So if Trump gets the most votes.......

The Party is Republican, not Democrat. Trump got about 2,940,835 votes, of first three finishers. Cruz got 2,428,795 votes, of first three finishers, since Kasich was second in two states. Rubio got 1,873,410 votes of first three finishers. So they totaled about 7,243,040: Just in the eleven states. Trump has 49% of the delegates, but only 41% of the high placing votes. Cruz had 35% of the delegates, and 33% of the votes. Rubio has tiny hands, so only 16% of the delegates, but about 26% of the major placing votes(?). Two candidates actually have the majority of the votes, compared to just the one with the delegates.

So the rules get challenged. It really disgusts pro-Republicans and pro-Democrats alike. There is no third Party. The outcome is that The Democrats win the White House, the Senate, and the House--most legislatures, and all dog-catchers to boot(?), who are running(?)!

You recall that Republicans understood the "Will of The People" to be 60 or more votes to repeal health care, in just a few months, and you get the concept of how and why they do things. It goes back to Goldwater v. Johnson. The Republicans noted about Barry Goldwater, "In your heart, you know he's right!" Mainly it actually turned out for Goldwater, "In your guts, you know he's nuts!"

It's only so far, about 50 years later. Trump can get more and most delegates, even though the vote totals are relatively even. That means no majority happens, for any one candidate. The RNC is actually that stupid, and so it is underway(?)! Everyone gets to watch.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Ancient Warrior, educated Man of Imperial House of Egypt: Had no main clue about arithmetic. Educated Man would Put in writing that all of Israel would be allowed to charge usury to foreigners. (Deuteronomy 23:19-20). New Testament would show the problem in Matthew 25:14-30, where even Greek Pythagorean Theorem can be applied. Many White Eyes lose housing, 2000 years ago. Inverse usury was previously noted in Matthew 20:1-16. Prophet Mohammed apparently prohibited both. Bank of Dubai has the alternative posted at its website. Catholics had already failed to note or create the New Testament problem remedy. Protestant Adam Smith would fail to note the usury remedy, proposing only usury regulation. Karl Marx made no mention of the stories, Gay economist Keynes would go with the Moses Atrocity, and "bade the people bend over and await the Public Works!" That is even taught in the pricey schools, if not in so many words, even tomorrow. Those are the rules. . . .going way, way back. . . .and even in modern times. The usury problem rules are in place at Federal Reserve, of the Jewish Woman, and after Greenspan. . .ward of Milton Friedman, who probably knew about Galbraith!--Three blind Kikes and a Goy!)
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So if he gets the 1237 delegate...can they still say no to him and put in someone else, like cruz or romney?
I don't think they can, but if he only gets 1236, all bets are off and all delegates are free to vote for whomever they want. Also, he could be the official nominee, but if no one wants to work with or for him, he's toast.
If Trump gets 1237 delegates- he wins. Period. They will not be able to stop him.

If he gets less than that, it gets very complicated.

He has 319 now and there are 1,777 still up for grabs.
So if he gets the 1237 delegate...can they still say no to him and put in someone else, like cruz or romney?

Technically, no. Not without changing the rules of the convention. But who says that the RNC can't change the rules of the convention. :D

That, however, is unlikely at this point. I posted a few months ago saying that the RNC should move immediately to change the rules to allow a back door escape to deny Trump the nomination. While there was still enough time to allow plausible deniability as to the fact that they were targeting that possibility.

That all being said....there's another ace up the sleeve if the Establishment wanted to pull it. Run an independent, with a strategy to trigger the President being selected by the House. But considering the spectacular lacking of leadership in the Republican party that got us here in the first place, I doubt that they'd be able to orchestrate it successfully.
That all being said....there's another ace up the sleeve if the Establishment wanted to pull it. Run an independent, with a strategy to trigger the President being selected by the House. But considering the spectacular lacking of leadership in the Republican party that got us here in the first place, I doubt that they'd be able to orchestrate it successfully.
1912 all over again. Hillary waltzes in!
I read a few days ago that Romney has been waiting in the wings secretly, and plans to run himself. Dems and GOP do NOT want Trump in there. Period.
But...if voters want Trump..don't they get a say? I guess not. And lo and comes the news that Romney is going to give a speech. Looks like what I read was correct some days ago.

