So if Trump gets the most votes.......

I think the RNC has already chalked up the loss of the Presidency, with a Trump win or with a Cruz win or a Romney run....

It's the rest of the RNC candidates running that they are trying to from losing seats.

These are the same folks that first said Trump would implode before Iowa, then that he couldn't win a primary, then that he couldn't win more primaries, then that he could come out on top on Super Tuesday and be on track to clinch the nomination. The only possible reason to regard the prognostications of this band of retards is to bet on exact opposite option they predict.

In this case, bank on President Trump.

oh honey... he doesn't even have 40% of republicans. he makes the rest of us sick tour stomaches.

so i don't think so.

Neither did Romney or McCain.

Results of the Republican Party presidential primaries, 2012 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Let's just take a look back to 2012, the primaries we've had so far, and look at Romney.

Iowa, Romney got 25% (Trump 24%)
New Hampshire 39% (Trump 35%)
South Carolina 28% (Trump 32%)
Nevada 49% (Trump 46%)
Oklahoma 28% (Trump 28%)
Tennessee 28% (Trump 38%)
Georgia 26% (Trump 38%)
Massachusetts 72% (Trump 49%) Romney former governor
Vermont 39% (Trump 32%)

So Trump is right there with Romney, except TRUMP won more primaries and there has been greater turnout. I read one primary, Trump won with more votes than the TOTAL turnout in to that same primary in 2012.

Trump Romney.png
I think the RNC has already chalked up the loss of the Presidency, with a Trump win or with a Cruz win or a Romney run....

It's the rest of the RNC candidates running that they are trying to from losing seats.

These are the same folks that first said Trump would implode before Iowa, then that he couldn't win a primary, then that he couldn't win more primaries, then that he could come out on top on Super Tuesday and be on track to clinch the nomination. The only possible reason to regard the prognostications of this band of retards is to bet on exact opposite option they predict.

In this case, bank on President Trump.

oh honey... he doesn't even have 40% of republicans. he makes the rest of us sick tour stomaches.

so i don't think so.

Neither did Romney or McCain.

Results of the Republican Party presidential primaries, 2012 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Let's just take a look back to 2012, the primaries we've had so far, and look at Romney.

Iowa, Romney got 25% (Trump 24%)
New Hampshire 39% (Trump 35%)
South Carolina 28% (Trump 32%)
Nevada 49% (Trump 46%)
Oklahoma 28% (Trump 28%)
Tennessee 28% (Trump 38%)
Georgia 26% (Trump 38%)
Massachusetts 72% (Trump 49%) Romney former governor
Vermont 39% (Trump 32%)

So Trump is right there with Romney, except TRUMP won more primaries.

View attachment 65655

thank you for proving my point... neither romney nor mccain became president....and neither will trump
Rubio, I think, is out of it. But...he is behind the scenes doing something slimey. I liked him once. Not so much now. And cruz is just...well...cruz. And I really don't want trump in there either to be honest, beats Hillary. However, Trump is going to fuck with shit I don't want him fucking now I am back to Hillary.
This sucks.
This is the weirdest election I've seen in my life time...........I've seen many..............The establishment ignoring the people have created this...............

it is the weirdest... but the truth is the GOP kept promising things to the far right that they knew they couldn't deliver.

and dems are angry that we elected a president twice and the right held our country hostage.
That is partisan talk................the people smacked you down and turned the States red.............they were hired to stop the Liberal Freight train.........especially Obamacare with driving the train...........choo choo...........

Tell me about Reid's graveyard.....................the dems don't have a leg to stand on here............besides that is not the intent of the OP............You are diverting.......

It's about Super delegates and whether they are right or wrong.

i'm not sure how it's "partisan" when it's my party we're talking about either way. it doesn't affect the GOP.

i don't have problem with super delegates

the reason for it is so that someone who has on shot at winning isn't the standard bearer. they haven't had to use it. it's kind of like the nuclear option for the party. but i'm not sorry it's there. i know my history and i know why it exists.
They are supposed to be the people's party regardless of which side of the fence.............The people decide.................I don't like it either side of the fence..............why............because I see it inherently wrong within our Republic..............
Actually he wouldn't need to be a political rock star, or even attractive. All he'd need to be is an "anybody but" alternative.

It's like that old joke punchline: "I don't need to outrun that bear. All I need is to outrun you".

