed you I condemned that.
This police officer felt so threatened he needed to use deadly force
From the dems purview he should be given a medal....right
We all know how scary women are. You know that sex that has to have men run the races for them.
Remember this guy saved American democracy but you won't here a peep from the dems. In fact I'm betting on the opposite
Oh and here's a link. Like anything these dumb @@@@;s know means anything

So you don’t support the police?

The one time out of how many that the Left is supporting the police and justifying opening fire on an unarmed perpetrator because the officer’s life was threatened? The only reason is because this fits a larger agenda.

In the crush of the crowd breaking thru the window, do you think the officer who could tell if someone was armed or not?
"Shoot first, ask questions later" - the new Democrat motto.

Unless the shootee is a Black felon of course.

No wonder they're regarded by sane/decent people as 21st century Nazis.

the Left looks so full of shit on this one. 1/6 barely lasted a day. Our Democracy was never threatened that day. Contrast that to 9/11 or when the Leftist radicals threatened to blow up the Capitol or when the Bernie Sanders supporter opened fire on half of Congress because they were Republican.
the Left looks so full of shit on this one. 1/6 barely lasted a day. Our Democracy was never threatened that day. Contrast that to 9/11 or when the Leftist radicals threatened to blow up the Capitol or when the Bernie Sanders supporter opened fire on half of Congress because they were Republican
The committee will get to the truth of who in the Trump admin was giving the stand down orders when the requests for the NG went unanswered for hours. This ain’t some CIA annex in Benghazi. It’s the US Capitol. Heads will roll.
Someone in the Trump White House gave stand-down orders to Congress that was trying to protect itself?? It was the Democrats, the media, and DC Mayor telling everyone there could be unrest. Your theory is that these same people on Capitol Hill from the opposing party requested reinforcements and it was shot down by the Trump Administration? Wouldn’t that be confirmed almost immediately following the event and not digging for details and confirmation 6 months later?
Someone in the Trump White House gave stand-down orders to Congress that was trying to protect itself?? It was the Democrats, the media, and DC Mayor telling everyone there could be unrest. Your theory is that these same people on Capitol Hill from the opposing party requested reinforcements and it was shot down by the Trump Administration? Wouldn’t that be confirmed almost immediately following the event and not digging for details and confirmation 6 months later?
Don’t be more of a dumbfuck than is necessary.

Your FactCheck.Org piece fails to answer why and how Democrats were concerned but did not push harder or insist for more back up despite the timelines. We already knew all of that. Again, have your hearings. Your side’s goal is really not about preventing another 1/6 event as much as it is to hinder Republicans and punish Trump. That’s it.
Your FactCheck.Org piece fails to answer why and how Democrats were concerned but did not push harder or insist for more back up despite the timelines. We already knew all of that. Again, have your hearings. Your side’s goal is really not about preventing another 1/6 event as much as it is to hinder Republicans and punish Trump. That’s it.

Because the Dems had nothing to do with giving the order to deploy troops on 1/6, dope.

Because the Dems have something to cover up. If someone in the White House did a stand down or deny, it would be out by now. Don’t you think?
Because the Dems have something to cover up. If someone in the White House did a stand down or deny, it would be out by now. Don’t you think?
No Because “the Dems” are not in the chain of command of the NG, dope. McCarthy himself said he directly requested the WH order the NG to intervene several times. As did others. Some even directly to the DOD. Someone certainly was hesitant to give the order.
Stop being a dumbfuck.

All the more reason it would be out and confirmed… who, where, when. Here we are 6 months later and the Democrats need the Republicans.
All the more reason it would be out and confirmed… who, where, when. Here we are 6 months later and the Democrats need the Republicans
It is out, dope. We know the requests went out immediately and were ignored for hours. We also know that Flynn’s brother was involved at the DOD. There will be testimony before the select committee. The truth will be known. That it was conceived and orchestrated by Trump and his minions with support from members of Congress.

Your name calling is not helping your case and is arguably clouding what little logic you have displayed. You have provided nothing but an opinion piece from biased FactCheck and you contradict yourself here by saying “It is out” and “the truth will be known”. So, which is it???

Also, what other sources do you have besides FactCheck.
Your name calling is not helping your case and is arguably clouding what little logic you have displayed. You have provided nothing but an opinion piece from biased FactCheck and you contradict yourself here by saying “It is out” and “the truth will be known”. So, which is it???

