So if Trump gets the most votes.......

So, for example (just getting things straight in my head)...Hillary wins the primaries to be the nominee...but the dems want BernBern....can they say "sorry Hil. Bernie is our nominee for dems"?

i don't know who Bern Bern is... so... i don't think you're particularly interested in the subject matter.
Its the nickname I call Sanders. Kinda like those who call Trump, Rump.
If I weren't wanting information, I would not have started the thread.

then you probably shouldn't do the whole 'bernbern' thing. and it's t-rump. and i don't think you've seen me do it.

but feel free to answer the question i asked.

is it worse than a president losing the popular vote and being appointed by the court?
I don't really wish to discuss this with you further. You are rude.
Talk to everyone else if you wish.

perhaps then you should watch how you say things if you get cranky when people find what you said obnoxious.

Bullshit cartoon from a bullshit poster....who'd have thunk it? :finger3:
How far behind is he.................hmm.......who'd have thunk it.............He sunk himself.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - Florida Republican Presidential Primary
Rubio, I think, is out of it. But...he is behind the scenes doing something slimey. I liked him once. Not so much now. And cruz is just...well...cruz. And I really don't want trump in there either to be honest, beats Hillary. However, Trump is going to fuck with shit I don't want him fucking now I am back to Hillary.
This sucks.

the reality is, if the super delegates saw that the primary voters were decisively in favor of bernie, they'd dump hillary like a bad habit. they did that when they defected toobama is 2008.

this time i don't suspect they'll need to switch nice it looks like hillary is, if not a lock, pretty likely to win the nomination.
Then why had so many pledged to Hillary from the get go.................They decided before a single vote was cast..........................

They tied up Bernie's horse at the starting gate and you know it.................Bernie couldn't win from the get go..................Doesn't matter..............the candidates should be selected by We The People..............and no one else..................If not bs..........................That's the problem with this country now.
So, for example (just getting things straight in my head)...Hillary wins the primaries to be the nominee...but the dems want BernBern....can they say "sorry Hil. Bernie is our nominee for dems"?

i don't know who Bern Bern is... so... i don't think you're particularly interested in the subject matter.
Its the nickname I call Sanders. Kinda like those who call Trump, Rump.
If I weren't wanting information, I would not have started the thread.

then you probably shouldn't do the whole 'bernbern' thing. and it's t-rump. and i don't think you've seen me do it.

but feel free to answer the question i asked.

is it worse than a president losing the popular vote and being appointed by the court?
I don't really wish to discuss this with you further. You are rude.
Talk to everyone else if you wish.

perhaps then you should watch how you say things if you get cranky when people find what you said obnoxious.
Sure thing JillJill.
Rubio, I think, is out of it. But...he is behind the scenes doing something slimey. I liked him once. Not so much now. And cruz is just...well...cruz. And I really don't want trump in there either to be honest, beats Hillary. However, Trump is going to fuck with shit I don't want him fucking now I am back to Hillary.
This sucks.

Back to Hillary? :ack-1:
Rubio, I think, is out of it. But...he is behind the scenes doing something slimey. I liked him once. Not so much now. And cruz is just...well...cruz. And I really don't want trump in there either to be honest, beats Hillary. However, Trump is going to fuck with shit I don't want him fucking now I am back to Hillary.
This sucks.
This is the weirdest election I've seen in my life time...........I've seen many..............The establishment ignoring the people have created this...............

the reality is, if the super delegates saw that the primary voters were decisively in favor of bernie, they'd dump hillary like a bad habit. they did that when they defected toobama is 2008.

this time i don't suspect they'll need to switch nice it looks like hillary is, if not a lock, pretty likely to win the nomination.
Then why had so many pledged to Hillary from the get go.................They decided before a single vote was cast..........................

They tied up Bernie's horse at the starting gate and you know it.................Bernie couldn't win from the get go..................Doesn't matter..............the candidates should be selected by We The People..............and no one else..................If not bs..........................That's the problem with this country now.

party favorite... don't forget sanders wasn't a democrat... he was an independent until he decided he wanted to run for president. and everyone expected hillary to be the nominee. but they also concern themselves with the legitimacy of the nominee, so if it came down to where bernie had some unavoidable lead, they'd have to cave. but as i said, it doesn't look like that will happen.
Rubio, I think, is out of it. But...he is behind the scenes doing something slimey. I liked him once. Not so much now. And cruz is just...well...cruz. And I really don't want trump in there either to be honest, beats Hillary. However, Trump is going to fuck with shit I don't want him fucking now I am back to Hillary.
This sucks.

Back to Hillary? :ack-1:
I KNOW!!!! This truly DOES suck, doesn't it?
Sigh. What choices we all have, eh? Its like choosing between stepping in cow shit or horse shit. Shit is shit. But you HAVE to choose. And the worst part? Everyone else has to step in whatever it was that YOU chose.
Any "establishment" ignores the people and can only be solved by term limits or yearly elections. Been going on since the beginning of time in the trees of Africa and caves of western Europe. All that matters is we can eventually vote them out to be replaced by a new crew of shysters.

the reality is, if the super delegates saw that the primary voters were decisively in favor of bernie, they'd dump hillary like a bad habit. they did that when they defected toobama is 2008.

this time i don't suspect they'll need to switch nice it looks like hillary is, if not a lock, pretty likely to win the nomination.
Then why had so many pledged to Hillary from the get go.................They decided before a single vote was cast..........................