We already have people who are "anybody but Trump". And again, Mitt wasn't that popular before. He has no reason to think he has the ability NOW to sweep in and dominate an election.

If the GOPe didn't hate Cruz even more than Trump, we wouldn't be having any of these problems. Dumbasses.

Yes we do but from what I've discerned, none of them are very palatable. The thinking must be that Mitt would be more palatable (less fringe-y) and thus more electable, than the present alternatives.
I think the RNC has already chalked up the loss of the Presidency, with a Trump win or with a Cruz win or a Romney run....

It's the rest of the RNC candidates running that they are trying to from losing seats.
A little early to call the election.........LOL

Hillary will get her turn in the Flame Zone.............:FIREdevil:
Well, maybe the Republicans in Congress have found nothing criminal in her actions, thus nothing from them a year after the investigations began, and have decided not to use their dog and pony show pre-planned tactics as an October Surprise, if Trump wins?
That is a matter of opinion................She violated the protocol of handling of Top Secret data............but the ruling elite get away with it...............any small person that did a fraction of what she has done would already be indicted and probably already doing time.
This is just....wrong. If the PEOPLE are to "vote" in who they want as is it a group of other people can say "no, not him/her"? What happened to We The People?

If that happens..whether it is GOP or DEM or whomever....I think there will be another civil war. WE choose. Or we are supposed to, aren't we?
If Trump gets most votes and they choose someone else they will be insuring the candidate they choose will lose BIG TIME come November. Trump will run as an independent and come in 2nd more than likely.Clinton would get 4 years thanks to the GOP.
We already have people who are "anybody but Trump". And again, Mitt wasn't that popular before. He has no reason to think he has the ability NOW to sweep in and dominate an election.

If the GOPe didn't hate Cruz even more than Trump, we wouldn't be having any of these problems. Dumbasses.

Yes we do but from what I've discerned, none of them are very palatable. The thinking must be that Mitt would be more palatable (less fringe-y) and thus more electable, than the present alternatives.
I think the RNC has already chalked up the loss of the Presidency, with a Trump win or with a Cruz win or a Romney run....

It's the rest of the RNC candidates running that they are trying to from losing seats.
A little early to call the election.........LOL

Hillary will get her turn in the Flame Zone.............:FIREdevil:
Well, maybe the Republicans in Congress have found nothing criminal in her actions, thus nothing from them a year after the investigations began, and have decided not to use their dog and pony show pre-planned tactics as an October Surprise, if Trump wins?
That is a matter of opinion................She violated the protocol of handling of Top Secret data............but the ruling elite get away with it......... ......any small person that did a fraction of what she has done would already be indicted and probably already doing time.
that's not true...that's what the right wing rags have told you to believe via the RNC feeding them, and you should not believe these same people in the RNC that are now trying to eliminate Trump.... You've recognized things are 'amiss' with the RNC, by the way they are treating the people of their Party, yet you still choose to believe the garbage they told you about Hillary....

that's insane.
I read a few days ago that Romney has been waiting in the wings secretly, and plans to run himself. Dems and GOP do NOT want Trump in there. Period.
But...if voters want Trump..don't they get a say? I guess not. And lo and comes the news that Romney is going to give a speech. Looks like what I read was correct some days ago.

And...if Romney does get in the race....Hillary wins.

Well, I wish him lots of luck with that. America didn't want him when he went through the whole primary process; can't imagine what makes him think he's suddenly become a political rock star.

Actually he wouldn't need to be a political rock star, or even attractive. All he'd need to be is an "anybody but" alternative.

It's like that old joke punchline: "I don't need to outrun that bear. All I need is to outrun you".

We already have people who are "anybody but Trump". And again, Mitt wasn't that popular before. He has no reason to think he has the ability NOW to sweep in and dominate an election.

If the GOPe didn't hate Cruz even more than Trump, we wouldn't be having any of these problems. Dumbasses.

Yes we do but from what I've discerned, none of them are very palatable. The thinking must be that Mitt would be more palatable (less fringe-y) and thus more electable, than the present alternatives.
I think the RNC has already chalked up the loss of the Presidency, with a Trump win or with a Cruz win or a Romney run....

It's the rest of the RNC candidates running that they are trying to from losing seats.

Wishful thinking Care.