Also, what other sources do you have besides FactCheck.
Name calling in no way alters the validity of my claims. It is only a description of your behavior, dope. I’ve given you plenty to investigate. Carry on.
Validity claims don’t mean shit without empirical and verifiable data from multiple unbiased sources correlating to the same trend.
In other words no amount of evidence will change your mind. You know we will never be able to give you multiple unbiased sources since you think everything except Rush and Fox are liberal. Eat a dick dummy.
Multiple can simply mean “more than one”. Rush is dead. I do watch Fox News but I watch NBC and CBS more.
So if NBC and CBS said it you would consider them unbiased sources?
It depends since both sources have a proven history of altering facts or leaving them out of a story to fit an agenda. Further, bash Fox all you want yet they admit their bias and have more opposing views on their programs than do the rest.
Fox “admit their bias”

That doesn’t give them credibility
Sure it does…. Especially when the other networks don’t admit their bias and their followers and defenders deny that their bias exists.
This police officer felt so threatened he needed to use deadly force
From the dems purview he should be given a medal....right
We all know how scary women are. You know that sex that has to have men run the races for them.
Remember this guy saved American democracy but you won't here a peep from the dems. In fact I'm betting on the opposite
Oh and here's a link. Like anything these dumb @@@@;s know means anything

So you don’t support the police?

The one time out of how many that the Left is supporting the police and justifying opening fire on an unarmed perpetrator because the officer’s life was threatened? The only reason is because this fits a larger agenda.

In the crush of the crowd breaking thru the window, do you think the officer who could tell if someone was armed or not?
"Shoot first, ask questions later" - the new Democrat motto.

Unless the shootee is a Black felon of course.

No wonder they're regarded by sane/decent people as 21st century Nazis.

the Left looks so full of shit on this one. 1/6 barely lasted a day. Our Democracy was never threatened that day. Contrast that to 9/11 or when the Leftist radicals threatened to blow up the Capitol or when the Bernie Sanders supporter opened fire on half of Congress because they were Republican.
the Left looks so full of shit on this one. 1/6 barely lasted a day. Our Democracy was never threatened that day. Contrast that to 9/11 or when the Leftist radicals threatened to blow up the Capitol or when the Bernie Sanders supporter opened fire on half of Congress because they were Republican
The committee will get to the truth of who in the Trump admin was giving the stand down orders when the requests for the NG went unanswered for hours. This ain’t some CIA annex in Benghazi. It’s the US Capitol. Heads will roll.
Someone in the Trump White House gave stand-down orders to Congress that was trying to protect itself?? It was the Democrats, the media, and DC Mayor telling everyone there could be unrest. Your theory is that these same people on Capitol Hill from the opposing party requested reinforcements and it was shot down by the Trump Administration? Wouldn’t that be confirmed almost immediately following the event and not digging for details and confirmation 6 months later?
Someone in the Trump White House gave stand-down orders to Congress that was trying to protect itself?? It was the Democrats, the media, and DC Mayor telling everyone there could be unrest. Your theory is that these same people on Capitol Hill from the opposing party requested reinforcements and it was shot down by the Trump Administration? Wouldn’t that be confirmed almost immediately following the event and not digging for details and confirmation 6 months later?
Don’t be more of a dumbfuck than is necessary.

Your FactCheck.Org piece fails to answer why and how Democrats were concerned but did not push harder or insist for more back up despite the timelines. We already knew all of that. Again, have your hearings. Your side’s goal is really not about preventing another 1/6 event as much as it is to hinder Republicans and punish Trump. That’s it.
Your FactCheck.Org piece fails to answer why and how Democrats were concerned but did not push harder or insist for more back up despite the timelines. We already knew all of that. Again, have your hearings. Your side’s goal is really not about preventing another 1/6 event as much as it is to hinder Republicans and punish Trump. That’s it.

Because the Dems had nothing to do with giving the order to deploy troops on 1/6, dope.

Because the Dems have something to cover up. If someone in the White House did a stand down or deny, it would be out by now. Don’t you think?
Because the Dems have something to cover up. If someone in the White House did a stand down or deny, it would be out by now. Don’t you think?
No Because “the Dems” are not in the chain of command of the NG, dope. McCarthy himself said he directly requested the WH order the NG to intervene several times. As did others. Some even directly to the DOD. Someone certainly was hesitant to give the order.
Stop being a dumbfuck.

