So if Trump gets the most votes.......

This is just....wrong. If the PEOPLE are to "vote" in who they want as is it a group of other people can say "no, not him/her"? What happened to We The People?

If that happens..whether it is GOP or DEM or whomever....I think there will be another civil war. WE choose. Or we are supposed to, aren't we?

why is that wrong? if he can't get the delegates, that's that.

more wrong than the president losing the popular vote and being appointed by the court?
My question was...IF he gets the delegates...can they (his party) still choose someone else? Cruz and Rubio bow out for example...can they "give" their votes to...say..Romney? Or Kasich? Carson dropped out so he doesn't count. Or does he?
I think the RNC has already chalked up the loss of the Presidency, with a Trump win or with a Cruz win or a Romney run....

It's the rest of the RNC candidates running that they are trying to from losing seats.

These are the same folks that first said Trump would implode before Iowa, then that he couldn't win a primary, then that he couldn't win more primaries, then that he could come out on top on Super Tuesday and be on track to clinch the nomination. The only possible reason to regard the prognostications of this band of retards is to bet on exact opposite option they predict.

In this case, bank on President Trump.
Rubio got himself targeted with the Gang of 8 and his position on amnesty.............He folded like a cheap suit................That luggage has caused him his current pain.................He should step out of the race..........It's a 2 person race...............Then the winner is the winner by the vote.............

He's polling down in his own state................His purpose is to try to take delegates to force convention..........

Rubio left the "gang of eight" when he realized they weren't serious about sealing the border. You can keep lying thru your ass about it but the facts are the facts. And the polling in Florida is a joke. Rubio will carry Florida when Jeb Bush finally gives in and endorses him. And what happened to the supposed endorsement Trump was supposed to get from current governor Scott? :badgrin:

loony toon... trump is beating rubio by 20 points in florida as of yesterday

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - Florida Republican Presidential Primary

oh...and BS.... rubio did what he thought was right immigration-wise... the "base" hates him for it....
So, for example (just getting things straight in my head)...Hillary wins the primaries to be the nominee...but the dems want BernBern....can they say "sorry Hil. Bernie is our nominee for dems"?

i don't know who Bern Bern is... so... i don't think you're particularly interested in the subject matter.
I think the RNC has already chalked up the loss of the Presidency, with a Trump win or with a Cruz win or a Romney run....

It's the rest of the RNC candidates running that they are trying to from losing seats.

These are the same folks that first said Trump would implode before Iowa, then that he couldn't win a primary, then that he couldn't win more primaries, then that he could come out on top on Super Tuesday and be on track to clinch the nomination. The only possible reason to regard the prognostications of this band of retards is to bet on exact opposite option they predict.

In this case, bank on President Trump.

oh honey... he doesn't even have 40% of republicans. he makes the rest of us sick tour stomaches.

so i don't think so.
So, for example (just getting things straight in my head)...Hillary wins the primaries to be the nominee...but the dems want BernBern....can they say "sorry Hil. Bernie is our nominee for dems"?
Roughly 15% of the total votes in the Democratic primary are Super Delegates.........They are 30% of the number needed to win..............

So in regards to this election..........Hillary basically started out with nearly 30% of the delegates needed for the nomination.......................aka the number needed to win the primary.
So, for example (just getting things straight in my head)...Hillary wins the primaries to be the nominee...but the dems want BernBern....can they say "sorry Hil. Bernie is our nominee for dems"?

i don't know who Bern Bern is... so... i don't think you're particularly interested in the subject matter.
Its the nickname I call Sanders. Kinda like those who call Trump, Rump.
If I weren't wanting information, I would not have started the thread.
So, for example (just getting things straight in my head)...Hillary wins the primaries to be the nominee...but the dems want BernBern....can they say "sorry Hil. Bernie is our nominee for dems"?

i don't know who Bern Bern is... so... i don't think you're particularly interested in the subject matter.
Its the nickname I call Sanders. Kinda like those who call Trump, Rump.
If I weren't wanting information, I would not have started the thread.
She knew..........she is mocking you..........aren't you Jillian.
can the GOP still name someone else as their nominee? I saw something about that last night...that even if Trump wins with the most electoral votes, the GOP can still name someone else. True or false?
And why would the GOP do that? The people have spoken on who they want to run against the other party. So can someone naysay who the people vote for?

And trump can run as an independent.
So, for example (just getting things straight in my head)...Hillary wins the primaries to be the nominee...but the dems want BernBern....can they say "sorry Hil. Bernie is our nominee for dems"?

i don't know who Bern Bern is... so... i don't think you're particularly interested in the subject matter.
Its the nickname I call Sanders. Kinda like those who call Trump, Rump.
If I weren't wanting information, I would not have started the thread.
She knew..........she is mocking you..........aren't you Jillian.
Meh. It's what she does.

Duck, water, back.
can the GOP still name someone else as their nominee? I saw something about that last night...that even if Trump wins with the most electoral votes, the GOP can still name someone else. True or false?
And why would the GOP do that? The people have spoken on who they want to run against the other party. So can someone naysay who the people vote for?

And trump can run as an independent.
But he said twice he wouldn't. However, Romney never said such a thing, yet he is in the wings and something is up.
So, for example (just getting things straight in my head)...Hillary wins the primaries to be the nominee...but the dems want BernBern....can they say "sorry Hil. Bernie is our nominee for dems"?

i don't know who Bern Bern is... so... i don't think you're particularly interested in the subject matter.
Its the nickname I call Sanders. Kinda like those who call Trump, Rump.
If I weren't wanting information, I would not have started the thread.
She knew..........she is mocking you..........aren't you Jillian.
Meh. It's what she does.

Duck, water, back.

Or is that water, back, duck? Either way..yeah. I just shrug it off.
So, for example (just getting things straight in my head)...Hillary wins the primaries to be the nominee...but the dems want BernBern....can they say "sorry Hil. Bernie is our nominee for dems"?

i don't know who Bern Bern is... so... i don't think you're particularly interested in the subject matter.
Its the nickname I call Sanders. Kinda like those who call Trump, Rump.
If I weren't wanting information, I would not have started the thread.

then you probably shouldn't do the whole 'bernbern' thing. and it's t-rump. and i don't think you've seen me do it.

but feel free to answer the question i asked.

is it worse than a president losing the popular vote and being appointed by the court?
So, for example (just getting things straight in my head)...Hillary wins the primaries to be the nominee...but the dems want BernBern....can they say "sorry Hil. Bernie is our nominee for dems"?

i don't know who Bern Bern is... so... i don't think you're particularly interested in the subject matter.
Its the nickname I call Sanders. Kinda like those who call Trump, Rump.
If I weren't wanting information, I would not have started the thread.
She knew..........she is mocking you..........aren't you Jillian.

So, for example (just getting things straight in my head)...Hillary wins the primaries to be the nominee...but the dems want BernBern....can they say "sorry Hil. Bernie is our nominee for dems"?

i don't know who Bern Bern is... so... i don't think you're particularly interested in the subject matter.
Its the nickname I call Sanders. Kinda like those who call Trump, Rump.
If I weren't wanting information, I would not have started the thread.

then you probably shouldn't do the whole 'bernbern' thing. and it's t-rump. and i don't think you've seen me do it.

but feel free to answer the question i asked.

is it worse than a president losing the popular vote and being appointed by the court?
I don't really wish to discuss this with you further. You are rude.
Talk to everyone else if you wish.

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