GOP turnout is YUUGE!! Trump is expanding the GOP. Up 386 percent in Virginia, 261 percent in Arkansas, 154 percent in Tennessee. Up in every single state but Vermont

Democrats? the exact opposite- turnout is way down, in every single state. Nobody is excited about hiLIARy, except the FBI.
Yes we do but from what I've discerned, none of them are very palatable. The thinking must be that Mitt would be more palatable (less fringe-y) and thus more electable, than the present alternatives.
I think the RNC has already chalked up the loss of the Presidency, with a Trump win or with a Cruz win or a Romney run....

It's the rest of the RNC candidates running that they are trying to from losing seats.
A little early to call the election.........LOL

Hillary will get her turn in the Flame Zone.............:FIREdevil:
Well, maybe the Republicans in Congress have found nothing criminal in her actions, thus nothing from them a year after the investigations began, and have decided not to use their dog and pony show pre-planned tactics as an October Surprise, if Trump wins?
That is a matter of opinion................She violated the protocol of handling of Top Secret data............but the ruling elite get away with it......... ......any small person that did a fraction of what she has done would already be indicted and probably already doing time.
that's not true...that's what the right wing rags have told you to believe via the RNC feeding them, and you should not believe these same people in the RNC that are now trying to eliminate Trump.... You've recognized things are 'amiss' with the RNC, by the way they are treating the people of their Party, yet you still choose to believe the garbage they told you about Hillary....

that's insane.
I've signed those documents............And I'd be under the jail if I'd done some of what she did..............but I'm a peon..........rules are for peons...........not for the ruling class..................
Well, I wish him lots of luck with that. America didn't want him when he went through the whole primary process; can't imagine what makes him think he's suddenly become a political rock star.

Actually he wouldn't need to be a political rock star, or even attractive. All he'd need to be is an "anybody but" alternative.

It's like that old joke punchline: "I don't need to outrun that bear. All I need is to outrun you".

We already have people who are "anybody but Trump". And again, Mitt wasn't that popular before. He has no reason to think he has the ability NOW to sweep in and dominate an election.

If the GOPe didn't hate Cruz even more than Trump, we wouldn't be having any of these problems. Dumbasses.

Yes we do but from what I've discerned, none of them are very palatable. The thinking must be that Mitt would be more palatable (less fringe-y) and thus more electable, than the present alternatives.
I think the RNC has already chalked up the loss of the Presidency, with a Trump win or with a Cruz win or a Romney run....

It's the rest of the RNC candidates running that they are trying to from losing seats.

Wishful thinking Care.

GOP turnout is YUUGE!! Trump is expanding the GOP. Up 386 percent in Virginia, 261 percent in Arkansas, 154 percent in Tennessee. Up in every single state but Vermont

Democrats? the exact opposite- turnout is way down, in every single state. Nobody is excited about hiLIARy, except the FBI.
Actually Dems are turning in their Dem cards.............and going independent and even Republican..........most to vote for Trump..................

They are jumping ship...............Crazy election...........this is gonna get real interesting.........
I think the RNC has already chalked up the loss of the Presidency, with a Trump win or with a Cruz win or a Romney run....

It's the rest of the RNC candidates running that they are trying to from losing seats.

These are the same folks that first said Trump would implode before Iowa, then that he couldn't win a primary, then that he couldn't win more primaries, then that he could come out on top on Super Tuesday and be on track to clinch the nomination. The only possible reason to regard the prognostications of this band of retards is to bet on exact opposite option they predict.

In this case, bank on President Trump.

oh honey... he doesn't even have 40% of republicans. he makes the rest of us sick tour stomaches.

so i don't think so.

Neither did Romney or McCain.

Results of the Republican Party presidential primaries, 2012 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Let's just take a look back to 2012, the primaries we've had so far, and look at Romney.

Iowa, Romney got 25% (Trump 24%)
New Hampshire 39% (Trump 35%)
South Carolina 28% (Trump 32%)
Nevada 49% (Trump 46%)
Oklahoma 28% (Trump 28%)
Tennessee 28% (Trump 38%)
Georgia 26% (Trump 38%)
Massachusetts 72% (Trump 49%) Romney former governor
Vermont 39% (Trump 32%)

So Trump is right there with Romney, except TRUMP won more primaries.