All the more reason it would be out and confirmed… who, where, when. Here we are 6 months later and the Democrats need the Republicans.
All the more reason it would be out and confirmed… who, where, when. Here we are 6 months later and the Democrats need the Republicans
It is out, dope. We know the requests went out immediately and were ignored for hours. We also know that Flynn’s brother was involved at the DOD. There will be testimony before the select committee. The truth will be known. That it was conceived and orchestrated by Trump and his minions with support from members of Congress.

Your name calling is not helping your case and is arguably clouding what little logic you have displayed. You have provided nothing but an opinion piece from biased FactCheck and you contradict yourself here by saying “It is out” and “the truth will be known”. So, which is it???

Also, what other sources do you have besides FactCheck.
Your name calling is not helping your case and is arguably clouding what little logic you have displayed. You have provided nothing but an opinion piece from biased FactCheck and you contradict yourself here by saying “It is out” and “the truth will be known”. So, which is it???

Also, what other sources do you have besides FactCheck.
Name calling in no way alters the validity of my claims. It is only a description of your behavior, dope. I’ve given you plenty to investigate. Carry on.
Validity claims don’t mean shit without empirical and verifiable data from multiple unbiased sources correlating to the same trend.
In other words no amount of evidence will change your mind. You know we will never be able to give you multiple unbiased sources since you think everything except Rush and Fox are liberal. Eat a dick dummy.
Multiple can simply mean “more than one”. Rush is dead. I do watch Fox News but I watch NBC and CBS more.
So if NBC and CBS said it you would consider them unbiased sources?
It depends since both sources have a proven history of altering facts or leaving them out of a story to fit an agenda. Further, bash Fox all you want yet they admit their bias and have more opposing views on their programs than do the rest.
Fox “admit their bias”

That doesn’t give them credibility
Sure it does…. Especially when the other networks don’t admit their bias and their followers and defenders deny that their bias exists.
We all know MSNBC is the counter to Fox. I don't approve of MSNBC. It's not liberal enough. It's controlled by corporations who are accountable to companies like BP Oil and the bankers. They're being censored too.

I like NPR. Republicans would love to shut it down.
This police officer felt so threatened he needed to use deadly force
From the dems purview he should be given a medal....right
We all know how scary women are. You know that sex that has to have men run the races for them.
Remember this guy saved American democracy but you won't here a peep from the dems. In fact I'm betting on the opposite
Oh and here's a link. Like anything these dumb @@@@;s know means anything

So you don’t support the police?

The one time out of how many that the Left is supporting the police and justifying opening fire on an unarmed perpetrator because the officer’s life was threatened? The only reason is because this fits a larger agenda.

In the crush of the crowd breaking thru the window, do you think the officer who could tell if someone was armed or not?
"Shoot first, ask questions later" - the new Democrat motto.

Unless the shootee is a Black felon of course.

No wonder they're regarded by sane/decent people as 21st century Nazis.

the Left looks so full of shit on this one. 1/6 barely lasted a day. Our Democracy was never threatened that day. Contrast that to 9/11 or when the Leftist radicals threatened to blow up the Capitol or when the Bernie Sanders supporter opened fire on half of Congress because they were Republican.
the Left looks so full of shit on this one. 1/6 barely lasted a day. Our Democracy was never threatened that day. Contrast that to 9/11 or when the Leftist radicals threatened to blow up the Capitol or when the Bernie Sanders supporter opened fire on half of Congress because they were Republican
The committee will get to the truth of who in the Trump admin was giving the stand down orders when the requests for the NG went unanswered for hours. This ain’t some CIA annex in Benghazi. It’s the US Capitol. Heads will roll.
Someone in the Trump White House gave stand-down orders to Congress that was trying to protect itself?? It was the Democrats, the media, and DC Mayor telling everyone there could be unrest. Your theory is that these same people on Capitol Hill from the opposing party requested reinforcements and it was shot down by the Trump Administration? Wouldn’t that be confirmed almost immediately following the event and not digging for details and confirmation 6 months later?
Someone in the Trump White House gave stand-down orders to Congress that was trying to protect itself?? It was the Democrats, the media, and DC Mayor telling everyone there could be unrest. Your theory is that these same people on Capitol Hill from the opposing party requested reinforcements and it was shot down by the Trump Administration? Wouldn’t that be confirmed almost immediately following the event and not digging for details and confirmation 6 months later?
Don’t be more of a dumbfuck than is necessary.