And...if Romney does get in the race....Hillary wins.

It's so crazy. What next? The RNC begging Hillary to run with Romney or Rubio as her VP's? The elite are losing their minds over the people choosing their own candidate.
That all being said....there's another ace up the sleeve if the Establishment wanted to pull it. Run an independent, with a strategy to trigger the President being selected by the House. But considering the spectacular lacking of leadership in the Republican party that got us here in the first place, I doubt that they'd be able to orchestrate it successfully.
1912 all over again. Hillary waltzes in!

If the House were to choose the President, they would not vote for Hillary.
can the GOP still name someone else as their nominee? I saw something about that last night...that even if Trump wins with the most electoral votes, the GOP can still name someone else. True or false?
And why would the GOP do that? The people have spoken on who they want to run against the other party. So can someone naysay who the people vote for?

Yes. Mitt Romney will speak Thursday. Mitt has stated that he would rather see Hillary win the election for the Democrats than see Trump win. That is what we are faced with. There is no difference between the Republican and Democratic Parties. They all work for George Soros, Wall Street, and big money.

Harlan K. Ullman, a shrewd American analyst, once noted that there used to be two parties in America – one had a conscience but no brains, and the other always had brains but no conscience. Now, Ullman notes, we have two completely identical parties with no brains and no conscience, and he questions the meaning of their existence.
America Forever?

I read a few days ago that Romney has been waiting in the wings secretly, and plans to run himself. Dems and GOP do NOT want Trump in there. Period.
But...if voters want Trump..don't they get a say? I guess not. And lo and comes the news that Romney is going to give a speech. Looks like what I read was correct some days ago.

And...if Romney does get in the race....Hillary wins.
Trump: And, you know, I watched Hillary’s speech and she’s talking about wages have been poor and everything’s poor and everything’s doing badly, but we’re going to make it — she’s been there for so long. I mean, if she hasn’t straightened it out by now, she’s not going to straighten it out in the next four years.
Read Donald Trump's Super Tuesday Victory Speech
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I read a few days ago that Romney has been waiting in the wings secretly, and plans to run himself. Dems and GOP do NOT want Trump in there. Period.
But...if voters want Trump..don't they get a say? I guess not. And lo and comes the news that Romney is going to give a speech. Looks like what I read was correct some days ago.

And...if Romney does get in the race....Hillary wins.

Well, I wish him lots of luck with that. America didn't want him when he went through the whole primary process; can't imagine what makes him think he's suddenly become a political rock star.

Actually he wouldn't need to be a political rock star, or even attractive. All he'd need to be is an "anybody but" alternative.

It's like that old joke punchline: "I don't need to outrun that bear. All I need is to outrun you".

We already have people who are "anybody but Trump". And again, Mitt wasn't that popular before. He has no reason to think he has the ability NOW to sweep in and dominate an election.

If the GOPe didn't hate Cruz even more than Trump, we wouldn't be having any of these problems. Dumbasses.
I read a few days ago that Romney has been waiting in the wings secretly, and plans to run himself. Dems and GOP do NOT want Trump in there. Period.
But...if voters want Trump..don't they get a say? I guess not. And lo and comes the news that Romney is going to give a speech. Looks like what I read was correct some days ago.

And...if Romney does get in the race....Hillary wins.

Well, I wish him lots of luck with that. America didn't want him when he went through the whole primary process; can't imagine what makes him think he's suddenly become a political rock star.

Actually he wouldn't need to be a political rock star, or even attractive. All he'd need to be is an "anybody but" alternative.

