So if the globe isn't warming..why are you calling it global warming?

Just saw a spot on TV from southern Louisiana where folks are watching land disappear and trees dying from salt water, but deny it's caused by man. :rolleyes:

Wow...a spot on TV....from people who would probably like some government $. Tell me, did that spot mention that in southern Louisiana, the land is sinking or did they just let you believe that it was due to rising sea levels caused by climate change? Did they mention that the rate of sea level rise has slowed since the 20th century?

News | New Study Maps Rate of New Orleans Sinking

Louisiana's coastline is disappearing at the rate of a football field an hour

How fast is New Orleans sinking? Faster and faster, says new study

Louisiana's Bayou Is Sinking: Can $50 Billion Save It?
Their belief that the land is sinking makes them as dumb as you are.
Actually, the much of the land on the coast of south east North America is sinking, at a very slow rate. However, the ocean is rising there at a much faster rate. In fact, relative sea level there is rising a about 3 times the rate of the average global sea level. That is why Miami is see so much clear sky flooding.
Actually, the much of the land on the coast of south east North America is sinking, at a very slow rate. However, the ocean is rising there at a much faster rate. In fact, relative sea level there is rising a about 3 times the rate of the average global sea level. That is why Miami is see so much clear sky flooding.

Picking those cherries as fast as you can, aren't you rocks? Miami doesn't have a sea level has a total lack of sensible engineering standards and building codes problem. Sea level in miami isn't rising any faster than anywhere else which by the way has been decelerating since the mid 20th century..

A great deal of Miami was built on land known to be below historical high water levels...and a fair amount of it below normal high tide levels...stupidity that can be laid at the feet of the perpetual democrat government down there.

Damned near all of the underground infrastructure is below mean sea level...again, stupidity on the part of liberals running the show down there...

Tide gauges in the area show a stead rise in the neighborhood of 1.7 to 2.0 mm per real change...the land is sinking at a rate of .6mm per year. Areas built on sand bars are going to sink and nothing can be done about is stupid building codes that allow it...because people are willing to spend the money...absolutely no long range planning went into building the ocean front in miami...

Here is the satellite measured sea level in you can see there is no accelerated sea level trend. At the present rate sea level will be up 1 meter in 2000 years.

Just saw a spot on TV from southern Louisiana where folks are watching land disappear and trees dying from salt water, but deny it's caused by man. :rolleyes:

Wow...a spot on TV....from people who would probably like some government $. Tell me, did that spot mention that in southern Louisiana, the land is sinking or did they just let you believe that it was due to rising sea levels caused by climate change? Did they mention that the rate of sea level rise has slowed since the 20th century?

News | New Study Maps Rate of New Orleans Sinking

Louisiana's coastline is disappearing at the rate of a football field an hour

How fast is New Orleans sinking? Faster and faster, says new study

Louisiana's Bayou Is Sinking: Can $50 Billion Save It?
Their belief that the land is sinking makes them as dumb as you are.

The fact that the land is sinking isn't is observable, measurable, empirical fact...your BELIEF that the land is not sinking in the face of measured, empirical proof that it is places you in the dumber than dirt category.
Let's see you data Shit
I gave you the tide chart...if you want more, look it up yourself skid mark...I can't believe you are so clueless that you were unaware that south florida as well as much of the gulf coast is sinking and has been for a very long time...scratch that..I can believe it...
The next two images were taken by IRIS in 1970 and TES in 2006 respectively. In these graphs, the black line represents the actual measurement taken by the sattellite, the red line represents what the climate models predict and the blue line represents the difference between the model data and the actual data.


Feel free to print out the two graphs and overlay them. You will find that the black lines (actual measured data) are identical indicating this time, that there is no difference between outgoing longwave radiation in the CO2 absorption spectrum between 1970 and 2006. Again, if AGW theory were correct, then the outgoing longwave radiation should be less as the blue lines on the graphs indicate. As you can see, this is not the case. There has been no increase in the absorption of outgoing longwave radiation in the CO2 spectrum between 1970 and 2006 in spite of the presence of more atmospheric CO2.
Just for shits and giggles I brought up the solar measurements for the years in your graphings to see if solar input was changing and earth output was remaining the same. And the solar input was almost flat for the last 35 years. No change of input can be seen from our energy source, the sun.