Your FactCheck.Org piece fails to answer why and how Democrats were concerned but did not push harder or insist for more back up despite the timelines. We already knew all of that. Again, have your hearings. Your side’s goal is really not about preventing another 1/6 event as much as it is to hinder Republicans and punish Trump. That’s it.
Your FactCheck.Org piece fails to answer why and how Democrats were concerned but did not push harder or insist for more back up despite the timelines. We already knew all of that. Again, have your hearings. Your side’s goal is really not about preventing another 1/6 event as much as it is to hinder Republicans and punish Trump. That’s it.

Because the Dems had nothing to do with giving the order to deploy troops on 1/6, dope.

Because the Dems have something to cover up. If someone in the White House did a stand down or deny, it would be out by now. Don’t you think?
Because the Dems have something to cover up. If someone in the White House did a stand down or deny, it would be out by now. Don’t you think?
No Because “the Dems” are not in the chain of command of the NG, dope. McCarthy himself said he directly requested the WH order the NG to intervene several times. As did others. Some even directly to the DOD. Someone certainly was hesitant to give the order.
Stop being a dumbfuck.

All the more reason it would be out and confirmed… who, where, when. Here we are 6 months later and the Democrats need the Republicans.
All the more reason it would be out and confirmed… who, where, when. Here we are 6 months later and the Democrats need the Republicans
It is out, dope. We know the requests went out immediately and were ignored for hours. We also know that Flynn’s brother was involved at the DOD. There will be testimony before the select committee. The truth will be known. That it was conceived and orchestrated by Trump and his minions with support from members of Congress.

Your name calling is not helping your case and is arguably clouding what little logic you have displayed. You have provided nothing but an opinion piece from biased FactCheck and you contradict yourself here by saying “It is out” and “the truth will be known”. So, which is it???

Also, what other sources do you have besides FactCheck.
Your name calling is not helping your case and is arguably clouding what little logic you have displayed. You have provided nothing but an opinion piece from biased FactCheck and you contradict yourself here by saying “It is out” and “the truth will be known”. So, which is it???

Also, what other sources do you have besides FactCheck.
Name calling in no way alters the validity of my claims. It is only a description of your behavior, dope. I’ve given you plenty to investigate. Carry on.
Validity claims don’t mean shit without empirical and verifiable data from multiple unbiased sources correlating to the same trend.
In other words no amount of evidence will change your mind. You know we will never be able to give you multiple unbiased sources since you think everything except Rush and Fox are liberal. Eat a dick dummy.
Multiple can simply mean “more than one”. Rush is dead. I do watch Fox News but I watch NBC and CBS more.
So if NBC and CBS said it you would consider them unbiased sources?
It depends since both sources have a proven history of altering facts or leaving them out of a story to fit an agenda. Further, bash Fox all you want yet they admit their bias and have more opposing views on their programs than do the rest.
Fox “admit their bias”

That doesn’t give them credibility
Sure it does…. Especially when the other networks don’t admit their bias and their followers and defenders deny that their bias exists.
We all know MSNBC is the counter to Fox. I don't approve of MSNBC. It's not liberal enough. It's controlled by corporations who are accountable to companies like BP Oil and the bankers. They're being censored too.

I like NPR. Republicans would love to shut it down.

Why is there a need for Government-funded media? Look at our budget now. Look at the access to all the other media outlets that Americans across all economic classes have today. If NPR and PBS must stay, there must be views across all the political spectrum. It’s not. It is staffed and content controlled by Leftists. Put some equal Conservative voice and viewpoints in there and I will be OK with NPR and PBS.
This police officer felt so threatened he needed to use deadly force
From the dems purview he should be given a medal....right
We all know how scary women are. You know that sex that has to have men run the races for them.
Remember this guy saved American democracy but you won't here a peep from the dems. In fact I'm betting on the opposite
Oh and here's a link. Like anything these dumb @@@@;s know means anything

So you don’t support the police?

The one time out of how many that the Left is supporting the police and justifying opening fire on an unarmed perpetrator because the officer’s life was threatened? The only reason is because this fits a larger agenda.

In the crush of the crowd breaking thru the window, do you think the officer who could tell if someone was armed or not?
"Shoot first, ask questions later" - the new Democrat motto.

Unless the shootee is a Black felon of course.