It's like that old joke punchline: "I don't need to outrun that bear. All I need is to outrun you".

We already have people who are "anybody but Trump". And again, Mitt wasn't that popular before. He has no reason to think he has the ability NOW to sweep in and dominate an election.

If the GOPe didn't hate Cruz even more than Trump, we wouldn't be having any of these problems. Dumbasses.

Perhaps we take Mitt at his word. He'd rather see Hillary have the Presidency. Perhaps he plans on stealing the election on the Convention floor.
Well, it's in their rules for a reason....they didn't dream this up, just for Trump...

The reason why they wrote in to the rules that their candidate has to get at least 50% of the delegates in the Primary is because if the RNC's Republican Presidential candidate can not get at least 50% of Republican support, then they definitely will not be able to get 51% in the General election vote....and will lose to a Democratic candidate.

Maybe they should just let Trump get the nomination, since they know he will more than likely lose in the General.... if this is what it really means by not getting 50% of the delegates?

But I believe the RNC may contest his win at the convention so that they, all the other Republicans running for Senate and House seats, and Governor-ship and State offices, have a better chance of winning without the unpredictable, damaging to the RNC Brand, Mr. Trump.
Yes. Mitt Romney will speak Thursday. Mitt has stated that he would rather see Hillary win the election for the Democrats than see Trump win. That is what we are faced with. There is no difference between the Republican and Democratic Parties. They all work for George Soros, Wall Street, and big money.

Romney never said any such thing, dumbass.
Well, it's in their rules for a reason....they didn't dream this up, just for Trump...

The reason why they wrote in to the rules that their candidate has to get at least 50% of the delegates in the Primary is because if the RNC's Republican Presidential candidate can not get at least 50% of Republican support, then they definitely will not be able to get 51% in the General election vote....and will lose to a Democratic candidate.

Maybe they should just let Trump get the nomination, since they know he will more than likely lose in the General.... if this is what it really means by not getting 50% of the delegates?

But I believe the RNC may contest his win at the convention so that they, all the other Republicans running for Senate and House seats, and Governor-ship and State offices, have a better chance of winning without the unpredictable, damaging to the RNC Brand, Mr. Trump.
The people and Trump must bow to them....................They decide who wins and loses.................or they pick up their toys and go home with hurt feelings........

I simply don't care what the establishment thinks anymore........
can the GOP still name someone else as their nominee? I saw something about that last night...that even if Trump wins with the most electoral votes, the GOP can still name someone else. True or false?
And why would the GOP do that? The people have spoken on who they want to run against the other party. So can someone naysay who the people vote for?

Normally delegates are only committed on the first ballot. Bowie was saying today that the convention president can call for a voice vote on freeing all delegates before voting and claim the motion carried by which side was loudest.
I read a few days ago that Romney has been waiting in the wings secretly, and plans to run himself. Dems and GOP do NOT want Trump in there. Period.
But...if voters want Trump..don't they get a say? I guess not. And lo and comes the news that Romney is going to give a speech. Looks like what I read was correct some days ago.

And...if Romney does get in the race....Hillary wins.

Well, I wish him lots of luck with that. America didn't want him when he went through the whole primary process; can't imagine what makes him think he's suddenly become a political rock star.

Actually he wouldn't need to be a political rock star, or even attractive. All he'd need to be is an "anybody but" alternative.

It's like that old joke punchline: "I don't need to outrun that bear. All I need is to outrun you".

We already have people who are "anybody but Trump". And again, Mitt wasn't that popular before. He has no reason to think he has the ability NOW to sweep in and dominate an election.

If the GOPe didn't hate Cruz even more than Trump, we wouldn't be having any of these problems. Dumbasses.

