So if Trump gets the most votes.......

So....if Trump wins the primaries, he can still be replaced as winner then by his party, and given to someone else. Right?
Now I am getting all confused.

If Trump does not get 50% of the delegates/votes in the primary, then and only then, can the RNC call for a contested convention. At a contested convention, the delegates can still decide to vote for Mr. Trump, or decide to vote for someone else...and the delegates that other contestants receive become free agents as well...they can continue to vote for who they are delegates for, or they can vote for someone else...even Trump.

If Mr. Trump gets the 50% of the delegates in the primary, then Trump will be your candidate...there is no way around that...
can the GOP still name someone else as their nominee? I saw something about that last night...that even if Trump wins with the most electoral votes, the GOP can still name someone else. True or false?
And why would the GOP do that? The people have spoken on who they want to run against the other party. So can someone naysay who the people vote for?
If no one gets the 1237 delegates needed to secure the nomination then you would have the brokered convention where you get deal making and re-votes and the delegates are released to go for a different candidate if they choose.
So are you going to vote for Trump ..Gracie?

Do you have more questions?
So are you going to vote for Trump ..Gracie?

Do you have more questions?
To be honest..I have no clue what I'm gonna do. Hell, I don't even know what state I will be in.
or will you send him to die


what will happen to your dogs now that you lost your house..
That all being said....there's another ace up the sleeve if the Establishment wanted to pull it. Run an independent, with a strategy to trigger the President being selected by the House. But considering the spectacular lacking of leadership in the Republican party that got us here in the first place, I doubt that they'd be able to orchestrate it successfully.
1912 all over again. Hillary waltzes in!
If the House were to choose the President, they would not vote for Hillary.
That's only in the event of a tie or if the votes were split three ways and no one got a majority. If the Republicans were in the kind of disarray shenanigans at the convention would cause, Hillary waltzes in.

Moron, are you even paying attention? Getting the election sent to the House is exactly what I'm talking about. And no, Hillary doesn't "waltz in" because the GOP in the House would have the party line votes, and they aren't going to jump to the Democrat side. Also, the convention has nothing to do with it. At all. Get your head out from you ass.
I care about her dogs.....

Hope she won't send them to a certain death....

She might not. Pray and Hope.

Gracie is a nice decent lady and I'm sure she will find the dogs a good home.
can the GOP still name someone else as their nominee? I saw something about that last night...that even if Trump wins with the most electoral votes, the GOP can still name someone else. True or false?
And why would the GOP do that? The people have spoken on who they want to run against the other party. So can someone naysay who the people vote for?

And trump can run as an independent.
But he said twice he wouldn't. However, Romney never said such a thing, yet he is in the wings and something is up.

If they don't keep their word he isn't obligated to keep his.
Thats what that news site said...that Romney plans on running indie.

I'd rather have Bloomberg run. Romney's an idiot.
it doesn't matter who they run as an Independent, Romney running isn't to win, but solely to split the vote so Trump can not win, making the Democratic candidate the winner, without having to vote for them...

They'd rather scream bloody murder and have dog and pony shows of a Democrat vs doing this to an RNC President....
Got any more questions for me?

Will Karma your puppy be ok?

Will you take him with you wherever you go?

That is my question Gracie.
Karma and Moki are our children. Thinking I would give them up is like asking me to give up my children. Ain't gonna happen. Which is why I have plan C and D and even maybe a Plan E. ALL include my furchildren.
can the GOP still name someone else as their nominee? I saw something about that last night...that even if Trump wins with the most electoral votes, the GOP can still name someone else. True or false?
And why would the GOP do that? The people have spoken on who they want to run against the other party. So can someone naysay who the people vote for?

The magic number is 1237. If Trump gets 1237 there is no way the Republicans can screw him at the convention. The reason Cruz, Rubio and Kasich are staying in the race is to keep Trump under 1237 by having 3 candidates siphon off votes.

Why would the GOP do that? Simple the GOP is owned lock stock and barrel by the banks and corporations and Trump isn't. That scares the plutocrats.

Trump next to Cruz is the Republican's worst nightmare.
Rubio, I think, is out of it. But...he is behind the scenes doing something slimey. I liked him once. Not so much now. And cruz is just...well...cruz. And I really don't want trump in there either to be honest, beats Hillary. However, Trump is going to fuck with shit I don't want him fucking now I am back to Hillary.
This sucks.
This is the weirdest election I've seen in my life time...........I've seen many..............The establishment ignoring the people have created this...............

it is the weirdest... but the truth is the GOP kept promising things to the far right that they knew they couldn't deliver.

and dems are angry that we elected a president twice and the right held our country hostage.
That is partisan talk................the people smacked you down and turned the States red.............they were hired to stop the Liberal Freight train.........especially Obamacare with driving the train...........choo choo...........

Tell me about Reid's graveyard.....................the dems don't have a leg to stand on here............besides that is not the intent of the OP............You are diverting.......

It's about Super delegates and whether they are right or wrong.

i'm not sure how it's "partisan" when it's my party we're talking about either way. it doesn't affect the GOP.

i don't have problem with super delegates

the reason for it is so that someone who has on shot at winning isn't the standard bearer. they haven't had to use it. it's kind of like the nuclear option for the party. but i'm not sorry it's there. i know my history and i know why it exists.
They are supposed to be the people's party regardless of which side of the fence.............The people decide.................I don't like it either side of the fence..............why............because I see it inherently wrong within our Republic..............
But where do you get that from? that they are suppose to be the "peoples" party? They've never been the "people's" party and have never claimed to be....they are Republican Party members who are giving you candidates they want to give you.... if they ever in a million years thought that they were putting Trump in their mix of candidates for him to be a winner, they would not have the problem they have now.... It's never been our choices for candidates, it's always been the Party's choices.... Dem and Repub.
I guess my main gripe doesn't matter who it is...their vote goes to whomever they want as POTUS. So we all vote, and regardless of whether we, ourself, wants the person, the PEOPLE have spoken and the majority of them want the one you don't want. However....the many outweighs the few. Isn't that what the USA is supposed to be about? It's not supposed to be one group deciding FOR us who runs against whom when its down to two. WE are the ones that said who we want up there battling the final battle. Right?

And you have every right to gripe.

In modern America it has never happened before that someone deems themselves a Democrat or Republican and decides to run as either when they have a totally contradictory past profile of supporting the other party and hold views that are the opposite of what the party platform historically portrays. The old way candidates became Presidential Contenders was through years of party patronage in Congress or in the State Houses while re-affirming their credentials. So when they ran, the Party Chairperson and the leaders (in name or practice) may not have favored the nomiee but they couldn't make a serious argume that the nominee was detremental to the Party itself.

In this case, they can make a case for that and a damn strong one.

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