No wonder they're regarded by sane/decent people as 21st century Nazis.

the Left looks so full of shit on this one. 1/6 barely lasted a day. Our Democracy was never threatened that day. Contrast that to 9/11 or when the Leftist radicals threatened to blow up the Capitol or when the Bernie Sanders supporter opened fire on half of Congress because they were Republican.
the Left looks so full of shit on this one. 1/6 barely lasted a day. Our Democracy was never threatened that day. Contrast that to 9/11 or when the Leftist radicals threatened to blow up the Capitol or when the Bernie Sanders supporter opened fire on half of Congress because they were Republican
The committee will get to the truth of who in the Trump admin was giving the stand down orders when the requests for the NG went unanswered for hours. This ain’t some CIA annex in Benghazi. It’s the US Capitol. Heads will roll.
Someone in the Trump White House gave stand-down orders to Congress that was trying to protect itself?? It was the Democrats, the media, and DC Mayor telling everyone there could be unrest. Your theory is that these same people on Capitol Hill from the opposing party requested reinforcements and it was shot down by the Trump Administration? Wouldn’t that be confirmed almost immediately following the event and not digging for details and confirmation 6 months later?
Someone in the Trump White House gave stand-down orders to Congress that was trying to protect itself?? It was the Democrats, the media, and DC Mayor telling everyone there could be unrest. Your theory is that these same people on Capitol Hill from the opposing party requested reinforcements and it was shot down by the Trump Administration? Wouldn’t that be confirmed almost immediately following the event and not digging for details and confirmation 6 months later?
Don’t be more of a dumbfuck than is necessary.

Your FactCheck.Org piece fails to answer why and how Democrats were concerned but did not push harder or insist for more back up despite the timelines. We already knew all of that. Again, have your hearings. Your side’s goal is really not about preventing another 1/6 event as much as it is to hinder Republicans and punish Trump. That’s it.
Your FactCheck.Org piece fails to answer why and how Democrats were concerned but did not push harder or insist for more back up despite the timelines. We already knew all of that. Again, have your hearings. Your side’s goal is really not about preventing another 1/6 event as much as it is to hinder Republicans and punish Trump. That’s it.

Because the Dems had nothing to do with giving the order to deploy troops on 1/6, dope.

Because the Dems have something to cover up. If someone in the White House did a stand down or deny, it would be out by now. Don’t you think?
Because the Dems have something to cover up. If someone in the White House did a stand down or deny, it would be out by now. Don’t you think?
No Because “the Dems” are not in the chain of command of the NG, dope. McCarthy himself said he directly requested the WH order the NG to intervene several times. As did others. Some even directly to the DOD. Someone certainly was hesitant to give the order.
Stop being a dumbfuck.

All the more reason it would be out and confirmed… who, where, when. Here we are 6 months later and the Democrats need the Republicans.
All the more reason it would be out and confirmed… who, where, when. Here we are 6 months later and the Democrats need the Republicans
It is out, dope. We know the requests went out immediately and were ignored for hours. We also know that Flynn’s brother was involved at the DOD. There will be testimony before the select committee. The truth will be known. That it was conceived and orchestrated by Trump and his minions with support from members of Congress.

Your name calling is not helping your case and is arguably clouding what little logic you have displayed. You have provided nothing but an opinion piece from biased FactCheck and you contradict yourself here by saying “It is out” and “the truth will be known”. So, which is it???

Also, what other sources do you have besides FactCheck.
Your name calling is not helping your case and is arguably clouding what little logic you have displayed. You have provided nothing but an opinion piece from biased FactCheck and you contradict yourself here by saying “It is out” and “the truth will be known”. So, which is it???

Also, what other sources do you have besides FactCheck.
Name calling in no way alters the validity of my claims. It is only a description of your behavior, dope. I’ve given you plenty to investigate. Carry on.
Validity claims don’t mean shit without empirical and verifiable data from multiple unbiased sources correlating to the same trend.
In other words no amount of evidence will change your mind. You know we will never be able to give you multiple unbiased sources since you think everything except Rush and Fox are liberal. Eat a dick dummy.
Multiple can simply mean “more than one”. Rush is dead. I do watch Fox News but I watch NBC and CBS more.
So if NBC and CBS said it you would consider them unbiased sources?
It depends since both sources have a proven history of altering facts or leaving them out of a story to fit an agenda. Further, bash Fox all you want yet they admit their bias and have more opposing views on their programs than do the rest.
Fox “admit their bias”

That doesn’t give them credibility
Sure it does…. Especially when the other networks don’t admit their bias and their followers and defenders deny that their bias exists.
We all know MSNBC is the counter to Fox. I don't approve of MSNBC. It's not liberal enough. It's controlled by corporations who are accountable to companies like BP Oil and the bankers. They're being censored too.