Yes we do but from what I've discerned, none of them are very palatable. The thinking must be that Mitt would be more palatable (less fringe-y) and thus more electable, than the present alternatives.
can the GOP still name someone else as their nominee? I saw something about that last night...that even if Trump wins with the most electoral votes, the GOP can still name someone else. True or false?
And why would the GOP do that? The people have spoken on who they want to run against the other party. So can someone naysay who the people vote for?
What if rubio goes to the convention and gives Cruz his delegates and kasich and carson give theirs to cruz too?
I read a few days ago that Romney has been waiting in the wings secretly, and plans to run himself. Dems and GOP do NOT want Trump in there. Period.
But...if voters want Trump..don't they get a say? I guess not. And lo and comes the news that Romney is going to give a speech. Looks like what I read was correct some days ago.

And...if Romney does get in the race....Hillary wins.

Well, I wish him lots of luck with that. America didn't want him when he went through the whole primary process; can't imagine what makes him think he's suddenly become a political rock star.

Actually he wouldn't need to be a political rock star, or even attractive. All he'd need to be is an "anybody but" alternative.

It's like that old joke punchline: "I don't need to outrun that bear. All I need is to outrun you".

We already have people who are "anybody but Trump". And again, Mitt wasn't that popular before. He has no reason to think he has the ability NOW to sweep in and dominate an election.

If the GOPe didn't hate Cruz even more than Trump, we wouldn't be having any of these problems. Dumbasses.

Yes we do but from what I've discerned, none of them are very palatable. The thinking must be that Mitt would be more palatable (less fringe-y) and thus more electable, than the present alternatives.
I think the RNC has already chalked up the loss of the Presidency, with a Trump win or with a Cruz win or a Romney run....

It's the rest of the RNC candidates running that they are trying to from losing seats.
If Trump gets 1237 delegates- he wins. Period. They will not be able to stop him.

If he gets less than that, it gets very complicated.

He has 319 now and there are 1,777 still up for grabs.
So if he gets the 1237 delegate...can they still say no to him and put in someone else, like cruz or romney?

Technically, no. Not without changing the rules of the convention. But who says that the RNC can't change the rules of the convention. :D

That, however, is unlikely at this point. I posted a few months ago saying that the RNC should move immediately to change the rules to allow a back door escape to deny Trump the nomination. While there was still enough time to allow plausible deniability as to the fact that they were targeting that possibility.

That all being said....there's another ace up the sleeve if the Establishment wanted to pull it. Run an independent, with a strategy to trigger the President being selected by the House. But considering the spectacular lacking of leadership in the Republican party that got us here in the first place, I doubt that they'd be able to orchestrate it successfully.
Thats what that news site said...that Romney plans on running indie.
I read a few days ago that Romney has been waiting in the wings secretly, and plans to run himself. Dems and GOP do NOT want Trump in there. Period.
But...if voters want Trump..don't they get a say? I guess not. And lo and comes the news that Romney is going to give a speech. Looks like what I read was correct some days ago.

And...if Romney does get in the race....Hillary wins.

Well, I wish him lots of luck with that. America didn't want him when he went through the whole primary process; can't imagine what makes him think he's suddenly become a political rock star.

Actually he wouldn't need to be a political rock star, or even attractive. All he'd need to be is an "anybody but" alternative.

It's like that old joke punchline: "I don't need to outrun that bear. All I need is to outrun you".

We already have people who are "anybody but Trump". And again, Mitt wasn't that popular before. He has no reason to think he has the ability NOW to sweep in and dominate an election.

If the GOPe didn't hate Cruz even more than Trump, we wouldn't be having any of these problems. Dumbasses.

Yes we do but from what I've discerned, none of them are very palatable. The thinking must be that Mitt would be more palatable (less fringe-y) and thus more electable, than the present alternatives.
I think the RNC has already chalked up the loss of the Presidency, with a Trump win or with a Cruz win or a Romney run....

It's the rest of the RNC candidates running that they are trying to from losing seats.
A little early to call the election.........LOL

Hillary will get her turn in the Flame Zone.............:FIREdevil:

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