View attachment 65655

thank you for proving my point... neither romney nor mccain became president....and neither will trump

Hillary is no Obama.
So....if Trump wins the primaries, he can still be replaced as winner then by his party, and given to someone else. Right?
Now I am getting all confused.
Republicans continued to shatter turnout records in their presidential primaries and caucuses Tuesday, while Democrats lagged behind in what analysts said was a clear indication of an enthusiasm gap heading into the general election.

Virginia’s GOP primary tallied more than 1 million votes, shattering the record set in 2000 by more than 50 percent. Democrats, meanwhile, were 200,000 votes shy of their own record, set in the contested 2008 primary.

<More at link>

Donald Trump drives Republican turnout to record; Democrats lack enthusiasm
So....if Trump wins the primaries, he can still be replaced as winner then by his party, and given to someone else. Right?
Now I am getting all confused.
1237 MAGIC number...............he gets that number..........................and he's in.............If he gets 1236.........then they will go to brokered that point they stir the pot and the delegates can vote for who they please.
So....if Trump wins the primaries, he can still be replaced as winner then by his party, and given to someone else. Right?
Now I am getting all confused.

No they can't. If he wins
So....if Trump wins the primaries, he can still be replaced as winner then by his party, and given to someone else. Right?
Now I am getting all confused.
1237 delegates -he is the nominee. PERIOD. If he falls short but still wins the most votes, he might get cheated. Personally, i don't think the GOPe has the balls to do it. My gut feeling is that so long as Trump gets the most delegates and wins the most states, he will be the nominee.

Of course this speculation probably won't matter anyway, Trump should easily get past the 1237 threshold.
How many delegates does Trump have so far? He currently has more delegates than all the other Republican hopefuls combined. Going into Super Tuesday, Trump has secured 82 delegates, leaving Texas Sen. Ted Cruz with 17, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio with 16, Ohio Gov. John Kasich with 6, and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson with 4.

Quick question, what the hell are Kasich and Carson thinking? Do they really hate their party that much? They've already wasted 10 delegates that could conceivably go to a candidate who could eventually overtake Trump, a formerreality show host who was fired by NBC for implying that all Mexicans are criminals. Honestly, before looking it up, I'd assumed that Carson must have dropped out by now, because I forgot that being a former neurosurgeon doesn't guarantee that someone is actually smart. And Kasich– who is that guy? I literally forget that he exists every single time his name comes up.

But even if Kasich, Carson, and Cruz dropped out, leaving Rubio to battle the big bad beauty pageant mogul, things are still looking pretty grim. Trump has about two-thirds of the Republican delegates awarded so far, and it'll only get worse: a number of Republican primaries are winner-take-all, which means that the candidate with the most votes doesn't just get the most delegates, they get all of them. Winning in these states (which, if the polls are a good indicator, he will) would land Trump an additional 400 delegates.

That's still far off from the 1,237 delegates needed to secure the Republican Party's nomination, and that won't happen until July, so there's still time for someone (anyone? please?) to overthrow Trump's hold on the Republican party, but it's looking more and more unlikely. Some Democrats see this as a good thing, thinking that there's no way Americans will vote Trump into the White House, thereby ensuring a Democratic presidency. Others, like myself, are quietly packing their bags and inching ever-so-slowly towards Canada, just in case.

How Many Delegates Does Donald Trump Have So Far? He Could Seriously Be The Nominee

Still wrapping my head around all this cuz yep..this is the weirdest run ever.
Well, I wish him lots of luck with that. America didn't want him when he went through the whole primary process; can't imagine what makes him think he's suddenly become a political rock star.

Actually he wouldn't need to be a political rock star, or even attractive. All he'd need to be is an "anybody but" alternative.

It's like that old joke punchline: "I don't need to outrun that bear. All I need is to outrun you".

We already have people who are "anybody but Trump". And again, Mitt wasn't that popular before. He has no reason to think he has the ability NOW to sweep in and dominate an election.

If the GOPe didn't hate Cruz even more than Trump, we wouldn't be having any of these problems. Dumbasses.

Yes we do but from what I've discerned, none of them are very palatable. The thinking must be that Mitt would be more palatable (less fringe-y) and thus more electable, than the present alternatives.
I think the RNC has already chalked up the loss of the Presidency, with a Trump win or with a Cruz win or a Romney run....

It's the rest of the RNC candidates running that they are trying to from losing seats.

Wishful thinking Care.