I like NPR. Republicans would love to shut it down.

Why is there a need for Government-funded media? Look at our budget now. Look at the access to all the other media outlets that Americans across all economic classes have today. If NPR and PBS must stay, there must be views across all the political spectrum. It’s not. It is staffed and content controlled by Leftists. Put some equal Conservative voice and viewpoints in there and I will be OK with NPR and PBS.
I wish NPR would give half their time to the right. Does PBS get political? Seems like they try to stay out of politics.

It's too bad Republicans did away with the fairness doctrine.
How can congress explore that deadly day at the capitol without addressing the killing of the only one to die that day?...
Others did die
One peaceful protester was trampled to death when the police forced the OUTDOOR protesters back.
Turns out, the alleged trampled girl died of a drug overdose.

MAGA rioter, 34, who was fatally trampled in the Capitol mob actually died of acute amphetamine intoxication, medical examiner says​

  • Roseanne Boyland, 34, was among four Donald Trump fans killed during the violent insurrection on January 6
  • The DC medical examiner's office confirmed Wednesday that Boyland died of a drug overdose and that the manner of her death was an accident
  • Boyland was seen earlier January 6 carrying a Gadsden flag around DC
  • Graphic bodycam footage obtained by in January showed fellow rioters trampling over her to attack Capitol cops as her friend screamed for help
  • Medical examiner also confirmed cause and manner of death for 3 other rioters
  • Ashli Babbitt, 35, died from gunshot wound to the left anterior shoulder.
  • Kevin Greeson, 55, and Benjamin Phillips, 50, both died of heart failure rather than injuries sustained in the insurrection
  • But Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick's cause and manner of death is still 'pending' - three months after he was killed in the line of duty
  • Wednesday marks 90 d
“Fellow rioters trampling over her as her boyfriend screamed for help “
Some people just will not believe the truth if it doesn't compute to their ideological many times does the truth need to shown to you? are brainwashed by the MSM....
Thinking of the 2020 election your post back to yourself.

I've seen the evidence of a stolen still won't even look...why not???
What nonsensical evidence is that?
Like the fact that millions more ballots were sent out and fewer disqualified ballots ever in our nations modern day history...and it was blue districts that had the fewest ballots disqualified....because of covid ballot harvesting was allowed...a tactic proven to increase fraud....

Trump was ahead by millions of votes and was on his way to a landslide win when the counting stopped in the middle of the night for no good reason.....this has never happened before....too many firsts for me to not believe shenanigan's were afoot....if the out come was different you would be losing your mind right now and you know it.....and so would every elected dem in DC...they would be auditing states everywhere....
Dude, you were told for weeks that same day voting would be counted first....are you an idiot or just stupid?
This police officer felt so threatened he needed to use deadly force
From the dems purview he should be given a medal....right
We all know how scary women are. You know that sex that has to have men run the races for them.
Remember this guy saved American democracy but you won't here a peep from the dems. In fact I'm betting on the opposite
Oh and here's a link. Like anything these dumb @@@@;s know means anything

So you don’t support the police?

The one time out of how many that the Left is supporting the police and justifying opening fire on an unarmed perpetrator because the officer’s life was threatened? The only reason is because this fits a larger agenda.

In the crush of the crowd breaking thru the window, do you think the officer who could tell if someone was armed or not?
"Shoot first, ask questions later" - the new Democrat motto.

Unless the shootee is a Black felon of course.

No wonder they're regarded by sane/decent people as 21st century Nazis.