The only two items I could find that were changing at all was the earths albedo and cloud cover. As sea ice coverage in the polar regions diminished that hemisphere had a warming trend. Look at the latest papers about the southern hemisphere which has been cooling since 1999 while the arctic has been diminishing and the northern hemisphere was warming. Now once again we see the shift begin in the antarctic as it now begins to diminish from its snow and ice pack resurgence over the last 7 years.
And why do you trust that data?
Because I can cross reference the raw data from three independent sources. Which means I can tell if the data has been manipulated. Having access to private sources that have excellent scientific integrity is a plus..
Hadley, GISS, JAMA, NCDC and BEST exhibit astounding agreement. Yet you claim they are all lies.
Hadley, GISS, JAMA, NCDC and BEST exhibit astounding agreement. Yet you claim they are all lies.

It would be surprising if they didn't....they all derive from GHCN V3 which originates the fraudulent adjustments to the raw data.
Why is it not surprising that you would be unaware of where the data comes from?
I'm not surprised you failed to address the request. Let's see some actual evidence that GHCN V3 is fraudulent. How about some testimony from some of the many scientists who use those data on a professional basis (ie, I don't want top hear the opinions of Christopher Monckton or Anthony Watts).
I'm not surprised you failed to address the request. Let's see some actual evidence that GHCN V3 is fraudulent. How about some testimony from some of the many scientists who use those data on a professional basis (ie, I don't want top hear the opinions of Christopher Monckton or Anthony Watts).

You mean testimony from the pseudoscientists who depend on continued warming and false anxiety to keep their jobs?
People with applicable PhDs doing research and getting it publish in peer reviewed journals are not "pseudo scientists". That would be more like, oh, Christopher Monckton, Anthony Watts, Steve McIntyre, James Taylor, Bjorn Lomborg, Bob Armstrong, Burt Rutan, Sallie Bailunas, Stephen Moore, Tim Ball, Richard Tol, David Legates, John Christy, Judith Curry, Don Easterbrook, Roy Spencer, Willis Eschenbach, William Happer, Roger Pielke Jr, Chris Horner, Nir Shaviv, Craig Idso, Richard Lindzen or Willie Soon.

And the idea that virtually every climate scientist on the face of the planet is falsifying data and lying about their findings is simply and irrefutably delusional. To make such a claim you either have to be insane or ignorant or both.
People with applicable PhDs doing research and getting it publish in peer reviewed journals are not "pseudo scientists".

Really? Franz Gall was a physician, who did research and published in peer reviewed journals...all about phrenology...and was followed by other degreed pseudoscientists who also published in peer reviewed journals.

A fellow named Fredrick Osborne held a PhD who did research and wrote in peer reviewed journals all about eugenics...and he was followed by many more PhD's writing in other peer reviewed journals.

The list of people with applicable PhD's who did research and published pseudoscience in peer reviewed journals is as long as the list of PhD's who do research and publish fact, most of what has become empirically proven science today began as pseudoscience. That is because it takes a good long time to sort out the belief from the observable, measurable, quantifiable truth.

Hell, the process is ongoing in what we have long thought to be settled science...gut bacteria causing ulcers rather than stress...cholesterol not being the cause of cardiac disease...all of the dietary warnings which turned out to be false..and on and on.

The only people who believe any science is settled are those who believe in pseudoscience..pseudoscience is always settled because it doesn't really require any actual observed, measured, quantified, empirical data...

The very fact that you believe that people with applicable PhD's who do research and publish in peer reviewed journals are always right and never produce pseudoscience is a clear and bold indication of exactly where your head is with regard to the state and progress of science. In don't have a pick a topic based on your political leanings and from that point on you simply believe and look for whatever picked cherries support your belief...much as young earthers...

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