They tied up Bernie's horse at the starting gate and you know it.................Bernie couldn't win from the get go..................Doesn't matter..............the candidates should be selected by We The People..............and no one else..................If not bs..........................That's the problem with this country now.

party favorite... don't forget sanders wasn't a democrat... he was an independent until he decided he wanted to run for president. and everyone expected hillary to be the nominee. but they also concern themselves with the legitimacy of the nominee, so if it came down to where bernie had some unavoidable lead, they'd have to cave. but as i said, it doesn't look like that will happen.
That is not my point and you know it.......................You have no problem with that system of selection?
Rubio, I think, is out of it. But...he is behind the scenes doing something slimey. I liked him once. Not so much now. And cruz is just...well...cruz. And I really don't want trump in there either to be honest, beats Hillary. However, Trump is going to fuck with shit I don't want him fucking now I am back to Hillary.
This sucks.
This is the weirdest election I've seen in my life time...........I've seen many..............The establishment ignoring the people have created this...............

it is the weirdest... but the truth is the GOP kept promising things to the far right that they knew they couldn't deliver.

and dems are angry that we elected a president twice and the right held our country hostage.

the reality is, if the super delegates saw that the primary voters were decisively in favor of bernie, they'd dump hillary like a bad habit. they did that when they defected toobama is 2008.

this time i don't suspect they'll need to switch nice it looks like hillary is, if not a lock, pretty likely to win the nomination.
Then why had so many pledged to Hillary from the get go.................They decided before a single vote was cast..........................

They tied up Bernie's horse at the starting gate and you know it.................Bernie couldn't win from the get go..................Doesn't matter..............the candidates should be selected by We The People..............and no one else..................If not bs..........................That's the problem with this country now.

party favorite... don't forget sanders wasn't a democrat... he was an independent until he decided he wanted to run for president. and everyone expected hillary to be the nominee. but they also concern themselves with the legitimacy of the nominee, so if it came down to where bernie had some unavoidable lead, they'd have to cave. but as i said, it doesn't look like that will happen.
That is not my point and you know it.......................You have no problem with that system of selection?

if i thought that they'd go against the will of the party, it would bother me.
Any "establishment" ignores the people and can only be solved by term limits or yearly elections. Been going on since the beginning of time in the trees of Africa and caves of western Europe. All that matters is we can eventually vote them out to be replaced by a new crew of shysters.
Get rid of all earmarks and subsidies.............Companies rise our fall on their own merit and they will no longer want to Lobby for their cut because it is no longer there............Earmarks are nothing more than political bribes...................If they are worth their salt then they should be passed by their own merit............and nothing more...........

Get rid of the reasons they bribe and then the influence is reduced..................but the establishment doesn't want this fixed.........both sides..........
Rubio, I think, is out of it. But...he is behind the scenes doing something slimey. I liked him once. Not so much now. And cruz is just...well...cruz. And I really don't want trump in there either to be honest, beats Hillary. However, Trump is going to fuck with shit I don't want him fucking now I am back to Hillary.
This sucks.
This is the weirdest election I've seen in my life time...........I've seen many..............The establishment ignoring the people have created this...............

it is the weirdest... but the truth is the GOP kept promising things to the far right that they knew they couldn't deliver.

and dems are angry that we elected a president twice and the right held our country hostage.
That is partisan talk................the people smacked you down and turned the States red.............they were hired to stop the Liberal Freight train.........especially Obamacare with driving the train...........choo choo...........

Tell me about Reid's graveyard.....................the dems don't have a leg to stand on here............besides that is not the intent of the OP............You are diverting.......

It's about Super delegates and whether they are right or wrong.
Rubio, I think, is out of it. But...he is behind the scenes doing something slimey. I liked him once. Not so much now. And cruz is just...well...cruz. And I really don't want trump in there either to be honest, beats Hillary. However, Trump is going to fuck with shit I don't want him fucking now I am back to Hillary.
This sucks.
This is the weirdest election I've seen in my life time...........I've seen many..............The establishment ignoring the people have created this...............

it is the weirdest... but the truth is the GOP kept promising things to the far right that they knew they couldn't deliver.

and dems are angry that we elected a president twice and the right held our country hostage.
That is partisan talk................the people smacked you down and turned the States red.............they were hired to stop the Liberal Freight train.........especially Obamacare with driving the train...........choo choo...........

Tell me about Reid's graveyard.....................the dems don't have a leg to stand on here............besides that is not the intent of the OP............You are diverting.......

It's about Super delegates and whether they are right or wrong.

i'm not sure how it's "partisan" when it's my party we're talking about either way. it doesn't affect the GOP.

i don't have problem with super delegates

the reason for it is so that someone who has on shot at winning isn't the standard bearer. they haven't had to use it. it's kind of like the nuclear option for the party. but i'm not sorry it's there. i know my history and i know why it exists.
Well, I wish him lots of luck with that. America didn't want him when he went through the whole primary process; can't imagine what makes him think he's suddenly become a political rock star.

Actually he wouldn't need to be a political rock star, or even attractive. All he'd need to be is an "anybody but" alternative.

It's like that old joke punchline: "I don't need to outrun that bear. All I need is to outrun you".

We already have people who are "anybody but Trump". And again, Mitt wasn't that popular before. He has no reason to think he has the ability NOW to sweep in and dominate an election.

If the GOPe didn't hate Cruz even more than Trump, we wouldn't be having any of these problems. Dumbasses.

Yes we do but from what I've discerned, none of them are very palatable. The thinking must be that Mitt would be more palatable (less fringe-y) and thus more electable, than the present alternatives.
I think the RNC has already chalked up the loss of the Presidency, with a Trump win or with a Cruz win or a Romney run....

It's the rest of the RNC candidates running that they are trying to from losing seats.
A little early to call the election.........LOL

Hillary will get her turn in the Flame Zone.............:FIREdevil:
Well, maybe the Republicans in Congress have found nothing criminal in her actions, thus nothing from them a year after the investigations began, and have decided not to use their dog and pony show pre-planned tactics as an October Surprise, if Trump wins?

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