the Left looks so full of shit on this one. 1/6 barely lasted a day. Our Democracy was never threatened that day. Contrast that to 9/11 or when the Leftist radicals threatened to blow up the Capitol or when the Bernie Sanders supporter opened fire on half of Congress because they were Republican.
the Left looks so full of shit on this one. 1/6 barely lasted a day. Our Democracy was never threatened that day. Contrast that to 9/11 or when the Leftist radicals threatened to blow up the Capitol or when the Bernie Sanders supporter opened fire on half of Congress because they were Republican
The committee will get to the truth of who in the Trump admin was giving the stand down orders when the requests for the NG went unanswered for hours. This ain’t some CIA annex in Benghazi. It’s the US Capitol. Heads will roll.
Someone in the Trump White House gave stand-down orders to Congress that was trying to protect itself?? It was the Democrats, the media, and DC Mayor telling everyone there could be unrest. Your theory is that these same people on Capitol Hill from the opposing party requested reinforcements and it was shot down by the Trump Administration? Wouldn’t that be confirmed almost immediately following the event and not digging for details and confirmation 6 months later?
Someone in the Trump White House gave stand-down orders to Congress that was trying to protect itself?? It was the Democrats, the media, and DC Mayor telling everyone there could be unrest. Your theory is that these same people on Capitol Hill from the opposing party requested reinforcements and it was shot down by the Trump Administration? Wouldn’t that be confirmed almost immediately following the event and not digging for details and confirmation 6 months later?
Don’t be more of a dumbfuck than is necessary.

Your FactCheck.Org piece fails to answer why and how Democrats were concerned but did not push harder or insist for more back up despite the timelines. We already knew all of that. Again, have your hearings. Your side’s goal is really not about preventing another 1/6 event as much as it is to hinder Republicans and punish Trump. That’s it.
Your FactCheck.Org piece fails to answer why and how Democrats were concerned but did not push harder or insist for more back up despite the timelines. We already knew all of that. Again, have your hearings. Your side’s goal is really not about preventing another 1/6 event as much as it is to hinder Republicans and punish Trump. That’s it.

Because the Dems had nothing to do with giving the order to deploy troops on 1/6, dope.

Because the Dems have something to cover up. If someone in the White House did a stand down or deny, it would be out by now. Don’t you think?
Because the Dems have something to cover up. If someone in the White House did a stand down or deny, it would be out by now. Don’t you think?
No Because “the Dems” are not in the chain of command of the NG, dope. McCarthy himself said he directly requested the WH order the NG to intervene several times. As did others. Some even directly to the DOD. Someone certainly was hesitant to give the order.
Stop being a dumbfuck.

All the more reason it would be out and confirmed… who, where, when. Here we are 6 months later and the Democrats need the Republicans.
All the more reason it would be out and confirmed… who, where, when. Here we are 6 months later and the Democrats need the Republicans
It is out, dope. We know the requests went out immediately and were ignored for hours. We also know that Flynn’s brother was involved at the DOD. There will be testimony before the select committee. The truth will be known. That it was conceived and orchestrated by Trump and his minions with support from members of Congress.

Your name calling is not helping your case and is arguably clouding what little logic you have displayed. You have provided nothing but an opinion piece from biased FactCheck and you contradict yourself here by saying “It is out” and “the truth will be known”. So, which is it???

Also, what other sources do you have besides FactCheck.
Your name calling is not helping your case and is arguably clouding what little logic you have displayed. You have provided nothing but an opinion piece from biased FactCheck and you contradict yourself here by saying “It is out” and “the truth will be known”. So, which is it???

Also, what other sources do you have besides FactCheck.
Name calling in no way alters the validity of my claims. It is only a description of your behavior, dope. I’ve given you plenty to investigate. Carry on.
Validity claims don’t mean shit without empirical and verifiable data from multiple unbiased sources correlating to the same trend.
In other words no amount of evidence will change your mind. You know we will never be able to give you multiple unbiased sources since you think everything except Rush and Fox are liberal. Eat a dick dummy.
Multiple can simply mean “more than one”. Rush is dead. I do watch Fox News but I watch NBC and CBS more.
So if NBC and CBS said it you would consider them unbiased sources?
It depends since both sources have a proven history of altering facts or leaving them out of a story to fit an agenda. Further, bash Fox all you want yet they admit their bias and have more opposing views on their programs than do the rest.
Fox “admit their bias”

That doesn’t give them credibility
Sure it does…. Especially when the other networks don’t admit their bias and their followers and defenders deny that their bias exists.
We all know MSNBC is the counter to Fox. I don't approve of MSNBC. It's not liberal enough. It's controlled by corporations who are accountable to companies like BP Oil and the bankers. They're being censored too.

I like NPR. Republicans would love to shut it down.

Why is there a need for Government-funded media? Look at our budget now. Look at the access to all the other media outlets that Americans across all economic classes have today. If NPR and PBS must stay, there must be views across all the political spectrum. It’s not. It is staffed and content controlled by Leftists. Put some equal Conservative voice and viewpoints in there and I will be OK with NPR and PBS.
So, you're for quota's now?

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