So if Trump gets the most votes.......

All these trump supporters aren't Republicans. How many are independent or even Democrats supporting trump? What if it was a goof the American people picked Beyonce. The GOP is in charge of the GOP, not random voters
That all being said....there's another ace up the sleeve if the Establishment wanted to pull it. Run an independent, with a strategy to trigger the President being selected by the House. But considering the spectacular lacking of leadership in the Republican party that got us here in the first place, I doubt that they'd be able to orchestrate it successfully.
1912 all over again. Hillary waltzes in!
If the House were to choose the President, they would not vote for Hillary.
That's only in the event of a tie or if the votes were split three ways and no one got a majority. If the Republicans were in the kind of disarray shenanigans at the convention would cause, Hillary waltzes in.
The GOP actions against Trump just make me want to vote for him even more.
This shows how out of touch the elites of the GOP are. They want somebody there that won't upset the apple cart.
The GOP elites just want business as usual and they will try any dirty trick to maintain that.
Their actions are the reason so many people are supporting Trump. Anyone else would be just business as usual.
Fuck the GOP
I'm disgusted at the crap they are doing. Let the people have their say. Let the people have their candidate. Fuck the establishment.
The whole thing is a mess. But so is how our country has been run the past couple of decades.

IF Romney said "anyone but Trump, even Hillary would suffice" then to my mind...some folks are really scared of Trump. What are they hiding that he might discover and threaten? Is it pocket books? Powers?
I'm disgusted at the crap they are doing. Let the people have their say. Let the people have their candidate. Fuck the establishment.

But...We The People no longer exist it seems.
The whole thing is a mess. But so is how our country has been run the past couple of decades.

IF Romney said "anyone but Trump, even Hillary would suffice" then to my mind...some folks are really scared of Trump. What are they hiding that he might discover and threaten? Is it pocket books? Powers?

Opposition research has already showed what Trump is hiding and there's much more on the way. And why not? The Rats are ready to disembowel the con man if he gets the nomination. No way is the GOP going to get hosed by a guy who ain't conservative, honest, or in his right mind.
The same can be said about ALL of them running. Well, except maybe BernBern. But I think he will lose to Hillary. So the GOP is going to have to take on one of the gop's THEY choose to run against her. Which is a given. Point is, the guy last night talking to Chris Mathews also said Trump could win with all the electorals but he will never be nominated. Mathews said "can that be done?" and the guy said yes. It can be done and will be done.

Meanwhile..Hillary might not even be able to run what with all the stuff going with her emails and stuff.
Are they real delegates or anchor delegates?

If this party can say that it supports a clerk for refusing to do her job, it has very little room to state that delegates cannot refuse to do theirs.

The GOP can do whatever it wants. The fallout is another question.

What we should be talking about is the dangers of the States outsourcing their responsibility for holding elections to the Parties. Again, these are the stakes of smaller government.
Have one ballot, let the top two have a national runoff in November and be done with it.
The same can be said about ALL of them running. Well, except maybe BernBern. But I think he will lose to Hillary. So the GOP is going to have to take on one of the gop's THEY choose to run against her. Which is a given. Point is, the guy last night talking to Chris Mathews also said Trump could win with all the electorals but he will never be nominated. Mathews said "can that be done?" and the guy said yes. It can be done and will be done.