GOP turnout is YUUGE!! Trump is expanding the GOP. Up 386 percent in Virginia, 261 percent in Arkansas, 154 percent in Tennessee. Up in every single state but Vermont

Democrats? the exact opposite- turnout is way down, in every single state. Nobody is excited about hiLIARy, except the FBI.
The FBI isn't excited about Hillary, the Right Wing Rags have been trying TO MAKE NEWS about Hillary since these investigations on Benghazi and email began over a year or two or three ago....

You've been HAD.

If they had anything at all it would have been brought forth ages ago...and the ONLY reason for them to wait on their results and findings and to drag it out so long is to try TO AFFECT THE ELECTION, which is dirty down low scummy actions by Republicans using their bully pulpit not for criminal actions but for for merely political posturing....

Do you truly trust these people? The same ones that are back stabbing and willing to do anything to diminish and stop Trump?

that's insanity.
I think the RNC has already chalked up the loss of the Presidency, with a Trump win or with a Cruz win or a Romney run....

It's the rest of the RNC candidates running that they are trying to from losing seats.
A little early to call the election.........LOL

Hillary will get her turn in the Flame Zone.............:FIREdevil:
Well, maybe the Republicans in Congress have found nothing criminal in her actions, thus nothing from them a year after the investigations began, and have decided not to use their dog and pony show pre-planned tactics as an October Surprise, if Trump wins?
That is a matter of opinion................She violated the protocol of handling of Top Secret data............but the ruling elite get away with it......... ......any small person that did a fraction of what she has done would already be indicted and probably already doing time.
that's not true...that's what the right wing rags have told you to believe via the RNC feeding them, and you should not believe these same people in the RNC that are now trying to eliminate Trump.... You've recognized things are 'amiss' with the RNC, by the way they are treating the people of their Party, yet you still choose to believe the garbage they told you about Hillary....

that's insane.
I've signed those documents............And I'd be under the jail if I'd done some of what she did..............but I'm a peon..........rules are for peons...........not for the ruling class..................
Amazing how much you THINK you know about this when the FBI has not officially said PEEP, other than saying officially that Hillary is NOT the target of their investigation...

and if what she did was criminal, instead of incompetent, then WHY OH WHY would they let a criminal out loose and not arrest them, and hold back on telling us all about this criminal activity?

You've been had.
We need a house cleaning. And I mean a THOROUGH house cleaning....which means congress, the senate, the short...the government now in control or going to be in control. They are ALL corrupted and only bleach and vinegar will get all the scum out.
Actually he wouldn't need to be a political rock star, or even attractive. All he'd need to be is an "anybody but" alternative.

It's like that old joke punchline: "I don't need to outrun that bear. All I need is to outrun you".

We already have people who are "anybody but Trump". And again, Mitt wasn't that popular before. He has no reason to think he has the ability NOW to sweep in and dominate an election.

If the GOPe didn't hate Cruz even more than Trump, we wouldn't be having any of these problems. Dumbasses.

Yes we do but from what I've discerned, none of them are very palatable. The thinking must be that Mitt would be more palatable (less fringe-y) and thus more electable, than the present alternatives.
I think the RNC has already chalked up the loss of the Presidency, with a Trump win or with a Cruz win or a Romney run....

It's the rest of the RNC candidates running that they are trying to from losing seats.

Wishful thinking Care.

GOP turnout is YUUGE!! Trump is expanding the GOP. Up 386 percent in Virginia, 261 percent in Arkansas, 154 percent in Tennessee. Up in every single state but Vermont

Democrats? the exact opposite- turnout is way down, in every single state. Nobody is excited about hiLIARy, except the FBI.
The FBI isn't excited about Hillary, the Right Wing Rags have been trying TO MAKE NEWS about Hillary since these investigations on Benghazi and email began over a year or two or three ago....

You've been HAD.

If they had anything at all it would have been brought forth ages ago...and the ONLY reason for them to wait on their results and findings and to drag it out so long is to try TO AFFECT THE ELECTION, which is dirty down low scummy actions by Republicans using their bully pulpit not for criminal actions but for for merely political posturing....

Do you truly trust these people? The same ones that are back stabbing and willing to do anything to diminish and stop Trump?

that's insanity.

If you think hiLIARy was innocently using her home brew server for "convenience" and it was all just a big misunderstanding, you're beyond help.

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