Meanwhile..Hillary might not even be able to run what with all the stuff going with her emails and stuff.
Bernie never had a chance. The Super delegates and pacs were in Hillary's pockets. Not a fan of Bernie but it shows our current system.............
This is why it's laughable going up against the "establishment" GOP....Rubio is Tea Party and so is Cruz. Trump is a democrat...always was a democrat. The Old Guard isn't about to lose this election to the witch, which is why con man Trump can't be the whatever means necessary.
I guess my main gripe doesn't matter who it is...their vote goes to whomever they want as POTUS. So we all vote, and regardless of whether we, ourself, wants the person, the PEOPLE have spoken and the majority of them want the one you don't want. However....the many outweighs the few. Isn't that what the USA is supposed to be about? It's not supposed to be one group deciding FOR us who runs against whom when its down to two. WE are the ones that said who we want up there battling the final battle. Right?
This is why it's laughable going up against the "establishment" GOP....Rubio is Tea Party and so is Cruz. Trump is a democrat...always was a democrat. The Old Guard isn't about to lose this election to the witch, which is why con man Trump can't be the whatever means necessary.
He is a dem because he donated to them over the years? Maybe he is just an independent deep down, like me? I vote for whom I think would be best in the WH...regardless of party.
This is why it's laughable going up against the "establishment" GOP....Rubio is Tea Party and so is Cruz. Trump is a democrat...always was a democrat. The Old Guard isn't about to lose this election to the witch, which is why con man Trump can't be the whatever means necessary.
Rubio got himself targeted with the Gang of 8 and his position on amnesty.............He folded like a cheap suit................That luggage has caused him his current pain.................He should step out of the race..........It's a 2 person race...............Then the winner is the winner by the vote.............

He's polling down in his own state................His purpose is to try to take delegates to force convention..........
I've been Trump off and on during this process. But...when he named who he would slash...I slipped back to the middle of the fence again. Social Security, the environment, healthcare...these are important to me. I think he wants to stop SS, doesn't care about the environment, not sure what he will do about health care for oldsters. Then again...the Dems have been going for 8 years and what have they done?
Rubio got himself targeted with the Gang of 8 and his position on amnesty.............He folded like a cheap suit................That luggage has caused him his current pain.................He should step out of the race..........It's a 2 person race...............Then the winner is the winner by the vote.............

He's polling down in his own state................His purpose is to try to take delegates to force convention..........

Rubio left the "gang of eight" when he realized they weren't serious about sealing the border. You can keep lying thru your ass about it but the facts are the facts. And the polling in Florida is a joke. Rubio will carry Florida when Jeb Bush finally gives in and endorses him. And what happened to the supposed endorsement Trump was supposed to get from current governor Scott? :badgrin:
This is why it's laughable going up against the "establishment" GOP....Rubio is Tea Party and so is Cruz. Trump is a democrat...always was a democrat. The Old Guard isn't about to lose this election to the witch, which is why con man Trump can't be the whatever means necessary.
Rubio got himself targeted with the Gang of 8 and his position on amnesty.............He folded like a cheap suit................That luggage has caused him his current pain.................He should step out of the race..........It's a 2 person race...............Then the winner is the winner by the vote.............

He's polling down in his own state................His purpose is to try to take delegates to force convention..........
In short....sneaky dirty shit. Who cares about us? Nobody. They want to keep their positions and their POWERS. Regardless of party. We The People don't count any more and haven't for a long time.
Rubio got himself targeted with the Gang of 8 and his position on amnesty.............He folded like a cheap suit................That luggage has caused him his current pain.................He should step out of the race..........It's a 2 person race...............Then the winner is the winner by the vote.............

He's polling down in his own state................His purpose is to try to take delegates to force convention..........

Rubio left the "gang of eight" when he realized they weren't serious about sealing the border. You can keep lying thru your ass about it but the facts are the facts. And the polling in Florida is a joke. Rubio will carry Florida when Jeb Bush finally gives in and endorses him. And what happened to the supposed endorsement Trump was supposed to get from current governor Scott? :badgrin:
Baloney.............He's not even going to win his own state...............
This is just....wrong. If the PEOPLE are to "vote" in who they want as is it a group of other people can say "no, not him/her"? What happened to We The People?

If that happens..whether it is GOP or DEM or whomever....I think there will be another civil war. WE choose. Or we are supposed to, aren't we?

why is that wrong? if he can't get the delegates, that's that.

more wrong than the president losing the popular vote and being appointed by the court?
So, for example (just getting things straight in my head)...Hillary wins the primaries to be the nominee...but the dems want BernBern....can they say "sorry Hil. Bernie is our nominee for dems"?

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